Did you take the SATs to try to get into college? Your kids may not have to.
More than 1,300 schools have become “test optional,” meaning students need not submit SAT scores. Some, like the entire University of California system, now won’t even look at scores.
There are seemingly legitimate reasons to oppose the tests. Richer kids often get tutoring that gives them an advantage.
Critics claim the tests are culturally biased and say that’s why Blacks and Latinos don’t score as well. But that doesn’t explain why Asians do so well. In fact, Asians get the best SAT scores.
I assume it’s more about culture and parenting. Kids raised in front of the TV do poorly. Those encouraged to read do better. Kids who spend time talking to adults do better.
Bob Schaeffer, executive director at FairTest, an advocacy group that helped persuade colleges to dump tests, says testing companies just want to make money.
“These are businesses selling products,” Schaeffer says in my new video. “The College Board is a billion-dollar a year business.”
I ask him what’s wrong with the tests themselves. He replies, “The SAT and ACT are inferior predictors of college performance.”