It has now been 60 years since the birth of the Free Speech Movement at the University of California, Berkeley. It all started in mid-September 1964, when the school’s dean of students banned tables and political activity along the Bancroft strip, a 26-foot stretch of sidewalk near Telegraph Avenue. Students protested, cops were called in and angry students surrounded the police car. Thousands subsequently joined the crusade, and activist Mario Savio emerged as the leader of the burgeoning Free Speech Movement. The events at Berkeley garnered national attention.
Once again, colleges are ground zero for the free speech issue. But now things have turned 180 degrees, as many students actively try to quash speech they don’t agree with.
According to a new survey from the Knight Foundation, 70% of college students say that speech can be just as damaging as physical violence. The survey polled more than 1,600 college students and found that “2024 marks a crisis for free speech on college campuses…”
The poll revealed that more than a quarter agreed that it was more important for schools to “protect students by prohibiting speech they may find offensive or biased” rather than prioritizing allowing students to hear a wide range of viewpoints, including possibly offensive ones.
Another poll, the 2024 American College Student Freedom, Progress and Flourishing Survey, found that 71% of college students maintain that a professor who expresses “offensive” ideas should be reported to the university. Other eye-opening results include:
About a third of students want professors to drop uncomfortable readings.
One-quarter want them to avoid uncomfortable discussion topics.
A third of students said a professor should be reported for contending there is no evidence of anti-black bias in police shootings.
A quarter contends that a professor should be reported for saying COVID vaccinations shouldn’t be required.
More than one in five students declare that a professor should be reported for asserting that biological sex is a scientific fact.
Just under one in five students said a professor should be reported for saying that affirmative action is doing more harm than good.
14% would report a professor who accused affirmative action opponents of perpetuating white privilege.
56% of students would report a classmate for saying something they thought was offensive.