“In many cases, these UK universities are unintentionally generating research that is sponsored by and may be of use to China’s military conglomerates, including those with activities in the production of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs), including intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) as well as hypersonic missiles, in which China is involved in a new arms race and seeks ‘massively destabilising’ weaponry”. — “Inadvertently Arming China? The Chinese military complex and its potential exploitation of scientific research at UK universities,” a report by the British think tank Civitas, February 7, 2021.
“This report illustrates how 15 of the 24 Russell Group universities and many other UK academic bodies have productive research relationships with Chinese military-linked manufacturers and universities. Much of the research at the university centres and laboratories is also being sponsored by the UK taxpayer….” — “Inadvertently Arming China? The Chinese military complex and its potential exploitation of scientific research at UK universities,” a report by the British think tank Civitas, February 7, 2021.
Australian analyst Alex Joske, in a submission to the Australian Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security, “The Chinese Communist Party’s Talent Recruitment Efforts in Australia,” identified at least 325 participants from Australian research institutions, including government institutions, in Chinese Communist Party (CCP) talent-recruitment programs, with as many as up to 600 academics possibly being involved…. Joske estimated that CCP talent recruitment activity in Australia may be associated with as much as AUD $280 million (USD $217 million) in grant fraud over the past two decades.
According to official statistics, China’s talent-recruitment programs drew in almost 60,000 overseas professionals between 2008 and 2016,” Joske wrote in his August 2020 report, “Hunting the phoenix – The Chinese Communist Party’s global search for technology and talent”. “These efforts lack transparency; are widely associated with misconduct, intellectual property theft or espionage; contribute to the People’s Liberation Army’s modernisation; and facilitate human rights abuses….. Over the long term, China’s recruitment of overseas talent could shift the balance of power between it and countries such as the US.”
China continues generously to fund Western universities. In the UK, for instance, the Chinese company Tencent funded post-doctoral research in the Department of Engineering at Cambridge University…. According to the CIA, Tencent was founded with financing from China’s Ministry of State Security.
Oxford University has also received a generous donation from Tencent. Its prestigious Wykeham chair of physics, which was established in 1900, will now be known as the Tencent-Wykeham chair, in honor of the Chinese software giant’s donation of £700,000 to the university.
Much of Chinese influence on British universities comes from the CCP’s Confucius Institutes, of which there are at least 29 in the UK, according to a February 2019 report on the topic by the Conservative Party Human Rights Commission.