24 Hours in the ER A reminder that humanity prevails even in COVID hell. Katie Hopkins


Good friends say I’m stubborn as hell. My own mother has slightly less choice words for it — pig-headed, she says, and I guess she knows best.

Either way, as a result of my unwillingness to acknowledge I am struggling, or asking for help last week, I ended up in the back of an ambulance headed to the ER.

I knew I was sick. Even after I regained consciousness, vomiting on my bathroom floor, I thought sleep and a NyQuil would sort me out…pig-headed, you see.

I was wrong. Do not fear, this is not a splurge about myself and the inner workings of my intestines or nasal passages. Nor is it a self-pitying lament about how jolly hard it can be on the road. My affliction was my old adversary, meningitis, returned to remind me I am mortal and need to be a great deal more grateful to be alive.

Rather, this is a glimpse into the inside of an American ER, and a peek into the inner workings of a hospital, in the grip of the COVID storm.

The ambulance men were brusque on arrival, finding my British accent indecipherable and unable to fathom how I had washed up at a hotel on the Oklahoma border without car or a loved one to get me to the hospital. Impatient with my feeble answers, they marked me down as homeless and warned me the hospital was swamped, I should be prepared for a 6-hour wait, and that I should watch my back because “this place is COVID soup.”

Dr. Dog Torturer Fauci funds barbaric torture of beagles in a Tunisian lab. Lloyd Billingsley


“Our investigators show that Fauci’s NIH division shipped part of a $375,800 grant to a lab in Tunisia to drug beagles and lock their heads in mesh cages filled with hungry sand flies so that the insects could eat them alive,” the non-profit White Coat Waste project told reporters. “They also locked beagles alone in cages in the desert overnight for nine consecutive nights to use them as bait to attract infectious sand flies,” all to test an “experimental drug.”

White Coat Waste also claimed that some of the dogs had their vocal cords removed so their barking would not disturb the attending scientists. Rep. Nancy Mace fired off a letter to the National Institutes of Health, calling the cordectomies “cruel” and a “reprehensible misuse of taxpayer funds.” Mace is a South Carolina Republican but signatories to her letter included Democrats Cindy Axne, Steve Cohen, Jimmy Gomez, Josh Gottheimer, Ted Lieu, Mike Quigley, Lucille Roybal-Allard, Terri Sewell and Eleanor Holmes Norton, plus more than a dozen Republicans, including Reps. Brian Fitzpatrick and Maria Salazar.

In a related cause that could use more bipartisan support, Dr. Fauci and his National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) are also under fire for funding dangerous gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China. The NIAID boss denied funding such research, but now the NIH admits a “limited experiment” to test if bat coronaviruses were “capable of binding” to a human receptor. That contradicts Fauci, the nation’s chief white coat supremacist, who has escaped scrutiny on a number of fronts.

Arming the Taliban—But Not Cops? Lawmakers take aim at a program equipping police with military-surplus gear. Dorothy Moses Schulz


Can anyone forget the images of Taliban fighters riding around Kabul on U.S. vehicles, wearing U.S.-supplied uniforms, and carrying U.S.-made rifles? In addition to stranding people in Afghanistan, the Americans also abandoned Humvees; trucks and armored vehicles, including Mine-Resistant Ambush Protection (MRAP) vehicles valued at about $800,000 each; artillery; aging but operable helicopters and attack aircraft; drones; artillery and mortars; and millions of rounds of ammunition. No one is quite sure how many of these items were disabled or are too sophisticated for the Taliban to operate. Estimates of their value range from $24 billion to $83 billion. Whatever the true figure, U.S. agencies and a few independent investigators agree that close to one-third of what Washington spent on the Afghan defense forces went for war matériel now held by an enemy we ousted 20 years ago.

Contrast the relative apathy shown by many over Taliban possession of this equipment with the ongoing furor over the $7.5 billion worth of decommissioned military gear that the Department of Defense provides to U.S. and territorial police departments under the 1033 Program, which many on Capitol Hill and in state legislatures want to curtail or eliminate. The 1033 Program was meant to save tax dollars by passing off the Pentagon’s excess equipment to local police, who receive the items for free except for shipping costs. The program was part of the 1997 National Defense Authorization Act, though there have been similar programs since the end of World War II. An earlier version of the program under President George H. W. Bush in 1990 and 1991 sought to aid police departments in fighting the war on drugs. Under President Bill Clinton, counterterrorism was also included among the program’s goals.

According to the Law Enforcement Support Office (LESO), which operates the program as part of the Defense Logistics Agency’s Disposition Services, about 8,000 of the nation’s 18,000 police agencies have received military-grade equipment, subject to approval by their states. Much of the cast-off gear is office equipment, clothing and uniforms, tools, and radios.

It is the “controlled equipment,” including armored vehicles, weaponized aircraft, rifles and grenade launchers, that has led to demands to rein in the program. The outcry over images of police riding on armored vehicles, wearing night-vision goggles, and carrying military-grade firearms during the 2014 Michael Brown protests led President Barack Obama to issue Executive Order 13688 in 2015, limiting what the Defense Department could transfer. Prohibited items included tracked armored vehicles; weaponized aircraft, vessels, and vehicles; .50-caliber firearms and ammunition; bayonets; camouflage uniforms; and grenade launchers. In response, LESO reported that police had returned 126 tracked armored vehicles, 138 grenade launchers, and 1,623 bayonets by April 1, 2016.

But the prohibition was short-lived. In August 2017, President Donald Trump revoked EO 13688, again permitting the transfer of tracked armored vehicles, bayonets, and utility knives—with the rationale for the last two being that officers kept these in their vehicles for use during emergency situations. The program had discontinued transfers of grenade launchers in 1999, prior to Obama’s executive order—a policy that remains in effect today.

Gallup: Biden’s 11-point approval rating drop is the worst of any president since WWII

Jeffrey Swindoll

Oct 23rd, 2021 10:14 pm

President Joe Biden is on a historic run … but not the good kind.

Biden started 2021 with a 56% approval rating. He’s now down 11 points (44.7%) in the third quarter of 2021 — the worst drop of any U.S. president since World War II.

Epic Fail: Vaccination Rates Now Lower Than When Biden Took Office


President Joe Biden continues to insist that his vaccine mandates have been a roaring success. The truth is far different. In fact, the only thing the mandate seems to have increased is the labor shortage and supply-chain crisis.

“It’s working. We’re making progress,” Biden said recently, pointing to the fact that daily cases had declined 47% and hospitalizations were down 38% in the previous month and a half.

Somehow, the army of media fact-checkers failed to notice that Biden was, shall we say, misleading the public.

First, Biden’s employer mandates still haven’t taken effect, since the federal rules governing companies with more than 100 workers have yet to be released. Biden’s mandate covering federal contractors doesn’t take effect until Dec. 8.

Second, the decline in new COVID cases started at the end of August, nearly two weeks before Biden’s Sept. 9 pronouncement, and hospitalizations and deaths have followed suit, as expected.

This bell curve pattern is the same thing COVID has demonstrated in the past – before vaccines were available or were widespread. Last winter, for example, new COVID cases peaked at the start of January and then plunged, at a time when a comparatively tiny fraction of the public was vaccinated.

The other inconvenient truth for Biden is that vaccination rates are no guarantee that COVID rates will decline. The United Kingdom, to cite on example, is right now experiencing a surge in COVID cases, even though 73% of its population is either fully or partially vaccinated.

In contrast, new COVID cases have been steadily falling in Mexico in recent weeks, where only 40% of the population is fully vaccinated and another 14% partially so.

London’s Khan to Provide £25k Grants to Rename Streets in Latest BLM Push


London’s leftist mayor Sadiq Khan is making £25,000 grants available to change street names in a Black Lives Matter-inspired diversity drive.

The so-called “Untold Stories” grants are to be backed by a £1 million fund of public money, which campaigners will be able to use to hire consultants, remunerate impacted residents, and so on throughout the renaming process — which is not as simple as might be supposed, having an expensive knock-on effect on emergency and postal services, for example.

They will be administered by the Commission for Diversity in the Public Realm, established by Mayor Khan after the BLM violence sparked by the death of George Floyd in America crossed the Atlantic to decide whether monuments and memorials to historic figures deemed “problematic” by the modern left should be removed.

“London’s diversity is its greatest strength but for far too long our capital’s statues, street names, and buildings have only shown a limited perspective on our city’s complex history,” Khan asserted, in comments reported by The Telegraph.

“I’m determined to do everything I can to ensure our public realm presents a more complete picture of everyone who has made London the incredible city it is today,” he vowed.

Obama campaigns for McAuliffe in Virginia, making an ass of himself By Monica Showalter


Terry McAuliffe, memorably characterized as “the unkillable cockroach of the Democratic Party” by PJMedia’s Stephen Kruiser, is not faring well in the polls in his campaign for governor of Virginia. Apparently, neither is New Jersey’s Democrat Gov. Phil Murphy, who’s also running for a second term as governor and who at last count had just a six-point lead, plus a toxic endorsement from The Nation, which declared him “the most progressive governor in America.”  That won’t go over well in Jersey City or Weehawken.

Democrats think these elections are important to their wretched 2022 prospects in Congress and have whipped out their big guns — not flailing Joe Biden, of course — but Barack Obama. New Jersey’s a blue state that’s been the hardest hit by Democrat COVID policies, including the seeding of nursing homes with COVID patients, a man-caused disaster that killed off thousands of elderly people. It’s also been subject to tax hikes. Virginia’s a purple state and Obama’s the man who expanded Washington’s bureaucracies and handed its bureaucrats gargantuan salaries; creating Virginia’s Washington suburbs and turning the historically red state blue. Obama is there to remind such voters of all those good times.

He’s back, and spewing his banal platitudes as well as Trump hate, in the perfect picture of leftist establishment hypocrisy.

Start with the first forked-tongue idiocy, from Fox News:

Former President Barack Obama traveled to New Jersey on Saturday to campaign for Gov. Phil Murphy and claimed that he understands why Americans are questioning when COVID-19 mandates will end.

“The science says it’s the right thing to do,” Obama said in reference to COVID-19 mask and vaccine requirements to a crowd of Murphy supporters in Newark. “You do it because you’re not just protecting yourself, but people you love, people who are vulnerable. But, you know, I don’t know how folks just decide everything’s got to suddenly be political.”

“But I understand why people want to know when this is all going to end,” Obama added

It’s as if 2020 never happened. His argument, like a lot of them coming from him, is old and hackneyed. It’s what officials were saying back in March 2020 when the pandemic began. The nursing home seedings were just beginning and the bodies were being rolled out, but according to Obama, anything that comes out of the mouth of an incompetent, power-hungry bureaucrat with a one-size-fits-all mentality is ‘science.’

Dartmouth College Dems try to shut down College Republicans’ event and fail badly By John Klar


Dartmouth College Republicans hosted three up-and-coming conservative voices in an event Sunday night.  Remarkably, all three of these articulate, patriotic voices are young:

North Carolinian Madison Cawthorn is the youngest Congressional House Member in the nation at age 26;
Congressional hopeful and rising star Karoline Leavitt presents a very strong case (at age 23) why she should join him; and
Alex Bruesewitz (24) is a proven campaign strategist who schools career politicians. 

But for the Dartmouth College Democrats, what united the three was their allegedly intolerable political views.  Predictably, there was abundant vitriol.

The Dartmouth College newspaper attacked Madison Cawthorn with particular venom, listing an array of allegations and character attacks.  The paper’s chief concern appears to be Cawthorn’s challenge of 2020 voting results:

….perhaps his most damaging statements target democracy itself. In the months and weeks following the November 2020 election, he promoted the baseless and absurd idea that the election was “stolen.” His dishonesty and apparent willingness to entertain violence if his party loses an election should be disqualifying for any reasonable conservative campus group.

….the College Republicans appear to be voicing their approval of his twisted and authoritari

Strange, the Democrats were quite vocal in their suspicions that the 2016 Trump win was less than trustworthy — the Democratic Party filed suit alleging Trump colluded with Russia and WikiLeaks to steal the election!  They “targeted democracy itself!”

It is common for election losers to question election integrity (anyone remember the Gore/Bush decision?), a phenomenon termed:

…the “winner effect.” That is, those voters who support the winner in the election are more likely to believe their own ballots and the ballots of others were counted as intended, while those who supported the losing candidate are more likely to believe their votes were counted incorrectly.

Dartmouth Democrats don’t want young Republicans to speak unless the roster is first approved by Democrats as acceptable:

The Dartmouth College Democrats are deeply disturbed by the Dartmouth College Republicans’ chosen guests for their October 24th panel on “The Future of the Republican Party.” (snip) All three speakers perpetuate harmful rhetoric against immigrants and minority communities, continually question science, and deny that President Biden won the 2020 election. (snip) It is our belief that these speakers will contribute to division, encourage prejudice on campus, and foster a negative campus environment not conducive to open, honest, and mutually respectful conversation. (snip) We are especially concerned about their hateful views towards immigrants and the effect of that prejudice on immigrants and children of immigrants at Dartmouth.

A Culture that Celebrates Fake Heroes While Crucifying Real Ones Cannot Endure By William Sullivan


“Believe in something,” Nike told consumers in 2018, “even it means sacrificing everything.”  The advertisement features former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick giving a stoic stare to those social justice warriors being spurred to buy the company’s product. 

In what may be the swiftest example of the Mandela Effect taking hold on the American cultural psyche, many Americans believe that Colin Kaepernick was headlong into a promising NFL future when he boldly decided to take a knee during the National Anthem in order to protest police brutality, and for this crime against the political and social status quo, he was ostracized by the racist NFL and its fans. 

The broad belief in this myth is much more pernicious and destructive, however, than our innocently misremembering that the Monopoly man wears a monocle.

And it is most certainly a myth.  The reality is that on August 26, 2016, Kaepernick decided to sit on the bench during the Anthem, not kneel.  Nothing ostentatious, and there was something almost childish about it, in fact.  Perhaps he didn’t like being benched for Blaine Gabbert, who was, according to Mike Foss at USA Today, possibly “the worst quarterback employed by the NFL” at the time, before he goes on to explain that he might have actually been the second-worst quarterback — behind only the horrendously bad Kaepernick in 2015.

It wasn’t the first time that he sat during the Anthem, but it was the first time that reporters seem to have been struck by it enough to ask him about it.  When asked why he didn’t stand, he famously said, “I’m not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color.” 

BLM, the MSM, and SJWs rejoiced, of course.  There were many critics, too (myself included), but the NFL didn’t exactly censure or oppress him in any way.  They issued a statement saying that the league “encouraged” but didn’t “require” standing for the Anthem.  The team and coach supported him.  And eventually, he got his shot in the 2016 regular season (and earning about $17 million for his trouble), playing in 11 games.  Unfortunately, the 49ers only won one of those games, and he went into free agency after that terrible season as the league’s most inaccurate passer of the previous two years, with nearly a quarter of his passes statistically categorized as “off-target” passes.

Biden’s Broken Border: A Crisis by the Numbers By Gwendolyn Sims


Friday afternoon, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) quietly released some truly startling Southwest border migrant encounter numbers.

Fox News reports that “a total of 192,001 migrants were encountered in September, slightly down (9%) from 209,840 in August and 213,593 in July.” September’s numbers, though, mean there were a total of 1,734,686 encounters at the border in Fiscal Year 2021 alone—the highest number of U.S. border encounters in a single fiscal year on record.

And don’t forget, these numbers are simply the “migrant” encounters that were recorded by the U.S. Border Patrol and the Office of Field Operations (OFO). Just imagine how many thousands more people entered the country illegally and undetected. Imagine how many of those were not only breaking our immigration laws, but are also violent and deviant criminals intent on doing Americans harm while the left feebly snivels and claims anyone who demands our border be secured and lawfully regulated is racist and hateful.