The government’s assassination of Israel’s character  By Ruthie Blum

Foreign Minister Yair Lapid outdid himself on Monday evening. Yes, the “alternate” premier slated to replace Prime Minister Naftali Bennett at the helm in September 2023, took the opportunity of a special parliamentary session commemorating the 26th anniversary of the assassination of former prime minister Yitzhak Rabin to insult the national camp.

“There is a [direct] line between Rabin’s murder and the past year,” he said. “Both are part of Israel’s great struggle, not between Right and Left, but between those who believe in democracy and those who are trying to destroy it.”

Rabin, he continued, “wasn’t murdered by the Right – the true right wing is democratic – but by anyone who isn’t willing to accept Israeli democracy. Anyone who tells himself that the majority doesn’t rule isn’t really in the national camp; he’s a dangerous, nationalist extremist. Instead of loving the country, he hates anyone who doesn’t think the way he does.”

He went on to claim that the “ideological heirs” of Yigal Amir – Rabin’s assassin, who is justifiably in prison for life – “are sitting in the Knesset today, and if not for the miracle of the change government, they’d be sitting in the government.”

“Do you mean the Joint [Arab] List?” heckled Religious Zionist Party leader MK Bezalel Smotrich, referring to the members of Knesset who openly oppose the Jewish state.

“Aren’t you ashamed?” added Smotrich, who knew full well that Lapid had been pointing a finger at him and his political allies. When he and a few other MKs from Shas and Likud exited the premises, Lapid resumed his inexcusable tirade.

“The coalition that we formed isn’t left-wing or right-wing,” he announced. “It’s a coalition of the majority of Israel’s citizens who decided to rescue Israeli democracy.”

The Wreck Of The Global Warming Narrative

Fox News plans to start a 24-hour weather channel, and according to the Guardian, probably the looniest newspaper in Great Britain, “climate crisis researchers worry about the channel’s reach to perpetuate misinformation and advance political goals.” The alarmists actually have more to worry about than that. Their narrative continues to crash into reality.

To start with, how do they explain that three new studies show warming from ​​2001 to 2019 “was driven by increases in absorbed solar radiation, not human emissions”? Sure, the eco-activists will do what they always do: obfuscate, dodge, change the subject, and call out the “science deniers.”

They will do the same when confronted with the news that the last six months were the coldest on record in Antarctica. Just one of those places in a warming world, they say, where it happens to be more frigid than usual. Apparently we’re supposed to forget all that business about the continent, along with the North Pole, being “the ‘canary in the coal mine’ for detection of global warming.”

“As Antarctica holds about 90% of all the ice on the planet, what happens in Antarctica will have major effects on the rest of the world,” Discovering Antarctica, a partnership of organizations that includes the United Kingdom’s Foreign & Commonwealth Office, said some years ago.

More recently we were told that “Antarctica is headed for a climate tipping point by 2060, with catastrophic melting if carbon emissions aren’t cut quickly.”

Empire Lost America is at its weakest point in at least a century, and China, as well as the rest of the world, notices.  By Max Morton

According to Russia’s Interfax news agency, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov recently announced, “Just like the overwhelming majority of other countries, Russia views Taiwan as part of the People’s Republic of China. This is the premise we proceed from and will continue to proceed from in our policy.” At the time of this statement, Russian forces were conducting joint naval exercises with Chinese forces in the Pacific—culminating in a 10-ship joint formation sailing through Japan’s Tsugaru Strait on October 18. 

This, following a series of unprecedented Chinese military aircraft incursions into Taiwan’s airspace, has rattled Taiwan and America’s other allies in the region, namely Japan, the Philippines, Vietnam, Brunei and Malaysia. During the first week of October, over 150 aircraft, including advanced SU-30 fighters and H-6 heavy bombers, flew into Taiwanese airspace. An unprecedented 56 tactical aircraft penetrated Taiwan’s airspace in a single 24-hour period on October 4, the highest single day total to date. 

China has already taken control of multiple islands claimed by these allies in an effort to access vast oil and natural gas resources, as well as project its military power in the contested territorial waters of the South China Sea. China’s ongoing trade dispute with Australia has also ratcheted up tensions in the region. 

The U.S. foreign policy establishment has rushed to assure Taiwan and its other allies that the United States intends to honor its regional security agreements. Of late, Joe Biden has publicly pledged to defend the Japanese Senkaku islands, which China claims as its territory. 

The Wall Street Journal reported on October 7 that several small U.S. Special Forces and Marine Corps detachments have been quietly training Taiwanese special military units to bolster the island nation’s defensive capabilities . . . a move which has all the appearances of an intentional U.S. tripwire in Taiwan. 

Recent Pentagon estimates have warned that China could retake control of Taiwan by force as early as 2027, but current events suggest a much shorter timeline. Much of America’s foreign policy establishment is convinced that China wouldn’t put at risk the 2022 Beijing Olympics scheduled for February, and that it fears the international sanctions and pariah status that would likely result if China invaded Taiwan. 

The problem with this analysis is that it is based on a Western worldview, which is to say one that does not account for actual Chinese interests. There is no guarantee that China is using the same equation or making the same calculations that western diplomats and intelligence agencies are making vis à vis Taiwan, or for that matter, the geopolitical status quo in the Pacific. 

State Department Celebrates ‘International Pronoun Day’ By Liz Sheld

Here is what’s on 46 agenda today:

9:30am: The President receives the President’s Daily Brief

State Department Celebrates ‘International Pronoun Day’
Democrats weigh slashing $200B in housing aid from spending bill
Dems toil to save SALT following last-minute scare
Democrats raise proposed IRS bank reporting threshold from $600 to $10K
Biden pitches unfinished economic agenda in personal hometown remarks
US, Israel to hold discreet discussions on reopening of US consulate in Jerusalem: report
Sinema pans tax hikes, throws new wrench in Dem spending plan: Report
Representatives erupt at committee hearing on holding Bannon in contempt: ‘Blah, blah, blah’
Over 40% of Afghan refugees at US bases are children, Pentagon says

Civil unrest:
Parents in Michigan sue to stop AG Garland going after them over protests
Shouting, threats, negative billboards and an influx of cash. This year’s school board races are like none before
Police recommend charges against four over Sinema bathroom protest
Climate Activists Refuse To Speak At DC Statehood Rally Because Jewish Groups Will Attend
Ivy League Firebombers Plead Guilty, Face 10 Years Under Terror Law
2 Chicago cops shot after officer accidentally fires gun during struggle with suspect: report
Mom Goes After Her Child’s School District Director Over Comments About ‘Wealthy White Women’
Virginia county is violating election law amid governor race, lawsuit claims
Chicago Mayor Lightfoot gets heat for requesting suburban police officers fill in for cops she may fire
NYC mayor ‘troubled’ by video showing unmasked officers forcibly removing masked subway commuter

Anti-gun actor Alec Baldwin shot a woman to death By Andrea Widburg

Preliminarily, it is tragic that 42-year-old Halyna Hutchins, a rising cinematographer in Hollywood, died yesterday on the set of Rust, a movie being filmed in Santa Fe, New Mexico. My thoughts are with the loved ones she left behind. Having said that, I cannot escape a feeling that karma had a hand in this one because the finger on the trigger of the gun that killed Hutchins belonged to Alec Baldwin, a hysterical leftist who is fanatically opposed to the Second Amendment.

To give a sense of Baldwin’s hostility to gun rights, in 2018, the smug and constitutionally illiterate Baldwin had some harsh words for Dana Loesch, an NRA spokeswoman:

Despite his supreme arrogance, Baldwin clearly does not understand that the Second Amendment is not a mere “law.” It’s the expression of a right inherent in citizens of a free country.

But what was especially interesting about that tweet was that bit about Loesch stepping over dead bodies. As it happens, Loesch has never killed anyone. Indeed, at a guess, upwards of 99.9% of law-abiding American gun owners will go through life, not only not killing anyone, but also never even having to use their guns against another person. But Alec Baldwin killed someone with a gun. He has a body count.

Biden exposes himself on national TV By Andrea Widburg

No, he didn’t pull his pants down but he certainly let the awful contents of his brains hang out for all to see.

Last night, CNN held an invitation-only “town hall” for Biden in Baltimore. The audience was beyond friendly, the questions were obviously vetted, and Anderson Cooper was there to hold Biden’s hand. And still, as the RNC’s Twitter feed reveals, Biden repeatedly showcased his weirdness, incipient dementia, inability to lead, and sheer heartlessness. No wonder only 27% of likely voters are confident that Brandon…er, Biden is up to the job.

I must be honest here: I didn’t watch the town hall. I doubt many did. However, the good people at RNC Research did watch and the clips they shared are illuminating.

What caught everyone’s attention was the moment when Biden combined his creepy whisper with the “White supremacy symbol.” And yes, I know that was a 4Chan hoax, but leftists have used it to go after multiple innocent people, everyone from Navy cadets to Hispanic truck drivers to firefighters to Brett Kavanaugh-supporting lawyers. I doubt they’ll go after the one who has a long history of racism and hanging out with White supremacists.

Intersectionality and American Anti-Semitism How to understand – and counter – the plague of anti-Semitism in America today. Kenneth Levin

The term “intersectionality” has gained prominence – initially on the nation’s campuses and now well beyond academia – as signifying the supposed shared, “intersecting,” predicaments of racial and ethnic groups, particularly “people of color” (and to a lesser degree women and sexual minorities), victimized by white male racism and its history of imperialism, colonialism, exploitation and slavery.

Promoters of the intersectionality concept have sought to use it to forge a common political agenda among at least some of the groups deemed as falling within the intersectionality rubric, to mount a shared fight against these groups’ perceived oppressors. But perhaps the most substantive campaign mounted by intersectionality allies – most notably elements of the African-American community and of the Islamist/Palestinian community in America – has been to themselves become oppressors, targeting American Jews for defamation, intimidation and physical attack. In doing so, they have joined forces not only with the Far Left in America, which has almost invariably used Jew-hatred as a political tool, but also with white extremist groups, including white supremacists and neo-Nazis, sharing with them anti-Jewish rhetoric and memes, tactics and mutual support. Together, intersectional allies have generated the astronomical rise in attacks on Jews and Jewish institutions in present-day America.

Consideration of the roots of this intersectional alliance and of what drives each party’s anti-Semitism casts light not only on the dynamics of the current assault on American Jews but also on the reality that that assault is not simply derivative of hostility towards Israel and Zionism. Rather, American Jews are a primary target and the anti-Israel animus is at least as much derived from hatred of American Jews as vice versa.  

Even before the recent increase in anti-Semitic incidents, FBI statistics on hate crimes in America had consistently shown that Jews, representing less than 2% of the American population, had been by far the religious community most victimized by such crimes. (The most recent annual statistics, for 2020, showed 57.5% of religion-based hate crimes were against Jews. The next closest targeted community was Muslims, who were the victims of 8.8% of such crimes.) That pattern, and the anti-Semitic predilections of the groups perpetrating it, have long pre-dated those groups’ coming together in part under the intersectionality mantle.

American Anti-Semitism and the Red-Green-Black Alliance

The four major sources of attacks on Jews in America are white supremacists, black nationalists/supremacists, Muslim and Palestinian supremacists, and progressivist/Marxist ideologues.

The American institution most associated today with anti-Semitism is academia.

Progressives Demand More Giveaways for Illegal Immigrants Biden’s open-border policies expand the pool of entitled illegals. Joseph Klein

Progressive advocates for illegal immigrants are pressing for an expansion of New York State’s $2.1 billion giveaway of subsidies to illegal immigrants who are otherwise ineligible for government relief. Passed last April as part of the New York State budget, the “Excluded Worker Fund” has provided one-time payments as high as $15,600 to illegal immigrants who have been able to document that they lost work during the COVID-19 pandemic. Other illegal immigrants without this level of documentation were still able to receive payments of $3,200 to match the amount of COVID-19 related assistance that many American citizens and other legal residents have received from the federal government.

The New York Times described the Excluded Worker Fund as “by far the biggest of its kind in the country and a sign of the state’s shift toward policies championed by progressive Democrats.” But evidently, the fund is not big enough as far as the progressive advocates for illegal immigrants are concerned.

The Excluded Worker Fund is already running out of money. “To date, the state has distributed just over two-thirds of the fund, to about 128,000 people, a fraction of the nearly 351,000 claims that were received,” the New York Times reported on October 19th.

What else would you expect from yet another poorly conceived progressive Democrat program? Demand for the illegal immigrant subsidies has outstripped the money available to pay for them. The number of claimants to date has exceeded by over 20 percent the number of illegal immigrants that the Director of Immigration Research at a liberal think tank estimated last May would benefit from the program. 

Biden Administration Plans To Protect Immigration Fraudsters It’s all about mind over matter – and if Joe doesn’t mind, it doesn’t matter. Michael Cutler

America’s borders and immigration laws are its first and last line of defense against threats to national security, public safety and public health.

A review of the relevant section of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) 8 U.S. Code § 1182  (Inadmissible aliens) will provide clarity as to the intent and importance of our immigration laws that Biden refuses to enforce.

Indeed, the Biden administration continues to wage an escalating war against immigration law enforcement yet the largely compliant mainstream media never asks how Biden’s policies are in the best interests of America or Americans.

The disaster on the southern border has been well-documented and the dangers that this creates for national security, public safety, public health cannot be over-estimated.

However, there are many other elements of the immigration system and immigration fraud has been identified as the key method of entry and embedding for terrorists- and not just the terrorists who participated in the deadly attacks on September 11, 2001 but other terrorists who sought to carry out deadly attacks inside the United States before and even after the terror attacks of 9/11.

Is a sanctions rethink in the works? Lawrence Haas

The Biden administration’s announcement that it will limit economic sanctions as a tool of foreign policy could prove significant, since it follows two decades in which policymakers of both parties dramatically increased the use of sanctions against governments, individuals, and entities that they considered bad actors.

“After the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks,” the Treasury Department wrote in a new report after a nine-month review, “economic and financial sanctions (‘sanctions’) became a tool of first resort to address a range of threats to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States. This tool rests on the formidable strength of, and trust in, the U.S. financial system and currency.”

Looking forward, the Treasury wrote, “Economic and financial sanctions should be tied to clear, discrete objectives that are consistent with relevant presidential guidance — such as countering forces that fuel regional conflict, ending support to a specific violent organization or other malign and/or illicit activities, stopping the persecution of a minority group, curtailing nuclear proliferation activities, enhancing multilateral pressure, or ceasing specific instances of atrocities.”

Fine. But the notion of limiting the use of sanctions — e.g., trade embargoes, investment restrictions, asset freezes on governments or individuals — could prove a sea change for U.S. policymakers who, in recent years, have viewed sanctions as the go-to response to global bad behavior.