True story. Yesterday, as stories disparaging Sidney Powell’s motion to dismiss Dominion’s $1.3 billion defamation lawsuit began mounting up, all of them seizing on a few words from her lawyers’ brief to the point that “no reasonable person” would conclude that her publicly discussed findings against Dominion were “statements of fact,” I knew something was wrong with this narrative, obviously. The idea that Sidney Powell would put forward a Dumb Blonde argument to discredit herself in defense of herself was and is ludicrous.
I wasted a few minutes yesterday looking for a piece of journalism that colored outside these crudely drawn party lines and found not a one. Not a one! No surprise but the absence of basic expository journalism clarifies one of the crises we face as a post-democratic society. There is no functioning Fourth Estate, there are only propaganda organs of the regime.
I read most of the 90-page brief myself, which is here, and got my own news. No, Sidney Powell did not say she was just making stuff up. Mouthpiece Media spatchcocked a couple of phrases together and lied about them.
By the way, as Lin Wood pointed out on his Telegram account, “Dominion’s lawyer, Tom Clare, also represents Bill Gates. Just sayin’.”
See below for responses to the false regime narrative from Sidney Powell and her lawyer, via Powell’s websites and Kraken-Wood.