Deception and Misinformation Insidious weapons of terrorists — and of leftists in academia. by Dr. Shmuel Katz

It is becoming more and more challenging to get advanced academic education without being exposed to malicious educators and others, who are willing to advance their own agenda, and ignore the interest of their students.

The recent turmoil in multiple universities in the USA and elsewhere, is only a symptom of many years of on-going indoctrination which is being ignored, due to various excuses.

Recently, there were again, alarms from the PJTN organization and from others, about the indoctrination of the young students in the K-12 classrooms, in multiple states.

I am glad that we have many organizations who would like to do better than the others, in exposing and marginalizing the bad operatives.

We need all of them, as there may be some that will reach groups of people, that others would not be able to do.

Some of the problems of having that many organizations are related to the fact that unfortunately, many times, they are not delivering the same messages, nor addressing the same problems, in systematically and repetitiously effective ways. We know from the science of commercial marketing, that if we want people to remember, identify, and ultimately, buy a product, they will have to hear the messages multiple times, and in different ways. Therefore, sharing well documented, similar, valuable, basic, and relevant information, by different sources, will significantly amplify the distribution of the messages, and will hopefully result in reaching and convincing more people, to act in their own interest, to expose and marginalize evil.

One of the hot topics of today is related to the insidious infiltration of radical groups into our educational system, with serious effects on the society at large. This phenomenon is not new. It happened already in the past, but recently it has gained momentum, which is affecting not only the students, but also educators and political decision makers. Consequently, it negatively affects the population at large.

Fed Up With Anti-Israel Demonstrations On College Campuses? 60% Of All Voters Agree: I&I/TIPP Poll Terry Jones

American college campuses have experienced mass demonstrations and occupations by students and outsiders in recent months following Israel’s powerful response to the Oct. 7 terrorist attacks by the Islamist group Hamas. Do Americans support this? No, the latest I&I/TIPP Poll shows.

Many average Americans expressed shock at the sudden violent, and well-organized, demonstrations and tent cities that sprang up at universities around the nation, largely in support of Hamas and the destruction of Israel.

A solid majority of Americans are not happy with this, according to May’s national online I&I/TIPP Poll of 1,435 adults, taken May 1-3. Some 60% of all those said they either disapprove “somewhat” (18%) or “strongly” (42%) with the demonstrations.

The poll has a margin of error of +/-2.6 percentage points.

A far smaller total of 24% said they either supported the demonstrations “strongly” (9%) or “somewhat” (15%). Another 16% said they were “not sure.”

But the repudiation of the demonstrations is not across the board, at least when it comes to the demographics of the respondents.


Everyone knows, even if they do not want to admit it, that the Israel Defense Force (IDF) is known throughout the world for taking more care to avoid civilian casualties than any other military in the history of warfare.

Mrs. Clooney would be far better off pursuing Mahmoud Abbas and the leaders of Fatah for crimes against humanity who have boasted they took part in the October 7th. massacre and who, like Yahya Sinwar, have vowed to carry out similar attacks again and again until Israel is annihilated.

That over 70% of Arab Palestinians in Gaza and in Judea & Samaria have declared their support for this historically obscene massacre is lost on Mrs. Clooney.

Her Druze father must have told her Sunni Muslim mother that the Druze community was constantly persecuted by the Sunni Ottoman Empire including forced conversion to Islam. This should have given Mrs. Clooney some pause.

Not much has changed since then so one has to ask why Mrs. Clooney, a British barrister mind you, would attempt to claim the moral high ground by approving a charge of war crimes by the International Criminal Court against Benjamin Netanyahu and other members of the Israeli cabinet without a morsel of evidence. Of course, for some people being associated with any organization that has “international” in its title is just too tempting to resist.

Amal Clooney Admits to Advising ICC on Arrest Warrant for Netanyahu By Eric Lendrum

Left-wing activist Amal Clooney, wife of actor George Clooney, admitted on Monday to advising the International Criminal Court (ICC) when it came to the arrest warrant that was issued for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, alongside several other high-profile warrants.

According to The Hill, Clooney was one of several activists who was assembled onto a panel by ICC prosecutor Karim Khan to discuss his requests for the arrest warrants for Netanyahu, Netanyahu’s defense ministers, and three Hamas leaders. Clooney detailed her involvement in a statement posted to her Clooney Foundation for Justice website.

Clooney said that the panel came to a unanimous decision that there were “reasonable grounds” to announce the warrants for Netanyahu and the rest.

“We have unanimously determined that the Court has jurisdiction over crimes committed in Palestine and by Palestinian nationals,” said Clooney. “I served on this Panel because I believe in the rule of law and the need to protect civilian lives. The law that protects civilians in war was developed more than 100 years ago and it applies in every country in the world regardless of the reasons for a conflict.”

Other members of the panel include: Theodor Meron, former president of the International Criminal Tribunal for Yugoslavia; Adrian Fulford, a former ICC judge; and Helena Kennedy, a member of the House of Lords with the Labor Party.

In addition to Netanyahu, arrest warrants were issued for three leaders of the Islamic terrorist group Hamas: Ismail Haniyeh, the group’s main political leader; Yahya Sinwar, the leader of Hamas in Gaza; and Mohammed Diab Ibrahim Al-Masri, the commander of Hamas’ military wing.

Karim Khan’s Outrageous Travesty of Law and Justice The ICC prosecutor flouts all the rules to get Israel in the dock. P. David Hornik

Israel got hit hard again this week when Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court Karim Khan said he was requesting arrest warrants, pending the approval of three judges, against Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Israeli defense minister Yoav Gallant for their conduct of the war against Hamas in Gaza.

Most egregiously, Khan charges the two Israeli leaders with “extermination and/or murder…including in the context of deaths caused by starvation, as a crime against humanity.” In international law, crimes against humanity are second only to genocide in severity.  

Simultaneously, Khan asked for arrest warrants against Hamas leaders Yahya Sinwar, Muhammad Deif, and Ismail Haniyeh for charges including “extermination, murder, taking of hostages, rape and sexual assault in detention.” Khan did not stint to publicly bracket the two democratically elected Israeli leaders with the three heinous Hamas terrorists.

The charges against Netanyahu and Gallant are outrageous on a number of counts. As the Wall Street Journal notes in a stinging editorial (paywall):

Khan alleges “starvation of civilians as a method of warfare.” Hamas lists 31 Gazans who it claims died of malnutrition and dehydration in seven months of war. That’s out of 2.3 million whom Egypt won’t let out over its border.

Israel has facilitated the entry of 542,570 tons of aid, and 28,255 aid trucks, in an unprecedented effort to supply an enemy’s civilians, even while Hamas steals the aid and tries to frustrate delivery. Israel has begged Egypt for two weeks to let in aid at Rafah, while Egypt refuses. Is this the behavior of an Israeli government bent on starving Gazans?

Squabbling Congresswomen Are Not the Problem Signs of Madison’s Constitutional guardrail that “ambition must be made to counter ambition.” by Bruce Thornton

Last week several Congresswomen went toe-to-toe in an exchange of insults during the House Oversight and Accountability Committee Hearings. The pugnacious Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) took on Democrat firebrand Jasmine Crockett (D-Texas), with Brooklyn Dem Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, an aggressive interlocutor, piling on.

This unseemly brawl is a litmus test for how we think about the state of our government and how it should work. Many people see such vulgar exchanges of harsh rhetoric and personal attacks as a failure of our system of partisan faction who sacrifice the good of the public to their parochial ideological interests, instead of “reaching across the aisle” to “solve problems.”

But such passionate confrontations are nothing new, and do not bespeak a breakdown in our Constitutional order. Rather, they are signs of James Madison’s Constitutional guardrail that “ambition must be made to counter ambition,” that in the political tournaments of power, the efforts of one faction to aggrandize more control and influence will be checked by those of other factions who possess the same political rights. The goal is not to “solve problems,” which is the job of citizens, civil society, churches, families and states. Rather, protecting our freedom by checking and balancing power is how our political freedom and equality can be fortified against tyranny.

This fundamental feature of our Constitutional architecture reflects another dimension of human nature. Not only is faction “sown in the nature of man,” as Madison said, but also reflects the reality of diversity in the settlement of the original colonies. Our Diversity Inc. industry ignores these true variations that comprise America’s complex identities, and instead reduces it to crude, racist categories primarily expressing physical traits and characteristic.

Such caricatures, moreover, have kept alive stereotypes predicated on victimhood and grievance, and embodied them in fictive cultural narratives, all at the expense of our most important identity––that of unique individuals who exist on this earth only once. As French philosopher Alain Finkielkraut points out, “Like the racists before them, contemporary fanatics of cultural identity confine individuals to their group of origin. Like them, they carry differences to the absolute extremes, and in the name of a multiplicity of specific causalities destroy any possibility of cultural community among peoples.” Hence, we end up with imperialistic homogeneity and an intellectual and political monoculture rather than diversity.

The cunning of the Democrats’ lawfare Hercules had to undertake twelve supposedly impossible labors. Donald Trump is fast catching up Roger Kimball

It saddens me to admit it, but the evidence is too overwhelming to dismiss: Democrats are significantly more cunning than Republicans.

I say “Democrats,” but that is an imprecise, even a misleading, designation. Party affiliation is not now, if it ever was, a really accurate predictor of ideological coloration.

What I mean are those people, most of whom happen to belong to the Democratic Party, who have been bitten by the bug of extremism, who are fired by revolutionary fervor, who regard every opponent, every contrary opinion, as a “by-any-means-necessary” fire alarm.

It is an attitude that has stirred their creativity, also their vindictiveness.

Hercules had to undertake twelve supposedly impossible labors. Donald Trump is fast catching up.

It would never have occurred to me — or, I’d wager, to anyone on my side of the ideological aisle — to transform through the alchemy of political bile a normal business proceeding into a high-profile trial in which a verdict of fraud was handed down and an eye-watering fine of hundreds of millions of dollars imposed even though there was no one defrauded.

But that was exactly what happened to Donald Trump.

Similarly, who on the conservative side would have been clever or malicious enough to elevate a nondisclosure agreement into a thirty-four-count felony indictment? The alchemists of old would have been impressed by that power of transmogrifying the base matter of political spleen into electoral gold.

That, anyway, is what District Attorney Alvin Bragg and the compromised Judge Juan Merchan are hoping to accomplish with the so-called “hush-money” trial of the former president.

The Network Behind the Pro-Hamas Disruptions By Janet Levy

How did anti-Israel protests erupt within a month of the Hamas-led October 7 massacre?  How did university campuses in America turn into tent cities of keffiyeh-clad youth calling for the liberation of Palestine, the annihilation of Israel, and death to Jews?  If you suspect these protests are well orchestrated and funded, you are right.

Behind them is a coalition of radical leftist and Islamist groups drawing sustenance from the vast dark money network of Neville Roy Singham, and linked through him to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).  This has been confirmed by a 34-page report from the Network Contagion Research Institute (NCRI), an affiliate of Rutgers University.

Analyzing open-source data using proprietary software, the NCRI’s multidisciplinary teams identify emerging threats to civil society.  The NCRI report describes Singham as a “known conduit for CCP geopolitical influence.”  As early as 1974, when he was 20, Singham was the subject of an FBI investigation for links with groups inimical to U.S. interests.

He is now based in Shanghai and, with his wife Jodie Evans, uses corporate entities and philanthropic hedge funds to channel money for fomenting unrest in free societies.  His network “exploits regulatory loopholes in the U.S. nonprofit system” to fund a) media groups promoting anti-American narratives, and b) “seemingly grassroots activist movements,” such as those behind the pro-Hamas protests.  The report says the network is a “significant concern to the internal stability” of the U.S.

Its alarming assessment:

While nominally focused on Israel, the current protests can be better understood as a well-funded initiative driving a revolutionary, anti-government, and anti-capitalist agenda, with the leading organizations serving as versatile tools for foreign entities hostile to the U.S.

The unrest is likely to continue through summer and until the presidential election.

Nearly 70% of Gaza Aid from US-Built Pier Stolen by Joshua Marks

Close to three-fourths of the humanitarian aid transported from a new $320 million floating pier built by the U.S. military off the Gaza coast was stolen on Saturday en route to a U.N. warehouse, Reuters reported on Tuesday.

Eleven trucks “were cleaned out by Palestinians” on the journey to the World Food Programme warehouse in Deir El Balah in the central Strip, with only five truckloads making it to the destination.

“They’ve not seen trucks for a while,” a U.N. official told Reuters. “They just basically mounted on the trucks and helped themselves to some of the food parcels.”

According to the United Nations, no aid was delivered to the warehouse from the U.S. military’s pier on Sunday and Monday.

The United Nations said that 10 truckloads of food aid from the pier arrived at the warehouse on Friday, its first day of operation. It was transported by U.N. contractors.

“We need to make sure that the necessary security and logistical arrangements are in place before we proceed,” said the U.N. official.

According to Israeli estimates, Hamas has been stealing up to 60% of the aid entering the Gaza Strip, and a Channel 12 report last week revealed that the terrorist organization has made at least $500 million in profit off humanitarian aid since the start of the war on Oct. 7.

The pier was pre-assembled at the Israeli port of Ashdod before being anchored to a beach in the coastal enclave on Thursday. No American troops went ashore during the installation of the pier, according to U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM). Some 1,000 U.S. soldiers and sailors helped build the floating pier.

Revisiting Reagan’s Commencement Address at Notre Dame It is important to remember what a real commencement address delivered by a real president, who isn’t trying to score cheap political points, should look and sound like. By David Keltz

On Sunday, Joe Biden gave the commencement speech at Morehouse College, a historically black male college in Atlanta. Rather than use the moment to inspire the graduating class and provide them with life advice or any sort of wisdom, Biden instead chose to turn it into a highly divisive, racially inflammatory, and anti-American campaign speech—in a pathetic attempt to regain his rapidly diminishing support within the black community.

He called for “an immediate ceasefire” in Gaza, undermining Israel’s ability to defeat that savage terrorist group yet again. He slammed America as “systemically racist.” He warned the audience about the supposed threat of “white supremacy.” He insinuated that black men are randomly “being killed” by cops in the streets—a specious charge not backed by any data—and he uttered this rather remarkable line to the graduating class: “what does it mean, as we’ve heard before, to be a black man who loves his country even if it doesn’t love him back in equal measure?”

Yes, the president of the United States told a group of young black male graduates that the country they live in—and the one he is supposedly in charge of—does not love them. How inspiring.

But rather than spend anymore ink dissecting what was truly a despicable and grotesque speech by a reprehensible man, it is important to remember what a real commencement address delivered by a real president, who isn’t trying to score cheap political points, should look and sound like.

Almost 43 years to the day before Biden’s shameful remarks at Morehouse College, President Ronald Reagan delivered the commencement address at Notre Dame University on May 17, 1981.

The contrast between the two speeches could not have been more stark. Reagan spoke excitedly of a country that he was proud to be a citizen and leader of.

As was typical of Reagan, it was full of humor and self-depreciation.