Stephen Flynn’s last book is covered with a graphic of his own design: a cruise missile labeled “speech code” is streaking towards an academic building. Academia is hoisted by its own petard. An institution that is supposed to be selling ideas destroys itself with censorship, cancellation, and dogma.
That wasn’t the graphic chosen for the book’s initial design. Ironically, Flynn’s study of academic threats to free speech was canceled in June 2019, within weeks of its scheduled publication. The publisher’s letter to the author alleged possible violations of British criminal laws against hate speech and incitement of racial hatred. An American publisher got it released within months, prefaced with Emerald Press’s ridiculous letter, without any legal trouble.
Flynn’s findings of genetic diversity in intelligence attracted woke ire. Part of Flynn’s “radical reform” of the university would include making the facts of genetic diversity a requirement in undergraduate education. He prescribed grade deflation, fewer admissions, more vocational alternatives, and more hard scientific requirements before students would be allowed to declare in the humanities and social sciences. His book doesn’t predict the end of higher education without reform, but, according to his publisher, Paul du Quenoy, that’s only because “he was too nice.”
Flynn died a year after the book’s publication. In a memorial discussion, the panelists all agreed that “the future of academia is at the very least highly uncertain and at the most really quite dire,” as du Quenoy put it.
Charles Murray (celebrated and vilified for proving that cognitive intelligence predicts socioeconomic outcomes better than so-called privileges) was most optimistic. “At some point,” he said, “you are going to have these very weak social science departments, with very mediocre people, saying very foolish things. At some time, the scorn of the grown-ups, who are still doing serious work, is going to become impossible to ignore.”
University of Pennsylvania law professor Amy Wax, who faced her own near-cancellation after blaming disadvantages on the denigration of “bourgeois culture,” hopes that Murray is right, but she’s pessimistic. “The number of people who care about getting the facts right and getting at the truth in academia is dwindling by the day,” she said. “That is not what it’s about anymore. It’s about peddling and selling and spreading an ideology.”