Nevada Judge Agrees to Hear Evidence of Alleged Voter Fraud By Zachary Stieber

A judge in Nevada has agreed to a court date next month to hear from Republicans who allege widespread voter fraud.

First Judicial District Court Judge James Russell set a Dec. 3 evidentiary hearing in the case, which is being presented by President Donald Trump’s campaign.

Up to 15 witnesses may be deposed in the case, the judge said on Tuesday.

“The complaint is kind of a very limited nature, challenging basically the machine used in Clark County,” Russell said, the Nevada Independent reported. Jesse Binnall, a Trump campaign lawyer, said the complaint is “far from the main meat of our challenge” and that evidence will come from deposed witnesses.

“We will have whistleblower testimony showing that overnight, the disks that were used to hold votes would magically have votes appear and reappear on the same desk,” he added.

The Trump campaign has alleged there are thousands of instances of provable voter fraud in Nevada, a crucial battleground state that Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden won by about 23,000 votes.

“We now believe that Donald Trump won Nevada, once you take out the fraud and irregularities,” Binnall said on Fox Business last week.

“And these are instances of dead people voting, people voting in multiple jurisdictions.”

Computer Repairman Who Threatened Biden’s Electoral Prospects Goes Into Hiding By Jim Treacher

The only person who burns for revenge more than a Democrat who just lost is a Democrat who just won. The Dems are getting what they want, a Trump-free White House, and it makes them furious. Now they’re publicly yearning for vengeance against the computer repairman who almost cost them their victory. And he did so by telling the truth, which they hate like poison.

Just weeks before the election, the owner of a computer repair shop near Joe Biden’s home claimed to have a laptop full of incriminating evidence that Hunter Biden had abandoned 18 months ago. The New York Post broke the story, which set off such a panic that Twitter suspended the centuries-old newspaper and blocked all links to the story. Of course, this triggered the Streisand Effect, bringing even more attention to a story they were trying to suppress.

EXPLOSIVE Study: Media Suppression of 8 Key Stories ‘Stole This Election’ for Joe Biden By Tyler O’Neil

According to an explosive new study the Media Research Center (MRC) released on Tuesday, the legacy media’s suppression of eight key election-related news stories effectively handed the presidential election to Democrat Joe Biden. According to a poll conducted by The Polling Company on behalf of MRC, a whopping 17 percent of Americans who voted for Joe Biden would not have done so had they been aware of just one of these stories.

Had the legacy media not buried these stories, Trump would have won 311 electoral votes, the study claims.

“The national news media stole this election, as far as I’m concerned, they deliberately stole it from President Trump,” MRC President Brent Bozell said in a call with reporters. “It is absolutely unequivocal” that the biased media coverage “cost Donald Trump the election.”

FreedomWorks President Adam Brandon called the 2020 campaign an “issueless conversation,” noting that “without talking about issues, it basically ended up being a referendum on the president’s personality.”

Brandon said America is a center-right country, but the legacy media suppressed the key issues, subverting the substantive issues that should have decided the 2020 election.

The Polling Company surveyed 1,750 Biden voters in seven swing states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Six of these states (all except North Carolina) have been called for Biden. The poll found that a whopping 82 percent of Biden voters were unaware of at least one of the news stories, while only five percent said they did not know about all eight.

Group files emergency petition in Wisconsin after finding 150,000 potentially fraudulent ballots “These discrepancies were a direct result of Wisconsin election officials’ willful violation of state law” – Amistad Project’s Phil KlineBy Joseph Weber

The national conservative group Amistad Project filed an emergency petition Tuesday with the Wisconsin Supreme Court challenging the state’s unofficial results in the 2020 presidential election, saying it has identified over 150,000 potentially fraudulent ballots.

Results from the Nov. 3 balloting in the state show Democratic candidate Joe Biden defeated President Trump by a roughly 20,000-vote margin.

Phill Kline, director of the Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society, said the number of potentially fraudulent ballots identified are “more than enough to call into question the validity of the state’s reported election results.”

“Moreover, these discrepancies were a direct result of Wisconsin election officials’ willful violation of state law,” he also said.

Several major news outlets have declared Biden the winner of the presidential race, as Trump and his legal team continue to challenge results in key states.  

Georgia’s Digital Delusions Sometimes, simple is best. Marking a paper ballot and putting it into a box is best, as activists in Georgia tried in vain to demonstrate. By Christopher Gage

In my local pub (when Boris Johnson permits one to attend), the march of progress continues its gloriously pointless pace. 

Rather than perform the rigmarole of walking up to the bar and telling blood and flesh you’d like an Old Fashioned, one can now avoid this outmoded nonsense. 

Indeed, this advancement took place before the specter of the Ambitious Flu, and social distancing. One can now shuffle through the pub doors, plant oneself into a quiet corner, pull out one’s iPhone, and order a drink through the app.

Yes, just a few taps of the thumb, and the drink arrives at one’s table without a word muttered. 

Of course, a human being still mixes the drink. And still carries it over to the table. 

Apparently, this is evidence of the unrelenting technological progression of enlightened beings. For decades, was ordering a drink in a bar akin to hopscotching across a minefield? Has technology saved us from the horrible inclemency of life?

If anything, this pointless sanitization of everyday humanity is the technological vanity of a species without cultural achievement since the turn of the century. 

The New Woke Times By Sharyl Attkisson

An excerpt from “Slanted: How the News Media Taught Us to Love Censorship and Hate Journalism” by Sharyl Attkisson (Harper, 320 pages, $28.99)

There’s no more exemplary sign of the death-of-the-news-as-we-once-knew-it than the public unraveling of the New York Times, once perhaps of the most well-respected news organizations on the planet. The newspaper’s series of unfortunate, self-inflicted events, highlighted in a disastrous summer of 2019, led one insider to refer to the publication as “The New Woke Times.” A leaked transcript of a staff meeting following a string of public embarrassments punctuated the point.

I can’t help but think that the angst-filled newsroom at the New York Times might not have to expend so much effort dodging flak if management had allowed the paper’s public editor to do her job. The public editor was the internal ombudsman assigned “to help keep the Times and its coverage honest in an increasingly commercialized and politicized news environment.” This was the person assigned to address major public criticism and, to some degree, inoculate the newsroom from having to get mired so deeply in controversies over its coverage.

The position of public editor at the Times was first created after the Jayson Blair scandal. Blair was the Times reporter who resigned in disgrace in 2003 after it was discovered that his stories—some of them published on the front page—were fabricated and plagiarized. The controversy led to the resignation of Times executive editor Howell Raines and managing editor Gerald Boyd. The new public editor would serve as a check and balance to help uncover and remedy journalistic misdeeds sooner.

In May 2016, Elizabeth Spayd became the Times’ last public editor. During her relatively short tenure, she fielded criticism about controversies such as the Times’ increase in “native advertising,” meaning ads seamlessly worked into the fabric of the publication as if they were a news story. Spayd called the uncomfortable mix of commercials and journalism a proven winner in terms of revenue. She noted that “The vast majority of readers apparently find it un-objectionable.” She drew that conclusion in part, she said, because she had received few complaints about it. Actually, the lack of complaints might have been because most readers don’t recognize native advertising when they are reading it. That’s the whole point: it is advertising disguised as news.

State Governor Frees All Drug Dealers To Provide Prison Space For Families Celebrating Thanksgiving

SALEM, OR—To prepare for the influx of Thanksgiving rulebreakers, Oregon Governor Kate Brown has ordered all drug dealers to be freed from prison to make room for all the families who violate COVID restrictions. 

“Drugs are legal now anyway,” said Governor Brown. “I hereby pardon all drug offenders currently doing time in Oregon prisons. I can do that right? Whatever — I’m doing it. The real menaces to society are the families who try to gather with their loved ones to share food and give thanks. These violent science-deniers must be stopped!”

According to sources, Oregon State Police have been ordered to go door to door and round up all families trying to celebrate Thanksgiving. Any person or persons not found alone on a couch crying into a clamshell container of take-out food will be arrested on the spot.

Governor Brown has assured the public that this zero-tolerance policy will do something “very important and science-y” to stop the spread of bad sicknesses. 

“Losing Thanksgiving isn’t a huge loss anyway,” said Governor Brown. “Thankfulness makes people feel content which can inhibit social progress. We can’t have that! If we’re lucky we’ll find a reason to cancel it next year too!”

Impeach Joe Biden

Even before Donald Trump secured the Republican nomination, the left was calling for his impeachment. Then they spent four years looking for excuses to drive him out of office. So, in the turnabout-is-fair-play department, perhaps it’s time to start making the case for impeaching Joe Biden.

Let’s first review how the left treated Trump’s win four years ago. Immediately, #resistance started trending on social media, as though somehow Trump had invaded the country. Protesters shouted “not my president.” Pundits speculated that he’d rigged elections in the battleground states he won. The entire country was then treated to years of fake news about how Trump supposedly colluded with Russia to steal the election.

Throughout it all, there was the constant buzz about Trump’s impeachment and a steady stream of stories such as:

“Could Trump be impeached shortly after he takes office?”

“People Are Searching Google for Ways to Impeach Donald Trump”

“Democrats Are Paving the Way to Impeach Donald Trump”

“Talk of Impeaching Trump May Be Premature, But Its Time Will Come “

These and countless other headlines ran before Trump’s inauguration.

Heck, the New York Daily News penned an editorial titled “Impeach Trump” that ran on March 2, 2016 – two months before he was the GOP nominee. The entire editorial consisted of one sentence: “It’s not too early to start.”

Bribed: Subverting American Universities by Raymond Ibrahim

More than one-third of the nearly $20 billion in foreign donations and contracts made to American universities between just 2014 and 2020 were never disclosed as required by federal law, according to “Institutional Compliance with Section 117 of the Higher Education Act of 1965,” a Department of Education report released on October 20, 2020.

Among those “gifts” were more than $3 billion from the Muslim Brotherhood’s number one state backer, Qatar; more than $1.1 billion from the chief disseminator of “radical” Islamic ideology, Saudi Arabia; and nearly $1.5 billion from China.

The reason U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East has traditionally tended towards disaster may partly be — in addition to the elixir of wishful thinking — because policymakers and the advisors and analysts on whom they rely are products of programs in which benefactors are hostile to the United States.

A recent governmental report exposes the “purchased” influence foreign nations have on America’s most prestigious universities and, as a result, on what America’s current and upcoming generations of analysts and policymakers will think and believe.

More than one-third of the nearly $20 billion in foreign donations and contracts made to American universities between just 2014 and 2020 were never disclosed as required by federal law, according to “Institutional Compliance with Section 117 of the Higher Education Act of 1965,” a Department of Education report released on October 20, 2020.

Among those “gifts” were more than $3 billion from the Muslim Brotherhood’s number one state backer, Qatar; more than $1.1 billion from the chief disseminator of “radical” Islamic ideology, Saudi Arabia; and nearly $1.5 billion from China.

According to the report:

“[A]t least some of these foreign sources are hostile to the United States and are targeting their investments (i.e., ‘gifts’ and ‘contracts’) to project soft power, steal sensitive and proprietary research, and spread propaganda. Yet, the Department is very concerned by evidence suggesting the higher education industry’s solicitation of foreign sources has not been appropriately or effectively balanced or checked by the institutional controls needed to meaningfully measure the risk and manage the threat posed by a given relationship, donor, or foreign venture.”

Obama Has ‘HOPE’ for a Third Term Through Joe- Bosch Fawstin

Obama stayed in D.C. because he’s a political whore like no other.

Obama never left Washington D.C. He’s been as politically active as he’s ever been, he’s just in the shadows most of the time now. At least when he’s not peddling his latest collection of elaborate lies that he calls “memoirs”, with pompous titles. After trying to cripple the Trump administration before it got on its feet, by spying on it, and trying to attach the Russia hoax onto it, a hoax that Obama and his gang concocted, he now wants his gang back in power, through Joe. And he will do all he can to “help” his “old buddy”, Joe, do exactly what he would do. Exactly. Almost like a third term.