Perhaps the most contemptible action of the Democrats, and there have been so many, is the desire to completely erase Trump and, by extension, his MAGA movement.
So now “more than 250 authors, editors, agents, professors and others in the American literary community signed an open letter this week opposing any publisher who signs book deals with President Donald Trump or members of his administration.” Such actions can only be described as emulating a dog gone mad. It is rabies of the mind and soul. Clearly, their politics supersede economics, and everything is upside-down in this madness.
That people involved with ideas and books would inveigh against the publishing of important thoughts is mind-boggling! Even more disturbing is the ease with which they lie. For the umpteenth time, Trump did not cage any children; Obama did, but why let the facts get in the way of left-wing censorship?
In addition, Texas Democrat Rep. Joaquin Castro announced “that he would be introducing legislation that would prevent any federal buildings or property from ever being named after President Trump.”
In lockstep with tyrants, Castro displays the most hideous of instincts as he states, “President Trump incited an insurrection that damaged some of our nation’s most significant and sacred federal property. Donald Trump should never become a future generation’s confederate symbol.”
How ironic that his last name is Castro, mastermind of communist Cuba and purveyor of the horrors that Cubans have endured for the past 60 years. How stunning that he perverts history. How very 1984.
Then there is Ocasio-Cortez, who has decided that she and her allies will be the arbiters of what Americans will be able to access. “We’re going to have to figure out how we rein in our media environment so that you can’t just spew disinformation and misinformation. It’s one thing to have differing opinions, but it’s another thing entirely to just say things that are false. And so that’s something that we’re looking into.” This from a woman who in 2019 told Anderson Cooper on 60 Minutes that she was less worried about making factual statements and more focused on prioritizing morality.