Sean Davis: Media And Big Tech Rigged Election By Suppressing Biden Family Crime News By Tristan Justice

Federalist Co-Founder Sean charged big tech and big media of rigging the November election through their conspired suppression of blockbuster stories exposing incriminating information on their preferred presidential candidate, Joe Biden.

“There’s been a lot of talk about election rigging and vote counts and all that, but I think the election rigging that we haven’t given nearly enough attention to was the rigging done by corrupt media and big tech to suppress this story,” Davis said of the Hunter Biden scandals plaguing the Biden administration, which “undoubtedly changed the election… That’s a huge scandal.”

Data from the Media Research Center (MRC) lends credence to Davis’s claim. According to an MRC-commissioned survey conducted in the days following the election, nearly 20 percent of Biden voters interviewed across eight key battleground states, seven of which the former vice president carried, reported they would have changed their decision at the ballot box had the media properly covered several key stories offering more information about Biden.

Davis took particular aim at legacy outlets still ignoring the Hunter scandal even after being forced to offer coverage following a statement from Hunter Biden himself admitting the existence of an FBI investigation that had been reported in October.

“We have a pretty incurious media, especially when it comes to the White House press corps where they’re just simply not even interested in the answers so they don’t even bother asking the questions, so we’re left with other outlets who don’t have the access and the bandwidth that the big ones have,” Davis said. “The other issue is, unlike the Russia investigation… there’s nothing coming out in the government. So when you have Republicans that are being investigated, it’s leaks galore. When it’s Democrats like Hunter Biden and the Biden family and James Biden being investigated, we don’t know anything.”

Mitch, Mitt And Never-Trumpers Have It All Wrong: Trump Should Fight On, Not ‘Move On’

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell created a stir by calling Joe Biden “president-elect” following Monday’s Electoral College vote. Meanwhile, senator and former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney urged President Donald Trump to “move on.” Sorry, but there are still serious issues of fraud related to this election. To abandon the quest for the truth would be a disservice to the American people.

Of course, it’s understandable that people are tired of arguing whether a national election was fraudulent or not. We’d only note that the modern use of voting machines and vote-by-mail that make election fraud far easier is largely a “progressive” project, created to make voting less secure and less transparent, not more.

Even so, and apart from the crucial upcoming U.S. Senate runoff election in Georgia, there’s good reason not to listen to either McConnell or Romney or, for that matter, any of the many “Never-Trumpers” in the GOP who seem eager, anxious even, to get rid of Trump. They want him to fold his tent and walk away.

We can only guess why. But what’s most important now is that we determine the scale and scope of the electoral fraud and whether it truly handed the election to Biden. If so, Trump becomes president.

And, in truth, no matter what the Electoral College said on Monday, if massive fraud is in evidence in the states, the election results cannot stand. And there’s plenty of evidence of that tumbling out by the day.

By now we’ve all heard the stories of vote counts being suspended in the middle of the night, with Trump having a massive lead, only to be continued in the early morning with a shocking and statistically near-impossible number of votes being dumped into the hopper for Biden.

UPDATED: The Tragic Failure of William Barr Roger L. Simon

I used to be a big fan of Attorney General William Barr.Now, as of Dec. 14, 2020, he’s gone, effective Dec. 23, almost a month before the actual end of a Trump administration, assuming that happens.Technically, Barr resigned, accompanied by the usual complimentary letter to the president, but something obviously went wrong in his relationship with Donald Trump.

What was it?

William Barr certainly knew how to talk the talk. His October 2019 speech on religious liberty at the Notre Dame Law School is particularly eloquent and meaningful. If you haven’t heard it, maybe you should as a reminder of the person he could be.

That was the same AG who promised, what seems like decades ago, he would get to the bottom of the reprehensible, treasonous to many, origin of the Trump-Russia investigation, known hereabouts as Spygate.He assigned John Durham, a reputedly hard-nosed U.S. attorney from Connecticut, to uncover the sources of this outrage and bring the miscreants to justice.

Unfortunately, within that promise soon emerged a hint of trouble to come. Barr informed us that higher officials—meaning, of course, President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden—were not in Durham’s brief to investigate, although they had attended a fateful meeting in January 2016 from whence much may have flowed.

Some people were evidently above the law.

As justification for this, Barr made it seem he was trying to put an end to the politicization of the Department of Justice and the FBI—and maybe he was … in his own eyes.

‘Soft Targets’: Chinese Spies Have Been Exploiting US Politicians for Decades, Says Expert By Cathy He

A report that a suspected Chinese spy spent years cozying up to local and national-level politicians reveals that Beijing is investing significantly in long-term espionage operations to infiltrate U.S. politics, an expert said.

From 2011 to 2015, Christina Fang, a Chinese student at California State University–East Bay, cultivated extensive ties with local politicians in the Bay Area by volunteering in fundraising campaigns and attending political events. U.S. intelligence officials believe she was working under the direction of China’s top spy agency, the Ministry of State Security (MSS), according to a recent investigation by Axios.

Fang developed close ties to Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.), who in early 2015 became a member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. She first knew Swalwell when he was a local city council member. Fang later fundraised for the congressman’s 2014 reelection campaign, and facilitated the placement of an intern in his office, the outlet reported.

She also had romantic or sexual relationships with two unnamed mayors of Midwestern cities, Axios said.

The operation was “beautifully handled” in the way it combined both intelligence gathering and political influence, said Nicholas Eftimiades, a former senior U.S. intelligence official and author of the book “Chinese Intelligence Operations,” in an interview with The Epoch Times.

Charles Lipson :Dr. No: Northwestern’s Unwise Rebuke of Epstein’s Op-Ed

Joseph Epstein wrote a controversial column last week saying Jill Biden should stop using the courtesy title “Dr.,” despite her doctorate in education. Leave that title for physicians, Epstein said on the Wall Street Journal’s opinion page.

The column set off fireworks among academics and intellectuals. The epicenter was Northwestern University, where Epstein, a prolific and erudite essayist, has long been listed as a “lecturer” in the English Department. No more. His name disappeared immediately from the department website. Ditching him quietly wasn’t enough for university administrators, who issued a blistering official condemnation of Epstein’s views. They added that he hadn’t really been a lecturer since 2003, without mentioning his many years of teaching there.

In a news release, Northwestern offered 10 pro forma words of support for academic freedom before turning to the real goal: lacerating Epstein.

While we firmly support academic freedom and freedom of expression, we do not agree with Mr. Epstein’s opinion and believe the designation of doctor is well deserved by anyone who has earned a Ph.D., an Ed.D. or an M.D.

Northwestern is firmly committed to equity, diversity and inclusion, and strongly disagrees with Mr. Epstein’s misogynistic views.

What’s the problem with Northwestern’s statement? It is not their defense of using “Dr.” for Ph.D.s or Ed.Ds. Jill Biden earned the latter degree, and she has every right to use the title, if she wishes. Henry Kissinger used it after he joined the Nixon administration, believing it carried more weight than “professor” with journalists, policymakers, and the general public. At Harvard, where he had been teaching, “Dr.” is reserved for physicians. But he wasn’t on campus, and neither is Jill Biden. Neither are thousands of psychologists and educators who use the term regularly.

Where Is The Criticism Of China From Environmentalists? Francis Menton

You undoubtedly are aware that the international environmental movement has almost entirely been taken over and consumed by the climate change scare; and you also cannot help but be aware of the constant drumbeat of attacks by environmentalists on the U.S. government, particularly under President Trump, for its failure to reduce carbon emissions sufficiently to “save the planet.” At the same time, you are a reader of the Manhattan Contrarian. Therefore, you know that China is not only not reducing its own carbon emissions, but instead has well more than tripled them over the past twenty years (during which period U.S. emissions have declined modestly by about 15%); and today China is in the midst of a new round of massive expansion of its fossil fuel energy generation capacity, particularly with respect to the most carbon-intensive fuel, coal.

As quoted by me in a post just a couple of days ago, from the Global Energy Monitor, June 2020:

China currently has 249.6 gigawatts (GW) of coal-fired capacity under development (97.8 GW under construction and 151.8 GW in planning), a 21% increase over end-2019 (205.9 GW). The amount of capacity under development (249.6 GW) is larger than the [entire] coal fleets of the United States (246.2 GW) or India (229.0 GW).

So then surely the major environmental organizations must be coming down hard on China? Wrong. Indeed, many of them are full of praise for China for its “climate leadership.” Sure, China gives plenty of empty lip service to Western climate orthodoxy; but could these environmentalists really be so dense as to be fooled by that, even as information as to China’s soaring emissions and hundreds of new coal plants is readily available (if not widely publicized by the CCP)?

Darkest Hour By: Judd Garrett

‘For those who reject the “America First” approach to international relations that Trump has promoted, answer this, does China put China first? Yes. Does Russia put Russia first? Yes. Does Germany put Germany first? Yes. Does (fill in the blank) country put their country’s interests first? Yes. Why is it only evil when America puts American interests first? And since America, the greatest force of good in the world, a strong America, America as the world’s superpower, is unequivocally what’s in the best interest of the world.”

I was re-watching the movie, Darkest Hour, the other day, about the weeks leading up to Great Britain’s entrance into World War II, and I was struck by the similarities between the political dynamics of their country during that time to the United States, today. England was facing an existential threat from an evil totalitarian regime of Nazi Germany, and England’s Prime Minister was a loud, outspoken, rude, politically incorrect man named Winston Churchill. Churchill believed the best course of action was to stand up to the evil Nazi regime, and if they were to negotiate, they could then do so from a position of strength. He understood that the most dangerous course of action for the country would be not to fight.

Churchill was not well received by the elites or the political class of England. He was brash and outspoken, saying unpopular things. The King told Churchill once, “you scare people. One never knows what’s going to come out of your mouth next. Something that will flatter. Something that will wound.”

One does not have to be perfect to be a great leader, in fact, many times, their flaws are what makes them great. Churchill’s wife told him, “you are strong because you are imperfect. You are wise because you have doubts.”

A contingent of career politicians worked behind the scenes, colluding together to oust Churchill because they believed their positions and their special interests were best served not to fight. They were willing to achieve a peace treaty with the Nazis at-all-cost even if it meant negotiating from a position of weakness. It was highly unlikely that Germany would have abided by the terms of the agreement forged under those circumstances. The treaty would only have been used by Germany to exploit England’s weaker position.

Fraud Analyst Finds Average of 2 to 3 Percent Shift for Biden in Counties That Used Dominion By Petr Svab

A man who’s made a living developing fraud detection algorithms has discovered a curious phenomenon: Counties that started using Dominion Voting Systems machines have on average moved by 2 to 3 points to the Democrat presidential candidate from the Republican compared to counties that didn’t adopt the machines.

The difference persisted even after he controlled for a number of factors, including county population and various demographic characteristics.

“I recommend we audit the machines,” he concluded.

The man is Ben Turner, who used to be the chief actuary at Texas Mutual Workers’ Compensation Insurance. He now runs Fraud Spotters, a consultancy specializing in detecting insurance fraud.

The Epoch Times replicated his initial analysis using the same data he used and arrived at the same results.

Turner told The Epoch Times that he’s not making any specific allegation against Dominion; he’s simply reporting what he found.

Dominion didn’t immediately respond to a request by The Epoch Times for comment. The company has for years been criticized over alleged vulnerabilities in its system. It has previously denied that its machines can be used to switch votes from one candidate to another.

Turner reached his conclusion despite being initially incredulous about claims that the Dominion machines affected the election outcome.

50th anniversary of Leningrad trial sparks memories, educational initiatives: Judy Lash Balint

The foiled takeover of a plane in the USSR prompted worldwide involvement in the Soviet Jewry movement, even though those in “Operation Wedding” paid a price for their actions.

(December 15, 2020 / JNS) On Dec. 15, 1970, a small item appeared at the top of page three of The New York Times under the jarring headline, ‘Soviets Reported Trying 11, Mostly Jews, in Hijacking.’ Few could have predicted that the trial of those young Jewish activists held in a grim Leningrad courtroom would transform the lives of millions of people on both sides of the Iron Curtain.

The accused were part of a group that tried to carry out a plan in June 1970 to take over a small plane that would then fly under the radar across the Soviet border to freedom.

It was a radical scheme whose goal was to focus attention on the plight of Jews in the Soviet Union and their desire to emigrate. Those who took part were seasoned activists who understood that there was a far greater likelihood of being killed or arrested than of reaching Sweden, but they went ahead anyway. The result? Arrests, death sentences, long years in the Gulag—and the jumpstart to a movement that ultimately brought freedom to millions of Soviet Jews, and strengthened the identity and commitment to Jewish peoplehood of untold others in the West.

Fifty years later, the names of those courageous young Soviet Jews and their daring deed, called “Operation Wedding” (the Jewish activists claimed to be traveling together to a wedding), remain largely forgotten. Many of those involved wonder why the Jewish world has paid little attention to such a positive, inspiring and dramatic movement. Now, two new educational initiatives, one in Hebrew and the other in English, hold the promise of reviving interest.

Dominion Voting Systems “Designed to Create Systemic Fraud” by Soeren Kern

“We conclude that the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results. The system intentionally generates an enormously high number of ballot errors. The electronic ballots are then transferred for adjudication.” — Allied Security Operations Group, Antrim Michigan Forensics Report, Revised Preliminary Summary, v2, December 13, 2020.

“The allowable election error rate established by the Federal Election Commission guidelines is of 1 in 250,000 ballots (.0008%). We observed an error rate of 68.05%. This demonstrated a significant and fatal error in security and election integrity.” — Allied Security Operations Group, Antrim Michigan Forensics Report, Revised Preliminary Summary, v2, December 13, 2020.

“Significantly, the computer system shows vote adjudication logs for prior years; but all adjudication log entries for the 2020 election cycle are missing. The adjudication process is the simplest way to manually manipulate votes. The lack of records prevents any form of audit accountability, and their conspicuous absence is extremely suspicious since the files exist for previous years using the same software.” — Allied Security Operations Group, Antrim Michigan Forensics Report, Revised Preliminary Summary, v2, December 13, 2020.

“On November 21, 2020, an unauthorized user unsuccessfully attempted to zero out election results. This demonstrates additional tampering with data.” — Allied Security Operations Group, Antrim Michigan Forensics Report, Revised Preliminary Summary, v2, December 13, 2020.

“Based on the preliminary results, we conclude that the errors are so significant that they call into question the integrity and legitimacy of the results in the Antrim County 2020 election to the point that the results are not certifiable. Because the same machines and software are used in 48 other counties in Michigan, this casts doubt on the integrity of the entire election in the state of Michigan.” — Allied Security Operations Group, Antrim Michigan Forensics Report, Revised Preliminary Summary, v2, December 13, 2020.

A forensic audit of voting equipment produced by Dominion Voting Systems and used in the State of Michigan for the 2020 election has found major irregularities in the tabulation of votes. The audit found a 68% error rate in Antrim County, where thousands of votes for U.S. President Donald J. Trump were wrongly “flipped” to former Vice President Joe Biden on November 3, 2020.

The high error rate was, according to the auditors, due to an algorithm placed inside the Dominion software that assigned different weights to votes cast for different candidates at a 2/3 to 1/3 ratio. This allowed election officials to apply a weighted numerical value to candidates and change the overall result. The declaration of winners was done on a basis of points, not votes, according to the auditors.