My way of coping with this situation was to create an online curriculum to teach my children to question the propaganda that they learn in school and to expose them to information that is being left out by schools. This online curriculum is free for everyone. The lessons have condensed video clips by some of the best experts on the different topics and added explanatory texts. I unexpectedly have learned a lot by doing this. The lessons are full of history that I didn’t know. Although the original intent was to counter propaganda a side benefit is that my children are learning a lot of science and history and most importantly they are learning to think critically about what they are being taught in school.
I asked my son what he thought would motivate children to learn the online lessons. He suggested that I make a quiz for them to take on each page. Once they take the quiz the computer will display a certificate that shows that they took the quiz and how they scored which they can show their parents. Then their parents can reward them for it. Of course he wants rewards every time he takes a lesson and I give one to him. Usually it’s a dollar or a treat. It’s cheaper than private school and a lot of private schools indoctrinate as much as the public schools do anyway.
Regarding quizzes. There are two kinds of questions those with circles in front of the answers and those with squares in front of the answers. The ones with circles have only one answer. The ones with squares can have more than one answer but might only have one answer. Lets say a question has 2 right answers and your child checks the correct boxes but also checks two boxes that are the wrong answer. In that case your child will get a score of zero on the question even though 2 of the answers were correct.
The Lesson List of the web site lists all the pages on the site so children can make sure they didn’t miss a lesson. If children learned a lesson the color of the link to that lesson in the Lesson List changes. This only works if the child took the lesson on the same computer with the same browser. Children can print the Lesson List and check off what quizzes they took to help them keep track. If a child wants to look up a topic they learned in school, they can do a search on the Lesson List page for a keyword by typing CTRL F and entering the keyword.
The site is arranged by topic. These topics were chosen to counter what my children are being taught in school. For example my daughter was taught that voter ID wasn’t fair. That falls under the topic of discrimination. So there will be the topic Discrimination on the home page of the web site. Clicking on it will take your child to a web page on some aspect of discrimination. That page will in turn have a link on the bottom to another page about another aspect of discrimination which in turn leads to another until your child gets to the voter ID. The fastest way to get to it is from the Lesson List page. There is a link to that at the bottom of most pages.
Some of the words on the lesson pages are highlighted in yellow. If your child places the cursor over those words the page will show the definition of the word.
This website is continually being improved and extended.
One of the challenges of a site like this is that children come in all ages. Some of the material may be too difficult or advanced for some children. I’ve tried to make it as easy as possible but some of the videos were made by adults for adults. Sometimes I have put definitions of difficult words before the video to help the child understand what is being said. My children often surprise me with how well they understand what they are reading but they are 9 and 12.