The battle was a training exercising but the ramifications of the loss, which reveals the damage progressives have inflicted on the military, are extremely serious.
For many Americans, the Marines occupy an almost mythic place in their minds as an invincible force that runs to the guns and fights no matter what. That’s why it was so shocking to learn that, during a joint training exercise in the Mojave Desert, Britain’s Royal Marines inflicted such a shellacking on the Americans that the latter had to surrender halfway through the exercise. This is a direct result of the Pentagon having gone woke under Obama—something that Trump failed to undo—followed by Biden doubling down on Obama’s policies.
Marines used to be synonymous with dogged determination. Tripoli (1805), the Halls of Montezuma (1847), Belleau Wood (1918), Guadalcanal (1943), Iwo Jima (1945), Inchon (1950), Chosin Reservoir (1950), Khe Sanh (1968), Hue (1968), Fallujah (2004)—each of these names brings to us visions of Marines running to the gun, marching through the woods, slogging through the snow, fighting over volcanic islands, and never retreating, never stopping.
But the Marines have been in war non-stop since 2001 and that’s a long time for a fighting force. At a certain point, rather than experience building them up and strengthening them, non-stop war wears men down. They lose their edge and their fire.
The American military has had another force bearing down on it that may be an even greater enemy than Islamists the world over. That force has been wokeism. Beginning with Obama, the American left has been using the military as a social justice experiment. According to James Hasson, author of Stand Down: How Social Justice Warriors Are Sabotaging America’s Military, Obama purged the officer class of old-timers and brought in progressive ideologues.
Under their aegis, Navy ships went green (when they were just meant to be mean) and bore the names of well-known leftists (gay-rights advocate and pederast Harvey Milk and socialist activist Cesar Chavez, who happened to hate illegal immigrants).