Here we go again. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi slowly and somberly walking an article of impeachment through the Capitol flanked by House managers giving their best impression of a funeral procession. Except this time, they’re wearing Covid masks.
Let’s call it “Impeachment: The Sequel.” It is destined to be as pitiable as the original. Like a cheap movie franchise that Hollywood keeps exploiting, this sham version will be the equivalent of a box office dud.
Mugging for the cameras, Pelosi will probably mutter something about “making history,” as she did before. Maybe she’ll again pass out souvenir signing pens like lollipops at a town carnival. It’s an insult to charades. Pelosi seeks retaliation masquerading as impeachment.
The first impeachment trial in the Senate a year ago was a baseless fiasco that ended in the easy acquittal of President Trump. Democrats did not come close to mustering the two-thirds majority votes required for conviction and removal from office. That predictable outcome rendered the entire exercise a colossal waste of time.
It is almost certain that the sequel will mimic the same bad ending. Democrats in the House rushed through an ineptly crafted article of impeachment accusing Trump of “inciting an insurrection” when he delivered a speech on the nation’s mall on January 6, 2021, and criminals chose to riot inside the Capitol building.