France Is Still Under Attack by Guy Millière

“If nothing changes, in a few decades, France will have submitted to Islam, and Islamic violence will probably be even greater than today. It is already almost impossible for the country’s leaders to react. They are hostages of a Muslim population that is less and less integrated and whose anger they do not want to arouse. They are under the gaze of groups that immediately denounce any criticism of Islam and under pressure from many countries in the Muslim world that France does not want to offend”. — Alan Wagner, “L’Europe face à l’islam”, interview on Tepa, August 2, 2020.

“For Muslims, Islamic law has God as its author. Any other legislator is illegitimate.” — Mohammed Hocine Benkheira, historian, Le Point, March 21, 2016.

“Macron… is still not able to pinpoint the real problem because it would be politically incorrect for him to do so… This is the problem with someone like Macron and what he’s saying… they can never acknowledge that what’s happening is integral or a part of authentic Islam….” — Raymond Ibrahim, “Islamic Terror in France”, SkyWatch TV, October 30, 2020.

“France still does not understand the reality it is facing. It believes that it has been struck by terrorists… but it is suffering a guerrilla war that is gradually gaining momentum…” — Algerian writer Boualem Sansal,, October 18, 2020.

October 29. Nice, the main city on the French Riviera. A man in the Basilica of Notre-Dame-de-l’Assomption decapitates a woman and murders two other people while shouting “Allahu Akbar!” [“Allah is the greatest!”]

This is the second beheading in France by an extremist Muslim in less than a month. Two weeks earlier, on October 16, a middle school teacher, Samuel Paty, was beheaded in the suburbs of Paris after showing his students some Mohammad cartoons during a discussion on freedom of speech.

Melissa Carone, Michigan election witness, becomes a ‘star’ By John Dietrich

Election witness Melissa Carone has had the courage to testify, and as a result, she is being held up to ridicule.

The Michigan House Oversight Committee hearings have provided some interesting information. Contrary to what Attorney General Bill Barr has stated (“to date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election.”) and what the Associated Press has reported (“Donald Trump’s persistent, baseless claims”), there appears to be overwhelming evidence of fraud.  It is repeatedly asserted, “Claims of widespread voter fraud and accusations that Democrats engaged in a coordinated scheme to steal the election have been repeatedly debunked.”  The repetition does not necessarily make it true.

An extremely effective witness was Melissa Carone.  

Carone has been pilloried because she was not sufficiently obsequious when responding to our elite legislators.  It is claimed that she must have been drunk.  She appeared to be “slurring her words.”  Her past has been gone over with a fine-tooth comb.  She has a criminal history.  Everything is being done to discredit her except for an analysis of what she is alleging.  Her testimony is just dismissed.  

In defense of Carone’s critics, she does sound like a “valley girl.”  This is a dialect that frequently reveals a lack of seriousness.  However, a close review of her testimony does not suggest that she lacks intelligence.  It also does not reveal any slurred speech.  At the 6:49 point of the video Carone had to assist Rep. Cynthia Johnson find the word “oath.”  Perhaps Rep. Johnson had been drinking.  Carone’s major failing was that she was not sufficiently humble.

The chair of the committee, Matt Hall, asked her, “But why is that we’re not having more people come forward?”  Her response explains why so few people have come forward: “I’ll tell you why.  My life has been destroyed.  My life has been completely destroyed because of this.  I’ve lost family. I’ve lost friends. I’ve been threatened.  My kids have been threatened.  I’ve had to move.  I’ve had to change my phone number.  I’ve had to get rid of social media.  Nobody wants to come forward.  They’re getting threatened. Their lives are getting ruined.  I can’t even get an actual job anymore because Democrats like to ruin your lives.”  She is not the only person to allege intimidation.  

Bringing History to the Classroom: The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History . By Mike Sabo

Though it’s easy to be pessimistic about America’s future after such a traumatic year, James Basker, president of the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History, feels optimistic: “History teaches us that our country has faced terrible crises in the past and still found its way forward.”

GLI offers a full-spectrum view of American history to classrooms and the general public by providing a vast collection of primary source documents, along with education programs and interactive online exhibits.

Housed at the New-York Historical Society, GLI’s publicly accessible archive contains a treasure trove of documents from 500 years of American history, from Christopher Columbus’s 1493 letter describing the New World to letters soldiers sent back home while fighting World War II and in Vietnam.

GLI’s namesakes are the late Richard Gilder, an investor who helped revitalize New York’s Central Park and the New-York Historical Society, among other important New York City landmarks; and Lewis Lehrman, an entrepreneur, academic, and author of many well-received books such as Lincoln at Peoria: The Turning Point and Lincoln & Churchill: Statesmen at War.

Basker has fond recollections of Gilder, who died earlier this year. “Dick rejoiced at the flow of immigrants into America and did everything he could to encourage it,” he says, “because of his passionate belief that our country was based on a set of ideals anyone of any background could embrace and make their own.”

Race and Social Panic at Haverford: A Case Study in Educational Dysfunction by Jonathan Kay

“You have continued to stand as an individual that seems to turn a blind eye to the stuff that’s going on, as a black woman that is in the [college] administration,” said the first-year Haverford College student. “I came to this institution”—and here she pauses for a moment, apparently fighting back tears—“I expected you, of any of us, to stand up and be the icon for black women on this campus… So, I’m not trying to hear anything that you have to say regarding that, due to the fact that you haven’t stood up for us—you never have, and I doubt that you ever will.”

The school-wide November 5th Zoom call, a recording of which has been preserved, was hosted by Wendy Raymond, Haverford’s president. At the time, the elite Pennsylvania liberal arts college was a week into a student strike being staged, according to organizers, to protest “anti-blackness” and the “erasure of marginalized voices.” During the two-hour-and-nine-minute discussion, viewed in real time by many of the school’s 1,350 students, Raymond presented herself as solemnly apologetic for a litany of offenses. She also effusively praised and thanked the striking students for educating her about their pain, while “recognizing that I will never understand what it means to be a person of color or be black or indigenous in the United States. I am a white woman with considerable unearned privilege.”

Not only did Raymond announce that she would be acceding to many of the students’ previously listed demands, she also reacted positively to the new requests that students put forward during the call. “All of the recommendations you’ve made here sound spot on and are excellent,” she said. “We can do those—and go beyond them.”

Since 2015, when Yale rolled over in response to student harassment of two husband-and-wife faculty members, such self-abasement rituals have become common—even if the prevalence of teleconferencing during the COVID-19 pandemic has given us an unprecedented opportunity to watch them unfold. A Haverford president can expect an annual salary of about $500,000. And before coming to the role in 2019, Raymond was a successful scientist who had herself helped smash glass ceilings in several male-dominated academic programs. But the moral hierarchy dictated by social justice runs directly opposite traditional hierarchies of accomplishment and professional authority. And the president’s repeated attempts to ingratiate herself to the students on November 5th made it clear which of these two hierarchies governed the proceedings. One student even saw fit to call out the school’s provost for “multi-tasking while eating on this call, despite the seriousness of this meeting, which we don’t appreciate.”

Is Tehran Building a Devil’s Kitchen? by Amir Taheri

We may be proved wrong, but our guess is that Tehran will do nothing to raise the degree of tension even by one notch….

Khamenei promised “hard revenge” for Soleimani’s death but has vowed nothing but “prosecution and punishment” of perpetrators. His emphasis is on “the continuation” of Fakhrizadeh’s work.

In other words, as long as our progress towards the “threshold” isn’t halted, we can grin and bear Fakhrizadeh’s martyrdom.

To hit back, or not to hit back?

This is the question that has heated up debate within Tehran’s ruling Khomeinist circles for almost a week. The debate was triggered by the assassination of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, a shadowy figure in the top echelons of Tehran’s murky establishment.

Despite an avalanche of obituaries and reports on the event, it is not yet quite clear who Fakhrizadeh was and what he was doing.

The official narrative started by introducing him as a military figure. He was, we were told, a brigadier-general and bore that title of Deputy Defense Minister. Then the Defense Minister, Brig. Gen. Amir Hatami spoke as if he hardly knew Fakhrizadeh while praising him for his unspecified “immense services”. The narrative then switched to presenting Fakhrizadeh as a nuclear scientist and thus a victim of “enemies who do not wish to slow down Iran’s progress in peaceful use of nuclear science.”

Citizen Website Calls for Fair Election By Don Tran

Shortly after Election Day, a citizen coalition launched a website Every Legal Vote.

The website is uncovering incidents of fraud and their impact on the 2020 election.

Host of the Economic War Room and co-founder of Every Legal Vote, Kevin Freeman, says they don’t ask for donations.

According to Freeman, Every Legal Vote has been getting thousands of reports from people who saw that election integrity was compromised.

Everyday voters who witnessed unusual circumstances stepped forward, along with MIT statisticians, who found there was no logic behind the voting data.

Freeman said there will be a new report coming out soon showing the questionable method in which Dominion Voting Systems tabulated votes.

“It’s not the normal common-sense way that’d you say, ‘Oh, here’s a vote for Trump, we’ll count one here. Here’s a vote for Biden, we’ll count one there.’ It is a very complex, convoluted way for them to record votes, and yet it leaves open the possibility of changing votes from one candidate to another,” said Freeman.

Some of the reports have not been made public on their website because some people are afraid of retribution and some need to be reviewed by legal teams.

Freeman is asking for patience and for people to understand there could be nefarious groups trying to manipulate the U.S. election system.

Trump Proposes ‘Landmark Election Reform’ and Overhaul of Election Security Systems By Allen Zhong

President Donald Trump said he plans to pass landmark election reforms along with a comprehensive overhaul of election security systems in the United States after the upcoming Georgia runoff race.

“After we win [the U.S. Senate], we need to pass landmark election reform including voter ID, residency verification, … citizenship confirmation,” he said. “They want to say, ‘He doesn’t have to be a citizen.’ You’ve got to see who’s voting.”

“It’s a disgrace that in 2020, no state in America even makes any real attempt to verify that those who cast ballots by mail are eligible and lawfully registered voters. The evidence of fraud is overwhelming,” he added.

In the November general election, widespread incidents of irregularities and alleged fraud have been reported, including where votes were cast in the name of dead people, across state lines, ballots backdated, and “glitches” caused by human error that switched Trump votes to Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden.

Meanwhile, rejection rates for mail-in ballots have been uncharacteristically low despite the record-breaking number of the mail-in ballots sent out by state officials citing the COVID-19 pandemic.

Etsy Bans MAGA Knitter Hats for ‘Harmful Misinformation’ By Catherine Smith

Many of the Antifa-themed listings are still available as of this article’s publication, Breitbart reported.

E-commerce platform Etsy that sells handmade, vintage items and craft supplies, says it is stamping out “harmful misinformation… from knitters making MAGA-themed beanies, according to Breitbart.

“Conservative author and activist Michelle Malkin reported that Etsy user “Deplorable Knitter” had her beanie hats bearing the “Stop the Steal” slogan, a Republican rallying cry against voter fraud, banned from the platform,” Breitbart reports.

“Trump Derangement Syndrome strikes crafters AGAIN. My friend Deplorable Knitter told me her #StopTheSteal hats have been banned on Etsy,” said Malkin in a tweet.

The hats are still available for purchase via Deplorable Knitter’s Instagram page.

Malkin, a self confirmed crocheter, wrote, “Here’s the email notification from Etsy: ‘Certain types of content are not appropriate for the Etsy marketplace. This includes content that promotes or endorses harmful misinformation, including items that can obstruct election integrity.’”

President Trump Persevered Trump’s policies and results over the past four years have been truly great. By Alex Zemek

Eleven days before Christmas, on December 14, the Electoral College is set to meet to determine whether Joe Biden or Donald Trump has the requisite 270 electoral votes to be declared the winner of the 2020 presidential election. Against steep odds, I pray, along with some 74 million others, that a constitutional path still exists for Trump’s victory.  Regardless of the outcome, however, the accomplishments that have been achieved during Trump’s first term are noteworthy and worthy of reflection. 

Even though the Left and the Washington swamp never gave him a fair shake, fabricated stories against him, and sought to use the U.S. intelligence apparatus to entrap him, President Trump persevered.

While the biased media will never acknowledge it, Trump’s decisive action to address the threat of the coronavirus saved many lives. Five weeks before the World Health Organization declared a pandemic, Trump had already imposed the travel restriction on China to slow the spread and buy critical time for researchers to learn more about this novel virus. The Obama-Biden Administration had left the strategic reserve of medical equipment bare, but Trump used his authority and connections with companies such as MyPillow and GE to have them retool factory machines to manufacture masks and ventilators. 

On average, it takes a decade to manufacture a vaccine for a virus. Trump’s “Warp Speed” initiative unleashed the power of American ingenuity and a vaccine was approved and ready for initial public distribution in about 10 months. It was not socialized medicine in France or Norway that produced the vaccine, but the systems of the United States. 

We can already guess what slanders the liberal academics will write about Trump in the history books, but three things for which he should be praised, in addition to decimating ISIS, historic Middle East peace deals, and spurring tremendous economic growth, are: confronting Communist China, standing for the sanctity of life, and being unapologetically pro-American.

The Burden of Proof by Roger Kimball

The faith in fairness has been shattered beyond recovery, and the assumption of anything like a shared consensus seems more and more like a naïve pretense when it isn’t just a cynical hustings gambit.

Many people, including some good friends, believe that Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election fair and square. 

Many others—and I place myself among them—believe that something is rotten in the state of Denmark, or, to be more specific, in the cities of Milwaukee, Atlanta, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and Detroit, not to mention Maricopa County, Arizona. I think what happened was so rotten that I regard the election as illegitimate. 

What proof, you might ask, do I have? 

Quite a lot, in fact, and I’ll get to some of it in a moment. First, I want you to behold the evolution of the Narrative about voter fraud in the 2020 election. At first, the memo came down and said, “There was no voter fraud.” 

On November 12, for example, the Cyber and Infrastructure Security Agency issued a “Joint Statement From Elections Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council & The Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Executive Committees” that “The November 3rd election was the most secure in American history.” That’s from an official U.S. government entity—so game over, right? 

Not quite. The CIA and the FBI are also official government entities. Do you trust them? 

Anyway, stray ballots started turning up, analysis revealed massive statistical anomalies in voter turnout, the size and timing of votes for Joe Biden, and other irregularities. There were troubling videos of Democratic vote counters pulling out hidden suitcases of ballots after they kicked the GOP observers out of the room, for example. Another seemed to show one Democratic worker surreptitiously hand a thumb drive to another minutes before a massive influx of votes appeared for Joe Biden. There have been scores of affidavits attesting to voter fraud and scarifying testimony from witnesses who reminded their questioners that they made their statements under penalty of perjury.