The Murky Nexus of Smartmatics, Sequoia Voting Systems and the Dominion Voting System

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has overtaken President Donald Trump by 290 electoral votes in the 2020 U.S. presidential election, despite public opinion overwhelmingly in favor of President Trump. As Joe Biden’s team celebrated, evidence of vote-rigging continued to pour in. The Dominion system used for elections not only made illegal use of CCP-made components, but also Smartmatics Voting Software System leads to cause voting data to be sent abroad. Their servers were eventually seized by the American military forces in Frankfurt, Germany. Public discontent culminated in an outburst in Washington, D.C., Million Mage March on November 14 that people are calling for electoral justice and supporting Donald Trump’s re-election in front of the U.S. Supreme Court.

In the United States, there have been numerous cases of people using high-tech voting systems to manipulate voting results. The election fraud committed by Dominion is nothing new. The Smartmatics software used by Dominion was one of the top voting systems once in the United States and has a complex background and full of controversy, but this time since it has threatened the National security, it got completely exposed.

Smartmatics Voting System in Venezuela

Smartmatics was founded in Venezuela in 1997 by a team of three engineers, Antonio Mugica, Alfredo Jose Anzola and Roger Pinate, specializing in the design and end-to-end deployment of special-purpose technology solutions. Business areas are: electronic voting systems, intelligent integrated security systems for enterprises and governments, and personnel registration and certification solutions for government applications.

The first Smartmatic’s company in the United States was incorporated in Delaware in April 2000, and it established a headquarters with just seven employees in Boca Raton, Fla in November the same year. Smartmatics took aim at electoral voting systems in the 2000 us presidential election after a controversy erupted over misreading votes involving “hanging Chad” in a Florida ballot card where candidates were found with holes punched.

Guess who warned about Smartmatic’s Venezuela ties in 2006! By Thomas Lifson

Perhaps the most dogmatic Trump-hating network of all was very concerned about Venezuela corrupting our elections via Smartmatic voting machines.  Yes, CNN!

Watch this report from CNN, hosted by Lou Dobbs in his pre-FBN career, and reported by Kitty Pilgrim, who was always, in my view, a straight shooter.  The report raises the question: why should U.S. elections be subject to manipulation by a foreign country, Venezuela, a country that is totally hostile?

The video is four and a half minutes long, and the picture quality is not good, but it is compelling television in light of claims being made now about Dominion and Smartmatic.

Biden’s Cabinet: The Return of the Blob By David Harsanyi

“Blinken was wrong about Israel, the Palestinians, and the prospects of peace. He was wrong about Iraq. Wrong on Iran. Wrong on Syria. Wrong on Russia. Wrong on Libya. Wrong on China. If you ever failed as much at your job, you wouldn’t have one. In Washington, you get to run the place.”

Biden wants Antony Blinken — an establishment favorite who has been wrong on nearly every foreign-policy issue in the past two decades — to be his secretary of state.

Joe Biden is putting the band back together.

As a Washington Post reporter tweets, the president-elect is “emphatically embracing the foreign policy establishment spurned” by Donald Trump. “Biden foreign policy begins with telling the world: ‘America’s back,’” explains what purports to be a straight-news piece, by another Washington Post writer. Biden, we learn, pledges to rejoin the Paris climate accord, the World Health Organization, the Iran nuclear deal, and to restore U.S. aid to the corrupt Palestinian leadership.

Let’s just say, Biden’s band has some big fans in Washington, D.C., and Brussels. To understand how this dynamic works, here is the Guardian describing Antony Blinken, likely our next secretary of state:

While Mike Pompeo has remained a domestic politician throughout his tenure as secretary of state, giving the lion’s share of his interviews to conservative radio stations in the midwest, for example, Blinken is very much a born internationalist.

He went to school in Paris, where he learned to play the guitar (he played Pink Floyd’s Another Brick in the Wall at graduation) and play football [soccer], and harboured dreams of becoming a film-maker. Before entering the White House under Barack Obama, he used to play in a weekly soccer game with US officials, foreign diplomats and journalists, and he has two singles, love songs titled Lip Service and Patience, uploaded on Spotify. . . .

Biden’s Student Loan Bailouts: Bad Economics, A Regressive Tax, And A Moral Hazard

Joe Biden has so many bad ideas that dealing with them all is a little like swatting flies in a molasses factory in July. One bad idea that’s getting media coverage right now is student loan forgiveness, a favorite among progressives. It’s a classic Democratic proposal: It helps the rich and the elites, and then hands the bill to working Americans.

An alliance of 236(!) leftist groups and teachers’ unions — or do we repeat ourselves? — recently urged Biden to erase student debt as one of his first acts as president, assuming of course he wins. Both Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, thought to have significant clout in Biden’s inner circle, want government to wipe away as much as $50,000 of debt per student.

So-called progressives are no doubt concerned that recent polling shows surprising support among millennials for Republican ideas. What better way to get them back on board than to show your socialist bona fides and win future elections than by forgiving student debt?

As Warren recently tweeted, “Student loan debt is holding back a whole generation from buying homes, starting small businesses, and saving for retirement – all things we rely on to grow our economy. Executive action to #CancelStudentDebt would be a huge economic stimulus during and after this crisis.”

Liz Peek: Liberal lies have created this moment – Trump can do this to secure his legacy Democrats and their media partners denigrated the president from day one

According to a new Rasmussen Poll, 61% of Republicans think it is “very likely” that Democrats stole the election.  

Really, why wouldn’t they? 

For four years, Democrats and their handmaidens in the liberal media have lied their heads off, spinning false narratives aimed at undermining President Trump. Why would Trump supporters trust them now? 

The Russian collusion story, which the president rightfully deemed a “hoax,” was the granddaddy of misinformation campaigns. It led to the appointment of a special counsel and an exhausting investigation that ensnared and ruined the lives of entirely blameless people like retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn and his son.  

As Rep. Gary Palmer, R-Ala., said, after the release of transcripts showed that Obama officials and Democrats knew they were peddling falsehoods, “It is now clear that Adam Schiff lied to his colleagues, that he lied to the media, and that he lied to the American public.” Congressman Schiff, D-Calif., wasn’t alone. 

Democrats in the House impeached President Trump for pushing officials in Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden’s activities while he was our government’s point person in that nation. Little did we know how appropriate Trump’s request was. In recent weeks it has become clear that Joe’s son Hunter Biden did indeed participate in questionable activities in that corrupt country and that his father may have protected his interests.  


This new Glazov Gang episode features Will Johnson, the Founder of

Will discusses Trump Team vs. The Deep State, revealing how The battle is on.

Don’t miss it!

Appeals Court Grants Expedited Review of Trump Campaign’s Pennsylvania Lawsuit By Jack Phillips

President Donald Trump’s campaign on Monday secured a legal win after the U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals granted an expedited review of their appeal from a Pennsylvania court, according to Trump campaign lawyer Jenna Ellis.

According to the order, Trump’s “motion for emergency expedited review is granted at the direction of the court.”

Their brief now needs to be filed by 4 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 23. “The court will advise if oral argument desired,” it said.

Pennsylvania’s 67 counties are scheduled to certify their election results by the end of Monday before sending them to state election officials.

Over the past weekend, Judge Matthew Brann dismissed the campaign’s lawsuit, which had sought to throw out hundreds of thousands of votes in Pennsylvania, saying that election officials in Philadelphia and other Democratic-leaning counties violated the equal protections clause under the U.S. Constitution. They alleged that those counties allowed voters to “cure” mail-in ballots that had issues, while GOP-leaning counties followed the law and didn’t alert voters about potential issues with ballots.

Brann, an appointee of former President Barack Obama, ruled Saturday that he “has no authority to take away the right to vote of even a single person, let alone millions of citizens.” The order allowed Pennsylvania to move forward with certifying the results of the Nov. 3 election. Current data shows that Democrat Joe Biden is ahead of Trump by around 80,000 votes in the Keystone State.

Will Thanksgiving Mark The Beginning Of The Lockdown Resistance?

With a number of governors instituting new lockdowns this month, and doing their best to cancel Thanksgiving, it seems the backlash is coming, if it’s not already here. A country that’s about to observe a holiday in which we express appreciation for our unique American blessings appears ready to shrug off the chains of petty tyrants. For that, we give thanks.

Governors in, most infamously, California, New York, Oregon, and Minnesota, but also other states, have told constituents to limit their celebrations and travel. They might not in every case have specifically cited Thanksgiving. But it’s obvious that the nagging has accelerated because of the holiday. It’s just as obvious that, after more than eight months of various lockdowns, some Americans have had enough.

In an unmistakable rebuke to Andrew Cuomo, sheriffs in New York have said they won’t be enforcing the governor’s 10-person limit at private gatherings. Saratoga County Sheriff Michael Zurlo, for instance, said he didn’t “see how devoting our resources to counting cars in citizens’ driveways or investigating how much turkey and dressing they’ve purchased is for the public good.” Erie County Sheriff Tim Howard has promised he will do what the busybody governor refuses to do and that is “respect the sanctity of your home.”

A dozen compelling allegations of voting irregularities in 2020 election From ejected ballot observers to fraudulently backdated mail-in votes, the evidence of irregularities is growing nationwide. By John Solomon

While many Democrats and their allies in the traditional media argue there is no evidence of systemic voting irregularities in the Nov. 3 election, a mountain of evidence has been amassed in private lawsuits alleging there was, in fact, significant and widespread voting misconduct.

The question for the courts is whether the irregularities were widespread enough to impact the outcome or erase Joe Biden’s lead in at least three of the six battleground states where results are being contested.

And while both President Trump’s campaign and private entities like the Amistad Project are planning to file more lawsuits on Monday, Just the News reviewed the scores of filings and affidavits and declarations in the court cases.

Here are the 12 most compelling pieces of evidence presented to the courts as of Sunday night:

City of Detroit worker swears she witnessed thousands of ballots being falsified

Of all the sworn statements to date, career civil servant Jessy Jacob of Detroit provided the most sweeping claim of election fraud.

President Trump, Explain to the American People That Survival of the Republic Is at Stake Michael Walsh

The republic had been failing for nearly half a century. The great capital city was riven by factions. Graft and corruption were rife. Political opponents were subjected to violence in the streets. Elections were decided by intimidation and bribed electors.

The traditions that held the country together for centuries hung by a thread. Dynasties see-sawed.

Finally, two mighty opposing forces faced each other across a river.

And then Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon.

“Alea iacta est,” he said—the die is cast—and the fate of the Roman Republic was suddenly hanging in the balance.

Karl Marx, the avatar of modern evil, liked to say that history repeats itself, the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce. As another cliché has it, history doesn’t repeat but it sometimes rhymes. But there is nothing farcical about the American political situation at the moment, nor anything particularly lyrical.

President Donald Trump and the forces of real change in contemporary politics are now locked in a death struggle with the Permanent Bipartisan Fusion Party, the unholy alliance of radical Democrats and milquetoast Republicans who have profited mightily from the business-as-usual of Washington practically since Eisenhower left office in 1961.

All Americans who care about the Constitution should wish him well, even if they cannot wish him success.

Political Crisis