If You Worked for the Trump Administration, You’re Not Welcome at Harvard Young totalitarians now demand that speakers pass their ideological litmus test. Richard L. Cravatts


With the intellectually arrogant but now regular behavior common on university campuses, Harvard students last week circulated an open letter to President Lawrence Bacow and Harvard University deans and leadership proposing that Harvard take proactive measures to prevent Trump administration officials from securing appointments, fellowships, or speaking opportunities on campus.

Clearly indignant at the prospect of someone who worked for an administration they have loathed since inauguration day in 2017, the tendentious students expressed their grave concern “about the impact of the actions of this administration on fundamental democratic institutions.”

Even though these students obviously have found nothing of redeeming value in anything positive the Trump administration may have accomplished, their primary justification for calling for preventing “Harvard [becoming] a temporary home for officials from the outgoing administration” is Trump’s current legal challenge to the November 3rd election and the campaign’s claims that voter fraud and irregularities in many states should be challenged in court. That process, of course, is perfectly legal and is the constitutionally-permitted right of a candidate to launch, especially in an election like this one—with razor thin margins, new voting practices, mail-in balloting as a result of the pandemic, and evidence of blatant fraud and voting irregularities, just as it was in 2000 when the Gore campaign challenged the voting results for 36 days after election day.

Nevertheless, the Harvard students have no time to wait for an audit and full accounting of the November 3rd election, claiming that Trump’s failure to have already conceded eradicates completely his entire record as president, including all of those individuals who made up his administration.

“Most notably, in actively undermining faith in the electoral process and in refusing to concede the 2020 election,” the student’s letter reads, “the Trump administration has trampled norms of free and fair elections and peaceful transfer of power that have defined our republic for over two centuries. These norms are crucial to the global well-being of democratic institutions.”

Why Trump Will Win “Absolutely frightening” evidence of entrenched fraud. Joseph Hippolito


During his campaign rallies, President Donald Trump proclaimed, “We got ’em all” or “We have it all!” In the coming weeks — if not days — Americans will find out specifically what he means.

Those specifics promise to shake Americans to their core by revealing years of entrenched political corruption reflected in electoral fraud.

Lawyer Sidney Powell is providing a preview. Powell, who apparently had been helping Trump’s legal team prepare a case against alleged election fraud, told Howie Carr, a conservative radio host in Boston, on Friday:

“We’ve got a number of smoking guns — and we may have to get witness protection for some of them. We have a lot of extremely solid evidence. It’s beyond impressive and absolutely terrifying.”

Among those smoking guns:

— Hillary Clinton used fraud to steal California’s Democratic Presidential primary four years ago from Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. “When people told him about it,” Powell said, “instead of exposing it, he sold out.”

— An employee of the Defense Department, in a conference call that included Sanders and New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, told government officials how to commit sabotage in their respective offices. “There were a couple of hundred people on that call,” Powell said.

— China, Iran, Serbia and Liechtenstein played key roles in interfering with the Presidential election.

The Blizzard of Bogus Journalism on Covid Jeffrey A. Tucker


This game of hunt-and-kill Covid cases has reached peak absurdity, especially in media culture. 

Take a look at Supermarkets are the most common place to catch Covid, new data reveals. It’s a story on a “study” assembled by Public Health England (PHE) from the NHS Test and Trace App. Here is the conclusion. In the six days of November studied, “of those who tested positive, it was found that 18.3 per cent had visited a supermarket.”

Now, if the alarm bells don’t go off with that one, you didn’t pay attention to 7th grade science. If the app had also included showering, eating, and breathing, it might have found a 100% correlation. Yes, the people who tested positive probably did shop, as do most people. That doesn’t mean that shopping gives you Covid and it certainly doesn’t mean that shopping kills you. 

Even if shopping is a way to get Covid, this is a very widespread and mostly mild virus for 99.8% percent of the population with an infection fatality rate as low as 0.05% for those under 70. Competent infectious disease experts have said multiple times that test, track, and isolate strategies are nearly useless for controlling viruses such as this. 

Death by Lockdown Jeffrey A. Tucker (November 2—2020)


On March 28 – very early in the pandemic – AIER published an article that I felt at the time received far too little attention. “Drugs, Suicide, and Crime: Empirical Estimates of the Human Toll of the Shutdown” by economists Audrey and Thomas Duncan cited empirical literature on the human toll of economic devastation. 

This article forecasted more than 100,000 excess deaths due to drug overdoses, suicide, alcoholism, homicide, and untreated depression – all a result not of the virus but of policies of mandatory human separation, economic downturn, business and school closures, closed medical services, and general depression that comes with a loss of freedom and choice. 

These two economists demonstrated that as bad as a virus is, policies that wreck normal social functioning will cause massive and completely unnecessary suffering and death. Because the article was so well-cited, with references to all the available literature, I thought it would make a difference. But after it appeared, it was crickets. I was amazed. Here you have a beautiful piece of research that perfectly forecasted the nightmare being created by politicians and their advisers and it made no dent in the national narrative. 

Here we are seven months later and the worst has come true. These two economists should be considered prophets. Sure enough, the Centers for Disease Control has documented a shocking number of excess deaths not from Covid. 

Scott Atlas summarizes:

Hispanic: 40% excess deaths NOT Covid related 
Black: 46% NOT Covid related 
White: 38% NOT Covid related 
25-44: 77% excess deaths NOT Covid related 
65+: 39% NOT Covid related

Sidney Powell is right about the Venezuela angle in our election By Andrea Widburg


By the time you read this, Sidney Powell may have released her Kraken on America in the form of a filing about election events in Georgia. Until then, though, there is a healthy debate about whether Powell can make the case that Dominion and Smartmatic, both of which played a role in the disputed states, have Venezuela ties that prove their connection to American fraud. Roger L. Simon has entered the fray, detailing what two informants told him as background about these two companies and their ties to Venezuela.

Writing at the Epoch Times, Simon, who tackles facts like a rigorous reporter of old but with the grace of the screenwriter and novelist that he is, talked to two men with first-hand knowledge:

This [truly epic, international fraud] was corroborated by discussions I held with two men in a position to understand a great deal of this fraud that they say originated in and still emanates to a great degree from Venezuela (with a little help from Cuban, Iranian, and Hezbollah friends, possibly others).

These men wish to remain anonymous because they fear for their safety operating in foreign territory as they frequently do.

One of them is a former CIA officer who served in the Directorate of Operations and as chief of station in several countries. The other is of Venezuelan birth and lives in the United States.

Help is on the way for understanding voter fraud in 2020 By Andrea Widburg


“Between a deluge of information and too many naysayers, it’s easy to lose track of the fact that very specific, flagrant election fraud pushed Biden into the lead.”

Sometimes I stumble across an article that so perfectly explains a concept that it would be criminal if I failed to share it. That’s the case with a detailed discussion someone sent me that explains with exquisite clarity that, no, you’re not imagining fraud in the 2020 election, and yes, it was the type of fraud that could easily sway the national election.

Gil Sanders, at the Thomistic Thinker, wrote a post entitled “Skeptical of Voter Fraud in 2020? Here’s Your Evidence.” It is a meticulous piece of work that helps could through the sheer volume of material, both pro and con, about the 2020 election.

Sanders begins by talking about the fact that we Trump supporters can feel that something is wrong. After all (and this is me speaking, not Sanders), you and I both know that, throughout the campaign, there was no whiff of the underdog about Trump. While a doddering Biden hid in his basement, Trump was out there making peace in the Middle East, resurrecting the economy that the Democrats had tried to kill, rising from his Wuhan virus sickbed within days, and barnstorming the country holding rallies that attracted tens of thousands of people.

This man was a winner – and when it came to the votes that were recorded for him, those showed a winner too. Even assuming, as I do, that Democrats deleted or switched millions of Trump votes, Trump still gained 10 million more votes than he did in 2016, and substantially increased his votes from minority voters. Meanwhile, we’re being asked to believe that an incoherent man, mired in corruption, who refused to tell people what his policies would be, not only beat Trump but beat Obama’s total in 2008!

Operation Warp Speed and the ‘Creative Society’ By Matthew Continetti


Its success is a reminder that there is no limit to American ingenuity when government stands alongside the people rather than in front of them.

R ecently the New York Times published an in-depth report on the success of the public-private partnership to develop a coronavirus vaccine. The program, dubbed Operation Warp Speed, devoted the resources of the U.S. government to aid private companies in the design, testing, and distribution of an effective vaccination for COVID-19. The deadline: one year after the virus’s appearance in Wuhan, China.

And it worked. If the FDA grants emergency use authorization to Pfizer in a few weeks, as is widely expected, the first shots will be administered to frontline health-care workers before New Year’s. The end of the pandemic is in sight.

Pfizer stayed somewhat aloof from Operation Warp Speed. After reporting results from its vaccine trials, a company spokesperson was quick to point out that Pfizer did not receive funding from the program. But it did call on the government a couple of times, and it agreed to sell 100 million doses of its vaccine to the United States long before clinical trials were complete. Moderna, by contrast, worked closely with the feds. “Nearly $2.5 billion in federal funds helped Moderna buy raw materials, expand its factory, and enlarge its work force by 50 percent,” according to the Times. “In return, it promised to deliver 100 million doses to the federal government.”

The Rural Way By Victor Davis Hanson


City-dwellers and suburbanites get a hard lesson in human nature, common sense, and the value of self-reliance.

Almost every national Election Night reveals the same old red/blue map. The country geographically is a sea of red. The coasts and small areas along the southern border and around the Great Lakes remain blue atolls.

Yet when the maps are recalibrated for population rather than area, the blue areas blow up, expanding to smother half the country — a graphical metaphor for the dominant cultural influence of city over country.

Ideological differences are now being recalibrated as rural-urban on issues from guns and abortion to taxes and foreign policy. Red/conservative is often synonymous with small-town and rural. Blue/progressive is equivalent to urban/suburban.

Gone are the old New Deal Democratic coalitions of New England and the South, or the 19th- and mid-20th-century Republican alliances between the farm belt and the mid-Atlantic states.

Instead, globalization has become a worrisome force-multiplying effect of geography, culture, and ideology — not seen since the political differences of the pre-Civil War mapped out two potentially different Americas, north and south of the Mason-Dixon line.

The Thieves Who Stole Our Election Got Sloppy Newt Gingrich Newt Gingrich


Laziness leads to sloppiness, and sloppiness is how the most brazen heist in American history is being exposed.

Stealing the 2020 election was a mammoth undertaking, involving widespread lawlessness and illicit partnerships between private actors and public officials. They’ve been working to cover their tracks since Election Day, but they didn’t work fast enough. Now, the courts need to stop them from destroying any more evidence so that the people of Pennsylvania—and the rest of the country—can accurately assess the ramifications of their wrongdoing.

Explosive new litigation filed in federal district court on Nov. 21 details and documents a wide variety of illegal practices that were used to inflate the number of votes received by Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden, including disparate treatment of voters based on where they live and outright manipulation of Pennsylvania’s voter registration system by partisan activists.

An unprecedented number of mail-in and absentee ballots were cast this year, and practically everyone expected that this would result in a higher-than-usual rate of ballots being rejected for various flaws, such as lacking a secrecy envelope or missing information. In Pennsylvania, tens or hundreds of thousands of ballots were likely to be rejected, based on historical patterns. Instead, a mere 0.03 percent of mail-in ballots were ultimately rejected—somewhere in the neighborhood of about 1,000 votes.

VIDEO:Dominion Executive: Trump is not going to win. I made f***ing sure of that.
