How can we condone health care that includes the unceremonious removal of a patient, especially a senior citizen, from their primary health care provider? It seems we do in Ontario. I wonder if this is all made possible by socialized medicine and the new rules that our doctors are told to follow. Whatever happened to First Do No Harm?
I am sharing my story about “health care ” during Covid.
We talk a great deal about death with dignity. But rarely do we talk about life with dignity. We all witnessed the lack of care and compassion for our most vulnerable during Covid: seniors left alone in their beds and then denied the love of family as they died alone in hospital.
I am a senior citizen. I was unceremoniously dumped from my health clinic; East Wellington Family Health Team in Erin, Ontario after reporting what I consider to be below standard care from my primary physician. You know, the one that co-ordinates your health care.
I will not bore you with the details regarding the poor care given to me by my primary physician as this is not about him. I did report him to The College of Physicians and Surgeons. I should have accused him of dereliction of duty. I did my due diligence. First I reported my doctor to the lead physician, Dr. Khan, for his lack of care. No, this story is about the clinic.