Peng Shuai Only the Latest Reason to Move Olympics, Hold China Accountable by Pete Hoekstra

[T]he world should long ago have confronted the evil system that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has built and continues to develop. China has… built artificial islands in the South China Sea and militarized them after promising not to. China has also threatened Japan, Australia, the Philippines and the US; it recently has attacked India, illegally seized Hong Kong, enslaved Uyghurs and, by repeatedly lying about the human-to-human transmissibility of its Wuhan COVID-19 virus, caused the death worldwide of more than five million people, not to mention economic devastation.

The Communist Chinese have “disappeared” many high-profile Chinese, including the physician Dr. Ai Fen, the movie star Zhao Wei, and now, possibly the Chinese tennis star Peng Shuai… What about all of those acts of aggression should not force the world finally to confront China?

To the public, it seems as if their leaders are more willing to threaten their own citizens than they are to confront the Chinese Communists.

The CCP should have been called out years ago. Hopefully moving the Olympics to a safer and more deserving country, or seriously boycotting them, would be only the first of many actions designed to hold China accountable. We should also hold our own leaders accountable for their actions, or as is too often the case, inaction.

“It is now time,” Gordon Chang recently wrote, “for the world to face the reality of the Communist Party of China and the horrific system it has constructed.”

Now? Both Chang and I are in strong agreement that the world should long ago have confronted the evil system that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has built and continues to develop. China has ignored its trade agreements with the WTO, failed to disclose crucial information about its businesses on stock exchanges as other businesses do, has built artificial islands in the South China Sea and militarized them after promising not to. China has also threatened Japan, Australia, the Philippines and the US; it recently has attacked India, illegally seized Hong Kong, enslaved Uyghurs and, by repeatedly lying about the human-to-human transmissibility of its Wuhan COVID-19 virus, caused the deaths worldwide of more than five million people, not to mention economic devastation.

The Greenpeacer Who Came to His Senses David Mason-Jones

As the Glasgow climate summit drew near we endured an unrelenting onslaught to convince us that the outcome of that ill-fated assembly was a foregone conclusion. According to a popular meme on the nation’s opinion pages, the gathering was Australia’s chance to place itself on “the right of history”.

As is always the case when the globe’s elite jet in to this or that location to discuss how the rest of the world’s population is to be managed, plus what and which energy budgets they will be permitted, we were pushed to accept the implication that those who don’t agree are vacuous laggers incapable of understanding or accepting ‘science’, not caring about the environment and so mentally stuck in the mud that they cannot grasp the need to accept necessary change. This media pounding leaves little room for anything but spin, which is exasperating because it springs from the climateers’ and their mainstream media publicists’ emotional ‘reasoning’ (if that’s not a contradiction of terms), rather than the detached process of real-world observations, collection of data, testing of hypotheses and deductive reasoning. What a wonderful thing it was, therefore, to read Patrick Moore’s recent book, ‘Fake invisible catastrophes and threats of doom’, published by Ecosense Environmental.

The wonderful aspect of Moore’s effort to dispel delusions of doom and set the record straight is that he boasts impeccable environmental credentials that stretch way back to the start of the global warming scare and beyond. Having been a co-founder of Greenpeace, and a member of its governing board for many years, Moore’s commitment to a healthy environment is beyond dispute. He has, however, changed his mind from the position touted by the organisation he once helped to form and nurture in its early years. This transition came about by a process of intellectual and scientific enquiry, researching the claims and emotion-laden statements about the state of the planet and the role, real and alleged, that carbon dioxide plays. Not only does he find a supreme lack of evidence that the planet is hellbound for catastrophe, he concludes the exact opposite to be the truth. His is a story of conversion brought about by rational analysis.

Select Committee Covering Up Police Brutality on January 6 The American people and Rosanne Boyland’s family deserve the truth—not more stonewalling and cover-ups by House Democrats, the D.C. coroner, and the D.C.-based police departments. By Julie Kelly

The family of Rosanne Boyland, one of two female Trump supporters who died at the Capitol on January 6, just announced they have hired a lawyer to investigate the suspicious circumstances of her untimely death. Boyland, 34, traveled with her friend Justin Winchell from Georgia to Washington to hear President Trump’s speech.

The pair then walked from the Ellipse to Capitol Hill; a photo published in a local Georgia newspaper shows Boyland smiling, wearing Old Glory sunglasses and carrying a “Don’t Tread on Me” flag that day.

A few hours later, she was dead.

In April, the D.C. Medical Examiner’s office claimed Boyland died of “accidental acute amphetamine intoxication.” Boyland reportedly used Adderall, a drug commonly used to treat attention deficit disorders that contains amphetamines. Fatal Adderall overdoses are rare; Boyland would have had to ingest roughly 25 times her standard dose to die from it.

Aside from the unlikelihood Boyland overdosed on her daily medicine while actively participating in a day-long political rally, recently released footage and firsthand accounts contradict the coroner’s report. “There are still many questions about exactly what happened to her,” Rosanne’s aunt, Cheryl Boyland, wrote in a GiveSendGo post. 

Videos show her being beaten by a female officer after being crushed by protesters pushed by police.  Yet the D.C. Medical Examiner said Rosanne’s body showed no signs of trauma, and attributed her death to the prescription medication she took every day for years. According to videos and statements, Rosanne was dragged unconscious through the west tunnel by the police at 4:31 PM.  Then she was taken to the crypt and to the House Majority Leader’s office before EMTs arrived at 5:45 PM, finding her inside the rotunda being given CPR by Capitol police.

Further, both the Medical Examiner’s office and D.C. Metropolitan Police Department continue to refuse to release pertinent information related to her death. Boyland’s mother told the Gateway Pundit that the coroner is withholding her full autopsy report; D.C. police have denied numerous requests for body-worn camera footage, claiming the recordings are part of an “ongoing investigation and criminal proceeding.”

As I reported last week, a new court filing details a shocking account of police brutality inside the lower west terrace tunnel on January 6 where Boyland died. Dozens of police officers clad in full riot gear were stationed there, ostensibly to stop protesters from entering the building. But emerging evidence suggests a more nefarious purpose—officers used the tunnel as a bunker of sorts to launch a gruesome offensive against American citizens on federal property.

Doctors, Not Administrators, Should Be Treating Patients Most doctors just want to help people and save lives. But politics, driven by fear, is keeping them from doing their jobs and fulfilling their oath. By Paul Marik

Before COVID-19, physicians routinely treated patients based on our best clinical judgment. But politics have corrupted the practice of medicine, and today hospitals tie physicians’ hands while their patients needlessly suffer and die.

Patients at Sentara Norfolk General Hospital where I work are dying because they are unjustifiably and unlawfully being denied safe and effective treatments that their attending physician determines to be medically appropriate. This same scene is playing out in hospitals across the country. It must stop.

I have devoted my life to caring for people. As a physician scientist, I have tried and tested new methods to fill gaps in our ability to treat patients and have established protocols based on what works. Through these efforts I developed a protocol for sepsis treatment that is now used all around the world.

Early in the pandemic, together with a team of practicing physicians across the United States, I developed a protocol for the use of corticosteroids to treat COVID-19. At the time our public health agencies recommended against the use of corticosteroids—but we were soon vindicated, and corticosteroids are now part of the CDC’s recommended protocol.  

As the pandemic wore on, we pooled our experience treating patients on the frontlines, and based on emerging data from academic studies, including peer-reviewed randomized-controlled trials (RCTs), we expanded our treatment protocol to employ various FDA-approved medicines. This includes fluvoxamine, methylprednisolone, ascorbic acid, thiamine, heparin, vitamin D, zinc, melatonin, and ivermectin.

I’ve used this treatment protocol to reduce COVID-19 deaths in my intensive care unit by up to 50 percent. And one of my colleagues, Dr. Joseph Varon, a renowned critical care specialist, has used this protocol at his hospitals in Houston since the beginning of the pandemic and has consistently maintained a mortality rate for COVID-19 patients between 4.4 percent and 7 percent. By comparison, the average nationwide mortality in hospitals is around 23 percent.

Space Forces Goes Woke, Wonders Why China is Ahead in Hypersonic Daniel Greenfield

One of my favorite catchphrases is, “priorities”. The decisions that people make are very revealing about their character. The same holds true of institutions.

American hypersonic missile capabilities are “not as advanced” as those of China or Russia, Space Force General David Thompson said Saturday at the Halifax International Security Forum in Canada, signaling that the U.S. is behind in developing the newest and most cutting-edge weaponry.

Thompson admitted during an interview that the U.S. lagging behind the other two countries is potentially dangerous for national security.

“We have catching up to do very quickly, the Chinese have an incredible hypersonic program,” he said. “It’s a very concerning development … it greatly complicates the strategic warning problem.”

The Chinese are building terror weapons. We’re not because those are mean.

According to a memo the Congressional Research Service (CRS) provided for U.S. Congress on Oct. 19, the U.S. is lagging behind China and Russia because “most U.S. hypersonic weapons, in contrast to those in Russia and China, are not being designed for use with a nuclear warhead.”

Video: Ban Unvaccinated People From Voting in Next Election? Watch how far leftists are willing to go to destroy the rights of Americans.

Mark Dice pretends to be promoting a “no vaccine, no votes campaign” and asks random citizens walking by whether they think unvaccinated people should be banned from voting in the next election. Don’t miss what he finds out!

Three Foreign Billionaires Finance the Dem Dark Money Machine A Swiss human experimenter, a Hungarian Nazi collaborator, and an Iranian tech tycoon walk into Washington D.C. Daniel Greenfield

A Swiss human experimenter, a Hungarian Nazi collaborator, and an Iranian tech tycoon walk into Washington D.C. What do you call them? The absentee owners of the Democrat Party.

It’s not a joke. Unfortunately it’s grimly serious.

Politico recently reported that the Sixteen Thirty Fund, the leading dark money machine of the Left, had pumped $410 million into Dem 2020 efforts to defeat Trump and Republicans.

The Sixteen Thirty Fund had raised a record $390 million that year and half the money came from just 4 donors. While the names of the donors are secret, the article did note the names of three major known STF backers: Pierre Omidyar, Hansjörg Wyss, and George Soros.

Aside from their support for leftist causes, the three billionaires have another thing in common.

Hansjörg Wyss, the richest man in Switzerland, may not even be a United States citizen. The article notes that his $135 million in STF dark money donations were “earmarked for non-electoral purposes”.

George Soros illegally immigrated to the United States in the 1950s. Aside from his history of Nazi collaboration which should have barred his entry and made him deportable, an account states that his visa was based on a false affidavit filed on his behalf.

His Open Society Foundations have invested an estimated $17 million into STF in 2020.

Pierre Omidyar, an Iranian immigrant, currently the richest man in Hawaii, is a Big Tech billionaire born to wealthy foreign students in Paris, who brought him here as a child. His mother, a Berkeley academic, heads a pro-Iran group financed by her son’s fortune.

Omidyar injected an estimated $45 million into an STF fund.

There is something remarkably striking about three foreign billionaires, two of whom have been accused of immoral atrocities, funding the dark money machine behind leftist politics.

Where Trump Went Wrong By David Solway

Back in August 2020, Trump declared correctly that Kyle Rittenhouse appeared to have acted in self-defense. Media reports suggested it was yet another of his irresponsible statements. In fact, Trump was right about Rittenhouse, as he was right about most things — but, alas, wrong about a number of significant issues.

Donald Trump may have been a controversial personality during his tenure in the White House, but he was on balance a great president in the mold of Henry Jackson, Teddy Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan, a man who prior to his election had never held political office — an advantage in every respect. He was beholden to no one, had extensive and successful business practice, and understood the productive base and beneficial trade agreements that underwrite a vibrant economy. But he made two fundamental errors of judgment.

First, it appears in retrospect that he did not recognize how deep the Deep State was and how fetid and vast the political swamp. To his credit, he made a heroic effort to “drain the swamp” but managed only to filter out the surface scum. His adversaries were legion and merciless. One thinks of the Lizard people from the hit miniseries V who were able to take on human form, shape-shifters par excellence who now proliferate at every turn in the corridors of power. The legacy political class is densely populated by these subversive, corrupt and avaricious changelings. Even Mr. Smith who went to Washington in his principled quest for probity and honor would have failed had not his benefactor providentially suffered a crisis of conscience. The odds were always against Trump and one cannot entirely fault him for the disaster. The unequal terms of the battle were largely to blame for the fiasco. One David pitting his courage against an army of Goliaths would eventually run out of pebbles.

But one wonders if Trump had acted more decisively, had used the instrument of Executive Action more effectively, had been more suspicious of his putative allies and less concerned with legislative decorum, had fully realized that the Left was not a political consortium or Party but a dedicated enemy more dangerous to the integrity of the nation than North Korea, Iran and Communist China put together, and had acted as Lincoln did in a time no less fraught than the present — one wonders if the outcome might have been different.

Americans are enduring a Biden reign of terror By Patricia McCarthy

Prisoners with no criminal history are being held without bail or due process in the D.C. jail where they are regularly abused by guards.  

Parents who show up at school board meetings to address their concerns about COVID mandates or the CRT curriculum are being tagged as domestic terrorists.  

Moms who have become active in election integrity campaigns have had their front doors broken down with battering rams by an FBI SWAT team, their homes searched, their electronics confiscated, all without an explanation or civil attempt to contact their legal representation.  

Journalist James O’Keefe of Project Veritas had his home raided by the FBI, his home searched for hours, his personal property confiscated and leaked to the NYT.  

Many people who were merely present at the January 6 rally in DC have endured police state tactics.  

We are beset with radical leftist governors and district attorneys who are committed to letting violent criminals run free on the streets while Biden’s AG conspires with Marxist school board members to criminalize parents and law-abiding citizens.  

Our CDC takes orders from the teachers’ unions, not physicians or scientists to develop harsh and unneccessary mandates and restrictions.  

And worst of all, a megalomaniacal monster, Anthony Fauci and his pal Bill Gates, have seen to it that half a million people have died rather than be treated with existing therapeutics for a flu with a nearly 99% survival rate.  See Robert F. Kennedy’s book, The Real Anthony Fauci. 

Kamala Harris trapped in intersectional Hell By Mark C. Ross

People are scratching their heads over how or why Kamala Harris got to be vice president.  Obviously, she checks all the boxes: two X-chromosomes, other than white complexion, and sort of to the left of Karl Marx.  Other than vicious ambition, however, she lacks any actual talent.

Historically, vice presidents have served various specific functions.  Spiro Agnew was Nixon’s lightning rod, attracting the incoming away from the top of the ticket.  Dick Cheney added “gravitas” to the Dubya presidency, also known as “ticket balance.”  Lyndon Johnson and Bush the elder balanced their tickets by being the principal rival of the presidential nominee, assumedly to unify the party.  And there’s always impeachment/assassination insurance, as provided by someone such as Dan Quayle.  Harris’s role appears to be similar in being 25th Amendment insurance, for which she is well suited.

Attention is now being focused on Harris since Biden’s second term has already been pre-emptively thrown into the dustbin of history.  In the spirit of intersectionality, former South Bend, Indiana mayor and current DOT secretary Pete Buttigieg is also being looked at for 2024.  How he will manage to disassociate himself from the supply chain SNAFU that is currently pissing-off most of the public remains to be figured out.

It is important to note that in the entire history of the United States, a sitting vice president has been elected president only twice.  When Bush the elder defeated Michael Dukakis in the election of 1988, he thanked Martin van Buren as the only other vice president to make the grade, sarcastically implying that Van Buren was a trend-setter.

The underlying defect in this process of winning electoral popularity only by checking off the intersectional boxes is that only what is nominated matters and not who.  An old political truism boils down to “you can’t beat somebody with nobody.”  Harris occasionally wears a skirt and has at least some African DNA; her ability to function as an executive was never considered.