Sidney Powell released the Kraken in Georgia By Andrea Widburg

Sidney Powell promised to release the Kraken and show Americans the scope of election fraud on November 3, 2020. Shortly before midnight on Wednesday, she filed a 104-page complaint detailing everything she asserts took place in Georgia. This post will give you a very brief overview of the allegations.

You can view the complaint here. The narrative bounces around, so I’ve organized it by chronology and subject matter. The causes of action arise under Georgia election law, federal law, and the Constitution.

The complaint repeats what Powell has said before about Dominion and Smartmatic voting machines being created to help Hugo Chavez win elections. (You can learn more about Dominion’s history here.)

Powell quotes a Venezuelan whistleblower’s direct testimony about the two systems, including Chavez’s requirements that the software would hide vote manipulation from audits. The computers were designed to enable virtually endless vote manipulation throughout the voting process, whether printing ballots, feeding them into the counting machine, or actually counting them.

The computers were also connected to the internet, so that, when it came to data manipulation, no one had to be physically present with the computers. The systems have been associated with election fraud in various countries.

Legal Group Files Lawsuit Challenging Over 200,000 Ballots in Georgia By Zachary Stieber

A legal group on Wednesday filed a lawsuit alleging over 100,000 illegal votes were counted in Georgia, while tens of thousands of legal votes weren’t counted.

According to the suit, the estimated number of such votes exceeds 200,000.

“Because of these irregularities, no one knows who really won Georgia’s presidential election. So, the election result should be nullified and the appointment of the electors should revert to the state legislature, as provided in Article II of the United States Constitution,” the 28-page document states.

The Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society brought the suit on behalf of John Wood, president of the Georgia Voters Alliance.

The legal group relied on data from Matthew Braynard, an analyst who has been researching election results in battleground states. Dr. Qianying Zhang provided an accompanying report based on statistical extrapolation of Braynard’s data analysis.

According to Braynard, over 138,000 Georgia residents voted where they did not reside, some 20,000 of absentee ballots were requested which were not asked for by the person identified in Georgia’s database, and over 20,000 out-of-state residents voted in Georgia.

Another 43,688 legal votes were allegedly not counted.

“The number of potentially fraudulent ballots we’ve identified in Georgia is over 15 times greater than the margin separating Donald Trump and Joe Biden. This finding undercuts the integrity of the general election,” said Phill Kline, director of The Amistad Project, in a statement.

Mattis calls for Biden to reject Trump’s America First policy With the Trump-supporting side of the GOP so strong, it won’t be easy—politically or economically—to steer the ship in the exact opposite direction.

Among the many things that General Jim Mattis would like to see done differently under Biden administration, a transition away from a United States international policy of America First makes the top of his list.

Former Secretary of Defense and Four-Star General Mattis wrote an op-ed in Foreign Affairs on Monday, explaining why the United States should prioritize stronger relations with its allies instead of putting its interests above those of the international community.Mattis’ contention is that, as powerful as the United States might be militarily, its interests are best served when it can count on a group of reliable allies to further its goals instead of a threat of force. 

Over the past four years, Mattis believes that an “America First” mentality has hindered the investment necessary to create that kind of international network and has left the United States disconnected.

Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) noted that it will be hard to push through this agenda reversal when there are more than 70 million Americans who support America First.

Under the Trump administration, the United States has pulled back from NATO, demanding that Euopean nations not leave the US to foot the bill for their protection. The Trump administration pulled funding from the World Health Organization over its poor handling of informing the global community about the pandemic. The US also withdrew from the Asia-Pacific trade pact. These are actions Mattis sees as characteristic of a US-first international policy.

“Continued failure to adequately invest in relationships with allies and partners and to cooperate with them to shape the international environment risks the erosion of this network… Even worse, it could result in the emergence of other, competing networks, presaging an international order from which the United States is excluded, unable to influence outcomes because it is simply not present,” Mattis said.

Mattis’ proposal for a Biden administration would be a significant departure from the last four years—one that many, like Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), vehemently disagree with. He stated his support of an international foreign policy that emphasizes US interests abroad.

Appeals Court Grants Expedited Review Over Lin Wood’s Election Lawsuit in Georgia Outlines jurisdictional issues that will need to be addressed


The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals on Wednesday granted Lin Wood’s emergency motion seeking an emergency review of a lower court’s decision that had rejected his efforts to delay the vote certification in Georgia. However, the court said that the appeal could only proceed if Wood could address certain jurisdictional issues.

Wood, an attorney with Trump’s reelection campaign, announced on Twitter, “Thanksgiving Eve News! 11th Circuit granted my Emergency Motion for Expedited Review of lawsuit challenging validity of GA election procedure.

“We The People delivered a historic landslide win for [President Donald Trump] in GA & nationally. We The People will not allow it be stolen.”

The appellate court presented Wood with two questions about jurisdiction (pdf): “Please address whether the district court’s November 20, 2020 order denying the ‘Emergency Motion for Temporary Restraining Order’ is immediately appealable,” and “Please also address whether, and to what extent, any challenge to the denial of the requests for relief in the ‘Emergency Motion for Temporary Restraining Order’ is now moot.”

Cuomo stands up for President Trump on media bias The Democratic governor sympathizes with the president on one challenge he faces By Brittany De Lea ??!!

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo defended President Trump this week as the three-term Democratic governor indicated the media did not treat the president with the respect that the office commands.

Cuomo said during an interview with WAMC radio Monday that the press has taken on a “nastier tone,” which he has noticed at his press conferences and all across the nation, describing a “disrespect that never existed.”

“The way they question President Trump at some of these press conferences is just – I’ve never heard that tone with the president,” Cuomo said.

When asked by WAMC’s Alan Chartock whether the president “deserved it,” Cuomo said there is supposed to be a “decorum” to the institution – indicating that even if you do not like a person, you still respect the institution he or she represents.

“There are reporters who just are unprofessional, don’t know the facts and ask really biased questions,” Cuomo explained. “You want to say ‘well I don’t like the president and I disrespect him,’ I know but it’s still the office of the president.”

While Trump has been known for his contentious relationship with the media – routinely calling out different networks for their coverage of his presidency and campaigns – Cuomo has also had his fair share of tense run-ins with reporters.

Last week, for example, the governor drew attention for his hostile responses to reporters who were confused about New York City’s school closure plan.

When a reporter said he was “still very confused,” Cuomo snapped back “then you’re confused!”

“No, [parents are] not confused. You’re confused,” Cuomo told the reporter. “Read the law and you won’t be confused.”

In threat to Iran, US sends heavy bombers to Middle East via Israel

Move comes amid reports and speculation Trump administration may take military action against Tehran before Biden enters office

The United States this week rapidly deployed several heavy bombers to the Middle East this week in an apparent threat to Iran, amid swirling speculation that US President Donald Trump plans to take military action against Tehran before President-elect Joe Biden enters office.

US Central Command said the planes were sent into the region “to deter aggression and reassure US partners and allies.”In a highly irregular move, the B-52H Stratofortress planes were seen flying toward Israeli airspace on Saturday en route to the base where they will be stationed, likely in Qatar. The aircraft were spotted on civilian tracking software approaching Israel before they apparently turned off their transponders, rendering them invisible on those applications.

It was the third time in the past year and a half that B-52 bombers, which are capable of carrying nuclear weapons and other powerful munitions, have been deployed to the region in tacit threats to Iran.

In previous cases, the bombers were not seeing flying through Israeli airspace. It was not immediately clear what accounted for the change in route.The planes were ordered on short notice to fly to the Middle East nonstop from their home base in North Dakota, refueling along the way in mid-air. The bombers were accompanied on the mission by F-15 and F-16 fighter jets, as well as KC-10 and KC-135 refueling planes, US Central Command (CENTCOM) said.

Beijing-Controlled News Outlet Paid US Newspapers Millions To Publish Propaganda This Year

An English-language newspaper controlled by the Chinese Communist Party’s propaganda department paid U.S. media companies nearly $2 million for printing and advertising expenses over the past six months, even amid heightened scrutiny over Beijing’s disinformation efforts in the West.

China Daily paid The Wall Street Journal more than $85,000 and the Los Angeles Times $340,000 for advertising campaigns between May and October 2020, according to a disclosure that the propaganda mill filed this week with the Justice Department under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).

China Daily also paid Foreign Policy magazine $100,000, The Financial Times, a U.K.-based newspaper, $223,710, and $132,046 to the Canadian outlet Globe & Mail for advertising campaigns, according to the filing.

The Beijing-based outlet paid several newspaper companies a total of $1,154,666 for printing costs, including $110,000 to the Los Angeles Times, $92,000 to The Houston Chronicle and $76,000 to The Boston Globe.

Overall, China Daily spent more than $4.4 million on printing, distribution, advertising and administration expenses over the past six months, according to the FARA filing.

Tucker Goes Megyn By Joan Swirsky

But my money is on––and has always been on––the Smartest Guy in the Room, President Donald J. Trump

What is it about good-looking, brainy, articulate, even charismatic people––particularly if they’re in the public eye––that makes them so vulnerable to the self-destroying over-confidence and arrogance known as hubris?

Who can forget when the beauteous, brash and brilliant Megyn Kelly blazed like a shooting star on Fox News, used her background as a former practicing attorney to conduct piercing and revelatory interviews; showcased enough magnetism to, as my mother used to say, charm a bird off a tree; and entranced the show-business and tabloid worlds with her romance and marriage to a rich and handsome businessman-cum-author and then gave birth to three adorable children? 

In the feminist-invented world of “having it all,” Kelly certainly fit the profile.


And so did Kelly! As soon as the business mogul and TV star Donald Trump descended on the escalator in the eponymously-named Trump Tower with his gorgeous wife Melania in June of 2015 and announced his candidacy for the presidency of the United States of America, every media person in every outlet in the world salivated at the chance of interviewing the billionaire builder.

But nothing would reveal the Real Donald Trump as much as the TV debates in which no less than 16 Republican candidates participated––all of them with the formidable political credentials that the businessman-candidate lacked. 

They included Governors Scott Walker (WI), John Kasich (OH); former Governors Rick Perry (TX), Bobby Jindal (LA), George Pataki (NY), Mike Huckabee (AK), Jim Gilmore (VA), Jeb Bush (FL), Chris Christie (NJ); Senators Lindsey Graham (SC), Marco Rubio (FL), Ted Cruz (TX); as well as former CEO of Hewlett-Packard Carly Fiorina and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson.

And who got the plum assignment to host the first Republican debate? None other than Fox’s “it girl” Megyn Kelly. I remember vividly how Kelly tantalized her audience with explosive things to come––rolling her hands, her eyes glistening––as she invited people to see what they had never ever seen before.

PA Lawmaker: Democrat Governor Wolf MANDATED Dominion Voting Systems — It was NOT Voted on by Lawmakers By Jim Hoft

The GOP hearing today in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania spells doom for the Democrats.

They tried to steal a 700,000 vote Trump lead.
They were careless and got caught.

A Pennsylvania lawmaker today testified that the legislature DID NOT vote for Dominion voting systems.
Governor Tom Wolf MANDATED the controversial voting systems.

This is big news!

Dominion in Georgia: What Happened? By Anne-Christine Hoff

Sidney Powell made waves last weekend when she said that the lawsuit being filed on behalf of Trump in Georgia would be “biblical.” Frankly, this entire election has had a biblical quality to it. When speaking about it, pastors reference the Book of Daniel, King Nebuchadnezzar, the times of Jeremiah, and other prophetic books. If I were to cast a real-life character as the biblical figure of Judas, that man would definitely be Georgia’s Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, who calls himself a “passionate Trump supporter” but whose actions prove otherwise.

There is an explosive investigation in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution (AJC) regarding the Dominion Voting Machines (DVM) and Brad Raffensperger’s role in easing the security surrounding those machines. According to the AJC, in October the Secretary of State’s office was responsible for weakening the system’s defenses, disabling password protections on a key component that controls who is allowed to vote.

Just days before the early voting started, on October 12th, according to the AJC, Raffensperger’s office “pushed out new software to each of the state’s 30,000 voting machines through hundreds of thumb-drives that experts say are prone to infection with malware.”

According to the article, the features that make this new software vulnerable to hacking would “not be detected without an audit after the election.” The software has a feature where voters verify their selections as a paper ballot and then the ballot is fed into an optical scanner by an election official. For reasons that are difficult to understand, the scanner doesn’t record the text of the ballot. Instead, it reads “an unencrypted quick response” or QR barcode that is indecipherable to the human eye.

That feature, according to the AJC, makes it possible either to tamper with individual voting machines or to infiltrate the state’s central election theory. In theory, hackers could alter the barcodes to change votes and there would be no way to detect the changes. 

What was the purpose of this software update? Why did Governor Kemp and Secretary of State Raffensperger spend more than $100 million of taxpayer money to roll out the Dominion voting software at the same time that the Texas’ Secretary of State’s office released a report saying that the machines were vulnerable to manipulation?