Accused Russiagate ‘Spy’ Kilimnik Speaks — and Evidence Backs His ‘No Collusion’ Account By Aaron Maté

The man cast as a linchpin of debunked Trump-Russia collusion theories is breaking his silence to vigorously dispute the U.S. government’s effort to brand him a Russian spy and put him behind bars.

In an exclusive interview with RealClearInvestigations, Konstantin Kilimnik stated, “I have no relationship whatsoever to any intelligence services, be they Russian or Ukrainian or American, or anyone else.”

Kilimnik, a longtime employee of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, spoke out in response to an explosive Treasury Department statement declaring that he had “provided the Russian Intelligence Services with sensitive information on polling and campaign strategy” during the 2016 election. That press release, which announced an array of sanctions on Russian nationals last month, also alleged that Kilimnik is a “known Russian Intelligence Services agent implementing influence operations on their behalf.”

Treasury’s claim came shortly after two other accusatory U.S. government statements about the dual Ukrainian-Russian national. In March, a U.S. Intelligence Community Assessment accused Kilimnik of being a “Russian influence agent” who meddled in the 2020 campaign to assist Trump’s reelection. A month earlier, an FBI alert offered $250,000 for information leading to his arrest over a 2018 witness tampering charge in Manafort’s shuttered Ukraine lobbying case, which was unrelated to Russia, collusion, or any elections.

Treasury provided no evidence for its claims, which go beyond the findings of the two most extensive Russiagate investigations: the 448-page report issued in 2019 by Special Counsel Robert Mueller and the 966-page report issued in August 2020 by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.

Treasury has declined all media requests for elaboration on how it reached conclusions that those probes did not. Two unidentified officials told NBC News that U.S. intelligence “has developed new information” about Kilimnik “that leads them to believe” (emphasis added) that he passed on the polling data to Russia. But these  sources “did not identify the source or type of intelligence that had been developed,” nor “when or how” it was received.

“Nobody has seen any evidence to support these claims about Kilimnik,” a congressional source familiar with the House and Senate’s multiple Russia-related investigations told RCI.

Feds Spent $300,000 on Virtual Reality Penguin Study By Adam Andrzejewski

How does $300,000 to study penguins through a virtual reality experience sound?

That is what the University of Wisconsin got from the National Science Foundation in 2020 for Arctic and Antarctic research.

The $300,000 grant provides for a project called “Becoming Joey: Promoting Informal Learning Through Embodiment in an Adélie Penguin Virtual Reality Experience.”

To better understand the polar regions, the virtual reality research is “to encourage and support basic research that is best conducted in or can only be conducted in the Arctic and Antarctic.”

The goal is to understand the natural phenomena in the Antarctic and Arctic regions and their role in global systems, according to the grant summary.

The funding helps pay for postdoctoral fellowships in polar regions research, as well as undergraduate student research, laboratory equipment and for research opportunities for women, minority, and disabled scientists and engineers.

The Adélie penguin is found only on the Antarctic continent and is the smallest of the species of penguins found there.

Don’t ‘follow the science,’ follow DeSantis by Eddie Scarry

Perhaps we should consider removing the “D” from “CDC,” because liberals at this point don’t seem to care so much about exterminating COVID-19 as they do about keeping a vise grip on what people can and can’t do.

After the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention revised its guidance last week, determining that fully vaccinated individuals have no need for mask wearing, pandemic-lovers everywhere rushed to call it premature.

There’s no verification of vaccination! Not enough people have been vaccinated! But my mask is like a security blanket!

Dr. Leana Wen of George Washington University, often seen on CNN, wrote Sunday in the Washington Post that President Joe Biden should override the CDC guidance.
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“The Biden team has excelled on many aspects of the COVID-19 response,” she wrote, “but this was a major blunder that threatens to set back much of the progress made. President Biden needs to fix it, urgently.”

Wen’s suggestion for Biden is to reassert the need for countrywide indoor mask mandates and to fulfill the dream of requiring a form of COVID vaccination verification.

Wait, what happened to “following the science?!”

Wen further wrote that Biden “should clarify what it is that the CDC does,” that it only offers “guidance” but doesn’t set policy.

Yeah, that’s what conservatives and level-headed Republicans have been saying for the better part of a year — that a group of scientists at a government agency aren’t tasked with steering a country through a pandemic. That’s what elected leaders are for, and they do that by weighing competing factors, such as the spread of a particular disease, the education of children, and the health of the economy.

True, the CDC’s guidance, in this case, doesn’t go the way that Wen and others would have preferred. But science isn’t there to make anyone happy. It’s there to inform decisions.

These people have never really been interested in following the science anyway. They’ve proven that time and time again. The phrase “follow the science” itself is just a cliche. We should instead say, “Follow DeSantis.”

Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida made the determination early on that the pandemic was too big to micromanage. He was right. A highly contagious, airborne virus, at that time with no proven treatment yet, (but fortunately with some identifiable infection patterns) couldn’t be stopped. But it could be managed.

DeSantis realized that those most at risk of severe illness (his state’s large elderly population) could be shielded and that everyone else could be advised and trusted to assess their own condition and behave accordingly.

With that calculation, DeSantis kept his state’s hospital system stable and its economy above water. People died, and each death is a tragedy, but that’s the nature of a pandemic, and they did not die in especially large numbers in Florida. In fact, states with enduring mask mandates and stricter lockdowns fared no better than Florida when you account for population size.

With each passing day, liberals can feel their control over our lives slipping away. They don’t like it, but that’s where “the science

An Election Heist Too Big to Fail J.B. Shurk

Inveterate liar Liz Cheney is running from one news camera to the next like a chicken with its head cut off.  Is she screaming about the Biden regime personally funding Hamas, Hezb’allah, and Iranian terrorists in their war to exterminate Israel?  Nope.  Is she furious that the White House has intentionally instigated a crisis of epic proportions at the southern border by dismantling President Trump’s effective deterrents and actively aiding and abetting the business operations of drug-traffickers and slavers throughout the United States?  Of course not: Ignoring the will of the American people and insisting that they remain victims while criminal enterprises destroy their communities are bipartisan objectives of the One Party State.  Is she enraged that “green” fascists have joined forces with Federal Reserve currency-manipulating oligarchs to spike gas prices and send inflation spiraling to the moon?  Both parties abandoned Main Street businesses decades ago (and despise President Trump’s “America First” policies), so as long as Wall Street can still make a buck and her lobbyists are sitting pretty, why should she care?  

So what has Cheney frothing at the mouth these days (besides her long-overdue boot from the ranks of Republican “leadership”)?  President Trump, obviously, and his dogged refusal to allow the greatest election theft in American history to go unanswered.  

How President Biden Emboldened Hamas, Islamic Jihad by Khaled Abu Toameh

Second, was the Biden administration’s offer to resume negotiations with Iran to revive the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, enabling Iran, in a few years, to have unlimited nuclear weapons — while ignoring Iran’s continual breaches of the deal. The administration also apparently ignored Iran’s harassment of American naval vessels. In fact, as if the US is about to reward Iran for all that.

Earlier this year, the Gulf Cooperation Council expressed deep concern over the Houthi terrorist attacks on Saudi Arabia and called on Iran to stop its efforts to destabilize the security and stability of the Arab countries by supporting terrorist groups. This appeal, however, appears to have been ignored by the US and other Western powers.

“The Houthis and their Iranian backers think that the American move was the result of their military perseverance and a reflection of their superiority in the field. Moreover, the two sides (the Houthis and Iran) understood the measure as an indication of the new American administration’s soft position towards them and bias against Saudi Arabia… Such messages enhance Houthis conviction that force is the key factor…. Revoking the Houthi designation without receiving anything in return raises the question about the efficiency of decision-making in this administration. In addition, revoking the designation of Houthis sends a message that Biden might return to Obama’s hesitant and weak policy.” — Emirates Policy Center (EPC) report, March 13, 2021.

Buoyed by the decision to resume the financial aid with no conditions attached, the Palestinian Authority and Hamas are now convinced that the Biden administration’s next move will be to rescind Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. That is why the Palestinians have chosen to call the current wave of attacks on Israel as the “Jerusalem Uprising.”

A number of decisions taken by the Biden administration — who were handed peace in the Middle East, US energy independence, secure borders, the blueprint for a booming economy, and American adversaries such as China, Russia and Iran on the defensive — have managed, in four short months, to blow most of that up.

Some of these decisions have apparently emboldened Iran and a number of its terrorist proxies.

First was the decision to revoke the designation of the Iranian-backed Houthi group in Yemen as a foreign terrorist organization.

Second, was the Biden administration’s offer to resume negotiations with Iran to revive the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, enabling Iran, in a few years, to have unlimited nuclear weapons — while ignoring Iran’s continual breaches of the deal. The administration also apparently ignored Iran’s harassment of American naval vessels. In fact, as if the US is about to reward Iran for all that.

Third, came the resumption of $235 million in financial aid to the Palestinians — with no conditions attached.

These decisions, coupled with others, have evidently been interpreted by Iran and the Islamist terrorist groups as a sign of US weakness, as well as a green light for one of their proxies, the Houthis, to step up their missile and drone attacks on Saudi Arabia.

“The [Biden administration’s] decision encouraged the Houthi militia to go ahead with targeting Saudi Arabia,” Yemeni researcher Dr. Adel Dashila said.

“The Houthi militia would not have dared to carry out such attacks had it remained on the list of terrorist groups. The decision to remove the Houthi militia from the list also boosted its diplomatic and political status.”

Innocent Until Proven Conservative: Capitol Protesters Languish in Jail, Are ‘Tortured,’ While Antifa And BLM Criminals Walk By Kevin Downey Jr.

“People are tortured mentally, physically, socially, emotionally, legally, and spiritually,” Jacob Lang wrote to his dad. He has been in a federal jail since he was arrested on January 16 for his part in the mostly peaceful demonstration at the Capitol on January 6.

“I’ve been in solitary confinement for a hundred days now and haven’t been convicted of any crime with no end in sight,” he continued.

Lang is accused of assaulting a Capitol police officer with a dangerous or deadly weapon. He has pleaded not guilty to all charges. As per a text message received by his mother, Lang was reportedly locked in an empty cell with no toilet paper, chair, or blanket for 14 hours after being accused of advising other Capitol protestors to not take a plea deal.

Shockingly (or not), members of the left’s darling street militias, BLM and antifa, have seen a different side of the “system.” People arrested for rioting, looting, burning federal buildings, and assaulting police officers are seeing little, if any, time behind bars. Roughly half of those arrested for federal crimes have had their charges dropped. Most are granted bail and many have had their bail paid by organizations such as the Minnesota Freedom Fund.

Compare that treatment to Capitol protester Ryan Samsel, reported to have been “viciously and savagely” beaten by police while in federal custody.

“He has definitely suffered serious injuries, including a shattered orbital floor, a broken orbital bone, his jaw was broken, his nose was broken,” Elisabeth Pasqualini, attorney for Ryan Samsel said, adding that Samsel is currently not able to see out of his right eye and may permanently lose vision in it. His hands were reportedly zip-tied together behind his back at the time of his beat down.

Men Give Birth. America Was Founded in 1619. And Israel Is the Aggressor. By Dennis Prager

When you meditate for a moment on what the left expects honest and decent people to believe, you confront the world of absurdities and lies in which we live.

The left demands we believe and announce that men menstruate and give birth, and that it is in no way unfair to girls and women when biological men compete in girls’ and women’s sports.

In tens of thousands of American schools, students are brainwashed to believe that America was not founded in 1776 but in 1619, the year the first Africans were brought to North America as indentured servants or slaves. This is the “1619 Project” lie: It was labelled a lie by almost every leading historian of early America, many of whom are Democrats and liberals who supported the impeachment of former President Donald Trump.

And now, with Hamas — a totalitarian theocratic Islamist terror group — unleashing thousands of rockets on Israel’s civilian population and Israel responding to this latest of repeated attempts at mass murder, the world’s left demands that we believe Israel is the villain and Hamas is the victim.

The left’s condemnation of Israel and sympathy for Hamas is just another example of the morally inverted world the left has constructed.

We live in a world in which the mass media and academia — all nothing more than mouthpieces of the left — repeatedly tell the world that America fought the Revolutionary War in order to preserve slavery, that men menstruate and that Hamas is a victim of Israeli aggression.

How such gargantuan lies have become mainstream truths is a question for another column. Suffice it to say they are all as absurd as they are mendacious.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Orders a Mandate Against Mask Mandates – And It Gets Better From There By Victoria Taft

Texas Governor Greg Abbott just threw down the gauntlet to any tin-pot water commissioner, mayor, or school board member who wants to keep Texans wrapped up in a mask. He’s turned COVID mask mandates on their ear by prohibiting mask mandates by any governmental entity in the state.

That’s right, it’s a mandate against mask mandates.

He signed an emergency declaration on Tuesday announcing that Texans have a “liberty to choose” whether or not they’ll wear a mask.

We can continue to mitigate COVID-19 while defending Texans’ liberty to choose whether or not they mask up.

Imagine that: an elected leader who believes individuals can conduct their own affairs in a waning pandemic.

But, wait, it gets better.

Just to make sure liberal Travis County mask scolds don’t try any funny stuff, Abbott’s new rule says any governmental outfit requiring masks can be fined $1,000.

Palestine Shouldn’t Exist By refusing to accept Palestinians into the neighboring land, Arabs were able to make them a permanently aggrieved class. By Dan Gelernter

At the end of World War I the Ottoman Empire had been destroyed, leaving the allies to administer its former territories in the Levant. The French received a League of Nations mandate for Lebanon, which had been Catholic since the crusades, as well as for what is now Syria. The British created new kingdoms with varying degrees of independence in Egypt, Iraq, and in Hejaz, which would be invaded by the Sauds and transformed into Saudi Arabia a few years later. 

The British also received a League of Nations mandate to implement the Balfour Declaration in Palestine. As the Mandate stated, “recognition has thereby been given to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country.” 

Lord Balfour said in a speech he hoped the Arabs would not “begrudge that small notch” of land to the Jews, reminding them of the new Arab sovereignty in Hejaz, which covered 870,000 square miles. Palestine, this “small notch of land,” included Israel, Gaza, the West Bank, and all of Jordan. This territory jointly constituted about 46,000 square miles, or 5 percent of the area of Hejaz, and had a population of just a few hundred thousand, including nomadic Arabs as well as Jews who had largely arrived in the first Zionist settlement movement of the 1880s.

Unfortunately, the British had made a certain Prince Faisal, who had been an ally in the war, king of Iraq. And his brother Abdullah, who had also been a good British ally, wanted to be a king, too. He complained to the British, who duly made him a king. Their solution was to give him the largely empty Transjordan, figuring the Jews wouldn’t mind if 75 percent of their promised homeland was deleted right at the outset.

The Jews were left with about 8,000 square miles, roughly the size of New Jersey. Between the world wars, the British restricted Jewish immigration and settlement to small areas and simultaneously encouraged Arab immigration. The Arabs were vastly more influential in the region and had the innate sympathies of the British. They might have gotten away with eradicating the Jews from Palestine entirely if not for the unfortunate trick played on the Arabs by World War II: The Arabs had supported Nazis, and this made them look bad. As a result, the British felt compelled to stick to their guarantee of a Jewish homeland. To an extent. 

The Essential Anti-Semitism of the Socialist Brian Wimborne

In matters pertaining to all aspects of society, socialists like to present themselves as righteous priests of the moral high ground. The record of socialism in practice, however, has shown it has rarely matched the rhetoric of its followers.

Despite claims to promote peace, equality and liberty, socialists have been in the vanguard of violent demonstrations, demonising anyone who disagrees with them and, wherever possible, suppressing human rights. Far from being the advocates of social reform and advanced thinking, socialist governments invariably embrace a conservative statism in which individuals have neither freedom nor peace.

The equality “enjoyed” by them results from having had their moral and material standards reduced to that of the lowest common social denominator. Socialists invariably confuse equality with sameness.

They also believe the socialist movement sprang from the Enlightenment. This is true, but not in the way they like to imagine. Socialism was a reaction to the Enlightenment, a counter-movement, based on an ideology that scorns rational thinking.

Nevertheless, the Left cling to the term “scientific socialism”, believing it gives a veneer of rationalism to their ideology. It is actually an oxymoron.

The phrase “scientific socialism” was coined in 1840 by Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, the first self-proclaimed anarchist, in his dissertation “Property is Theft”, and was used later by Karl Marx in Das Kapital.

Underlying a socialist veneer of rational thought is a set of prefabricated rules and directives in which science, reason and empirical evidence play no part. It is a pseudoscience that led Karl Popper, the philosopher of science, to write, “Thus scientific socialism is not a social technology, it does not teach the ways and means of constructing social institutions.” (Popper, K. The Open Society and its Enemies, Vol Two: Hegel and Marx. Routledge and Kegan Paul Ltd.  2002, 95)

In the practice of socialism, history and truth are mangled in any way that fits a Marxist mould. Failure to do this would reveal that Marx’s analysis of history and predictions, in respect of the future course of capitalism, were sloppy and selective.

In addition, socialism is riddled with contradictions. One in particular has been its attitude to Jews. On the one hand it recognised them as a down-trodden minority—the type of group that feeds the Left’s predilection for victims; at the same time, it condemned Jews as capitalists who are responsible for creating an impoverished under-class—the all-but vanished proletariat.

Nineteenth-century France was the cradle of socialism. It was there that Pierre Leroux, who coined the term “socialism”, was the first person to describe Jews as “Christ-killers”. He wrote of the Jewish spirit as “the spirit of profit, of lucre, of gain, the spirit of commerce, of speculation, in a word, the bankers’ spirit” (Quoted in Edmund Silberner.  ‘Pierre Leroux’s Ideas on the Jewish People.’ Jewish Social Studies Vol. 12, No. 4 (Oct. 1950).  Indiana University Press, 367-384).