The Abraham Accords — between Israel, the UAE and Bahrain — will lead to billions of dollars of investment and trade between Israel and its partners in peace. The Accords will also allow the Emirates and Bahrain to benefit from Israeli technology, and see their defense strengthened against Iran.
Sudan, freshly removed from the list of terrorist states, now has help from Israel, one of the world-leaders in agricultural technologies, and will be able to improve its food production.
President Trump added to the agreement the recognition of Moroccan sovereignty over Western Sahara, a territory claimed by a guerrilla group supported by Algeria and more recently by the Islamic Republic of Iran and Hezbollah. President Trump’s decision strengthens Morocco, an ally of the United States, and refuses to reward enemies of the United States.
Saudi Arabia’s educational curricula are being modified in a direction of tolerance and all traces of anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli statements have been removed. The religious discourse in the country is also changing…. Saudi Arabia’s Grand Mufti, now says that religion should be spread through words, not through the sword….Saudi Arabia is… moving in an extremely promising direction. Let us hope that outside forces do not thwart it.
The outline of a more stable Middle East, less marked by war, appears to be taking shape – if other countries will just let it. The mullahs’ regime, no longer a major nuisance, seems on the road to asphyxiation. Let us hope that process is not thwarted, either.
The new Biden administration, in under two weeks, is already threatening to undermine these and other victories. It had indicated…that it would like to return to the catastrophic nuclear “Iran deal”…. [New] conditions seem to boil down to a demand that Iran respect the terms of the JCPOA, which Iran has, in fact, never respected. Evidently perceiving an American wishing to appease it, the mullahs announced on January 4 that they had decided to resume enriching uranium to the 20% level, close to the purity used for nuclear weapons. The same day, the mullahs seized a South Korean-flagged chemical tanker in the Strait of Hormuz.
The Biden administration also seems eager to restore U.S. aid to the Palestinian Authority and reconnect with its leaders — without talking to them about their support for terrorism, treating them again, as “partners for peace”, no matter how much evidence there is to the contrary, and attempting to move toward renewed support yet again for a potentially lethal “two-state solution”.
Presumably Iran can only want to weaken the agreements between Israel, Bahrain, the Emirates, Morocco and Sudan.