Nancy Pelosi delivered her annual impeachment to the Senate, and the result was exactly as I had predicted in The American Spectator two full weeks ago on January 13: dead on arrival.
There are not two-thirds of the Senate to convict. There never were going to be two-thirds of the Senate to convict. Rather, it all is a sham and a fraud on the American public, who, frankly, are getting exactly what the fools who voted for this House of Representatives and Senate deserve. With people dying of COVID, vaccinations running way behind schedule, shortages in vaccine supplies, a befuddled Joe Biden now telling his voters that his plan to combat COVID basically is the same as Donald Trump’s plan, the focus in Washington is on … an impeachment that is dead on arrival.
Congressional representatives and U.S. senators are paid to do the people’s business. They are paid very well. Taxpayers also pay for the Democrat women in Congress to all buy new white dresses for the State of the Union. Taxpayers pay for their meals, their platinum health care, their air travel around the country and around the world. In return, taxpayers would expect that the people’s needs would be front and center. The current crop of American voters have no one to blame but themselves for the Congress they have — a myopic assemblage of mediocrities driven only by pure hate: hate for conservatives, hate for White people, contempt for the intelligence of Black people, hate for the only cable television station that has a modicum of conservative semblance, hate for talk radio. Just hate.
We saw this Congress’s inaction in action when Pelosi took the gavel from Paul Ryan two years ago. It became a House of cards, that is a House of low-caliber characters. A bunch of jokers in a deck that, to call a spade a spade, has few hearts, fewer diamonds, just insiders in private clubs who consume billions and trillions of tax dollars on nonsense, waste, and silliness. It all is about wasting the day every day, spending other people’s money without fear of an accounting, and making speeches and television appearances for egotistical self-aggrandizement until one day they finally are defeated at the polls and instantly are forgotten.