One CNN Reporter Cannot Let Go of Donald Trump Matt Vespa

They just cannot let him go. They can’t. The liberal media remains addicted to Donald Trump like crack cocaine, and there’s nothing to suggest that this will subside. The 2020 election is long over. Joe Biden is now president—but they cannot let this guy ride into the sunset. Trump is now banned on Facebook and Twitter so maybe more reporters are more willing to write Trump-based stories, but this is moot now. Trump is no longer president, but for some folks at CNN especially, they can’t let him go. It’s getting creepy. They had a slip-up that was rather unfortunate about the Trump impeachment trial. And now, CNN’s Jim Acosta just had to let us know that Trump went golfing yesterday.

Trump is a private citizen. He’s no longer president. He’s in Florida. Yeah, why not go golfing. it piggybacks on another Trump story The New York Times doled out about how he was sicker than originally reported when he contracted COVID last year:

President Donald J. Trump was sicker with Covid-19 in October than publicly acknowledged at the time, with extremely depressed blood oxygen levels at one point and a lung problem associated with pneumonia caused by the coronavirus, according to four people familiar with his condition.

His prognosis became so worrisome before he was taken to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center that officials believed he would need to be put on a ventilator, two of the people familiar with his condition said.

Cuomo’s Grim Reaping By Kyle Smith

Andrew Cuomo successfully covered up more than 5,000 deaths tied to nursing homes.

T wo weeks ago, a Democratic attorney general of New York who had enjoyed Andrew Cuomo’s backing released a tentative preliminary report that gingerly suggested the actual death toll from COVID-19 in the state’s nursing homes was “approximately 50 percent” higher than Cuomo’s numbers had all led us to believe.

Experienced Cuomo watchers scoffed: Despite being labeled a “bombshell” in the media, the AG report was obviously soft-pedaling the reality. Attorney General Letitia James is well aware of the potential hazards of incurring Cuomo’s wrath and seemed to be at pains to make the report as bland as possible. It sampled only 10 percent of state nursing homes.

The actual numbers keep rising, and now the estimated death toll from COVID in nursing homes is 62 percent higher than Cuomo was claiming just last month. Cuomo’s disastrous March 25, 2020, order that nursing homes must accept COVID-infected individuals, which was not rescinded until May 10, may have been the single worst policy blunder made by any American official during the pandemic.Making matters worse, Cuomo has worked furiously to cover up the facts for nearly a year. His own aide, Melissa DeRosa, acknowledged as much in a call to state Democratic lawmakers in which she blatantly admitted hiding the truth for fear of political repercussions. “We froze” out of fear that the truth would “be used against us” by federal prosecutors, DeRosa said in the call, whose details were reported by the New York Post, one of the few news outlets that has declined to put on a cheerleader skirt and shake its pom-poms at every Cuomo press conference.

The Icons of the Left Collapse By Jim Geraghty

On the menu today: You would have to look far and wide to find a person more celebrated by progressives and most of the national media in 2020 than Andrew Cuomo. You would have to look far and wide to find a political group more celebrated by progressives and like-minded media in 2020 than the Lincoln Project. And you would have to look far and wide to find a place more celebrated by progressives and like-minded media in 2020 than California. And in the last 24 hours, all three fell from their high pedestals and landed with a hard “thud.”

New York State Admits Cover-up of Virus Deaths among Nursing-Home Residents

If you have been reading National Review for the past year, you have known that Andrew Cuomo was an egomaniacal, blustering, bullying charlatan who made catastrophic errors in judgment but whose reputation was protected by CNN’s prime-time programming and national media who desperately needed a heroic Democratic figure to contrast against President Trump. Over the past eleven months, you read about various details of the contrast between the grand illusion of Cuomo and reality from David Harsanyi, Pradheep Shanker, Kyle Smith, Kathryn Jean Lopez, Mairead McArdle, Zach Evans, Tobias Hoonhout, Brittany Bernstein, The Editors, a bunch of others I’m forgetting, and, ahem, me, multiple times. I would argue no other national publication did more to showcase how New York State’s government kept failing its citizens, with deadly consequences, during this pandemic.

And now we get the cherry on top, as the New York Post reports that the state government deliberately hid the figures on the number of nursing-home residents killed by the coronavirus, because they didn’t want the U.S. Department of Justice investigating them:

Governor Cuomo’s top aide privately apologized to Democratic lawmakers for withholding the state’s nursing-home death toll from COVID-19 — telling them “we froze” out of fear the true numbers would “be used against us” by federal prosecutors, The Post has learned.

The stunning admission of a cover-up was made by Secretary to the Governor Melissa DeRosa during a video conference call with state Democratic leaders in which she said the Cuomo administration had rebuffed a legislative request for the tally in August because “right around the same time, [then-President Donald Trump] turns this into a giant political football,” according to an audio recording of the two-hour-plus meeting.

Trump defense: Impeachment ‘act of political vengeance’ by Susan Ferrechio

Former President Donald Trump’s defense lawyer Michael van der Veen started his defense at Friday’s Senate impeachment trial arguing Democrats objected to Trump’s 2016 election win and engaged in their own behavior aimed at incitement.

“The article of impeachment now before the Senate is an unjust and blatantly unconstitutional act of political vengeance,” van der Veen told Republicans and Democrats gathered for the fourth day of Trump’s impeachment trial.

After days of dramatic video footage Democratic impeachment managers presented to show the severity of the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol by pro-Trump protesters, the defense team played their own montage that showed prominent Democrats making incendiary comments.

President Biden, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Sens. John Tester and Cory Booker, and Rep. Maxine Waters, were among the Democrats the defense team portrayed on video making arguably inflammatory statements about Trump and in support of the violent and deadly social justice protests last summer.

The persecution of Gina Carano Her sacking perfectly illustrates the hypocrisy and intolerance of the woke elites. Brendan O’Neill

“This is why the Gina Carano story matters. It points to the ruthlessness with which the new elites will police dissenting thought, punish heretics, and remind everyone who is in charge of policing the parameters of acceptable thought in the 21st century — us.”

It’s official: only liberals are allowed to talk shit about the Holocaust. That’s the take-home message of the Gina Carano scandal. For here we have a right-wing woman being shamed and sacked for doing what luvvies and leftish types have been doing for years: comparing the early 21st century to Nazi Germany.

The double standards are mind-blowing. Carano has been dumped by Disney, from her starring role in the Star Wars spin-off The Mandalorian, for suggesting that the political hatreds of the 2020s echo the nastiness of the Holocaust era. In an ill-advised Instagram story, she compared the flak that right-wingers like her get with the contempt visited upon Jews in 1930s Germany. ‘Hating someone for their political views’ is not that different to when the Nazis turned on Jewish people, she said.

This is really dumb, of course. It is a classic example of a problem spiked has written about many times: Holocaust Relativism. This is when people plunder the past suffering of Jews in search of metaphors with which they might describe and condemn something they don’t like about today.

Impeachment blunder: Author of tweet introduced at trial says it was falsified, misinterpreted Jennifer Lawrence says Rep. Swalwell never called her to check meaning and appears to have altered her tweet with a blue check mark. Pastor backs her up. By John Solomon and Madison Foglio

he author of a tweet introduced by Democrats at the Senate impeachment trial said Thursday her statement “we are bringing the Calvary” was a clear reference to a prayer vigil organized by churchgoers supporting Trump and not a call for military-like violence at the Capitol riot as portrayed by Rep. Eric Swalwell.

Jennifer Lynn Lawrence also said she believes the California Democrat and House impeachment manager falsified her tweet, adding a blue check mark to the version he introduced at the trial suggesting she was a verified Twitter user with more clout when in fact her Twitter account never had a blue check and has never been verified.

“I noticed when they put my tweet on the screen that all of a sudden my tweet had a blue checkmark next to it,” she said during an interview on the John Solomon Reports podcast. “… This way, if he entered that into congressional testimony, it’s a verified account, and it has, it could be applicable in law. Secondly, he wanted to show that my Twitter account had more gravitas than it actually did. He wanted to show that the president was trying to use me to bring in the cavalry.”

A check of Lawrence’s Twitter account shows she does not have a blue check verification. Swalwell’s version of her tweet introduced at the trial did.

Swalwell’s office did not immediately return a call Thursday seeking reaction.

Iran nuclear program presents new challenges By Lawrence J. Haas

“If they want Iran to return to its commitments,” Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, declared this week about the 2015 global nuclear agreement, “the United States must lift all sanctions in practice.”

Hours later, President Biden told CBS News that he will not lift sanctions until Iran agrees to abide by the agreement’s restrictions on uranium enrichment, enriched stockpiles, and related activities.

To be sure, the dueling statements may overstate the clash between Washington and Tehran over the agreement, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) — from which President Trump withdrew in 2018 and which Tehran has begun to violate in increasingly brazen fashion.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif quickly walked back Khamenei’s absolutist demand, and U.S. officials are mulling whether to propose small concessions from each side to set the stage for new talks over Iran’s nuclear program.

Nevertheless, Iran’s nuclear progress of recent weeks — combined with the emerging political dynamics in and between Washington, Tehran, Jerusalem, and Europe — could leave the issue where it has lingered for years: with Tehran working both out front and clandestinely to build the architecture of a nuclear weapons program, and Washington and its allies desperate to find a peaceful way to stop it.

. The Federalist’s “BAD NEWS:” Ben Weingarten VIDEO

In the latest episode of “BAD NEWS,” Emily Jashinsky and I discuss: (i) the media’s shameful and transparent use of the Capitol Riots to create the pretext for a coming war on “domestic violent extremism”; (ii) Joe Biden’s view on an “adversarial press”; and (iii) the media corruption exposed by covering up a relationship between a prominent reporter and Biden administration communications offical. 


At the heart of the case against President Trump levied this week by House prosecutors lies the violence itself — what it looked like up close, inside the Capitol. Video conveyed the intensity, danger, coarseness of language, and scent of blood that seethed through the vast premises. The House used shocking footage never before seen by the public, making clear that things were far worse than Americans had so far appreciated. Powerful.

Then again, too, if this footage was able to shock the nation four weeks after January 6, why must one assume that President Trump himself grasped what was happening at the time of the events? He was more than a mile away. He had expressed confidence that everyone at his rally would be marching to the Capitol building to “peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.” Then he’d returned to the White House.

The House would have the Senate believe that Mr. Trump was apprised, during a phone call with Senator Tuberville, of how dangerous the situation had become. By the senator’s own account, though, it was a glancing exchange in which the Alabaman informed the President that Vice President Pence had just been rushed from the chamber. Did the President, did anyone, fully grasp then what the House disclosed this week?

Biden – and Loonie Bin Central Where inmates are running the asylum. Don Feder

Democrats have been drifting toward psychosis for years. With Biden, they have officially arrived.

Psychotics live in an alternate reality – one impervious to facts and reason. For them, the world is not as it is, but as they want it to be, or, as they are convinced it must be to conform to their fantasies.

The condition of most psychotics can be controlled with medication.  Political psychosis is far more dangerous and at times deadly – think of Hitler and Stalin. Wielding political power, they can force the rest of us to affirm their delusions or suffer the consequences.

The agenda of the Biden regime isn’t just wrong; it is massively contradicted by reality. The dogma they’ve embraced makes them impervious to the real world.

White Supremacy is a threat to national security.

Biden’s newly-named Secretary of Defense has issued a stand-down order to give the military an opportunity to decide how to deal with “extremism” in its ranks – not jihadist-style terrorism or Antifa/BLM subversives, who turned sections of dozens of cities into barbecue pits last year.

No, for them the real internal threat is the MAGA movement, which Democrats are convinced is inherently racist and totalitarian.

Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby called the “siege” of the U.S. Capitol (which he said included “current and former members of the military”) “a wake-up call.”  Texas Gov. Greg Abbot wonders if loyalty oaths will now be required of service members – not pledges of loyalty to America, mind you, but to the dogma which dominates the Democratic Party.