The Pernicious Racism of ‘Anti-Racism’ The 10 worst instances of Critical Race Theory in our universities. Sara Dogan

The Top Ten

Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
University of Kentucky
University of Minnesota
Stanford University
Virginia Tech University
University of Tennessee-Knoxville
Texas Tech University
Arizona State University
University of Florida
University of California-Los Angeles

(Universities are not ranked within the top ten.)


Over the last year, Critical Race Theory has become a household term, promoted by the left as essential to racial progress and denounced by the right as a racist throwback to the Jim Crow era of racial segregation.

Critical Race Theory (CRT) is a radical revision of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s dream that each American be judged “not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” While Dr. King and the leaders of the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960’s promoted “colorblindness,” CRT insists on the exact opposite view, teaching that our character, our beliefs, and our place in society is predetermined by our skin color. By this reckoning, Whites are deemed to be inherently racist, born into a framework of “white supremacy” which infiltrates all American institutions. By contrast, racial minorities, and especially Blacks are regarded as perpetual victims of the “white supremacist” society into which they were born.

Taking its cues from Marxism, Critical Race Theory divides society into oppressors and the oppressed—categories which all-to-neatly correspond to whites and racial minorities. And just as with Marxism, CRT holds that the only way to truly eliminate racism is to destroy our institutions and rebuild them on the foundation of “racial equity.”

Investigate the White Coat Supremacist Gang of Four Turn the light on Fauci, Francis Collins, Nancy Messonnier, and the CDC’s Epidemic Intelligence Service. Lloyd Billingsley

“Neither NIH nor NIAID have ever approved any grant that would have supported ‘gain-of-function’ research on coronaviruses that would have increased their transmissibility or lethality for humans,” said National Institutes of Health Director Francis Collins in a May 19 statement.

In October, weeks after Collins announced his resignation, the NIH admitted funding a “limited experiment” to test if bat coronaviruses were “capable of binding” to a human receptor.

That exposes National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) boss Dr. Anthony Fauci as a liar, but there’s more to the man. It was recently revealed that Fauci’s NIAID funded cruel experiments on beagles in a Tunisian lab. Any investigation of Fauci should consider his treatment of human beings, particularly in his home state of New York.

According to a January 30 report by state Attorney General Letitia James, thousands more nursing home residents may have died from COVID-19 than Gov. Andrew Cuomo publicly acknowledged. As investigators learned, nursing home deaths had been undercounted, even in facilities the state health department had made public.

As ProPublica noted, “the true death toll among nursing home residents was not mentioned in Cuomo’s much-publicized memoir on his leadership successes handling the pandemic.” The story launched an outcry, even among Democrats and the establishment media.

On February 15, Gov. Cuomo defended his pandemic response and the next day, Fauci appeared on CNN with Jim Scietto. Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Scietto recalled, had “argued that his state was following federal guidelines when he ordered those long-term care facilities to accept patients returning from hospitals. I wonder, can you clarify that. Was he really following federal guidelines to do this?”

Cancel Culture Eats Its Own Odds and ends, ends at odds. Larry Elder

Why doesn’t President Joe Biden place illegal immigrants in college dorms? They would be around people who love them and want them here. They would get better food, housing and medical care. And they would get a firsthand look at the open-mindedness and tolerance of the young American Left.

Just as the welfare state changed the culture of out-of-wedlock births by incentivizing women to marry the government and men to abandon their financial and moral responsibility, free money and eviction moratoriums have changed the culture of work by reducing the stigma of not doing work.

Students in communist China study science, technology, engineering and math. Students in America study “critical race theory.” What could possibly go wrong?

It’s a shame Biden did not choose Sen. Bernie Sanders, D-Vt., for Housing and Urban Development Secretary. He could have explained how a socialist can acquire three houses.

If you are black and believe in hard work, accountability and personal responsibility, then you become the black face of white supremacy. If you are white and believe the same things, then you become the proof of white supremacy.

Another American Revolution in Virginia Racism loses, freedom wins. Daniel Greenfield

“What happens in Virginia will in large part determine what happens in 2022, 2024, and on,” Kamala Harris had declared while campaigning for McAuliffe.

For the first time in her life, she’s right.

The American Revolution was won in Virginia. As General Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown to the American armies commanded by George Washington, the British band played, “The World Turned Upside Down.” The world turned upside down again in Virginia with a new revolution against the tyrannical rule that has gripped the state and the nation.

Glenn Youngkin, the Republican rebel, repeatedly invoked the spirit of Washington, Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe, those storied Virginian rebels, on the campaign trail and in his victory speech celebrating the political world turning upside down with the fall of Terry McAuliffe.

It’s impossible to overstate the shadow cast by McAuliffe, Bill Clinton’s consigliere, DNC chair, Hillary’s campaign co-chair, and former governor. Not all that long ago McAuliffe was being tipped for a White House run. Now he couldn’t even manage to get his old job back.

Youngkin’s victory in the gubernatorial race slew one of the last giants of Clintonworld.

Memo To Manchin: Just Say No! This Spending Bill Has To Be Scrapped

Never in American history has one political party – with as razor-thin a majority in Congress and as unpopular a president in the White House – attempted to ram through a spending bill as radical and sweeping as Democrats are now. And so far, the only person who’s been brave enough to stand in the way has been the Democratic senator from West Virginia, Joe Manchin.

Who knows what Manchin’s final decision will be, or what “compromise” he will accept, but for now at least he has managed to stop the left from jamming through a massive, intrusive, gimmick-laden plan to vastly expand federal entitlements – without any public debate and with zero Republican support.

For that Manchin should be getting accolades, instead of being attacked as “anti-black,” accused of “killing our future,” and the countless other vicious attacks hurled at him.

On Monday, Manchin again threw cold water on the Democrats’ spending spree, telling reporters that:

“As more of the real details outlined in the basic framework are released, what I see are shell games, budget gimmicks that make the real cost of the so-called $1.75 trillion bill estimated to be almost twice that amount, if the full time is run out, if you extended it permanently. And that we haven’t even spoken about. This is a recipe for economic crisis.”


New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy’s bid to become the first Democrat re-elected to a second term in 44 years was proving to be a nailbiter as his Republican opponent led late Tuesday night with more than 90% of the votes counted.

The surprise battle was too close to call, and Murphy’s re-election hopes hinged on a late surge of votes from areas of the state that historically have voted Democratic.

As recently as last week, public polls showed Murphy with a substantial lead among registered voters over Jack Ciattarelli, a former state assemblyman and businessman from central New Jersey. among registered voters. Still, political experts warned that Murphy’s lead had shrunk in recent months and the New Jersey electorate has a penchant for changing their minds.

The Time is Ripe for China’s Move on Taiwan and What This Means for America Commentary by Janet Levy

Now that the world knows that the occupant of the White House suffers from severe senile dementia (Secret Service agents on detail at the Biden home in Delaware reported this well before the “election” (steal).  They described a naked Joe running out of his home demanding to know which agent was “f…ing his wife.”), China sees a golden opportunity to conquer Taiwan.  

After witnessing Sleepy Joe’s stellar withdrawal from Afghanistan (after he ripped up President Trump’s plan to hold on to Bagram and stage withdrawals from the still-U.S. held base) that saw 13 of our troops murdered by suicide bombs (no surprise from “Brandon”) and seeing evidence of Biden’s diminutive status on the world stage, the Communist Chinese are salivating.  
Scranton Joe’s diminished status was clearly in view at the world “Climate Change” Summit in which he was sidelined at an obscure location stage right in between naps. At the last such jamboree, President Trump stood proud and tall center stage surrounded by supplicating world leaders.  At that time, America still had its gravitas and mojo.  Thanks to Corn Pop’s sidekick and his coterie, we’ve lost both.
When (I don’t think we’re dealing with “IF” here) the Chinese make their final move on Taiwan, what will this mean for the U.S.?  Let’s take a look.  
Taiwan supplies 63% of the world’s semiconductors.  One Taiwanese company provides 90% of advanced processors.  Once overlord of this bounty, Communist China essentially controls aircraft, warships, ground-based weapons, including missiles, submarines, computers, cameras, cars, iPhones, etc.  It’s like firing off an EMP minus the destruction of utilities and equipment; it just causes the temporary disablement of national defense, transportation, manufacturing, power and all kinds of communication.  That’s all!
While the U.S. has a 165,000 active duty force guarding Taiwan, China has 2.2 million troops 100 miles away.  
In one day about two weeks ago, 56 Chinese fighter jets entered Taiwan’s ADIZ, just one day AFTER Sleepy Joe’s administration “condemned” China’s aggression in Taiwan!  That’s superpower status for you!
WIth our feminized, CRT and DEI-trained military cleansed of patriots transmogrified into “domestic terrorists” or “white supremacists,” we’re hardly a match for a world power with nuclear-capable hypersonic missiles (which we don’t possess) and other advanced weaponry!
G-d help Taiwan and America!
Janet Levy,
Los Angeles

Why Biden’s Palestinian Policies Will Not Bring Peace by Khaled Abu Toameh

The Biden administration is apparently hoping that engaging Abbas would undermine Hamas and other Palestinian extremists and embolden “moderate” Palestinians who are prepared to make peace with Israel and renounce violence.

The results of the polls, however, show that the Palestinian public is moving in precisely the opposite direction – towards more extremism and disillusionment with the PA leadership.

Referring to the peace process with Israel, 68% of the Palestinians said that they oppose a return to negotiations with Israel led by the US under the Biden administration.

The millions of dollars that the Biden administration is pouring on the Palestinians will not make them more moderate and encourage them to abandon violence and terrorism. There is only one way to deradicalize the Palestinians: halt the ongoing campaign to delegitimize Israel and demonize Jews.

It is the catastrophic failure to hold Abbas and the PA to account for their incitement against Israel and for their corruption that is emboldening Hamas and others who seek to destroy Israel.

The Biden administration’s policy of engaging with and strengthening the Palestinian Authority (PA) has suffered a setback: most Palestinians continue to express dissatisfaction with the performance of PA President Mahmoud Abbas and demand his resignation.

The Biden administration’s hope of reviving the peace process between Israel and the Palestinians has also suffered another blow: a majority of Palestinians remain opposed to returning to negotiations with Israel under the leadership of the US. In addition, half the Palestinian public favor a return to an armed struggle Israel.

China and the Crisis Presidency of Joe Biden by Pete Hoekstra

How does a president who is struggling on so many fronts lead a nation against China, its biggest geostrategic competitor? China’s military buildup, the ongoing genocide against the Uyghurs, America and the West’s over-reliance on China in the supply chain, Chinese aggression against Taiwan and in the South China Sea, and China’s aggression against India along the common land border are all pressing issues that are only getting worse.

The Chinese communists have made clear in word and deed, however, including their Belt and Road Initiative and Made in China policies, that they have every intention of knocking-off America as global leader and supplanting the West in global standing.

[I]n 2008 Russia invaded the Republic of Georgia. European Union leaders offered a pitifully limited response and Russia faced very few negative reactions from either the EU or the U.S. But there were consequences. Many believe this painfully mild answer was an indicator to Russia that it could employ a more militaristic approach in areas of previous Russian influence. Six years after its invasion of Georgia, Russia invaded Ukraine, annexing Crimea and occupying parts of the Donbas region. The lesson seems clear and quite literal — give a tyrannical country an inch and it will take as many other countries as it can.

[F]or global stability and the standing of the United Sates, it is time for the president to draw a bright red line signaling to the Chinese communists the limits of what they can do and where they can go.

Less than a year in and Joe Biden’s presidency is beset by crises. Domestically, his increasingly unpopular agenda has been stalled by his own political party in Congress. On the international front, the Afghanistan withdrawal debacle continues to reverberate along with Europe’s growing frustration in dealing with the administration. Even on matters where we can agree, such as the submarine deal and our alliance with the Australia and the United Kingdom to counter China, the announcement was so badly handled it became just another friction point in U.S.-European relations. Then there is China itself. From the origins of COVID to its recent hypersonic missile test — an event the Pentagon’s top general Mark Milley concedes was a near “Sputnik moment” — and China’s ability to crush all US satellites as “debris,” the challenges between the U.S. and China only continue to grow.

Biden and the Democrats Have Failed America By A.J. Kaufman

Folks often ask me if the Biden administration “has done anything right” and “how can anyone support Democrats?” Normally I say that’s hyperbole and try to find one positive item, but over nine months in, I can’t.

As even friendly media outlets marvel at disastrous polls, let’s analyze the chaos, division, and ruination the 46th president and his cackling vice president have wrought.

U.S-Mexico border

Team Biden has eradicated the mostly secure southern border that they inherited and converted it into a sieve.

On Democrats’ watch through fiscal year 2021, Customs and Border Protection encountered nearly 1.5 million illegal crossers, up roughly 400% in one year. Democrats happily allow migrants who broke the law into the interior, often to liberal sanctuary cities, where even violent criminal convicts are usually protected.

And despite the harrowing numbers, they remain determined to erase successful, sane policies too.

Last week, Biden inexplicably decided to ponder forcing American taxpayers to give $450,000 to each illegal immigrant separated from his family.