Justice Department Moves to Conceal Police Misconduct on January 6 Preventing defendants from telling juries exactly what happened on January 6 is the Justice Department’s latest attempt to cover up pervasive police misconduct. By Julie Kelly


After months of foot-dragging, Joe Biden’s Justice Department is preparing for the first set of trials related to its sprawling prosecution of January 6 defendants: Robert Gieswein, who turned himself in and was arrested on January 19 for his involvement in the Capitol protest, is scheduled to stand trial in February.

A week after his arrest, Gieswein, 24 at the time, was indicted by a federal grand jury on six counts including “assaulting, resisting, or impeding” law enforcement with a dangerous weapon that day. He has been behind bars ever since, denied bail while Judge Emmet Sullivan delayed his trial on numerous occasions. Gieswein is among 40 or so January 6 defendants held in a part of the D.C. jail system solely used to detain Capitol protesters.

Federal prosecutors accuse Gieswein of using a chemical spray against police officers and carrying a baseball bat. Clad in military-style gear, Gieswein climbed through a broken window shortly after the first breach of the building. He told a reporter on the scene that “the corrupt politicians who have been in office for 50 or 60 years . . . need to be imprisoned.” Democratic politicians, Gieswein complained, sold out the country to “the Rothchilds and the Rockefellers,” a remark the FBI investigator on his case described as an “anti-Semitic” conspiracy theory.

Ahead of Gieswein’s trial, the Justice Department asked Judge Sullivan to strictly curtail how Gieswein can defend himself. A motion filed earlier this month argued Gieswein should not use self-defense against law enforcement as a reason for his actions on January 6. (Prosecutors also stated that Gieswein should not blame President Trump for his alleged criminal behavior,  claiming it is “objectively unreasonable to conclude that President Trump could authorize citizens to interfere with the Electoral College proceedings,” a legal torpedo to the Democrats’ nonstop accusations that Trump “incited” the events of January 6.)

“[The] Defendant will not be able to put forth any evidence that he had a reasonable belief that his actions were necessary to defend himself against the immediate use of unlawful force,” Matthew Graves, the new U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia, wrote in the December 1 filing. “Through his words and actions, the Defendant made plain his intent. The Court should exclude any testimony and evidence purporting to assert a claim of self-defense.”

Preventing Gieswein from telling a jury exactly what happened on January 6 is the Justice Department’s latest attempt to cover up pervasive police misconduct. Gieswein’s alleged offenses coincided with the time frame when Capitol and D.C. Metropolitan Police officers started attacking thousands of protesters assembled outside the building on January 6. 

Law enforcement deployed explosive devices known as “flashbangs,” which emit a powerful burst of light and sound to temporarily stun the intended victim, into the crowd around 1:15 p.m. on January 6, just moments after Trump finished up his speech at the Ellipse less than two miles away. Police also used rubber bullets, tear gas, batons, and in some cases, their own fists to assault protesters.

Prosecutors know this is fact—and it’s precisely why the Justice Department is desperate to keep any video footage or testimony that portrays these vicious assaults out of the public eye. As I have reported, the Justice Department and U.S. Capitol Police want roughly 14,000 hours of surveillance video captured by security cameras on January 6 to remain under protective orders. The trove is considered “highly sensitive” government material by Biden’s Justice Department; even defendants are strictly limited as to how they can view this classified footage used as evidence against them.

Guess who won the Miss Universe contest this year By Ethel C. Fenig


The Wuhan coronavirus’s omicron variant and anti-Jewish/anti-Israel bigotry don’t stop the important events in life, such as the Miss Universe contest, held in Israel last Sunday night.  The show must go on, and it did!  Beautifully! 

Held in Israel’s southernmost city, Eilat, bordering Egypt, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia and on the Red Sea, the contestants had their fun in the sun before, during, and after the competition.  

The beauties didn’t just prance around.  They did some serious, educational stuff about their countries.  

The pageant included traditional displays of national costumes, swimwear and a series of interview questions to test contestants’ public speaking skills. The top 10 showed off intricately bedazzled full-length gowns in either gold, silver or bronze. The Philippines’ Beatrice Luigi Gomez wore an asymmetrical cut dress with one sleeve, highlighting a new tattoo she said “celebrates her womanhood.” 

Sure, master of ceremonies Steve Harvey stumbled a bit because of a mistaken cue card, announcing the wrong home country of the winner, but, professional that he is, he quickly recovered and went on with the show.

Denmark Minister Sentenced to Prison for Trying to Protect Muslim Child Brides Daniel Greenfield


As messed up as the United States may be these days, the Europeans periodically remind us that it gets worse. Much worse.

It’s hard to think of a more backward and warped phenomenon than the trial of former immigration minister Inger Støjberg, who tried to stop child marriage and the traffic of underage girls into the country during the Muslim migrant crisis. Or the resulting guilty verdict.

Inger Støjberg, a former Danish immigration minister and high-profile government figure during Europe’s 2015 migration crisis, was sentenced to 60 days in jail on Monday after an order she issued in 2016 was ruled illegal. 

Støjberg had said that if a member of a married couple seeking asylum in Denmark was found to be under 18 years old — the legal age for marriage in Denmark — then the couple should be separated and housed in separate asylum centers. 

Støjberg said at the time she was trying to protect “child brides” who may have been forced into marriage against their will before coming to Denmark. 

This is political payback for her attempt to stop the invasion. And it’s meant to send a message to any other political leader with the courage to put their finger in the dike. 

COVID’s Winnipeg-Wuhan-Galveston Connection Merry white coat supremacy Christmas, everybody. Lloyd Billingsley


“Anyone on your team conducting gain of function studies, recombination studies or any other studies that may have resulted in the creation of the nCoV?” That was James LeDuc, director of the Galveston National Laboratory (GNL) in a February 9, 2020 email to Juan Zhiming at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in China. LeDuc, who earned a PhD in epidemiology from UCLA, had trained staff at the WIV, yet the GNL boss had little clue what was going on there.

“Where is coronavirus research conducted?” LeDuc wanted to know. “What level of biocontainment? How many different laboratories actually handle live virus? Where are coronavirus stocks stored?” In addition, “When was the nCoV first handled in your laboratory? What was the source of that virus?” and “what are the coronaviruses in your possession that are most closely related to nCoV based on genetic sequences and are able to replicate in culture?”

When LeDuc posed these critical questions, as the Epoch Times noted,  “Dr. Anthony Fauci and a small circle of collaborating scientists were in the process of establishing the natural origin narrative about COVID-19 that would pervade the media.” By early 2020, evidence was mounting for the Wuhan Institute of Virology as the source.

China and Viruses: The Case of Dr. Xiangguo Qiu, a January 2020 paper by Israeli microbiologist Dr. Dany Shoham, revealed that Dr. Qiu shipped a cargo of deadly pathogens to the WIV. The shipment included: Ebola Makona, Mayinga, Kikwit, Ivory Coast, Bundibugyo, Sudan Boniface, Sudan Gulo, MA-Ebov, GP-Sudan, Hendra, Nipah Malaysia and Nipah Bangaladesh. This deadly cargo came from Canada’s National Microbiology Lab (NML) in Winnipeg, where Dr. Qiu, a Chinese national, ran the special pathogens program.

Dr. Qiu also maintained a close bond with China and the graduate students that joined her at the NML came from facilities believed to be involved in China’s biological weapons development, including the Academy of Military Medical Sciences and the WIV. In 2017 and 2018, Dr. Qiu made at least five trips to the WIV.

Groundbreaking Win Against Palestinian Anti-Semitic Propaganda Played out at Canada’s largest school board. Christine Douglass-Williams


Antisemitism at the Toronto District School Board has led to a backlash that the Board undoubtedly did not expect. It was high time that the largest school Board in Canada, and the fourth largest in North America, faced accountability regarding its use of public funds to promote a pro-Palestinian agenda as part of its “equity” and “diversity” program. The Board’s actions go back to Operation Guardian of the Walls in May, and climaxed with the targeting of a Jewish school board trustee who was taken to the woodshed by the Board for pointing out a disturbing incident of antisemitism displayed by the TDSB’s equity advisor.

The backlash has been unprecedented, involving virtually every Jewish group and supporter of democracy in the Toronto area, and includes a rare statement by the Toronto Board of Rabbis. It ultimately resulted in a victory, in a groundbreaking, precedent-setting vote put to the TDSB Trustees to strike down an antisemitic motion. The battle was intense, and demonstrated what collective determination for the good could accomplish.

Enter Black Lives Matter, Pro-Palestinian Activist 

The complicated series of events that led to the storm began in late September, when author and activist Desmond Cole was hired by the Toronto District School Board to give a talk about anti-black racism. Cole veered off course to lecture teachers and administrators about “Palestine.” He claimed that “those troubled by the phrase ‘Free Palestine’ have a vested interest in the continued oppression of Palestinian people.”

He went on to interrupt and talk over superintendent Lorraine Linton and executive superintendent Shirley Chan, stating:

“If people interpret ‘Free Palestine’ as being violent, it is because they are benefitting from Palestinians being unfree…In the same way if you answer ‘Black Lives Matter’ with ‘All Lives Matter,’ you must have some investment in Black lives being undervalued.”

Cole does not accept the idea that one could advocate for black lives and all lives at the same time. Under Canada’s constitution, of course, all are equal.

Meet the New Iranian President of the Norwegian Parliament One small step for a man, one giant leap for…the Mullahs? Bruce Bawer


In Norway, the king is head of state, and the prime minister is head of government. But there’s a third individual who, under law, is ranked in the official hierarchy ahead of any political figure and just after the sovereign himself. That person is the president of Stortinget, Norway’s Parliament.

As a result of the national elections on September 13, the so-called conservative coalition under Erna Solberg that had governed since 2013 was replaced by a center-left coalition under the new prime minister, Jonas Gahr Støre. Eva Kristin Hansen, a Labor Party Member of Parliament from the northern county of Sør-Trøndelag, was named president of Parliament.

Barely weeks after her installation, Hansen was at the center of a minor controversy. The Christian People’s Party – which is the traditional home of Norway’s religious right and which, dwindling steadily in size over the last generation, clung on to power by its fingernails after the September elections, winning 3.8% of the vote and only three out of 169 seats – demanded that nursing Members of Parliament be allowed to breast-feed in the parliamentary chamber. Hansen responded by saying that nobody had ever told them they couldn’t, and that she’d take action to ensure that this was understood by all.

Well, that one was resolved easily enough. But a bigger scandal was waiting in the wings. In November, it was revealed that Hansen, who represents the city of Trondheim, 250 miles north of Oslo, the capital, has actually lived since 2014 in Ski, a town just outside of Oslo. To maintain her official residency in Trondheim, she’d listed a room in the home of Trond Giske, a Labor politician who resigned from Parliament in 2018 after a sexual-harassment scandal, as her official residence.

But that wasn’t all. Until 2017, Hansen had also occupied, at the taxpayers’ expense, a furnished government-supplied apartment in Oslo –  a clear violation of rules requiring that Members of Parliament live at least 40 kilometers (25 miles) from Oslo to qualify for one of these freebies. She was, it turned out, one of several MPs who’d cheated the public in this fashion. While keeping her seat in Parliament, Hansen stepped down as president of Parliament.

Dr. Simone Gold at Restoration Weekend: Fighting Medical Tyranny The founder of America’s Frontline Doctors reveals the vicious attack on our Constitution.


[Our original post of the video below on Vimeo was removed, purportedly for “violating” Vimeo’s guidelines against “false or misleading claims” about the COVID-19 vaccine. We therefore uploaded it on our new Rumble account to let our readers watch and decide for themselves.]

Dr. Simone Gold, the founder of America’s Frontline Doctors, spoke at the David Horowitz Freedom Center’s 2021 Restoration Weekend on Nov. 11th-14th at the Breakers Resort in Palm Beach, Florida. Dr. Gold discussed the medical tyranny that is now taking over America — and how our Constitution is under lethal attack. A transcript follows.

Simone Gold: You know, all the speakers at the event are amazing, but it’s really an honor to follow Dinesh. That’s a man after my own heart. We are really giving birth to a new movement here; a movement where we fight back.

Now, the fight we are in, in my estimation, is really the second Revolutionary War, because the reality is, is that we’re living under a tyranny that we never thought was possible in America. We have lost almost all of our Constitutional rights. We only retain, with a big struggle, the Second Amendment. What do I mean? The First Amendment, the freedom of religion. We saw that go by the wayside this past year. Free speech, which is what I was doing. Free press, which is completely corrupted and a monopoly, doesn’t exist. The right to peacefully assemble. Fourth Amendment: bodily integrity. Fifth Amendment: due process. Sixth Amendment: speedy and public trial. Seventh Amendment: a right to a jury trial. Eighth: no excessive bail, cruel and unusual punishment. We’ve heard many speakers already about the January 6 defendants who are being held pre-trial. Gone. These things are as strong and inviolate a law as we have in America, and they’ve just been abrogated. Disappeared.

The Internal Revenue Leak Service The tax agency still can’t say how taxpayer files were stolen.


Democrats want to give $80 billion to the Internal Revenue Service to audit millions of Americans each year. Yet six months after the progressive website ProPublica first published the secret tax information of rich Americans, the tax agency still can’t explain what happened. Senate Republicans led by Iowa’s Chuck Grassley are demanding answers.

In a Dec. 1 letter to IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig, all 14 GOP Members of the Senate Finance Committee express frustration at how little the agency has discovered or reported on the ProPublica leak. Mr. Rettig promised when the leak occurred in June to find out what happened, but in September he told Senators, “We do not yet have any information concerning the source.” Since then it’s been crickets.

The scale alone should make investigating the breach a priority for the IRS. ProPublica claims to have thousands of individuals’ tax information, and it has continued publishing confidential details since its first report. Neither the publication nor federal authorities have said they know who leaked the records. No one seems to know, or least admit, how it was done, or how many more taxpayer files might have been stolen.

The leak is a crime, but tracing it isn’t merely a matter of criminal enforcement. The breach highlights the general failure of the IRS to protect taxpayer data. In their letter, the GOP Senators refer to several known weak points in the agency’s systems.

The problems include the agency’s master file for tax submissions, which was developed in 1962 using a coding language now broadly considered to be outdated. Yes, 1962. That’s several digital revolutions ago. The Government Accountability Office concluded a review of the agency’s systems in 2020, and its report was unsparing. More than a year before the leak, it warned of holes that enabled “unauthorized access to, modification of, or disclosure of financial reporting and taxpayer data.”

It Took A Special Kind Of Stupid To Believe Jussie Smollett’s Hate Crime Hoax: Armando Simón


So, to absolutely no one’s surprise except perhaps himself, Jussie Smollett, a third-rate homosexual black actor got convicted of faking a hate crime. When I originally heard of what had supposedly occurred, my reaction was, “Say what??”

Supposedly, the actor went out at 2 a.m. — during a polar vortex.

To get a Subway sandwich from a store supposedly open at 2 a.m. In the south part of Chicago.

And then out of nowhere, white men jumped out at him. Wearing MAGA hats. At 2 a.m. In Chicago. Carrying a noose. And they recognized him.

These “white men” grabbed him and said, “This is MAGA country.” And then they poured some bleach on his clothes. And put the noose on him.

They happened to wear MAGA caps in a black neighborhood of Chicago. And were carrying bleach around. And they just happened to be carrying a noose. During a polar vortex. At 2 a.m.

Then he returns to his apartment — still wearing that noose around his neck.


Covid common sense in Colorado


Let’s hear it for Colorado governor Jared Polis. He is a rare beast: a Democrat governor with a libertarian streak. And on Covid, he has admirably little time for both those who seem to want the pandemic to go on forever and those who have decided to lionize a reluctance to get vaccinated as some sort of brave stand for liberty.”

Everybody had more than enough opportunity to get vaccinated,” Polis said on Friday. “At this point, if you haven’t been vaccinated, it’s really your own darn fault.”

As a result, Polis sees no case for ongoing pandemic restrictions: “The emergency is over. You know, public health [officials] don’t get to tell people what to wear; that’s just not their job. Public health [officials] would say to always wear a mask because it decreases flu and decreases [other airborne illnesses]. But that’s not something that you require; you don’t tell people what to wear. You don’t tell people to wear a jacket when they go out in winter and force them to [wear it]. If they get frostbite, it’s their own darn fault.”