In 1979, John H. Bunzel penned a piece in Newsweek titled “The Badge of ‘Elitism.'” Bunzel was president of a state university in California from 1970 to 1978. Here’s what he had to say
Thus I am an elitist if what is meant and understood is that I recognize there are differences in individual talent and capacity. Further, it is silly to pretend that anyone who acknowledges these differences is somehow an ‘anti-democrat.’ And it is just as foolish to claim that anyone who recognizes there are different physical and behavioral traits among various groups is a racist.
He further asserted that “one can oppose racism without believing that people are equal in abilities. Put another way, there is a world of difference between ‘discriminatory practices’ and ‘discriminating standards.'”
Today Mr. Bunzel would be hounded for his perfectly logical idear
Now under the domination of Marxists, progressives and Communists, people must “assume that the existence of any differences constitutes prima facie evidence of inequality — and since in a democracy ‘all men are created equal’ these differences are presumed to be a self-evident indictment of democracy.”
Colleges boast of programs dealing with diversity, inclusion and equity. Here is a sampling.