Leftist hatred for the Canadian psychology professor Jordan Peterson is really something to behold. He stands as an example of what happens to someone who strays from the crazy line of thinking by modern campus bigots.
Mr. Peterson is the canary in the toxic coal mine of political correctness and petty thought police.
Let’s start with the professor’s crime.
Simply put, Mr. Peterson does not share the monolithic, prevailing liberal orthodoxy on university campuses dictating that Western White males are the world’s evil oppressors and anyone who does not belong to that evil race is a victim trapped in circumstances beyond his or her control.
Consider for a moment the leftist premise to which the radical Mr. Peterson objects.
On its face, it is blatantly racist. Divvying up, defining and punishing groups of people based on their race (or gender) was racist 200 years ago during slavery times. It was racist 75 years ago. It is still racist today.
Yet, astonishingly, this reborn racism is widely embraced by the racists who dominate college campuses today.
The second obvious flaw in this racist orthodoxy is the message it sends to non-White, non-males.
Any challenges, failures or misery you face in life are not your fault. And, even worse, there is nothing you can do to change your circumstances. So, just stew in your bitterness and hatred for White males along with the rest of us, goes the leftist campus orthodoxy of the day.