Warnock & Abrams Now Under Investigation…Trump Was Right


Georgia Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock is under investigation for alleged election law violations after a nonprofit he once ran purportedly failed to properly submit more than 1,200 voter applications in 2019.

The New Georgia Project, a voting rights groups founded by one-time gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams and run by Warnock until last year, is accused of submitting “1,268 voter registration applications [to the state] after the 10-day deadline, causing voters to be disenfranchised in the March 19, 2019 special election,” according to a statement from the Georgia State Election Board.

Warnock is listed as the group’s CEO in its corporate records from 2017 to 2020, according to the Washington Free Beacon. The state election board referred the case Wednesday to the Georgia attorney general’s office for criminal prosecution.

Birthing Of A 21st Century Coup: Part II The Delivery Steve Rossiter


The coup began way before Donald Trump became President.  The seeds go back to the conditioning of Americans to accept riots and chaos as just an unpleasant part of our modern culture.  The culmination of that conditioning was the acceptance of the chaos that happened throughout 2020.  How many mayors and governors of SDe run cities and states allowed and even endorsed these riots and chaos that burned down their cities?  Public and private buildings, personal property, and even lives be damned. 

These kinds of chaos, violence, and riots are real life example of revolts. Do you remember Maxine Waters inciting these riots?  She did, and there are videos.  Other members of Congress and the Senate; were also endorsing the chaos.  Senator Schumer stood on the steps of the Supreme Court and threatened some of the justices. The SDe have been inciting riots throughout President Trump’s term of office.  The SDe have made chaos, riots, and insurrection acceptable for too many Americans.

Elements of the 2020-2021 Coup

First, in the interest of brevity, I am going to define a few terms and abbreviations I will use in this article.

Coup: The taking control of a government by any means other than that government’s established legal process. Revolution, insurrection, or revolt could be used as alternative terms.



My favorite jazz pianist Chick Corea died yesterday. He was a brilliant virtuoso in many music forms- salsa, classical and pop-but in jazz he was Olympian.  He always sprinkled humor and charming narrative and audience participation in his live performances. And he always championed other musicians:


The last time I saw and heard him live was in a joint performance with the equally legendary Herbie Hancock a few years ago. They played and joked and even invited Karim Abdul Jabbar to the stage whose 7.2 height dwarfed them both as they straddled him much to the amusement of the audience.

Now Chick Corea is playing for the angels…..rsk

Democrats deceptively edit impeachment video https://www.theblaze.com/news/democrats-deceptively-edit-impeachment-video

Democrats Have Failed to Tie Capitol Breach to Trump, Says Defense Attorney David Schoen https://www.theepochtimes.com/democrats-have-failed-to-tie-capitol-breach-to-trump-says-defense-attorney-david-schoen_3693842.html
 If ‘Fight Like Hell’ Constitutes Incitement, Every Political Candidate in America Is Guilty: Sen. Cruz https://www.theepochtimes.com/if-fight-like-hell-constitutes-incitement-every-political-candidate-in-america-is-guilty-sen-cruz_3694213.html
Beholding the Biden ‘cabal’ https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2021/feb/10/editorial-beholding-the-biden-cabal/
Biden Takes ‘Death to America’ Terrorists Off Terror List, Replaces Them With Republicans https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2021/02/biden-takes-death-america-terrorists-terror-list-daniel-greenfield/
Biden to get tested for coronavirus every two weeks after receiving vaccine https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/538229-biden-to-get-tested-for-coronavirus-every-two-weeks-after-receiving?rl=1
Instagram Bans Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Over COVID-19 Vaccine Claims https://www.theepochtimes.com/instagram-bans-robert-f-kennedy-jr-over-covid-19-vaccine-claims_3693659.html
Cuomo aide admits they hid nursing home data so feds wouldn’t find out https://nypost.com/2021/02/11/cuomo-aide-admits-they-hid-nursing-home-data-from-feds/
Nothing to See Here: W.H.O. Stands with Beijing, Absolves Wuhan Lab of Coronavirus Leak https://www.breitbart.com/asia/2021/02/09/nothing-to-see-here-w-h-o-stands-with-beijing-absolves-wuhan-lab-of-coronavirus-leak/
China: Disinformation, Espionage, and Lies https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2021/02/china-disinformation-espionage-and-lies-michael-ledeen/
Video: Gordon Chang: Cooperation With Communist China Impossible—It Seeks to Overthrow America https://www.theepochtimes.com/video-gordon-chang-cooperation-with-communist-china-impossible-it-seeks-to-overthrow-america_3693039.html 
Nikki Haley warns illegal immigration hitting ‘crisis levels,’ amid Biden moves https://www.foxnews.com/politics/haley-illegal-immigration-biden-policies
YouTube kills LifeSite’s channel, every video completely gone https://www.wnd.com/2021/02/youtube-kills-lifesites-channel-every-video-completely-gone/

When the Hateful Think They Are the Virtuous http://www.jewishworldreview.com/0221/shapiro020921.php3

15 Liberals Who Compared Conservatives to Nazis But Weren’t Canceled for It https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2021/02/11/15-liberals-who-compared-conservatives-to-nazis-but-werent-canceled-for-it/
The Biden Valentine’s Gift to Iran?? https://thejewishvoice.com/2021/02/the-biden-valentines-gift-to-iran/

The world goes on while America sleeps http://www.jewishworldreview.com/0221/hanson021121.php3

Farage: We Are Fast Becoming a Police State https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2021/02/11/farage-we-are-fast-becoming-police-state/
The carbon dioxide apocalypse – that never comes! https://www.wnd.com/2021/02/carbon-dioxide-apocalypse-never-comes/


My favorite jazz pianist Chick Corea died yesterday. He was a brilliant virtuoso in many music forms- salsa, classical and pop-but in jazz he was Olympian.  He always sprinkled humor and charming narrative and audience participation in his live performances. And he always championed other musicians:


The last time I saw and heard him live was in a joint performance with the equally legendary Herbie Hancock a few years ago. The played and joked and even invited Karim Abdul Jabbar to the stage whose 7.2 height dwarfed them both as they straddled him, much to the amusement of the audience.

Now Chick Corea is playing for the angels…..rsk

The Impeachment Trap In trying to destroy Trump, his enemies could destroy themselves. Joseph Hippolito


President Donald Trump’s second impeachment trial, which began Tuesday, could provide the turning point for his and his opponents’ legacies — though not in the way many might think.

Trump and his lawyers could use the trial to prove conclusively the existence of nationwide fraud in last year’s Presidential election. Trump thus not only would ensure acquittal in the Senate and begin his second term. He would disgrace and destroy his enemies for all time.

Ironically and unwittingly, the House of Representatives put itself in such an untenable position. The impeachment resolutionstated that for two months, Trump “repeatedly issued false statements asserting that the Presidential election results were the product of widespread fraud and should not be accepted by the American people or certified by State or Federal officials.”

The resolution also stated that on Jan. 6, during a rally while Congress met to certify Joe Biden’s ostensible election, Trump “reiterated false claims that ‘we won this election, and we won it by a landslide.’ ”

In demanding impeachment, the resolution claimed Trump incited protesters to breach Capitol security — despite evidence to the contrary, as FrontPage Magazine reported in “The Ultimate Betrayal” and “Capturing the False Flag.” 

Cuomo aide admits to hiding data about nursing home deaths By Andrea Widburg


At the end of January, we learned that New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Wuhan virus policies when the disease first hit his state killed approximately 50% more elderly people than his administration had first acknowledged. That information just got worse with word that one of his top aides apologized to the state’s Democrat legislators for deliberately lying about the nursing home death toll. They had to lie, she explained, because President Trump was after them for killing “everyone in nursing homes.”

Within a very short time of the Wuhan virus’s accelerated appearance in America last year, it was obvious that the elderly were the most likely to die from the virus. Nevertheless, Andrew Cuomo mandated that group homes housing the elderly (retirement communities, long-term care facilities, etc.), accept from hospitals patients diagnosed with the Wuhan virus.

He did this even though President Trump moved with incredible rapidity to bring a hospital ship to New York City and to build temporary hospitals in the city. It’s tempting to speculate about Cuomo’s decision-making, which was sure to kill the elderly in his state, but I won’t. I’ll just say that there is no scenario that makes him look anything other than grossly negligent or actively malignant.

By July, the data that New York state released showed that the virus had killed 6,400 elderly people. That’s why, in August, the Department of Justice began investigating New York, along with New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. Said the DOJ, “New York has the highest number of COVID-19 deaths in the United States, with 32,592 victims, many of them elderly.”

The Callous COVID Cruelty of Our Ruling Class As Joe Biden abandons a key campaign promise on reopening schools and contemplates a travel ban to Florida, the inhumanity of COVID “mitigation” efforts is laid bare. By Julie Kelly


The cruelty, Donald Trump’s foes often claimed, is the point.

Whether in response to a mean tweet or childish name-calling or the infamous “kids in cages” episode, the president’s critics collectively wailed in performative grief about Trump’s self-gratifying “cruelty” toward others.

But Trump’s outbursts pale in comparison to the level of cruelty inflicted on the country’s most vulnerable by those in power. As I wrote in April, coronavirus hysteria has unleashed the inner tyrant in anyone with a modicum of authority, from fame-seeking aged bureaucrats down to the local homeowners’ association president. The only upside, if one can be found in an otherwise catastrophic period of unnecessary human misery, is that the ruling class’ depravity now is fully exposed; the face mask, so to speak, has slipped, and slipped for good.

More horrifying, however, is that no one in power shows the slightest hint of regret. They are, by all indications, actually enjoying it. They are sadists.

In her briefing Tuesday, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki glibly moved the goalposts on school reopenings. Joe Biden weaponized school shutdowns during the campaign as more evidence that Trump mishandled the pandemic. “If President Trump and his administration had done their jobs early on with this crisis, American schools would be open and be opened safely,” Biden said during a speech explaining his school reopening plan in October. “Instead . . . American families are paying the price for his failures.”

Biden referred to prolonged school shutdowns as a “national emergency” and accurately lamented that millions of children, particularly those with special needs and from poor communities, were falling behind. He pledged to reopen most schools within the first 100 days of his presidency; the plan, of course, was contingent on at least a few hundred billion dollars in no-strings-attached goodies for public school systems.

Now that he occupies the Oval Office, the “national emergency” apparently has been downgraded to a political nuisance for Biden. 

“His goal he set is to have the majority of schools, so more than 50 percent, open by day one hundred of his presidency and that means some teaching in classrooms,” Psaki said Tuesday. “So at least one day a week, hopefully it’s more. Teaching one day a week in the majority of schools by day 100.”

China in Focus (Feb. 11): Biden’s First Phone Call With China’s Xi Jinping By Tiffany Meier


President Joe Biden speaks with Chinese Communist Party head Xi Jinping for the first time. We take a look at what Biden did in his first three weeks for U.S.-China policy.

Mandatory vaccinations are required for citizens in one Chinese city. But authorities are keeping quiet about possible side effects.

British television station BBC is banned from airing in China in a new form of retaliation from Beijing.

And a Canadian visa application center in Beijing could be run by Chinese police—putting citizens’ personal information at risk.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more first-hand news from China.
For more news and videos, please visit our website and Twitter.

Follow Tiffany on Twitter: @tiffanymeier_

Yemen: Watch the Magician When the president lifted the terror designation, it was not for the benefit of Yemen, but for Iran. Shoshana Bryen


When the magician tells you to look right, look left, because that’s where the action is.

Unfortunately, Congress looked right.

In a striking bipartisan vote, the Senate voted to keep the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem. Good move, but not where the action is. Instead, the Biden administration has announced it has a  series of steps planned to restore funds and political status to the Palestinian Authority, including the possibility of reopening the Jerusalem Consulate – understood as the American Embassy to the Palestinians.

The UN, EU, and U.S. all sanctioned Iran at some point since 1980. While effective in some areas, the sanctions did not prevent Iran from cheating on its nuclear and ballistic missile obligations. President Biden has announced an intention to return in some form to the 2015 JCPOA – and from there, to negotiate another, stronger deal. In response, Iran’s Foreign Minister Javad Zarif said the U.S. must first lift sanctions – most importantly, oil and banking sanctions, which are terrorism-sponsorship-related, not nuclear or missile related. Congress is working to prevent that. Good idea.

But the action on Iran is on the other side.  In Yemen.

The President announced the lifting of the terrorism designation from Houthi rebels in Yemen, couched in diplo-speak: “This decision has nothing to do with our view of the Houthis and their reprehensible conduct, including attacks against civilians and the kidnapping of American citizens. We are committed to helping Saudi Arabia defend its territory against further such attacks.”

So, the Houthis are acknowledged to behave like a terror organization, and their “reprehensible conduct” includes the use of child soldiers, but the Biden administration plans to ignore that. Why?

Look left.

Sino-forming south of the border Huawei’s development of Mexico’s mobile broadband infrastructure has powered extraordinary growth By David P. Goldman


Huawei’s development of Mexico’s mobile broadband infrastructure has powered extraordinary growth
Mexico’s retail ecommerce sales growth led the world in 2019.

Sometime in 2015, I sat in the back of a Mexico City taxi, reading instructions from Waze to the driver. We took detours through small residential streets, zigzagged from one major artery to another, and hung risky U-turns – all of which cut half an hour from our travel time. I had to give the directions because the driver didn’t use Waze, because, like most Mexican taxistas in 2015, he couldn’t afford the mobile broadband, which cost more in Mexico than in any other large country.

That was then. By 2020 about a third of Mexico City drivers were using the navigation app. In 2019 Mexico had 77 mobile broadband accounts per 100 people, vs. only 23 accounts in 2013. And Mexico last year had the world’s highest percentage growth in e-commerce.

This transformation had something to do with my taxi ride of 2015, at least tangentially. I had a cabinet-level meeting at Mexico’s Ministry of Telecommunications, in my then capacity as head of Americas for a Hong Kong investment banking boutique. As I reported in my book You Will Be Assimilated: China’s Plan to Sino-Form the World, I introduced top Huawei executives to senior Mexican officials, then debating an overhaul of the country’s woefully inadequate broadband system.

Nothing happened in 2015; later that year Jack Ma acquired the boutique and within a few months fired the Western bankers. But in 2017 Mexico invited Huawei and Nokia to build a “shared network” (red compartida) for mobile broadband. Banned from the United States, Huawei flourished in Mexico, and its broadband base stations provide service for dozens of Mexican cities, including a few that originally were assigned to Nokia. The cost of broadband service plunged and the number of subscribers more than tripled. Waze, a luxury that only a visiting gringo could afford in 2015, now serves 2 million users per day in Mexico City alone, and Mexico has become the app’s number four market globally. Anyone who has tried to negotiate the Mexican capital’s paralytic traffic knows how much that improves quality of life.