Andrew Cuomo Continues His Assault on the First Amendment By David Harsanyi

If he had his way, New York governor Andrew Cuomo would do to the Constitution what he’s already done to the elderly of his state. This week, he signed a bill banning the sale of “hate symbols” such as the Confederate flag, swastikas, and “white supremacist” imagery on state property. Of course, neither Cuomo nor the state legislature is empowered to decide what constitutes “hate symbols,” much less selectively ban them — even if New Yorkers had any interested in selling these symbols on state property, which doesn’t seem to be the case. But all of this is just virtue-signaling, as the kids say: a way to get people who still believe in liberal values to sound like they’re defending ugly things like the Confederate flag rather than a neutral principle.

Then again, perhaps there’s familial confusion over the issue of speech rights among the Cuomos. You may remember Chris, who earned his law degree at Fordham, informing his followers that “hate speech is excluded from protection” in the Constitution. (It isn’t.) Now Andrew Cuomo, who earned his law degree at Albany Law School, argued that his ban would “safeguard New Yorkers from the fear-installing effects of these abhorrent symbols,” as if his bailiwick or anyone’s else’s in government is to protect you from seeing things you don’t like. If it were, nursing-home residents would be throwing copies of Cuomo’s book American Crisis into a raging bonfire.

“This country faces a pervasive, growing attitude of intolerance and hate — what I have referred to in the body politic as an American cancer,” Emmy-award winning Cuomo, quoting himself, says in his approval message. This is a wholly paranoid — or crassly cynical — view of American life, but also irrelevant. There is no “hate” exception to the Constitution just as there is no coronavirus exception.

Cuomo, whose great tolerance once led him to say that conservatives weren’t welcome in New York, was recently rebuffed by the Supreme Court for targeting the free religious expression of New York’s orthodox Catholics and Jews with his COVID diktats (the governor called the Supreme Court’s decision “irrelevant.”) Cuomo is a perfect illustration of why the state should never be empowered to adjudicate the limits of free expression. It is not difficult to imagine what an aspiring authoritarian like Cuomo, who regularly smears his political opponents as hatemongers, would do with such power.

New Documents Show Hunter Biden Requesting $10 Million From Chinese On Behalf Of ‘Entire Biden Family’ By Tristan Justice

New documents reported by Fox News Wednesday offer more details into a $10 million deal outlined between Hunter Biden and Chinese businessmen with deep ties to the Chinese Communist Party, adding fuel to ongoing scandals plaguing President-elect Joe Biden, big tech, and big media.

According to correspondence obtained by Fox, Hunter Biden reportedly offered his “best wishes from the entire Biden family” to CEFC Chairman Ye Jianming in 2017 and urged the Chinese business partner with deep ties to the Chinese Communist Party to wire over $10 million to “properly fund and operate” a joint Biden venture.

“I hope my letter finds you well. I regret missing you on your last visit to the United States,” Hunter Biden wrote in a June letter. “Please accept the best wishes from the entire Biden family as well as my partners.”

In the same letter, Biden continued to note Tony Bobulinski, a Biden business partner-turned whistleblower this year, requested the $10 million dollar transfer from Ye’s associates.

“I would appreciate if you will send that quickly,” Biden wrote, to fund the Biden-led firm Sinohawk in partnership with Bobulinski who would serve as CEO.

Joe Biden Doubles Down On Hunter’s Innocence As New Reporting Emerges By Tristan Justice

President-elect Joe Biden doubled down on his son’s innocence Wednesday as new reporting emerges with more insight into Hunter Biden’s overseas business ventures while also being the subject of two FBI probes examining the family finances.

“Are you confident that Hunter Biden did nothing wrong?” a Fox News reporter asked President-elect Joe Biden during a Wednesday press conference.

“I’m confident,” Biden said simply and moved on to the next question.

The show of certainty comes one week after the Biden-Harris transition team released a statement reiterating the president-elect’s support for his son along with a note from Hunter Biden himself acknowledging the existence of a Justice Department investigation examining Hunter’s taxes.

“President-elect Biden is deeply proud of his son, who has fought through difficult challenges, including the vicious personal attacks of recent months, only to emerge stronger,” the team said.

Florida Is Open, New York Is Closed: The Weaponization Of Covid By Christopher Bedford

Despite larger populations, currently freer peoples, and a media narrative that screams otherwise, there are far, far fewer deaths in Texas and in Florida than in New York.

Thus far in Florida, approximately 20,000 people have died of COVID-19. In Texas, the number stands around 24,000, and in New York, about 35,000.

New York is the smallest of the three, with 19.54 million residents. Then comes Florida, with 21.67 million, before Texas, with 28.7 million residents.

COVID numbers are difficult to trust. Cases are often counted more than once as patients go in and out of the hospital, and some deaths are attributed to COVID that are barely related, if at all.

There’s a perverse incentive to write down “COVID” and get state and federal money, no doubt, but one thing rings clear through all the din: Despite larger populations, currently freer peoples, and a media narrative that screams otherwise, there are far, far fewer deaths in Texas and in Florida than in New York.

For months, American media consumers have been treated to news of Florida and Texas’s incoming death spirals. For months after, we were promised those death spirals were just around the bend. The funny thing with COVID, though, is unlike global warming doom science — always 3-12 years away and “too complex” to explain when it inevitably doesn’t happen — COVID doom predictions are checkable in just a few weeks. And COVID doom didn’t happen.

‘Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country’ By Patricia McCarthy

‘Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country’

The above sentence was devised by Charles E. Weller as a typing drill.  Originally the last two words were “the party” but typing books long ago changed that to “their country.”  Suddenly it seems a very important call to arms, so to speak.  The United States as founded is certainly under attack; that has been true almost from the beginning.  It began in earnest with the election of Abraham Lincoln and his intent to end slavery.  The racists hated Lincoln easily as much as our left hates Trump and for pretty much all the same reasons.  Clearly it is the left today that values skin color and sexual orientation over any and all other human characteristics.  

That Lincoln prevailed until he didn’t was a miracle.  Trump’s 2016 victory was an unexpected lightning bolt for left that assumed a Clinton victory was in the bag.  

Then there was the Woodrow Wilson administration and his “progressive” (racist) agenda.  His crowd too wanted to diminish the profundity of the Constitution.  In short, there have always been anti-freedom anarchists among our population thanks in part to the freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution they want to shred because “it was written by old white men.”   They could not care less about the fact of those men’s brilliance, courage, dedication and loss that went into the writing of that singular document.

They Stole It Fair And Square: Steven Hayward

• The Democrats stole the election fair and square. Of course I don’t mean that literally; what I mean is that the election was effectively stolen months ago before any ballots were cast when legislatures (and sometimes governors and state courts such Pennsylvania) changed the voting rules to allow expanded mail-in voting, and the cascade of related vulnerabilities that followed. Republican legislatures that went along with these COVID-induced panic changes were foolish if not derelict in their duty. And the Trump campaign was negligent in not fighting against this months ago. President Trump was correct to warn about this outcome. Why wasn’t his campaign better organized to resist this months ago? (I know they did file a few lawsuits, a few of which had some effect, but it wasn’t enough.) I suspect the long-rumored campaign infighting and attention to other things distracted Trump’s senior campaign managers from paying sufficient attention to this.

• Fraud is very easy in our election system. Remember that our elections are run by part-timers, amateurs, and volunteers on the county level in America—and we have over 3,000 counties. In such a diffuse system it is easy to conjure up a few dozen votes here, a few hundred votes there. Or worse. It is at once a glory of self-government in America that we actually conduct our elections in this decentralized way involving tens of thousands of citizen volunteers. It is also astounding that we use such a vulnerable and chaotic system to choose our president.

• So the problem with vote fraud is that a remedy is difficult to apply. There aren’t good remedies. If a race is within a few hundred votes or less, a recount or ballot challenges can work to reverse the outcome, though not often. The plain fact is that once a fraudulent ballot is inside the ballot box and counted, it is very hard to get it back out of the box and un-counted. Fraudulent ballots need to be intercepted before they reach the ballot box. It is likely not possible to disqualify enough ballots to change the outcome in three states, which is what Trump would need. The statistical anomalies of this election are good circumstantial evidence of vote fraud, but exactly which ballots, or which vote totals, do you change, and how?

No court is going to overturn an election result on circumstantial evidence and affidavits of incorrect polling place procedure alone. (I reserve judgment for the time being about the Dominion computer system question.) And the thorough fact-finding necessary for judicial intervention would take time that we haven’t got. This is why both the Constitution and most state election statutes make the legislatures the arbiters of presidential election results.

Wisconsin Supreme Court rules state erred by giving blanket exemption to voter ID rules during COVID Ruling opens door to challenge potentially tens of thousands of ballots in state where difference between Biden, Trump is just about 20,000 votes.

The Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled Monday that state and local election officials erred when they gave blanket permission allowing voters to declare themselves homebound and skip voter ID requirements in the 2020 election, potentially opening the door for Republicans to challenge tens of thousand of ballots.

In a case challenging the practice in Dane County, one of Wisconsin’s large urban center around the city of Madison, the state’s highest court ruled only those voters whose “own age, physical illness or infirmity” makes them homebound could declare themselves “indefinitely confined” and avoid complying with a requirement for photo ID.

The mere existence of a COVID-19 pandemic and shutdown orders was not sufficient under Wisconsin law for all persons to skip the voter ID requirements to seek to vote absentee, the justices ruled.

“We conclude that both the contention that electors qualify as indefinitely confined solely as the result of the COVID19 pandemic and the declared public health emergency and the contention that Wis. Stat. § 6.86(2)(a) could be used for those who ‘have trouble presenting a valid ID’ are erroneous because those reasons do not come within the statutory criteria,” the court ruled.

Michigan lawmakers issue subpoenas to Detroit, Livonia clerks Craig Mauger

Lansing — The Michigan House and Senate oversight committees voted Tuesday to issue subpoenas to clerks in Livonia and Detroit as Republican lawmakers bolstered their push to investigate the Nov. 3 election. 

Under the subpoenas, Detroit Clerk Janice Winfrey and Livonia Clerk Susan Nash will have to produce a trove of documents about how they ran their elections by 5 p.m. Jan. 12.

Detroit has been the focus of the attempt by President Donald Trump’s campaign to discredit Michigan’s election with unsubstantiated claims of voter fraud. Livonia, which is also in Wayne County, had similar rates of out-of-balance precincts compared to Detroit.

That means the number of voters tracked in poll books didn’t match the number of ballots cast in precincts. The imbalances are usually due to human errors, voters moving and other administration problems.

“We’re continuing our due diligence to determine if allegations that were made are true or not,” Senate Oversight Chairman Ed McBroom, R-Vulcan, said after the meeting.

“We’ve heard a lot of explanation for how poll books get out of balance,” he added. “This level is something that we want to check into.”

GOP Sen. Ron Johnson Blasts Dem Sen. Ralph Peters: “You Lied Repeatedly In The Press That I Was Spreading Russian Disinformation” By Tim Hains

Republican Sen. Ron Johnson blasted Democratic Sen. Gary Peters during a hearing Wednesday for claiming he was pushing Russian disinformation about Hunter Biden and Ukraine.

“You lied repeatedly. You lied repeatedly in the press. That I was spreading Russian disinformation. That was an outright lie and I told you to stop lying and you continued to do it,” Johnson said.

“The people peddling Russian disinformation are not on my side of the aisle. Senior Democrat leaders, including ranking member Peters, were involved in a process of creating a false intelligence product that they leaked to the media that accused Sen. Grassley, the President Pro-Temp of the Senate, and myself, of accepting and disseminating Russian misinformation,” Johnson said. “Sen. Peters introduced that false information, Russian disinformation into our investigation record. 50 members of the intelligence community, after our Hunter Biden investigation, and the revelation of his computer say it is Russian disinformation, now we find out, it is a real investigation by the Justice Department.”

“So, it’s just galling and I just have to point out that the purveyors of Russian disinformation – Hillary Clinton’s campaign, the DNC, the Steele Dossier, the Ranking Member Peters accusing Sen. Grassley and I of disseminating Russian disinformation, that’s where the disinformation is coming. That’s where the false information, the lies, the false allegations,” Johnson said.

Palestinian Track Record Ambassador (Ret.) Yoram Ettinger

December 16, 2020,

The Palestinian conflict did not erupt in 1967, nor in 1948.

In November 1917, the Balfour Declaration called for the establishment of “a national home for the Jewish People” in Palestine, which was the accepted international name of the Land of Israel since the 5th century BCE. The declaration, by the British Foreign Minister, stated that “nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities [Arabs] in Palestine.” The declaration acknowledged the ancient national Jewish roots in the Land of Israel (Palestine), and that Jews were indigenous in Palestine, returning to – not colonizing – their homeland.

In April 1920, the post-World War I San Remo Conference reaffirmed the Balfour Declaration and laid the legal foundation for the creation of 22 Arab states and one Jewish state. It was signed by all 51 members of the League of Nations in the August 1920 Treaty of Sevres between the Allied Powers and the Ottoman Empire.

Arab terrorism erupted in Jerusalem, Jaffa and the Galilee in response to the emerging reestablishment of Jewish sovereignty in the Middle East, which is considered by Muslims as the abode of Islam, “divinely-ordained to believers” and off limits to “infidel” sovereignty.

In July 1922, the League of Nations entrusted Britain with the Mandate for Palestine, which was authored by the San Remo Conference. The Mandate highlighted “the historical connection of the Jewish people to Palestine, and the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country.” The sole purpose of the Mandate was to establish a Jewish national home in Palestine, referring to the Land of Israel. The Mandate for Palestine has been included, since 1945, in Article 80 of the UN Charter, which preserves the inherent Jewish national rights in the Land of Israel.

In September 1922, the League of Nations and Britain transferred 3/4 of Palestine to the Hashemite Emirate of Transjordan, which gained independence in 1946.