Glazov Gang: Taliban Inaugurates Al-Qaeda on 9/11 All brought to you by Joe Biden.
This new Glazov Gang episode features Jeff Crouere, author of America’s Last Chance.

Jeff focuses on Taliban to Inaugurate Al-Qaeda on 9/11, revealing how it is all brought to you by Joe Biden. [The show is credited to Daniel Greenfield’s article HERE.]

Don’t miss it!

The Greatest Existential Threat to America Black Lives Matter’s ignorant racist attacks on America’s Founding. David Horowitz

Our Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin – a leader who presided over the worst, most incompetent, most humilitating military defeat in the history of our nation – is black. Of course, he’s black. He was appointed by Biden to display the wonderful diversity of the most progressive president in history. He wasn’t chosen because he was a brilliant military leader (obviously). He was chosen because he was a political hack ready and willing to embrace even the most suicidal left-wing policies. (Note: Left-wing policies are by their very nature suicidal because the defining characteristic of the left is that it hates America and wants to “dismantle” it and replace it with the left-wing fantasy of a socially just future.)

In February 2021 – with the deadline for withdrawal in Afghanistan a bare three months away – General Austin was not ordering a military alert to prepare for what was going to be a major humanitarian and military reckoning. Instead, he was ordering a military “stand down” to indoctrinate all America’s troops in Black Lives Matter hate white people and hate America propaganda.

In passing may I note that 85% of the troops who gave their lives in Afghanistan to protect the American homeland and to give the Afghan people and especially women the right to breathe free – were white. So much for real diversity.

Diversity Training as it is practiced, is a racist scam whose promoters have the hateful mentality and low I.Q. level of the Jim Crow bubbas of the past. Their goal is to demonize white Americans and (white) America, and to promote an anti-American agenda that strikes at the heart of a soldier’s military oath to defend the Constitution and the nation it created.

Here is a dose of the beliefs that our soldiers were being indoctrinated in during the two-month stand down during the run-up to the Afghanistan debacle:

“that the country was founded by racists, that the country has always been racist,

“that the Constitution’s ratification codified white supremacy as the law of the land,

“that whites are inherently racists (whether they realize it or not), and that the country must transform and become something altogether different than what it was and is.”

Americans and Jews are Fighting World War III Survival lies in remembering their mission. Don Feder

Before Rosh Hashanah, I was re-watching “Band of Brothers,” the docudrama on the 101 Airborne in World War II, based on the book of the same title by Stephen Ambrose.

The episode I saw just before Erev Rosh-Hashanah (“Why We Fight”) was about the men of Easy Company stumbling across a camp where Jews were literally worked and starved to death.

These paratroopers were the toughest of the tough. They fought from Normandy to Bastogne to the Ardennes and into Germany. When the episode begins, the war is all but over. Hitler will commit suicide three days later. Shortly thereafter, the German Army will surrender.

At first, the men of Easy Company couldn’t understand what they were looking at behind the barbed wire. The GIs who discovered the camp couldn’t find the words to describe it to their officers.

Easy Company had taken everything the Germans could throw at them. They’d seen buddies blown apart and others with severed limbs, gushing blood. They’d frozen in stinking foxholes and had food that barely kept them alive.

Now that the fighting is all but over, they’ve become cynical. “What the hell were we fighting for?” they ask. (Capt. Nixon, the Company XO, sings “Gory, gory, what a helluva way to die!”) Then came Kaufering Lager IV.

The prisoners who can still stand are walking skeletons. The soldiers can only stare in dumb disbelief. They’re told that the retreating SS guards set several buildings on fire. Prisoners too weak to flee were burned alive. When asked why they were there, the prisoners replied: “Juden,” “Juden” (Jew, Jew).

In a poignant scene, a middle-aged man falls into the arms of a paratrooper. He hugs the soldier, caresses his face, kisses his cheek reverently and collapses in tears.

It was an encounter between two peoples bound by eternity. America was at its highpoint. We had just saved humanity from the twin horrors of Nazism and Japanese imperialism.

The Jewish people were at their low point. In the space of a few years, one out of every three Jews on earth was murdered.

The liberation of the death camps was the latest chapter in a story that went back to America’s beginnings as a nation. 

6 Problems With Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Address “Military response teams.” Really? Reggie Littlejohn

I found Biden’s six-point Covid-19 Vaccine Mandate address to be highly concerning in six respects:

1) He completely ignores the science demonstrating that natural immunity gained by having recovered from Covid is far superior to the immunity gained from the vaccines.  How many of the 80 million unvaccinated Americans have already recovered from Covid?  

2)  His analysis makes no sense.  He says, “We need to protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated.” If the vaccine works, if it provides protection, then why do the vaccinated need to be protected from the unvaccinated?

3)  His address employs the language of vaccine shaming: “I am frustrated with the 80 million Americans who refuse to be vaccinated . . . those blocking public health . . . We’ve been patient, but our patience is wearing thin . . .”  Many people have valid reasons not to be vaccinated and do not deserve to be demonized in this way.  

4)  I am perplexed by Biden’s statement that he has authorized the deployment of “Surge Response Teams”made up of “experts” in part from the Defense Department.  He will also double the number of “Military Health Teams.” What exactly are “Surge Response Teams” and “Military Response Teams”?  I thought “surge” strategies were supposed to be deployed by our military against our enemies, not against Americans who have chosen not to be vaccinated.  Why does the Defense Department and the military have to be deployed on U.S. soil to “help” people with a virus?  Why do “Surge Response Teams” and “Military Response Teams” remind me of the Chinese Communist Party’s “Strike Hard” campaigns and “Family Planning Police”?  Biden needs to define clearly the powers and limitations of these “Teams.”

5)  Biden says nothing about exemptions.  What about people who have legitimate religious or medical reasons for not taking the vaccine? 

6)  Finally, Biden completely sidesteps the critical issue of how these sweeping vaccine mandates will be enforced.  What will his next step be:  mandating digital vaccine passports?   These passports can incorporate the same functionality as China’s Social Credit System, and in the wrong hands, can be used as tools of mass surveillance and totalitarian control.  

From ‘trust the science’ to ‘trust the tyrants’ by Christopher Tremoglie

President Joe Biden announced a national vaccine mandate Thursday that will affect approximately 100 million workers. It will require all federal workers and contractors to get vaccinated. It will also necessitate large companies to require their employees either to participate in weekly testing or else be vaccinated.

“My job as president is to protect all Americans,” Biden said. “So, tonight, I’m announcing that the Department of Labor is developing an emergency rule to require all employers with 100 or more employees that together employ over 80 million workers to ensure their workforces are fully vaccinated or show a negative test at least once a week.”

In other words, we’ve gone from “trust the science” to “trust the tyrants.”

For the duration of the pandemic, most Democrats have used the phrase “trust the science.” So, it is odd that Biden should order a national vaccine mandate when Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said, “There will be no nationwide mandate.”

‘It’s the inflation, stupid’ – Biden faces revolt Provokes Democratic Party revolt against White House spending plans, sets the stage for GOP landslide in 2022 David Goldman

Republicans and independents together comprise more than 70% of the American voting public, and their view of US economic conditions plunged to new record lows in August as inflation ground higher. That’s already provoked a revolt in the Democratic Party against White House spending plans, and sets the stage for a Republican landslide in the 2022 Congressional elections.

The University of Michigan breaks down its widely-followed survey of consumer sentiment by political affiliation, and the August reading for Republicans – at just 50% – is the lowest since the survey began half a century ago. The sentiment of independents came in at 66, the lowest since the Great Recession. Notably, Democrats showed more optimism, but their gauge fell from 107 in April to just 92 in August.

For the overall consumer sentiment index, a reading close to 60 corresponds to the depths of previous recessions in 1980 and 2008.

For big-ticket consumer items like shelter and cars, price hikes are the worst on record. The average rent on a new apartment jumped 10.3% year-on-year according to Real Page Inc, a multi-family property manager, and renters signing a new lease paid an average of 17% more than the previous tenant. With occupancy at a record 96.9%, the rental market has no capacity to spare.

The US government’s Consumer Price Index reports a year-on-year increase of just 2% for rent of primary residence as of July, compared with more than 12%, according to, a leading rental website.

The curious case of the missing resignations By John Ellis

One of the strangest things about the Afghanistan debacle is that in spite of extraordinarily harsh criticism world-wide, nobody has resigned and nobody has been fired.  Many assume that this is so because the failure is President Biden’s, but in thinking this they are simply wrong.

Consciousness of failure is only one of many reasons for resignations from high government positions. Some resign in protest at what is being done, or to publicly dissociate themselves from it, as Cyrus Vance did in 1980 when President Carter tried to rescue the American hostages in Iran by military force.

Others resign to restore public confidence in their office — as British Foreign Secretary Lord Carrington did in 1982 when he failed to foresee Argentina’s attack on the Falklands.

Some resign because they don’t feel able to advocate for a president’s policy as a key member of his team ought to be able to.

Some use the threat of resignation as leverage against a proposed action they think would be a major mistake, which puts the question to the President: can he risk the political fallout?

Leftists have destroyed yet another great institution By Andrea Widburg

I’ve written before about the fact that the leftists at the San Francisco Unified School District were able to use COVID to achieve a long-desired dream: They killed the special academic status of Lowell High School which had been, for decades, one of the top schools in America. The problem was that Black and Hispanic students were having problems qualifying for admission to Lowell. Rather than raising them up, the leftists dragged Lowell down. And nothing shows this more than the two-page introduction to the new administration at Lowell or the racist material on the website.

While I know that most of you don’t care about Lowell, the school’s boastful handout about its administration as it embarks on a new school year is noteworthy because it is a microcosm of the leftism that has infected just about every school, whether public or private, in America. It is a reminder that the best thing you can do to drag America back from the precipice is to get involved in your local school board.

You can see the handout for yourself here. There are a few things to note.

From the very first sentence, the new principle makes it clear that what matters is leftism, not academics. “June was full of reasons to celebrate: Juneteenth, San Francisco’s 51st Pride and the full reopening of our city!” Oh, yay! Ninth graders should definitely start their new school year at a new school thinking about Dykes on Bikes.

Then there’s Kahlila Mae Liverpool, the Assistant Principal of Policy, Accountability & Safety (as well as being one of two “Instructional & Equity Leaders”). And no, I’m not assuming her gender. Every one of these new administrators includes his or her pronouns. I guess we should be grateful that none have they/them, zhe/zhis, or rainbow/snake as pronouns.

A Mistaken Pentagon Drone Attack? Evidence builds that the U.S. killed 10 innocents on Aug. 29 in Kabul.

Did the Biden Administration mistakenly kill 10 innocents, including seven children, as it rushed to the Afghanistan exits last month? That is what a growing body of evidence seems to show, and Congress ought to look for the truth.

On Aug. 29 a U.S. missile blew up a car the Pentagon had been following for hours, as the U.S. evacuation was nearing its end. Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, called it a “righteous strike” and President Biden mentioned drone strikes as evidence the U.S. was hitting back against ISIS-K for the suicide bomber who killed 13 Americans.

But reporting by the New York Times and Washington Post suggests the attack on the white Toyota Corolla may have been a terrible mistake. It killed Zemari Ahmadi, a longtime employee of the U.S. nonprofit Nutrition and Education International, who had wanted to emigrate to the U.S.

The media accounts are compelling in their detail that Ahmadi wasn’t collecting explosives that day. He had loaded water into the car to bring home because water to his neighborhood had stopped since the Taliban takeover. He stopped during the day at the nonprofit’s office, not an ISIS safe house. The missile that killed him exploded in a crowded neighborhood and the dead included children who approached the car when it backed into a courtyard.

Targeting terrorists is a fraught endeavor, and mistakes are inevitable. But the timing and details of this attack are troubling because the Biden Administration was looking to show it was taking action to protect Americans after the 13 airport deaths.

‘Wounding Warriors’ Review: Ready But Not Able A robust disability program, though well-intentioned, creates disincentives to work and harms the veterans it is meant to help. Sally Satel

Consider a tale of two Army veterans. Jeff served two terms as an infantry soldier in Afghanistan, moved home to the Midwest, graduated from college and landed a secure job in a utilities firm. Matt fought alongside Jeff, left the Army at the same time and headed home to North Carolina. By the time he was in his 30s, though, Matt was unemployed and dependent on government checks.

Why did Jeff thrive while Matt lost his civilian footing? The answer, according to Daniel M. Gade, a retired Army lieutenant colonel, and Daniel Huang, a former Wall Street Journal reporter, is the Department of Veterans Affairs—in particular, its robust disability system. “Economists have known for decades that disability insurance benefits create a disincentive to work,” they write in “Wounding Warriors.” “Rather than foster resilience, the VA is responsible for breeding passivity.”

In their compelling exposé, the authors show in detail how a well-intended system can inadvertently lure fragile veterans, step by step, away from the worlds of work and community. The trajectory typically starts just before separation from the service. Soldiers meet with VA representatives who emphasize opportunities to collect disability compensation. Jeff, for one, wanted to “get out and get on” with his life, while Matt took the VA agent’s advice “and filed for every condition he could think of.”

Matt’s career plan had been to secure a coveted job in law enforcement, but the field was highly competitive in his hometown. So he took a job with his dad’s construction company. But the physical toll of the job was too much for the former paratrooper’s knees and back. Deeply depressed, now out of work and living in his parents’ home, Matt tried college but felt overwhelmed. Meanwhile, anxious about his future, he kept applying for, and being granted, higher disability ratings—receiving, eventually, a monthly tax-free check exceeding $3,000. One of his disabilities was listed as posttraumatic stress disorder.