“Absorb the attack”? Really?
The lead story in The New York Times, May 20, on the demand (really) on Israel that it halt its self-defense campaign against the evil Hamas criminal entity, referred to France and Germany as “strong allies of Israel.” Whom is The New York Times kidding? France? Where Jews are advised not to wear yarmulkes outdoors lest they provoke a Muslim to attack them? With a reported millions of Muslims being accepted by the countries of Europe, how long until the streets of Europe today, resemble the streets of Europe in the Middle Ages, when a Jew strolled about a city, town or village at his peril?
And consider Europe today. Police protection is called in, for a time, after an Islamist kills Jews — not before. The truth remains: Islamists fear no authority in Europe when a Jew is in his line of vision. Is there outrage when an Islamist assaults a Jew in Europe? Not at all.
And now comes Europe again to advise the government of Israel, when Hamas or Hezb’allah rockets strike Israel — to “absorb the attack.”
Donald J. Trump would never have yielded to pressure from Europe’s anti-Semites. How brave he was, willing to stand apart from our “NATO allies.” Biden has demonstrated that not only is he the puppet for the Jew-haters, but he is craven in his acceptance of their demand that the proper place for the Jew is in harm’s way — even if it means letting a few hundred Gazans, here and there, serve as collateral damage.
Have the so-called “strong allies” of Israel, Macron in France and Merkel in Germany, ever denounced Hamas for putting Gazans in harm’s way, as blood sacrifice for the primary goal: killing the Jew? Not in the slightest.