Brothers Down: Pearl Harbor and the Fate of the Many Brothers Aboard the USS Arizona – by Walter R. Borneman

A deeply personal and never-before-told account of one of America’s darkest days, from the bestselling author of The Admirals and MacArthur at War.

The surprise attack at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 remains one of the most traumatic events in American history. America’s battleship fleet was crippled, thousands of lives were lost, and the United States was propelled into a world war. Few realize that aboard the iconic, ill-fated USS Arizona were an incredible seventy-nine blood relatives. Tragically, in an era when family members serving together was an accepted, even encouraged, practice, sixty-three of the Arizona’s 1,177 dead turned out to be brothers.

In Brothers Down, acclaimed historian Walter R. Borneman returns to that critical week of December, masterfully guiding us on an unforgettable journey of sacrifice and heroism, all told through the lives of these brothers and their fateful experience on the Arizona. Weaving in the heartbreaking stories of the parents, wives, and sweethearts who wrote to and worried about these men, Borneman draws from a treasure trove of unpublished source material to bring to vivid life the minor decisions that became a matter of life or death when the bombs began to fall. More than just an account of familial bonds and national heartbreak, what emerges promises to define a turning point in American military history.

States Back Texas in Supreme Court Suit, Alleging ‘Unconstitutional’ Election in Battleground States By Janita Kan

Several states have expressed their support for Texas’s bid to challenge the election results in four battleground states, which was filed on Tuesday in the U.S. Supreme Court.

Attorneys general for Arkansas, Alabama, Missouri, and Louisiana have issued statements in support of a motion put forward by Texas asking the nation’s top court for permission to sue Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin in an attempt to protect the integrity of the 2020 election.

Texas is alleging that the four key battleground states unconstitutionally changed election laws, treated voters unequally, and triggered significant voting irregularities by relaxing ballot-integrity measures. The state is asking the court to declare that the four battleground states conducted the 2020 election in violation of the Constitution.

The suit, filed on Dec. 7 and docketed the next day, is also seeking to prohibit the count of the Electoral College votes cast by the four states. For the defendant states that have already appointed electors, it asks the court to direct the state legislatures to appoint new electors in line with the Constitution.

Responding to Texas’s motion, Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry urged the top court to take up the case, saying that “only the U.S. Supreme Court can ultimately decide cases of real controversy among the states under our Constitution.”

Landry said Americans share “deep concerns” regarding how the 2020 general election was conducted. The state had previously filed a friend-of-the-court brief (pdf) to the U.S. Supreme Court urging the justices to take up a separate case—cited as Republican Party of Pennsylvania v. Boockvar—that challenges a state Supreme Court order allowing election officials to accept absentee ballots received up to three days after Nov. 3.

“Millions of Louisiana citizens, and tens of millions of our fellow citizens in the country, have deep concerns regarding the conduct of the 2020 federal elections,” Landry wrote. “Deeply rooted in these concerns is the fact that some states appear to have conducted their elections with a disregard to the U.S. Constitution.”

“Furthermore, many Louisianans have become more frustrated as some in media and the political class try to sidestep legitimate issues for the sake of expediency,” he added.

GA Gov. Kemp Awarded $107 Million Contract to Dominion Two Weeks After Meeting With People’s Republic of China Consul General By Debra Heine

Georgia Governor Brian Kemp awarded a $107 million contract to Dominion Voting Systems two weeks after he met with the Houston-based Consul General of the People’s Republic of China in Atlanta.

Kemp met with Li Qiangmin, Houston Consul General of the People’s Republic of China, on July 12, 2019.

The Secretary of State’s office announced on July 29, 2019 that Dominion’s election services were procured to implement a “verified paper ballot system” in the state prior to the March 2020 presidential primaries.

Dominion Voting Systems, which operates voting machines in 28 states, has been accused of switching Trump votes to Biden in the 2020 election.

According to reports, the voting software company has multiple links to China, including a $400 million filing in the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) one month before the election that links Dominion, UBS Securities LLC, and China.

The filing reportedly shows that UBS arranged a private placement of $400 million with Staple Street Capital III, L.P. on October 8, 2020.

Staple Street Capital, a private equity firm located in New York, purchased Dominion Voting systems on July 17, 2018, for an undisclosed amount.

The securities firm that arranged the transaction, UBS Securities LLC, is a division of UBS Americas Inc, which ultimately falls under UBS Group AG, a company listed on the SIX Swiss stock exchange.

Three of four board members of UBS Securities LLC are Chinese according to Bloomberg, at least one of whom appears to reside in Hong Kong.

Will This Texas Lawsuit Overturn the 2020 Election? Texas lawsuit seeks to declare the selection of electors in four states void. Things are getting interesting. By Julie Kelly

In a lawsuit filed Monday before the U.S. Supreme Court, the state of Texas accuses four states currently “won” by Joe Biden of using the COVID-19 pandemic as an excuse to violate the Electors Clause and the 14th Amendment. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is suing Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin for usurping the sole authority of state legislatures to create election law and charges that millions of absentee ballots were unlawfully processed by local election officials.

“They accomplished these statutory revisions through executive fiat or friendly lawsuits, thereby weakening ballot integrity,” the plaintiffs wrote. “Finally, these same government officials flooded the Defendants States with millions of ballots to be sent through the mails, or placed in drop boxes, with little or no chain of custody and, at the same time, weakened the strongest security measures protecting the integrity of the vote—signature verification and witness requirements.”

The filing asks the court to extend the December 14, 2020 deadline to certify each state’s electoral slate noting that the only date “mandated by the Constitution” is January 20, 2021.

The bill of particulars against the four rogue states is damning. Unelected bureaucrats such as Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar and members of the Wisconsin Election Commission changed rules at the last minute and without authority. Local election workers flagrantly violated numerous state election laws; rejection rates for mail-in ballots were far lower than in the primary elections despite the unprecedented volume of absentee voting; and the statistical probability of Joe Biden’s victory in those four states as of 3 a.m. on November 4, 2020, given Trump’s substantial lead, is “less than one in a quadrillion.”

A few quick highlights:

Pennsylvania: Boockvar, who was appointed by Governor Tom Wolf, a Democrat, in 2019, unilaterally and “unconstitutionally” ditched the state’s signature verification statute and extended the deadline for receipt of mail-in ballots, including envelopes without a postmark, until three days past Election Day. As I explained in this column, Pennsylvania election law expressly prohibits the processing of mail-in ballots until 7 a.m. on Election Day; that rule was clearly violated. Pennsylvania also does not permit ballots to be “cured,” another law local election officials ignored. “This number of constitutionally tainted ballots far exceeds the approximately 81,660 votes separating the candidates.”

‘The Virus’ The lie. Jack Kerwick

Perhaps, at this juncture, some nine months into the COVID Scare of 2020, the only thing that will emancipate people from the fear—the pathological, obsessive, wildly irrational fear—that has consumed them for the better part of this year is access to a vaccine.

Personally, and while I am not now nor have I ever been an “anti-vaxxer,” I will not go anywhere near any so-called COVID vaccine. The reason for this is simple enough:

Since “the Virus” has never been isolated, purified, and extracted from the bio-chemical soup in which scientists claim to have found it; since, that is, COVID-19 has never been identified with the exactness and rigor demanded by the scientific method, it’s anyone’s guess as to what would be included in an alleged vaccine.   

That COVID has never been scientifically determined is borne out by two indisputable facts:

(1)The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention itself concedes, way down on the 39th page of its 59 page report—“CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel”—that the Virus’s existence has not been proven. 

Hanukkah’s Universal Message What the light from the Hanukkah menorah is really meant to illuminate. Don Feder

Hanukkah is supposed to be a minor Jewish holiday that comes in the early winter  – a way for Jewish kids to feel better about not having Christmas.

In fact, of all Jewish holidays, it may have the most universal appeal and be the most relevant to the war on religion raging in our culture.

According to the Book of Maccabees, when his army occupied the Land of Israel in the 2nd century BCE, the Syrian King Antiochus IV outlawed Judaism in an attempt to force everyone in his empire to adopt Greek culture and religion. Performing Jewish rituals (including Torah study and circumcision) were punishable by death.

Statues of Greek gods were set up in the Holy Temple and swine sacrificed on the altar. An elderly priest named Mattathias started the revolt by killing a Syrian official and a Jewish Hellenizer and fleeing into the Judean wilderness shouting, “Whoever is for God, follow me!”

When Mattathias died, his five sons carried on the revolt, defeating the Syrian army in a guerrilla war. In 165 BCE, they liberated Jerusalem and cleansed and rededicated the Temple. The miracle of Hanukkah, commemorated by the menorah, involved the candelabrum in the Temple burning for 8 days with enough oil for one.

Coercion is Illegal in the UK So why is the British government using medical coercion against its own people? Katie Hopkins

The British government once spent a lot of time denying there would ever be such a thing as an Immunity Passport in the UK. In fact, Cabinet Officer Michael Gove said there would never be a ‘vaccination passport’ in England earned by taking the COVID vaccine.

So it should come as absolutely no surprise to us, given the hypocrisy of politicians on both sides of the pond, to learn the UK will be issuing vaccination cards to everyone who has had the COVID ‘vaccine’ – and these cards must be kept on our person at all times.

Official images from the government show the card we will be required to carry. On the front, in large bold text, is the warning: ‘Make sure you keep this record card in your purse or wallet’.

My first thought is that these cards look remarkably easy to counterfeit and I better have a word with my mate Dodgy Dave down the docks to see if I can get my hands on one.

Isn’t it strange? We have never been given a card or required to carry one for any other vaccination or jab. Why is this COVID jab so different? Why do we need a card now?

The language used in this blatant infringement of our liberty is telling.

Foreign Office Minister James Cleverly has said millions of people in the UK will have their lives ‘unlocked’ by having the coronavirus jab and a card to prove it.

As soon as a politician starts using the words ‘unlocked’ and ‘freed up’ you can be certain the very opposite is true.

Forget fancy language. Trump’s re-election is all about killer instinct. By Jay Latimer

How do you fight an obvious election fraud?  It’s a matter of political will.  Who has the strongest killer instinct?

That’s really what it all comes down to.  Never mind the fancy legal arguments; don’t bother learning the tortuous logic of constitutional law.  This is a rough-and-tumble battle, a street fight.

The forces arrayed against Trump and his supporters are awesome, possibly insurmountable.  The various mainstream media are telling everyone that the election is over, and that anyone saying otherwise is indulging in baseless conspiracy theories.  Silicon Valley has been aggressively censoring any news item or video that purports to show that fraud actually did occur.

Then you have the Storm Troopers, the Black Lives Matter and Antifa crowd, who threaten to doxx and intimidate anyone willing to stand up to the Narrative.  At least one whistleblower is already in the hospital.  Who wants to be next?

Trump’s lawyers are under unbelievable pressure from the media and are being threatened by other lawyers with disbarment for the simple act of representing the president of the United States.  Imagine that!

And the government officials charged with ensuring that the elections are fair?  They’re in on the steal!  In many cases, it appears that the election officials are the ones who conducted the fraud.  They’re part of the scheme, so of course they will swear that nothing was amiss.

Try calling the cops?  The FBI, when called to “investigate” a truck full of ballots driven across state lines, focuses instead on the whistleblower, a truck-driver who had the guts and temerity to come forward.  They couldn’t care less about the illegal voting; they want to threaten and intimidate the whistleblower.

Lancing the Lancet’s global-warming pustule By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley
“With respect, The Lancet should study more science and economics, however unfashionable, and peddle less totalitarian politics, however fashionable and profitable – and deadly.”

The Lancet, once a respected medico-scientific journal and now just another me-too mouthpiece for theusual suspects, ran an editorial this week on climate change – on which subject it has neither expertise nor a missio canonica to pronounce. Here is a letter to the editor in response:

Sir, – Your notion of a “climate crisis” (editorial, December 2), though fashionable among the classe politique, is misplaced. That notion sprang from an elementary error of physics perpetrated in the 1980s by climate scientists who had borrowed feedback formulism from control theory, another branch of physics, without quite understanding it. Interdisciplinary compartmentalization delayed its identification until now.

After correcting the error, anthropogenic global warming will be only one-third of current midrange projections, well within natural variability and net-beneficial to life and health. CO2 fertilization (for CO2 is plant food) has assisted in steadily increasing crop yields – this year’s global harvest has set yet another record – and in improving drought resistance (Hao et al., 2014) and greening the planet.

Your suggestion that warmer worldwide weather has caused net loss of life, particularly among the world’s fast-declining population of poor people, is fashionable but misplaced. Cold is a bigger killer than warmth. Research conducted three years ago for the European Commission found that, for this reason, even if there were 5.4 C° global warming from 2020-2080, there would be 100,000 more Europeans than with no warming at all.

America Tests Positive For A Raging Mental Health Pandemic

While public officials are busy cracking down on freedom using a viral pandemic as their justification, another pandemic comes chopping and reaping, this one caused by the extreme measures that have produced no beneficial results. Both the elected and unelected who have brought this on need to be held accountable.

“Americans’ Mental Health Ratings Sink to New Low,” says the headline of a report from a recent Gallup poll.

“Americans’ latest assessment of their mental health is worse than it has been at any point in the last two decades. Seventy-six percent of U.S. adults rate their mental health positively,” that is, “excellent/good,” while 85% did in 2019. Those who said their mental health or emotional well-being is “excellent” fell from 43% to 34%.

The poll was conducted between Nov. 5 and Nov. 19, before, we must point out, before holiday-spoiling lockdowns were ramped up in much of the country.

In what we would classify as almost an understatement, Gallup said the decline in mental health is “undoubtedly influenced by the coronavirus pandemic, which continues to profoundly disrupt people’s lives.” Yes, it might “also reflect views of the election and the state of race relations.” But we’ve had elections – just four years ago the political left fell into a deep funk over the results – and race relation troubles before. Never have we had our liberties sacked as they have been since March.