Team Biden must be held to account for the lethal consequences of its deliberate acts.
Let’s face it. Neither the lethal fiscal and monetary time-bomb implanted in the American economy nor the crimes committed against God and humanity on the world stage in Afghanistan are the result of careless dimwitted “inadvertence.” Those outrages were, instead, in both cases the results of deliberate acts by certified Wokesters.
Take, for example, the injury they are doing to the economy. Butterfingered Wokesters did not “mistakenly” punch the buttons that ignited inflation and set America on the present high-risk, printing-press-money, debt-ridden path toward financial crisis.
Quite the opposite is true. It is almost as if the Wokesters started off with the strategic goal of doing harm to the economy of the United States – and then meticulously took the tactical steps necessary to complete the job:
dramatically increase taxes that do more economic harm than they raise in revenue for the government to spend (If that is not absurd, what is?);
increase deficit spending and federal debt to unsustainable levels;
print lots of fiat money (about $120 billion a month) by selling the debt to the Federal Reserve;
bribe people to work less and produce fewer goods while consuming more by giving them free money;
put upward pressure on prices (too many free dollars chasing too few goods); and
put the Federal Reserve in the absurd and high-risk position of either continuing to print money and keep interest rates near zero or trying to thread the needle by gradually reducing its purchases of federal debt and gradually increasing interest rates with almost no margin for error and with no ability to stop the Biden Wokesters from messing everything up with another big spending spree.