A new poll conducted by Insider Advantage for the Center for American Greatness shows Biden in big trouble with voters. 54% of likely voters disapprove of Biden’s job approval versus 42% who approve. Worse, this survey shows that only 36% approve of his handling of Ukraine. Other highlights from the survey are the 64% of people who believe high gas prices should be solved by eliminating Biden’s restrictions on pumping American oil and gas.
Perhaps most troubling, and portending more difficulty in the future for the country is the question that asked, “How much is rising inflation in the cost of goods and services impacting you and your family?” 85% of respondents said that inflation is having a “significant” impact on them and their families. Inflation, of course, is bad for the country, especially the middle class. But the politics of it spell trouble for Democrats whose policies have increased and accelerated the inflation currently beggaring the nation.
There is bad news for Democrats ahead of the midterm elections too. 48% of respondents support a Republican controlled Congress versus 40% backing Democrats. That’s an ominous sign pointing towards a Republican sweep.
What’s more with inflation already causing tangible pain for nearly all Americans and with Biden’s sanctions regime ensuring that inflation will accelerate and last longer, the current administration looks to have a rocky road ahead.
The poll results can be found here: Insider Advantage – Center for American Greatness National Poll.