There are many shady methids of making money. There are frauds like Ponzi schemes or pump and dump stock schemes. A more subtle scheme is convincing naïve students to take out large loans to pay inflated tuition so that colleges can milk the taxpayer. The consequences of the student loan fraud are far reaching such as delaying family formation and childbearing.
Another academic scheme is to posit a future catastrophe based on “scientific” research. What follows is a vast flow of taxpayer money to the very academic specialty behind the fraud. After all, more research is needed to study the looming catastrophe. Rather than prevent the catastrophe that is imaginary anyway, real catastrophes are created. For example, a consequence of the global warming catastrophe scheme is spending billions on impactable and unaffordable wind and solar electricity.
The enemy of truth is bureaucracy and centralization. President Eisenhower in his farewell address pointed out a great danger to transparency and truth in science is the financing of scientific research by the federal government. I remember attending a scientific conference where one of the attendees that formerly worked at the National Science Foundation severely criticized that bureaucracy as rife with favoritism and politics. No one objected. You could hear a pin drop. None of the other scientists dared say anything, much less criticize the National Science Foundation. Centralization of authority and financing is the deadly enemy of free speech and freedom of thought.
The increasing centralization of the medical industry has resulted in certain drugs being blacklisted for the treatment of COVID. The drugs ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and certain other drugs are widely recognized as being effective therapeutics for prevention and treatment of COVID. These drugs have been used with great results in many countries. A case can be made that hundreds of thousands of Americans died unnecessarily as a consequence of the blacklist.