Fear is a great motivator, but it comes with a catch. It tends to inhibit good decision-making. Demagogues love it because it works so well. Right now, the Northern Hemisphere is having serious heat waves in many locations. Oy, vey! But wait…let me look at this here calendar. Oh, gee — it’s the middle of August. Just a coincidence, I guess.
We used to learn in school that there were these things called ice ages. The last one, the Pleistocene, ended about 10,000 years ago, and it lasted only about 2.5 million years, give or take. At its peak, 30% of the Earth’s surface was covered with ice. The oceans were way lower, too.
The jury is still out on why ice ages happen and why they end. Back in the 1970s, it was established that the sun goes through a 22-year intensity cycle…sort of. The hockey stick guy, Michael Mann, wrote an article for Scientific American explaining that his bungled warming prediction was the result of forgetting to include the solar cycle in the data used for his computer model. I commented online that that was a pretty amateurish mistake for someone who gets paid to be a scientist. They then yanked my commenting privilege, thus demonstrating the corruption of science by politics. I didn’t renew my subscription after having one for 30 years, and they spent a bunch of money junk-mailing me to send them the next check.
There’s also this pesky thing called tectonics, in which the Earth’s land masses move around slowly, sometimes bumping into each other, causing large-scale buckling such as the Himalayas. One of the tip-offs for the establishment of this concept is the uncanny way that South America fits right into the west coast of Africa, just like a part of a giant jigsaw puzzle.
Somehow, it seems, change is now a bad thing, although it’s always been inevitable. Oh, yeah — there are the demagogues and engineered ignorance, courtesy of your local union-thug teachers.