The Coming Medical Dictatorship Can you guess what California Democrats want to make illegal? Joseph Hippolito

Today, Canada. Tomorrow, California?

If that state’s Democrats have their way, the Golden State could well become this nation’s version of the Great White North.

Two bills introduced five days apart in the Assembly, the Legislature’s lower house, expose the Democrats’ plan to exploit COVID-19 to seize absolute power.

On Feb. 10, four Assembly members introduced AB 1993, a bill that would force anybody with a job — whether full-time employees or independent contractors — to prove they were vaccinated against COVID-19. The bill states its provisions would expire when “the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices determines that COVID-19 vaccinations are no longer necessary for the health and safety of individuals.”

Then on Feb. 15, one of the members who introduced that bill proposed AB 2098, which would rescind the medical license of any doctor circulating “misinformation” about COVID-19 or vaccines designed to treat it.

Six Democrats are promoting both bills. They are Assembly members Buffy Wicks, Evan Low, Cecilia Aguiar-Curry and Akilah Weber, and state senators Richard Pan and Scott Wiener. Four other Democrats are among AB 1993’s co-authors. Senators Bill Dodd and Josh Newman are listed as principal co-authors, with Assemblymen Bill Quirk and Mark Stone as secondary co-authors.

Campus Jew Hatred Rising An interview with the author of a new Freedom Center ebook. Mark Tapson

In a free new ebook from the David Horowitz Freedom Center, author and regular FrontPage Mag contributor Richard L. Cravatts Ph.D., a Shillman Fellow at the Center, counters the lies and misrepresentations of the pro-Palestinian movement on American campuses, exposing its roots in the ancient animus of Jew hatred and the genocidal threat of Islamic supremacism.

Jew Hatred Rising: The perversities of the campus war against Israel and the Jews can be downloaded as a PDF document or read in full at this link. In it, Dr. Cravatts deconstructs, with forceful eloquence, the arguments of pro-Palestinian activists who declare Israel to be illegitimate while championing the nonexistent nation of “Palestine.” He also describes the hostile campus climate that BDS (Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions) activists have created for Jewish students, who are smeared as racists for supporting a Jewish state and denied equal participation in student affairs.

“The notion of ‘two states living sides by side in peace,’ as the oft-repeated refrain goes, is, and always has been, of complete irrelevance to the Arabs,” Cravatts writes of the rising “new antisemitism.” “The creation of a new Arab state is not the sought-after goal; what is the actual goal is the extirpation of the Jewish one.”

I posed some questions to Dr. Cravatts about his new book.

Ultranationalist appeasers: Le Pen, Mélenchon & Zemmour side with Russia: a discussion with Nidra Poller  by Jerry Gordon

On the cusp of Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, there were disturbing revelations about this issue in the French Presidential election campaign in this our fifth monthly discussion with Nidra Poller, on February 18th There were statements by ultranationalist candidates on both the far left and far right dismissing the looming threat of Russian President to the Western alliance and world order.

President Macron shifted into high gear in diplomatic initiatives having an audience with Putin in Moscow and on the eve of Russia’s invasion Macron made a 105-minute phone call with Putin followed by one with Ukraine’s President Wolodymyr Zelensky, who promptly announced that he would meet with Putin. Zelensky made a sudden trip to the Munich Security Conference the same day, chastising Western appeasement of Putin pressing for immediate imposition of sanctions. He remarked:

“Ukraine is longing for peace, Europe is longing for Peace, the world is saying it doesn’t want any war, while Russia claiming she doesn’t want to intervene – someone here is lying.”

Zelensky got his answer that evening. Backed by Russia’s Duma, Putin signed treaties with the unelected leaders of the two breakaway Ukrainian provinces recognizing their “independence.”  Brushing aside last-minute calls for diplomatic initiatives, Putin used the pretext of “false Flag” Ukrainian actions to send in so-called “peacekeepers” followed by tanks, vehicles and more. The reaction was a salvo of world critical of Putin’s demarch followed by a veritable fusillade of economic and financial sanctions directed at key Russian Banks and oligarchs close to Putin announced by US President Biden, the UK, EU, Japan, South Korea. Even China’s Xi-Jinping urged “caution” to his erstwhile geo-political partner. Ukrainian President Zelensky announced a State of Emergency mobilizing his 250,000 troops to oppose the 190,000 Russian forces surrounding his country on three sides. We knew what would come of this Russian action given Putin’s precedents in the 2008 War against The Republic of Georgia, which resulted his seizure of Abkhazia and South Ossetia and in 2014 seizure of the Crimea and sending in troops to support the rebels in the breakaway eastern Donetsk and Luhansk region. French philosopher and activist Bernard-Henri Lévy penned a Tablet op ed, “The Rape of Ukraine.”  His dour forecast: “Taking Putin’s grievances seriously would be nothing more than a death wish for a return to the terrible 20th Century.”

17 Absurd Lies Biden Told During His State Of The Union Speech By: Jordan Boyd

Biden tried to downplay his plummeting approval but instead offered a speech riddled with falsehoods and contradictions.

In a desperate bid to console a nation reeling from crises he created, President Joe Biden delivered his first official State of the Union Address on Tuesday.

The Democrat attempted to downplay his plummeting approval by promising to do better in his second year in office but instead offered a speech riddled with falsehoods and contradictions.

While Biden’s address was supposed to breathe new life into his presidency, Americans are meanwhile plagued with rising prices, a southern border crisis, and now an overseas conflict that leaves them feeling like “the State of our union is in crisis because of Joe Biden.” Here are 17 absurd lies Biden told during his State of the Union speech.

‘Freedom Will Always Triumph Over Tyranny’

Biden opened his speech by praising the lack of Covid-19 theater in the legislative chambers and claiming that “freedom will always triumph over tyranny.”

The audacious claim comes just a few months after the president tried to force the coronavirus jab on American workers, pushed his administration to work with Big Tech to censor his political opponents, and smeared Republicans as domestic terrorists for caring about their children’s education.

Powerful Sanctions Stopped Russia

This Was the Most Infuriating Part of Biden’s State of the Union Speech By Matt Margolis

Well, that was painful.

The word is Joe Biden had to rewrite his State of the Union Dumpster Fire speech because of the Russia/Ukraine conflict, and you could tell. It was an awkward, choppy speech that made me cringe at times.

But, perhaps the worst and most infuriating thing about the speech, aside from the blatant lies about his record, was what was missing.

Joe Biden was so desperate for a 9/11 anniversary photo op that he set an arbitrary date for withdrawing from Afghanistan, without any conditions for the Taliban, causing a disastrous evacuation that resulted thousands of Americans left behind and 13 U.S. service members dead.

Did You Catch Biden’s Ukraine Gaffe?Matt Vespa

“Putin may circle Kyiv with tanks, but he will never gain the hearts and souls of the Iranian people.”

It didn’t take long for Joe Biden to trip over his own tongue. Look, I wasn’t expecting much. I know you felt the same way, but lordly—this was a faceplant. When you’re declaring your support for a besieged people, it’s probably a good idea to get the geographical location right. Biden spoke at length about the Ukraine war. How Putin underestimated the resolve of the free world, and how a weaker Russia will be the result of this conflict. 

On global warming, journalists are very consistent: They never ask questions By Jack Hellner

Another week and we get another dire report on the climate from the U.N. and again there is no scientific data showing a direct link between oil use and temperatures, sea levels, and storm activity. What they have are computer models.

Here is what they are putting out now:

UN panel’s grim climate change report: ‘Parts of the planet will become uninhabitable’

Life in some locations on the planet is rapidly reaching the point where it will be too hot for the species that live there to survive, international climate experts said in a report Monday.

“With climate change, some parts of the planet will become uninhabitable,” said German scientist Hans-Otto Pörtner, co-chair of Working Group II for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which produced the report released in Berlin.

The report assesses scientific literature documenting the devastating effects of human-caused climate change on society and ecosystems worldwide. 

And, as always, the media just reports these dire reports without asking any questions or doing any research. Five simple questions would be:

Why have your previous predictions been 100% wrong?

Why should we believe these predictions and base policies on these predictions when previous predictions have been completely wrong?

Shouldn’t policies be based on actual scientific data instead of computer models that can easily be manipulated to get the results you want?

Should we ever destroy an industry based on computer models, especially one that has greatly improved the quality and length of life?

Has the UN ever accomplished anything that indicates they have the ability to control the climate?

As Russia eats up headlines, don’t forget about Iran By Adam Turner

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has occupied all of the media’s attention, leaving several other international priorities of the Biden administration to continue without much scrutiny.  One of these is the effort to revive a version of the Obama-era Iran nuclear deal.

From the outside, it would appear that Iran holds most of the cards when it comes to a new nuclear deal.  Even though deadlines for reaching a new accord have come and gone, the U.S. has granted extensions of sanctions waivers and kept the negotiations alive.  Whether this is driven by a dire need for a foreign policy victory or a sense that a new agreement is within reach remains an open question.

As the director of the Center to Advance Security in America, I am following the issue closely.  My organization is seeking records to help the public better understand whether a new deal is in America’s interest and what this means for exposing the priorities of the current administration.  On its face, the U.S. government’s position is that the deal is the best chance we have to stop Iran from joining the nuclear club.  But recent foreign policy debacles have raised concerns over the genuineness of this claim.

The most notable defeat is the embarrassing withdrawal from Afghanistan despite internal analysis indicating that senior decision-makers were aware of the potential for disastrous consequences from their planned actions, which my organization is also looking into.  History may be repeating itself in the Iran nuclear deal.  For instance, it recently came out that Richard Nephew and two other American negotiators resigned from the negotiations because they wanted a tougher posture.

The Only Thing Joe Biden Doesn’t Want Made in America Is Energy By David Harsanyi

Look on the bright side: The president is so unpopular that Congress is unlikely to pass any of his green-energy policies.

I n his State of the Union address, among a list of moonshots — curing cancer, stopping drug addiction, and so on — President Joe Biden asked Congress to resuscitate his “environmental justice” agenda, arguing that it is the best way to fight rising energy prices and create jobs.

This isn’t merely fantastical, but suicidal. Even if Americans were willing to retrofit society to accommodate hundreds of thousands of windmills and millions of solar panels, even if we could afford the tens of trillions of dollars necessary to implement such a plan, it would basically end U.S. economic superiority.

And sometimes it seems like this is the goal. Biden’s first act as president was to revoke permits to build the Keystone XL, a now-dead 1,700-mile pipeline from Canada. In the executive order, the president claimed that the pipeline “disserves” our national interest and was inconsistent with Biden’s economic and climate imperatives. A week later, Biden signed a slew of executive orders prioritizing climate change over energy production, stopping new oil and natural-gas leases on all public lands.

A Bizarre, Contradictory State of the Union Falters after Strong Start on Ukraine By Dan McLaughlin

Joe Biden’s first official State of the Union address started strong; he spent the first twelve minutes talking about Ukraine, on which there is a surprising amount of bipartisan consensus. The Ukrainian ambassador was present, and many members of Congress from both parties were wearing blue and yellow or otherwise adorned with Ukrainian flags and symbols. Probably the most memorable line was Biden’s vow to defend “every single inch” of NATO territory.

It went downhill once he got to the state of our union, on which Biden rambled on for another hour. He hectored Congress to pass a bunch of bills that it has already rejected. He proposed to lower the costs of various things by just calling for them to cost less. He called the infrastructure bill “the single biggest investment in history” and declared, “We’re done talking about infrastructure weeks. We’re going to have an infrastructure decade.” You could tell the pandemic is really and truly over when we saw a return to Democrats demonizing the pharma companies that gave us life-saving vaccines.

Biden offered some gestures — too little, too late — to the center. “The answer is not to defund the police. The answer is to FUND the police with the resources and training they need to protect our communities. Fund them!” But he immediately tacked back to bashing gun rights.

At times, Biden failed to recognize the inherent contradictions of his own postures.