The Elite’s obsession with January 6 By Molly Slag

Why do the Elite harbor this fevered obsession with Jan 6? For two reasons: (1) It is their magic fetish waved about in the desperate hope of warding off the return of Trumpism (with or without Trump) to the Casa Alba. (2) It reflects their habitual projection of their own evil onto the seething mass of deplorables.

Precisely what is this evil they are projecting? In a word: treason.

The US Constitution defines treason in Article III, Section 3, Clause 1 this way: “Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.”

Are the Elite guilty of treason? Let me count the ways?

1. In Afghanistan, delivery of $85 billion in military supplies and thousands of hostages to the enemy.

2. Mass destruction in our cities. Politicians who protect the mobs are accessories after the fact and accomplices to this treason.

3. Defunding the police. The primary responsibility of local government is to protect their constituents and keep the streets safe. But the local Elites in many cities have sided with the criminal element against the law-abiding citizenry.

4. Sabotage of the military through wokification, as documented by James Hasson in Stand Down.

5. In his masterful book, The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers, Yale Historian Paul Kennedy exhaustively documents that military power is convertible with economic power. Therefore sabotaging the economy is sabotaging the military.

6. Giving aid and comfort to China, not least through the attempted Building Back Better legislation that Sen. Manchin just jettisoned.

Why Would Hispanics Drop the Left? The bill for the arrogance and incompetence displayed by leftist elites is now coming due. By Victor Davis Hanson

A recent Wall Street Journal poll reported that if the 2022 midterms were held currently, some  37 percent of Hispanic/Latino voters would likely support the Republican candidate. An equal number polled support for the Democrats. 

Perhaps key is the 22 percent who remain “undecided” and thereby illustrate that the traditionally Democratic Hispanic vote is now up for grabs.

Remember that just a year ago about 60 percent of Hispanics voted against Donald Trump and Republican candidates in general. And by about the same margin, according to exit polls, they voted not to recall California Governor Gavin Newsom—about the same ratio as the white vote. Still, a 60-40 percent pro-Newsom margin among mostly Democratic Hispanics was striking for its erosion from a once lockstep Democratic constituency.

Most interestingly, Wall Street Journal polls also showed that in a potential (but probably unlikely) 2024 match-up between Biden and Trump, Hispanic voters would split about evenly (44 percent Biden, 43 percent Trump). Are Hispanics then following the trajectory of middle-class whites who have left the Democratic Party in droves and helped redefine the Republican Party as a more populist, working-class movement?

Because new immigration has all but stopped among conservative Cubans, and there are still relatively few numbers of wizened Venezuelan arrivals, these shifts suggest radical changes in second- and third-generation Hispanic voters. More importantly, should the border ever become de facto closed, as it nearly was by early 2020, the ideological shift rightward would likely accelerate. There would be fewer new arrivals professing fealty to the Democratic Party for ending immigration enforcement while expanding entitlements. We would likely see instead greater assimilation and integration of ascendant and ever more conservative second- and third-generation Hispanics.

Biden Discontent?

So, if the Wall Street Journal polls are somewhat accurate—and other polls have suggested the same trends—what has happened and why now? After all, open-border Republican grandees for a generation have been mistakenly predicting that Hispanics would soon vote conservatively, if only their party would push “comprehensive immigration reform” that many felt to be a euphemism for blanket amnesties and open borders.

Horowitz’s Tetralogy on the Enemy Within A masterpiece series on the Left’s destructive agenda. Bruce Bawer

In the days and weeks after June 16, 2015, when Donald Trump descended an escalator at his eponymous Fifth Avenue tower and announced his candidacy for president of the United States, America’s mainstream media also underwent a historic descent. Even at their best they had never been moored in fact, but as Trump began what now seems his inexorable progress toward the White House, they stopped merely hugging the shore of truth, at a greater or lesser distance, and sailed out over the horizon into the open seas of pure propaganda. Casting journalism almost totally aside, they became full-time Democrat megaphones, echoing without shame, during the months and years that followed, the party’s ridiculously fraudulent talking points about Trump and America.

Front and center during most of Trump’s presidency, of course, were the absurd Russia conspiracy charges, which the media pushed as relentlessly as they would later dismiss highly credible reports of Biden family corruption. Likewise, the same journalists who throughout 2020 called Antifa and Black Lives Matter violence “mostly peaceful” went on to describe the far less sensational events of January 6, 2021, as a terrifying attempt at a pro-Trump coup.

The last few years, in short, have been a time not of systematic racism, as the left would have it, but of systematic mendacity; and anyone whose news diet during this period has consisted exclusively of the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC, NPR, etc., etc., has a view of recent events that diverges radically from reality.

Fortunately, there exists a superb antidote to the MSM’s unbroken stream of toxic waste. It takes the form of four slim, powerful philippics, all written by the redoubtable David Horowitz and all published within the last three years. Each of these books – Dark Agenda: The War to Destroy Christian America (2019), Blitz: Trump Will Smash the Left and Win (2020), The Enemy Within: How a Totalitarian Movement Is Destroying America (2021), and the just-issued I Can’t Breathe: How a Racial Hoax Is Killing America – has a somewhat different focus, but taken together they add up not just to a desperately needed corrective to the daily torrent of fake news but also to a definitive analysis of the ongoing left-wing campaign to radically transform America.

From Media Bias to Outright Partisanship John Hinderaker


In 2004, in an episode that became known as Rathergate, 60 Minutes tried to help swing the presidential election to John Kerry by publishing fake documents intended to put President Bush’s service in the Texas Air National Guard, back in the early 1970s, in a bad light. The fraud unraveled quickly as we at Power Line and others on the internet showed that the documents were clumsy fakes that were full of substantive errors.

In less than 24 hours after the internet critique of the 60 Minutes story began, CBS News announced that it would conduct an investigation into what had happened. And it did. CBS News hired a former Attorney General of the U.S. to lead the investigation, and the report that he and others authored, the Thornburgh Report, was a devastating account of the dishonesty at CBS. Dan Rather was already gone by the time the report came out, and thereafter CBS fired Mary Mapes, the producer of the 60 Minutes segment, and several other employees.

The key point is that back in 2004, CBS News was seriously embarrassed that it had produced a false news report. It really did want, at least, to be seen as a fair and unbiased news source. And when the fraud was exposed, it took decisive action against the employees who had perpetrated it.

But over the next decade, that changed. Major news organizations have gone from being biased against conservatives to engaging in open warfare against conservatives. In 2016, Dean Baquet, Executive Editor of the New York Times, publicly stated that the Times’ approach to covering the news had changed when it came to Donald Trump. No more neutrality, no more objectivity, the Times would openly attack Trump not just in its editorials, but in its news stories.

Shortly after Baquet made that announcement, the Russia collusion story hit the news, and it continued to dominate the news for the next two or three years.

The White House Art of Furious Persuasion Jen Psaki all but calls Joe Manchin a liar for opposing Biden’s bill.

The progressive whiz kids who run President Biden’s White House don’t have much sense of self-restraint—or common political sense. Their response on Sunday to Sen. Joe Manchin’s opposition to Build Back Better was to accuse him of bad faith while saying they’ll beat him up until he changes his mind.

Press secretary Jen Psaki issued a blistering statement saying Mr. Manchin’s comments on Fox News Sunday “are at odds with his discussions this week with the President, with White House staff, and with his own public utterances.” We can’t speak for his private White House talks, but Mr. Manchin’s public comments have been consistent for months. On Sunday he finally said no.

Ms. Psaki charged ahead in furious disregard: “Just as Senator Manchin reversed his position on Build Back Better this morning, we will continue to press him to see if he will reverse his position yet again, to honor his prior commitments and be true to his word.”

Maybe Mr. Biden’s masters of the universe know something about the art of persuasion that we don’t. But we doubt calling a Senator a liar is going to bring him around.

“Welcome To 2032: A Merged Physical/Digital World”Chuck Brooks

We are approaching 2022 and rather than ponder the immediate future, I want to explore what may beckon in the ecosystem of disruptive technologies a decade from now. We are in the initial stages of an era of rapid and technological change that will witness regeneration of body parts, new cures for diseases, augmented reality, artificial intelligence, human/computer interface, autonomous vehicles, advanced robotics, flying cars, quantum computing, and connected smart cities. Exciting times may be ahead.

By 2032, it will be logical to assume that the world will be amid a digital and physical transformation beyond our expectations. It is no exaggeration to say we are on the cusp of scientific and technological advancements that will change how we live and interact.

What should we expect in the coming decade as we begin 2022? While there are many potential paradigms changing technological influences that will impact the future, let us explore three specific categories of future transformation: cognitive computing, health and medicine, and autonomous everything.

Adam Schiff’s Delusion The California Democrat has a lifetime of failure as a credible writer of fiction. By Drew Allen

Barbara Broccoli, a producer and owner of the rights to the James Bond franchise, recently entertained the implausible idea that Bond could be non-binary. I’d like to recommend a screenwriter to her: Adam Schiff (D-Calif.)

Not only was pre-Congress Schiff an unsuccessful screenwriter, but as a Congress-pronoun, Schiff has a proven track record of inventing implausible fiction that ends in failure.

If Schiff doesn’t write the script, he could at least market it, as he did with the Trump-Russia collusion lie. Arguably, no Democrat pushed the fictional Trump-Russia collusion narrative more vigorously than Adam Schiff.

In February of 2018 Schiff told reporters that there was “ample evidence in the public domain of collusion if you’re willing to see it.” This collusion was so obvious that the Democrats had to hire special counsel Robert Mueller to find it.

Two years and $32 million from the taxpayers later, Mueller concluded that “the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.” Trump-Russia collusion couldn’t be found because Trump-Russia collusion never happened.

Still, a month after Mueller’s conclusion, Schiff went on ABC’s “This Week” and repeated his lie that there was “ample evidence of collusion in plain sight.” Like a madman, Schiff refused to accept reality, and instead repeated the failed, unconvincing story he had spent years rehearsing in his own deranged mind.

While Schiff is both a liar and fraud, he is doggedly persistent–as lunatics often are.  That’s why, Schiff’s case, persistence is not a virtue, but rather a vice.

Joe Manchin May Have Just Killed Transformational Liberalism for a Decade By Philip Klein

Senator Joe Manchin (D., W. Va.) says he’s done with President Biden’s Build Back Better legislation. And if saying so on Fox News wasn’t enough, he added an explanation point in a statement released shortly after his appearance, in which he declared: “My Democratic colleagues in Washington are determined to dramatically reshape our society in a way that leaves our country even more vulnerable to the threats we face. I cannot take that risk.”

It is, of course, possible that once they stare into the abyss of defeat, Biden and Democrats may decide to finally cave and give Manchin everything he wants. For instance, he has indicated a willingness to vote for up to $1.75 trillion in spending, and said that he’s more open to picking one priority and fully funding it for a decade rather than starting lots of new programs, funding them for a few years, and hoping they get renewed. So there’s some reason for conservatives to keep the champagne on ice.

But realistically, this approach would require blowing up the bill that had been carefully negotiated for months just to squeak through the House, and getting progressives to swallow whatever Manchin wants whole. The expanded child tax credit that has resulted in monthly payments to families will expire at the end of the year. So trying to pass it next year — which would require every penny of the bill if fully paid for over a decade — would essentially mean creating a new program rather than extending one that’s already on the books.

What Is Evil? By David Solway

Everywhere we turn these days we see evil in action. It was always thus, but in the current social, political, and medical environment it seems especially prominent. We observe a pandemic that has caused global and historically immense damage and devastation, a cataclysm of biblical proportions. We see governments, official agencies, and corporate consortiums that have fed the public with lies and misinformation as to the origins, causes, and cures of the plague. We witness elections that have been rigged and stolen and note corruption in high places that seems unprecedented. We see wars that have been fought for no useful purposes and thoughtless surrenders that only accentuated their stupidity. We experience legislation in democratic countries that remind one of the practices of totalitarian regimes. We see honest people and reputable professionals censored by monopoly media and digital platforms and deprived of their livelihoods. We face mobs of co-opted citizens, fearful and manic, who resemble the brainwashed masses in Eugene Ionesco’s Rhinoceros and the film Invasion of the Body Snatchers.

Every day there are a plethora of new reports of dissimulation, atrocity, depravity, crime, and social breakdown that have become standard fare. The News changes from day to day and even within the same day, and yet it is almost always the same. “Hot button” is cold coffee and “topical” differs only in particulars, remaining generic and fundamentally indistinguishable, part of a ditto realm. We are captive, as Canada’s premier columnist Rex Murphy writes, to “the morbid isms of our time” of “confected scandal and demonstrations” that characterize “the imperial reach of this timid and repressive age.”

In a world torn asunder by violence, cruelty, and corruption, the question of evil, addressed by philosophers and theologians for millennia, is unavoidable. We tend to use the word indiscriminately, as a catch-all phrase and verbal convenience devoid of substantive content and analytic rigor. Is what we call “evil” a concept of the human mind, a descriptive term that applies to impulses, acts, and events that issue in various forms of suffering in both the world of man and the world of nature? Life in nature, including predatory disease, is essentially predicated on the digestive tract—“this munching universe,” as Lawrence Durrell called it. Death is the operative principle. Life in the human world is a theater of greed, deception, hatred, and murder recognized by the Ten Commandments, a list of axioms that have proven largely unable to counteract the bloodbath of history and the pathological compulsions of the individual psyche.

Donald Trump’s Alleged Anti-Semitism By David P. Goldman

“There’s people in this country that are Jewish [who] no longer love Israel. I’ll tell you the evangelical Christians love Israel more than the Jews of this country. It used to be that Israel had absolute power over Congress, and today I think it’s the exact opposite. And I think [former President Barack] Obama and [President Joe] Biden did that.

“And yet in the election, they still get a lot of votes from Jewish people, which tells you that the Jewish people—and I’ve said this for a long time—the Jewish people in the United States either don’t like Israel or don’t care about Israel. I mean, you look at The New York Times, The New York Times hates Israel. Hates them. And they’re Jewish people who run The New York Times, I mean the Sulzberger family.”

The line about “absolute power over Congress” is cringeworthy. Yes, it is an anti-Semitic trope. Trump fits the canonical definition of a philo-Semite (an anti-Semite who likes Jews). He harbors some anti-Semitic prejudices about the extent of Jewish power. But he’s still a friend of the Jewish people and of the State of Israel. Before the 2016 election, an Israeli politician asked me what I thought of Trump (full disclosure: I worked for Ted Cruz in 2016). I said, “Imagine if Hitler had liked Jews!” I published that malicious remark. Nonetheless, I voted for Trump twice and defended him against the Deep State conspiracy to unseat him. There are anti-Semites and anti-Semites, but I’ll get to that.

As my friend Caroline Glick writes in Israel Hayom:

Trump was the most pro-Israel president in history. None of his predecessors, (and certainly not his successor President Joe Biden), come close….[he]stopped US financial support for the Palestinian Authority and shut down the PLO’s representative office in Washington, DC because Abbas funds and incites terrorism.