The Barbary Pirates Circa 2021 By David F. Eisner

A lesson on ransomware from the Founding Fathers.

Colonial Pipeline CEO Joseph Blount recently admitted that Colonial paid a ransom of $4.4 million to the criminal hackers who caused the company to shut down the country’s largest transporter of fuel. One news source reported that the decryption tool provided was not effective in restoring operations. Colonial managed, however, to recover by reliance on backup systems.

In the wake of the Colonial cyberattack, the Biden administration has indicated that it is looking again at the government’s “approach to ransomware actors and ransoms overall.” On the theory that the payment of ransoms encourages more attacks, the FBI has had a longstanding policy against paying ransoms.

It is the right policy and has been since the early days of the United States. The administration would do well to heed the wisdom of the Founding Fathers who found themselves in the ransomware crisis of their day — attacks by the Barbary pirates.

From the Crusades until the early 19th century, the Barbary pirates dominated nautical activity around northern Africa. They captured ships, stole cargo, and enslaved crews. Between 1530 and 1780, an estimated 1 million Europeans were enslaved in North Africa. In his best-selling book Power, Faith, and Fantasy: America in the Middle East, 1776 to the Present, acclaimed historian and former Israeli Ambassador to the United States Michael Oren wrote that from the 12th century until the early 19th century, Barbary piracy was Europe’s “nightmare.”

Piracy during the early centuries was mainly religiously motivated — Al-jihad fi’l-bahr, or holy war at sea. However, when the Moroccans gained independence from the Ottoman Empire in the late 18th century, piracy became a tool of foreign and trade policy. In many cases, pirates were given private commissions by the ruling pashas.

Rather than go to war, most of Europe mollified the Barbary states by paying “tribute” — the colonial equivalent of “ransomware.” According to Oren, this was a “cold calculation that tribute was cheaper than the cost of constantly defending the vital Mediterranean trade routes.”


Mr. President, Mr. Speaker, and Distinguished Members of the Congress: April 19, 1951

I stand on this rostrum with a sense of deep humility and great pride — humility in the wake of those great American architects of our history who have stood here before me; pride in the reflection that this forum of legislative debate represents human liberty in the purest form yet devised. Here are centered the hopes and aspirations and faith of the entire human race. I do not stand here as advocate for any partisan cause, for the issues are fundamental and reach quite beyond the realm of partisan consideration. They must be resolved on the highest plane of national interest if our course is to prove sound and our future protected. I trust, therefore, that you will do me the justice of receiving that which I have to say as solely expressing the considered viewpoint of a fellow American.

I address you with neither rancor nor bitterness in the fading twilight of life, with but one purpose in mind: to serve my country. The issues are global and so interlocked that to consider the problems of one sector, oblivious to those of another, is but to court disaster for the whole. While Asia is commonly referred to as the Gateway to Europe, it is no less true that Europe is the Gateway to Asia, and the broad influence of the one cannot fail to have its impact upon the other. There are those who claim our strength is inadequate to protect on both fronts, that we cannot divide our effort. I can think of no greater expression of defeatism. If a potential enemy can divide his strength on two fronts, it is for us to counter his effort. The Communist threat is a global one. Its successful advance in one sector threatens the destruction of every other sector. You can not appease or otherwise surrender to communism in Asia without simultaneously undermining our efforts to halt its advance in Europe.

Beyond pointing out these general truisms, I shall confine my discussion to the general areas of Asia. Before one may objectively assess the situation now existing there, he must comprehend something of Asia’s past and the revolutionary changes which are — which have marked her course up to the present. Long exploited by the so-called colonial powers, with little opportunity to achieve any degree of social justice, individual dignity, or a higher standard of life such as guided our own noble administration in the Philippines, the peoples of Asia found their opportunity in the war just past to throw off the shackles of colonialism and now see the dawn of new opportunity, a heretofore unfelt dignity, and the self-respect of political freedom.


On June 25, 1950, the Northern Korean People’s Army crossed the 38th parallel dividing the Communist North from the Republic of South Korea in the South. The invasion was staged at various checkpoints with the avowed goal of unifying Korea under the Norths’ Communist regime.
President Harry S. Truman responded by adding American forces to the United Nations combined armies assigned to aid the Republic of South Korea, and named General Douglas MacArthur as Commander General of defense of the South.
After a series of forays and defeats and renewed advances the 38th parallel was restored and the South’s capital Seoul was retaken.
By 1951, President Truman bowing to pressure, abandoned the goal of unifying Korea and issued strategy for limited conflict to avoid escalation of hostilities which could provoke China and the Soviet Union.
General MacArthur publicly challenged the President which led to his dismissal.
The rest is history. On July 27, 1953, seven months after his inauguration, President Eisenhower implemented an armistice. There was to be no surrender or victory such as obtained when Shinto Imperialism and Nazi Germany were vanquished. After almost 50,000 U.S. troops died, the Korean Peninsula remained divided by the 38th parallel and the Kim dynasty remained in control of the North.
Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong il, and Kim Jong un, successively imposed brutal tyranny on its citizens. Furthermore, every American administration has been bedeviled by North Korea’s military adventurism in capturing the USS Pueblo in 1968, continued support of Iran with arms and technology shipments, and more recently, a buildup of nuclear capability and long-range missiles.
Truman may have been correct in firing General Mac Arthur but history has vindicated the general whose speech to Congress is dazzling in its prophetic clarity. It is posted below in its entirety. Rsk

Kamala Harris Runs Aground at Annapolis

Not since President Obama’s speech to graduating cadets of the class of 2014 at West Point have there been remarks to a military academy as atonal as those Vice President Harris just delivered to the midshipmen at Annapolis. Ms. Harris talked to our midshipmen trained for naval warfare of the perils of climate change and the niftiness of solar panels. Not a peep about how Russia, Iran, and Red China are maneuvering for conquest.

What a wan note on which to begin the Memorial Day weekend at which we remember our fallen. It’s similar to the blunder that President Obama made when, as we were at the height of the global war on terror, he went to West Point and tried to inspire the cadets by lecturing them on how not every problem has a military solution. The New York Post headline called it “The Long Gray Whine.”

The remarks of Ms. Harris, like those of Mr. Obama, fit the strategy of retreat and appeasement that seems to have been favored by the Democratic Party in recent decades. It started, in our view, with Vietnam and since has marked the party’s policies in one theater after another — right now in the Middle East and Afghanistan. And it’s not that our liberal traditions don’t offer a prism through which to understand our military academies.

We marked this when five years ago the then-president of Harvard, war historian Drew Faust, spoke at West Point. She had brought ROTC back to Harvard. She then went up the Hudson to deliver a tribute that we called “surprisingly personal and moving.” She spoke of her great-grandfather, who went to West Point and, in the Apache War, appeared in arms against Geronimo and, in World War I, breached the Hindenburg Line.

DEBUNK THIS Kurt Schlichter

Maybe it’s the media morons’ boundless self-regard – blue check Twitter is a festival of social media group onanism as journalists compete to most effusively congratulate each other on the hard, brave, courageous work of trying to make the Asterisk *administration look like The West Wing instead of the bathroom scene in There’s Something About Mary.

Or maybe it’s just how bad they all are at their not-that-difficult job – these aren’t ink-stained muckrakers digging out the hidden truth. These are glorified teens watching their DMs waiting for an assistant deputy undersecretary at the Department of the Interior’s Pit Toilet and Fungus Affairs section to leak some inside info designed to trash the GOP. They don’t report the news – they transcribe Democrat press releases.

Our media consists of smug, incompetent adolescents who eagerly submit themselves to the cause of serving the official narrative, yet its flunkies expect you and me to treat them like something other than what the squatting hobo just crowned in front of a gaggle of horrified tourists on Fisherman’s Wharf.

Their new thing is “debunking” stuff, which consists of them encountering an unwelcome fact and declaring it “debunked,” at which point the other blue checks repeat that it has been “debunked,” and then whenever it comes up again, they cite as evidence of the purported debunking, the human centipede of Mutually Assured Debunking tweeted back and forth between the interchangeable cogs in the mainstream media machine.

And they’re always wrong.

It’s a miracle they aren’t in with their chiropractors getting their pencil necks adjusted from the whiplash of the Wuhan lab 180. Remember when Tom Cotton, back when this idiocy began, observed that maybe the fact that there was a Chi Com level-four virology bioweapons lab doing gain-of-function research on coronaviruses in the middle of the town where this plague started seemed like a pretty big coinky-dink? No, all the smart people of smartness with their Fifth Century Trans Literature of the Andes degrees and their pronouns in their bios assured us that was a crazy, nutty conspiracy theory of crazy nuttiness.

Revenge Racism attacking the soul of America

Francis Bacon “A man that studieth revenge, keeps his own wounds green, which otherwise would heal, and do well.” 

Today, we are witnessing what I call Revenge Racism promoted by leaders of  Black Lives Matter, Critical Race Theory and Left Wing Ideologues. As declared by Angela Harris  in her foreword to “Critical Race Theory: An Introduction”:

Unlike traditional civil rights discourse, which stresses incrementalism and step-by-step progress, critical race theory questions the very foundations of the liberal order, including equality theory, legal reasoning, Enlightenment rationalism, and neutral principles of constitutional law.

It is a full frontal attack on western morals, values and ethics that teach all people are born with equal intrinsic value: that we are defined by our character, not characteristics, also known as identity politics.

Today, sadly, we are  witnessing white hatred being promoted as an antidote to “systemic racism” despite the fact that we know racism can lead to physical as well as mental illness that lasts generations because we have witnessed it in the black community.

This is Revenge Racism.

European Parliament Freezes Ratification of China Investment Treaty by Soeren Kern

The lopsided agreement, which ostensibly aims to level the economic and financial playing field by providing European companies with improved access to the Chinese market, actually allows China to continue to restrict investment opportunities for European companies in many strategic sectors. The deal also lacks meaningful enforcement mechanisms for issues that the EU claims to care about, such as climate change and human rights, including forced labor.

“China has repeatedly demonstrated its willingness to use its economic power as a strategic weapon. By deepening their economic reliance on China — without coordinating their policy with fellow democracies — European nations are increasing their vulnerability to pressure from Beijing. That is a remarkably shortsighted decision to make.” — Gideon Rachman, Financial Times, January 4, 2021.

China contends that its sanctions are tit for tat — morally equivalent retaliation — in response to those imposed by Western countries. In fact, the European sanctions are for crimes against humanity, whereas the Chinese sanctions seek to silence European critics of the Chinese Communist Party.

“China cannot and will not be tamed. It will not adhere to the rule of law. It will not give up on its uncouth wolf warriors. It will not change its debt trap diplomacy. It will not end the weaponization of political systems, in this case the fault lines of democracies, to smother democracies. If it is counter sanctions today, it will be intellectual property theft tomorrow, and 5G data surveillance of free citizens next. Under Xi Jinping, China has become a hydra-headed monster.” — Gautam Chikermane, Indian foreign affairs expert, Observer Research Foundation, May 21, 2021.

“While halting the ratification of CAI is good, scrapping CAI altogether would be better.” — Andreas Fulda, German China scholar, May 20, 2021.

The European Parliament has halted ratification of a controversial investment treaty with China until Beijing lifts sanctions on European lawmakers, academics and think tanks. The move, a rare display of fortitude by an institution notorious for vacillation, reflects a hardening stance in Europe toward the Chinese Communist Party.

The ratification freeze, backed by all of the major groupings in the European Parliament, is significant for several reasons: it represents a turning point in EU-China relations, in that Beijing no longer calls the shots; it marks a shift in the balance of power in favor of the European Parliament at the expense of the European Commission; and it signifies the beginning of the end of Merkelism, and ideology which, among other things, consistently prioritized commercial interests over human rights concerns, whether in China, Russia or Iran.

President Calvin Coolidge The Destiny of America May 30, 1923

“Our country does not want war, it wants peace. It has not decreed this memorial season as an honor to war, with its terrible waste and attendant train of suffering and hardship which reaches onward into the years of peace. Yet war is not the worst of evils, and these days have been set apart to do honor to all those, now gone, who made the cause of America their supreme choice. Some fell with the word of Patrick Henry, “Give me liberty, or give me death,” almost ringing in their ears. Some heard that word across the intervening generations and were still obedient to its call. It is to the spirit of those men, exhibited in all our wars, to the spirit that places the devotion to freedom and truth above the devotion to life, that the nation pays its ever-enduring mark of reverence and respect.

It is not that principle that leads to conflict but to tranquility. It is not that principle which is the cause of war but the only foundation for an enduring peace. There can be no peace with the forces of evil. Peace comes only through the establishment of the supremacy of the forces of good. That way lies only through sacrifice. It was that the people of our country might live in a knowledge of the truth that these, our countrymen, are dead. “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”

This spirit is not dead, it is the most vital thing in America. It did not flow from any act of government. It is the spirit of the people themselves. It justifies faith in them and faith in their institutions. Remembering all that it has accomplished from the day of the Puritan and Cavalier to the day of the last, least immigrant, who lives by it no less than they, who shall dare to doubt it, who shall dare to challenge it, who shall venture to rouse it into action? Those who have scoffed at it from the day of the Stuarts and the Bourbons to the day of the Hapsburgs and the Hohenzollerns have seen it rise and prevail over them. Calm, peaceful, puissant, it remains, conscious of its authority, “slow to anger, plenteous in mercy,” seeking not to injure but to serve, the safeguard of the republic, still the guarantee of a broader freedom, the supreme moral power of the world. It is in that spirit that we place our trust. It is to that spirit again, with this returning year, we solemnly pledge the devotion of all that we have and are.”

Oliver Wendell Holmes: “In our youths, our hearts were touched with fire”, Memorial Day speech – 1884 30 May 1884, Keene, New Hampshire, USA


“But, nevertheless, the generation that carried on the war has been set apart by its experience. Through our great good fortune, in our youth our hearts were touched with fire. It was given to us to learn at the outset that life is a profound and passionate thing. While we are permitted to scorn nothing but indifference, and do not pretend to undervalue the worldly rewards of ambition, we have seen with our own eyes, beyond and above the gold fields, the snowy heights of honor, and it is for us to bear the report to those who come after us. But, above all, we have learned that whether a man accepts from Fortune her spade, and will look downward and dig, or from Aspiration her axe and cord, and will scale the ice, the one and only success which it is his to command is to bring to his work a mighty heart.

Such hearts–ah me, how many! –were stilled twenty years ago; and to us who remain behind is left this day of memories. Every year–in the full tide of spring, at the height of the symphony of flowers and love and life–there comes a pause, and through the silence we hear the lonely pipe of death. Year after year lovers wandering under the apple trees and through the clover and deep grass are surprised with sudden tears as they see black veiled figures stealing through the morning to a soldier’s grave. Year after year the comrades of the dead follow, with public honor, procession and commemorative flags and funeral march–honor and grief from us who stand almost alone, and have seen the best and noblest of our generation pass away.

But grief is not the end of all. I seem to hear the funeral march become a paean. I see beyond the forest the moving banners of a hidden column. Our dead brothers still live for us, and bid us think of life, not death–of life to which in their youth they lent the passion and joy of the spring. As I listen, the great chorus of life and joy begins again, and amid the awful orchestra of seen and unseen powers and destinies of good and evil our trumpets sound once more a note of daring, hope, and will.”

The New Regressive Dark Ages Arrogance, wealth, and received authority are always the super-spreaders and force-multipliers of false knowledge, and none more so than in the present age. By Victor Davis Hanson

Once upon a time long ago, we agreed there were certain immutable laws of human nature. These laws were based on facts, reality, and data. 

In other words, we accepted common sense about the way the world worked according to logical and even “scientific” principles. That assumption defined us as “enlightened” rather than Dark Age reductionists and ideological- or myth-driven zealots. 

Not now. “Progressives,” especially the media, are most often regressive, anti-Enlightenment, and intolerant people, who start with a deductive premise and then make the evidence conform to it—or else. 


For example, we used to believe that if the government printed more money without commensurate sudden rises in population or economic output, inflation followed. And money cheapened in value all the more so if the government simultaneously both incentivized labor non-participation through over generous entitlements, and promised or enacted higher taxes and more regulations. The latter inevitably would discourage production as demand from a stimulated economy rose. 

In 100 days, we’ve either done all of those things or, at least sent messages to producers that we shall do so shortly. Why then are we surprised that monthly consumer prices are spiking after nearly 20 years of very low inflation? Why are our essentials such as lumber, gasoline, housing, appliances, and food skyrocketing? Is the current idea that there is no science of economics? Or is inflation good by “spreading the wealth” through decreasing the value of money for those who have too much of it? 

Deterrence is also an ancient law. Humans make instant cost-benefit analyses and act accordingly—from nation states that weigh the advisability of war to potential criminals who gauge the chances of their arrest and punishment. 

In deterrent terms along the border, what happens if the United States signals Latin America and Mexico that it will cease construction on an effective border wall, promise in advance blanket amnesties, reinstate “catch and release” rules, stop prior efforts to recalibrate easy “refugee status,” and pull back from detaining unlawful border crossers? Logically, would not potential illegal immigrants believe that the rewards of U.S. healthcare, safety, housing subsidies, entitlement support, education, and even affirmative action outweigh the increasing unlikelihood of meeting resistance at the border—or any later consequences for residing illegally in the United States?

The result is now true “chaos” at the border. Tens of thousands of unvetted immigrants illegally stream into the United States, in a fashion that is not diverse, not legal, not meritocratic, and not measured—the old foundations of rapid melting-pot assimilation. 

Did the Biden Administration simply by fiat declare that such obvious human laws did not apply to their superior moral impulses? Or did it deliberately violate them to change the demography of the American southwest in ways that eventually will benefit the hard Left? Likewise, could it be that rising crime is due to efforts to defund or cut back police forces, or allowing criminals to be freed without bail, or district attorneys not prosecuting crimes deemed matters of social justice.