“Crisis of the Two Constitutions The Rise, Decline, and Recovery of American Greatness” by Charles R. Kesler

House Divided Charles R. Kesler’s new book brings together the classical beginnings of the study of politics with the story of our nation in thought and deed.

American politics grows embittered because it is increasingly torn between two rival constitutions, two opposed cultures, two contrary ways of life. American conservatives rally around the founders’ Constitution, as amended, and as grounded in the natural and divine rights and duties of the Declaration of Independence. American liberals herald their “living Constitution,” a term that implies the original is dead or superseded, and that the fundamental political imperative is constant change or “transformation” (as President Obama called it) toward a more and more perfect social democracy, made possible by man’s increasingly god-like control of his own moral evolution. 

Crisis of the Two Constitutions details how we got to and what is at stake in our increasingly divided America.

Congress, in a Five-Hour Hearing, Demands Tech CEOs Censor the Internet Even More Aggressively Glenn Greenwald


“Words cannot convey how chilling and authoritarian this all is: watching government officials, hour after hour, demand censorship of political speech and threaten punishment for failures to obey.”

The repressive objective of the Democratic-controlled Congress is to transfer the power to police and censor political discourse from these tech giants to themselves.

Republican members largely confined their grievances to the opposite concern: that these social media giants were excessively silencing conservative voices in order to promote a liberal political agenda (that complaint is only partially true: a good amount of online censorship, like growing law enforcement domestic monitoring generally, focuses on all anti-establishment ideologies, not just the right-wing variant). This editorial censoring, many Republicans insisted, rendered the tech companies’ Section 230 immunity obsolete, since they are now acting as publishers rather than mere neutral transmitters of information. Some Republicans did join with Democrats in demanding greater censorship, though typically in the name of protecting children from mental health disorders and predators rather than ideological conformity.

As they have done in prior hearings, both Zuckerberg and Pichai spoke like the super-scripted, programmed automatons that they are, eager to please their Congressional overseers (though they did periodically issue what should have been unnecessary warnings that excessive “content moderation” can cripple free political discourse). Dorsey, by contrast, seemed at the end of his line of patience and tolerance for vapid, moronic censorship demands, and — sitting in a kitchen in front of a pile of plates and glasses — he, refreshingly, barely bothered to hide that indifference. At one point, he flatly stated in response to demands that Twitter do more to remove “disinformation”: “I don’t think we should be the arbiters of truth and I don’t think the government should be either.”


Watch Live: Joe Biden Hosts His First Press Conference as President https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/03/25/watch-live-joe-biden-hosts-his-first-press-conference-as-president/

GOP Makes ‘Jim Crow Look Like Jim Eagle’: Biden’s First Press Conference Draws Sharp Reaction https://www.faithwire.com/2021/03/25/gop-makes-jim-crow-look-like-jim-eagle-bidens-first-press-conference-draws-sharp-reaction/

Biden’s open borders policy generates $14 million a DAY for human traffickers https://www.newstarget.com/2021-03-25-biden-open-borders-14million-day-human-traffickers.html

Five Leftist Statements by Kamala Harris on Overhauling Southern Border Crisis https://www.breitbart.com/immigration/2021/03/25/five-leftist-statements-kamala-harris-overhauling-southern-border-crisis/

CNN’s Van Jones: Biden Stuck Up for America’s ‘Humanity’ on Border Surge https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2021/03/25/cnns-van-jones-biden-stuck-up-for-americas-humanity-on-border-surge/

Ted Cruz, Who Is Vaccinated, Refuses Reporter’s Request to Put Mask On: ‘You’re Welcome to Step Away’ https://www.faithwire.com/2021/03/25/ted-cruz-who-is-vaccinated-refuses-reporters-request-to-put-mask-on-youre-welcome-to-step-away/

Two Weeks After Texas Lifted Its Mask Mandate, COVID Cases Are Spiraling Downward https://thefederalist.com/2021/03/25/its-been-two-weeks-since-texas-lifted-its-mask-mandate-and-covid-cases-are-spiraling-downward/

China Must Come Clean on COVID https://townhall.com/columnists/betsymccaughey/2021/03/24/china-must-come-clean-on-covid-n2586774?
Elon Musk’s China Ass-Kissing Tour Continues https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/elon-musks-china-ass-kissing-tour-continues

Could dimming the sun help to cool the Earth? Bill Gates wants to spray millions of tonnes of CHALK into the stratosphere to reflect sunlight and slow global warming – but critics fear it could be disastrous https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-9392641/Bill-Gates-wants-spray-millions-tonnes-CHALK-stratosphere.html

WATCH: Iran-backed Terrorists Shoot Down American Drone https://unitedwithisrael.org/watch-iran-backed-terrorists-shoot-down-american-drone/?

Covering Up Ahmad Al Issa’s Islamic Yearnings https://www.jihadwatch.org/2021/03/covering-up-ahmad-al-issas-islamic-yearnings?

The Courts and the Election of 2020 by Chris Farrell


[Judge] Benson did not go through the proper rule-making process when issuing the guidance…. That is precisely how elections are stolen.

U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts scrupulously ignored every 2020 election legal challenge raised by former President Trump in order to assure a legally uncontested Biden victory. Irregularities in six states could not get the attention of the highest court….

Pandemic or not, the last-minute rule changes imposed by judicial and executive branch officials were irregular and perhaps outright illegal. State legislatures govern elections. Changing the rules to extend deadlines, dropping signature requirements for mail-in ballots and other sketchy practices that saw huge voting total swings are all indications of election manipulation.

“We failed to settle this dispute before the election,” [Justice] Thomas wrote, “and thus provide clear rules. Now we again fail to provide clear rules for future elections. The decision to leave election law hidden beneath a shroud of doubt is baffling. By doing nothing, we invite further confusion and erosion of voter confidence.” He then reviewed the documented risks presented by mail-in balloting, which offers “simpler and more effective alternatives to commit fraud.”

The further we get from the November 2020 election, the more we will see documented evidence of voting irregularities, manipulations and gamesmanship. There remain unresolved issues in Georgia, Wisconsin and Maricopa County, Arizona.

We must use every legal tool available to us… to ensure free and fair elections that the American people can trust. That means cleaning up voter registration rolls; having and election DAY (not a “season”); voter ID; enforced rules for absentee and mail-in ballots; paper ballots for audit purposes; and banking-quality cyber security on all electronic voting systems. Those measures are just a start, but should be a minimum standard achievable by the 2022 mid-term elections.

While the mainstream news media continues to shout down anyone raising even the slightest penumbral emanations of possible 2020 election irregularities, and social media giants suspend, and even erase, people for similar “violations of community standards” (whatever that means) — a Supreme Court justice and a Michigan Secretary of State have issued written opinions that refute what every sensible MSNBC viewer desperately wants to believe is true.

State Court of Claims Judge Christopher Murray ruled that Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson’s guidance to Michigan clerks in early October was invalid. Benson instructed the clerks to presume the accuracy of absentee ballot signatures. Benson did not go through the proper rule-making process when issuing the guidance. Murray has ruled Benson’s actions unlawful, stating that Benson’s orders went, “beyond the realm of mere advice and direction, and instead is a substantive directive that adds to the pertinent signature-matching standards.”

That is precisely how elections are stolen.

Where is GOP Outrage Over Justice Department’s Capitol Probe?By Julie Kelly

The U.S. government now holds political prisoners in jail in the nation’s capital, and the party that purports to stand for freedom, liberty, and rule of law refuses to defend them.

A federal judge this week blasted a top Justice Department official for publicly bragging about the agency’s sprawling investigation into the January 6 Capitol melee. In an emergency hearing, U.S. District Court Judge Amit Mehta warned government prosecutors to keep quiet or face a gag order.

Mehta fumed over comments made in a television interview by former acting U.S. Attorney Michael Sherwin—he led the first two months of the nationwide manhunt for suspected “insurrectionists”—that could imperil the already shaky case against ten alleged members of the Oath Keepers. The lawyers of the defendants facing several charges including conspiracy, attended the virtual hearing on Tuesday.

“The Justice Department needs to understand that these types of public statements can jeopardize the integrity of a criminal case and affect the rights of the defendants,” Mehta said. (Sherwin reportedly is under internal investigation himself for giving the “60 Minutes” interview last week.) “No matter how much press attention this matter gets, it will be clear these defendants are entitled to a fair trial. The government, quite frankly in my view, should know better.”

The Obama-appointed judge, with those few sentences, said more to defend the rights of Trump-supporting protesters than the totality of Republican leadership in Washington, D.C.. Top Biden officials are accelerating the weaponization of powerful federal agencies against regular Americans who dared, not just to vote for Donald Trump, but also to doubt the legitimacy of the 2020 presidential election. The Justice Department’s Capitol breach probe, its official name, gives cover to inflict severe punishment for those verboten acts and beliefs.

The same cabal that wielded its authority against the former president and his associates for more than four years has aimed its arsenal at hundreds of Trump supporters—yet the GOP remains silent.

Crickets from Congressional Republicans

Early on, Republicans joined Democrats in overhyping the events of January 6. “This failed insurrection only underscores how crucial the task before us is for our republic,” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) preached in a statement released that evening. “They tried to disrupt our democracy. They failed. They failed to attempt to obstruct the Congress.”

Senator Ben Sasse (R-Neb.), in a typically dramatic speech the next day, claimed the Capitol “has been desecrated. Blood has been spilled in the hallways.” (He also warned we should not tell our children that American institutions “can’t be trusted,” despite all evidence to the contrary.)

The Self-Parody of Joe Biden’s Press Conference A “transcript” of the first Biden press conference. By Charles Lipson


There is absolutely no crisis at the southern border, and Trump caused it. Also Trump wanted small children to die at the border. I don’t. That’s just another reason people say I’m a good person.

Despite what you’ve heard, there is no surge of immigration. There’s just springtime, man. The fact that we need to open up military facilities to house this influx, well, that just shows what a fine job we are doing correcting Trump’s problems.

By the way, those immigrants aren’t streaming across our border because I’m a good guy and Trump is a bad guy, although that’s 100 percent true. They aren’t coming because of anything I said as a candidate, either, like telling the world I would suspend deportations for 100 days and stop construction of the border wall. No, it’s just springtime, plus bad conditions in Central America. C’mon, man, nobody can do anything about springtime. But we can do something about Central America. We can fix it. My suggestion is street lamps. Trump didn’t think of that. I did.

I am a man of the Senate and deeply respect that body. That’s why we have to change it in fundamental ways. Take the filibuster. It’s a relic of Jim Crow. If you support it, then you must be a vicious racist. Now, just because the filibuster is a malicious relic of America’s racist history doesn’t mean we should abolish it. No. We should just modify it. That way, we’ll dilute the racism a little bit.

I believe in comity and bipartisanship. That’s why I say that the Republican position on the voting-rights bill is the most racist thing since the Confederates fired on Fort Sumter. That was not a good thing, either. It led to a lot of testiness. Republicans don’t know that.

I believe in government transparency. That’s why we really want to let journalists see the border facilities . . . at some undetermined future date. I say, “There’s no rush.” Let’s wait ‘til we’ve fixed things up a bit. When will that be? It’s kinda hard to say, but I’m guessing sometime in the future.

Biden Sends $15 Million in COVID Aid to “Palestinians” Who Have Half Of US Fatality Rate Fri Daniel Greenfield


Last spring, Senate Democrats were obsessed with saving Hamas from the coronavirus.

Eight Senate Democrats, including Bernie Sanders, and Elizabeth Warren, dispatched a four-page letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, demanding to know what America was doing about the coronavirus.

Not in America. In Gaza.

According to the Senate letter, “as of March 24, the first two cases of COVID-19 were confirmed in the Gaza Strip.”

That’s two cases. Two. The United States has over 200,000 as of now.

The letter quotes an article claiming that in Gaza, “health ministry officials” whined “that just one person infected with the deadly virus would end in ‘complete disaster’”

Fast forward to this year and some 500 Gazan residents in Hamas territory have died of the virus. That’s not exactly a major crisis.

So the Biden administration is directing $15 million in aid.

The United States said Thursday it is giving $15 million to vulnerable Palestinian communities in the West Bank and Gaza Strip to help fight the COVID-19 pandemic, a sharp reversal from the Trump administration which cut off almost all aid to the Palestinians.

Thomas-Greenfield said the $15 million in aid is “consistent with our interests and our values, and it aligns with our efforts to stamp our the pandemic and food insecurity worldwide.”

Food insecurity? Because we’re also funding food aid programs. Food isn’t a bomb, but as a practical matter foreign aid is fungible and non-profits on the ground in areas controlled by terrorists tend to either use local contractors associated with the terrorist leadership or make payoffs to them.

America at the End of Empire Is civilizational decline reversible? Mark Tapson


In a recent monologue on HBO’s Real Time, host Bill Maher called Americans a “silly people” for allowing themselves to be mired in culture war struggles, such as the politically correct cancelling of children’s books, while our superpower competition China is laser-focused on political, economic, and military dominance.

“You’re not going to win the battle for the 21st century if you are a silly people. And Americans are a silly people,” Maher asserted. He then referenced the latest “cancel culture” controversy – the woke mob’s targeting of children’s author Dr. Seuss over purported racism in his books: “Do you know who doesn’t care that there’s a stereotype of a Chinese man in a Dr. Seuss book? China. All 1.4 billion of them couldn’t give a crouching tiger flying fuck because they’re not a silly people. If anything, they are as serious as a prison fight.”

Maher pointed out that China has “built 500 entire cities from scratch, moved the majority of their huge population from poverty to the middle class, and mostly cornered the market in 5G and pharmaceuticals” in two generations. Meanwhile in America, “half the country is having a never-ending woke competition deciding whether Mr. Potato Head has a dick and the other half believes we have to stop the lizard people because they’re eating babies. We are a silly people,” he continued.

“Do you think China’s doing that, letting political correctness get in the way of nurturing their best and brightest?” Maher added. “Do you think Chinese colleges are offering courses in ‘The Philosophy of Star Trek, ‘The Sociology of Seinfeld,’ and ‘Surviving the Coming Zombie Apocalypse’? Those are real and so is China. And they are eating our lunch. And believe me, in an hour, they’ll be hungry again.”

Maher’s prescient lecture came just before the Chinese delegation ate their American counterparts for lunch at last week’s U.S.-China meeting in Alaska, telling Secretary of State Antony Blinken to his face that China does not view America as operating “from a position of strength.” With a new American President so decrepit he is shielded from the public by his handlers; with our southern border collapsing under tsunami of illegal aliens; and with Americans at each other’s throats in a not-so-Cold Civil War, China’s not wrong about that.

Unlike his fellow political propagandists on late-night TV, Maher occasionally comes down on the right side of an issue, and this is one of them.

Joe Biden Immediately Gives His Handlers Nightmares After Appearing Confused at Times During First Presser By Sister Toldjah |



““Tired”? Really? We all know what tired actually looks like, and it’s an insult to our intelligence to pass off Biden’s mid-sentence freezes as nothing more than being “tired.”

As I said yesterday, that the leader of the free world essentially had to be shamed into doing a formal press conference two months into his time in the Oval Office should set off alarm bells everywhere. But when you see how things get progressively worse during these events – no matter how tightly staged they are, it begins to make more sense as to why they’re keeping him on leash in carefully controlled settings.

It’s quite terrifying, to be honest, and the more it happens the worse it looks. World leaders seem to be taking notice, too, which makes all of this even more concerning. But Biden IS the POTUS, and he should be expected to be able to appear in public and before the press and to coherently answer questions.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Joe Biden does not just look unwell, he doesn’t appear to actually be well, either. It’s no wonder he’s turning over meetings with Vice President Kamala Harris to his Chief of Staff Ron Klain and kicking the press out when they try to get answers from him.

That they continue to ignore the elephant in the room here is a disgrace, made doubly so by the fact that they were questioning Trump’s mental fitness to lead well before he even took office.

Questions about Biden’s state of mind and mental health are issues the American people deserve answers to. It’s just too bad members of the mainstream press had an hour or so today to do just that, and not a single one of them took the opportunity to do so. They didn’t hesitate to do it with Trump, and they shouldn’t have any hesitancy doing it with this President, either.

Biden Presser Was Such a Disaster, There Was One Moment That Showed What Elder Abuse It Was By Nick Arama


Oh my gosh, as I type this, I’m watching this utter disaster that is the Joe Biden press conference.

It sounds like many in the press came ready with real substantive questions but Biden failed to show up with his mind, as my colleague Sister Toldjah just explained.

It seemed like he was trying to go from a script, he had reporters’ names on a list that he was calling on. Were there any prepared questions would be my question? Like this one that basically was Yamiche Alcindor praising him saying it’s his morality that’s causing them to come. Yeesh, propagandist.

He takes credit for that and then turns around and blames President Donald Trump for the surge.

But even with apparent preparation He was negative, when he didn’t know or couldn’t answer, which was a lot, he was combative with reporters, saying “Come on, man!”

It was awful, not sure how anyone could have thought he’d make it through it, it was a complete train wreck. He kept talking and talking and talking, but it was often just rambling gibberish.

But perhaps the mistake that was most emblematic of the huge problem he has is what he said about when he joined the Senate.

“With regard to the filibuster, I believe we should go back to a position with the filibuster that existed when I came to the United States Senate 120 years ago.”