In recent days I’ve been happy to read that Biden’s Budget Busting Bill may be on its last gasp if not completely dead in the water. That’s because section 60001 of H.R. 5376 grants lawfully admitted permanent resident (LPR) status to the DREAMers. They are essentially illegals brought here as children who have done relatively well since then.
I understand the “compassionate” argument, that they did not choose to come here and they’ve done the best they can. However, many, if not most, of them have engaged in federal felony identity theft. To enroll in school, obtain employment, get a bank account, and have credit cards, they would have needed to provide a social security number. Given that they have no legal access to their own SSN, they used someone else’s. That’s a crime, and it was a deliberate one.
Professor Jan Ting, a Board Member over at the Center for Immigration Studies, has written an exquisite piece about the absolute harm this identity fraud has caused Americans, and how the Obama Administration quietly made it immeasurably worse by prioritizing illegals over citizens, thereby drastically increasing the risk that citizens would not receive their Social Security benefits.
The same perspective applies to all other pending legislation attempting to normalize the status of illegal immigrants in the United States.
Though I believe that enforcement should come before legalization efforts and was thoroughly disgusted decades ago working in the environment created by the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, I am not entirely opposed to amnesty programs. Sometimes, it just makes sense.
However, the benefits of citizenship should never accrue to those who applied for temporary visas claiming they were coming for a limited time and then never left—the bulk of illegals currently in the country. Nor to those who were never lawfully admitted to this country in the first place.