Trump’s legal team made its open argument to the public By Andrea Widburg

“Trump will have to work do whatever he can to make his case to the American people because the media are going to do whatever they can to destroy him.”

Shortly after noon Eastern Time, some Trump legal team members assembled for a press conference to bring the media up to speed about what Trump’s team believes it can prove in terms of election fraud. For regular American Thinker readers, much of what they said was old news. For the media, though, it was new information, and they were not happy.

Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell were the main speakers, with Jenna Ellis having a small backup role. Giuliani discussed the non-computer related shenanigans in the various jurisdictions. He asserted that the Trump team had collected hundreds of affidavits attesting to old-fashioned vote stealing. He talked about illegal ballots, which primarily came in via the mail, faked vote counts, and illegal efforts to prevent Republicans from observing the counts.

Giuliani declined to make all but one of the affidavits available to the assembled reporters. His reason was simple: He knew that the media would immediately begin to harass the ordinary citizens who put their reputations on the line to attest to fraud. After the various cases go to court, there’ll be time enough for the reporters to stalk witnesses.

Fox News continues to alienate its viewers By Andrea Widburg

Fox News continues to insult its audience. This time, the insults came from Kristin Fisher, who was speaking from either ignorance or malice when she attacked Rudy Giuliani after Trump’s legal team gave a press conference.

The press conference was the equivalent of an opening argument in a trial. Giuliani, Sidney Powell, and Jenna Ellis each stated one aspect of the upcoming case: Giuliani described on-the-ground voter fraud, Powell described a sophisticated computer system created in Venezuela to steal votes, and Ellis reminded people that this was an opening argument rather than an evidentiary hearing. The evidence, she said, will come.

The conference was essentially a preview of coming attractions. In a trial, first you tell your story, then you prove your story, and then you summarize your story. The legal team is at Phase One.

That didn’t stop Kristin Fisher from proving that she’s a lousy listener and is staggeringly ignorant about how the American legal system works. Following the press conference, Fisher went after Giuliani like a rabid dog:

“Well that was certainly a colorful news conference from Rudy Giuliani but it was light on facts,” Fisher said after the press conference. “So much of what he said was simply not true or has already been thrown out in court, and Giuliani, he opened by making this really bold and baseless claim that a lot of this alleged nationwide voter fraud that he is referring to all came from one centralized place.”

Pompeo Declares Golan Heights ‘Part of Israel,’ in First Visit by U.S. Secretary of State By Jimmy Quinn

Pompeo also became the first secretary of state to visit an Israeli settlement in the West Bank.

GOLAN HEIGHTS — In a show of support for Israel’s sovereignty, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Thursday visited Mount Bental in the Golan Heights, the territory that Israel has controlled since seizing it from Syria during the Six-Day War in 1967. He is the first U.S. secretary of state to visit the territory.

“This is a part of Israel, a central part of Israel,” he said, during joint statements with Israeli foreign minister Gabi Ashkenazi.

The Trump administration in 2019 recognized Israeli sovereignty over the territory, though much of the world condemns Israel’s claim as an illegal occupation. Israel and the United States maintain that Israeli sovereignty over Golan is justified because it was taken in a defensive war and that it is a crucial part of Israel’s national security.

Pompeo spent the day touring the country, where he unveiled several post-election initiatives to bolster U.S.-Israel ties. Stopping at the settlement of Psagot, he also became the first secretary of state to visit an Israeli settlement in the West Bank.

The Left Politicizes COVID: Irony Abounds By Victor Davis Hanson

The ‘follow the science’ Democrats care more about politics than science.

Where has the coronavirus gone?

Nowhere. The pandemic has gained a second wind, even as it is mysteriously scarcer in post-election headlines. If anything, COVID-19 seems more contagious as cold temperatures arrive, people stay in indoors, and perhaps their vitamin D levels taper off.

Whatever one’s views on the virus — whether it remains an existential threat or, contrarily, prompts overreactive lockdowns that are more harmful and maybe even deadlier than the virus itself — nothing much has changed since Election Day.

Or did viral perceptions suddenly change? The pandemic certainly no longer serves as an election lever to demagogue President Trump as a veritable killer.States such as California are under a nearly complete lockdown. Draconian measures will abbreviate Thanksgiving gatherings in a way unprecedented in U.S. history. Yet elites such as California’s Governor Gavin Newsom and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) have violated the quarantines they themselves have endorsed.

Following the media announcement that Joe Biden would likely become president, crowds swarmed into the streets of San Francisco and Los Angeles. They violated every state mandate requiring masks and social distancing. Authorities did nothing — just as they had done nothing during the summer-long protesting and rioting. Apparently, some outdoor gatherings were correct; others, not so much.

A similar warping of science accompanied news about the possible rollout of a COVID-19 vaccine.

Julie Kelly of the conservative website American Greatness has documented the changing narratives about the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. Pfizer is one of five companies in line to receive massive federal funding under the Trump administration’s Operation Warp Speed program to hasten mass vaccinations. Such an ambitious program is unmatched in the history of viral epidemiology. On November 16, another company in the program, Moderna, announced promising results from a clinical trial.

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla predicted in early September that by the end of October, his company would offer a preliminary announcement concerning the safety and effectiveness of his company’s vaccine. His forecast was met with apprehension on the left. Any positive assessment was seen by the Left as political, validating, shortly before the election, the Trump administration’s rapid response to the virus.

Yet on October 27, a week before the election, Pfizer corrected Bourla’s earlier estimate. The company claimed any such declaration would follow rather than precede the election.

Why Are These People Smiling? Trump Attorney Jenna Ellis Posts Late Night Photo with Rudy Giuliani and Gen. Flynn Kristinn Taylor

Trump attorney Jenna Ellis posted a late night photo of herself with lead Trump elections attorney former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani and non-attorney Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn (US Army Ret.) who was President Trump’s first national security advisor.

Ellis posted the photo at 12:30 a.m. EST Thursday with the caption, “Late night at the office…Patriots and #TeamTrump @RudyGiuliani @GenFlynn”

One can’t help but wonder what a non-attorney like Flynn is doing hanging out with the President’s election attorneys so late at night. Perhaps he stopped by to give a morale boost. Or perhaps the former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency under President Obama and former Trump national security advisor is lending his expertise in national security and intelligence to Trump’s legal team as reports come out of votes being routed overseas for processing by a foreign company before being routed back to the States.

Sidney Powell, Flynn’s attorney in his effort to dismiss the long-running bogus federal criminal case against him by the Deep State, is also working to help the Trump campaign in its elections fight.

The trio had plenty to smile about after news broke Wednesday night that the two GOP Wayne County, Michigan members of the Board of Canvassers rescinded their coerced vote from Tuesday to certify the Wayne County vote despite massive irregularities.

Here Are 8 Lawyers in the Thick of Trump’s Election Fight Fred Lucas

As postelection litigation rages in multiple battleground states, lawyers representing President Donald Trump include big and small names. 

Several lawyers withdrew after reporting pressure from anti-Trump activists that included posting the lawyers’ names and contact information on social media. Twitter removed such information posted on its platform.  

Of the lawyers who remain, some are litigating in court while others largely play a media role. Here are eight of them:

1. Justin R. Clark

Interestingly enough, Justin Clark began a career in politics working for one of the last two candidates—a Democrat—caught up in a contested presidential election, then-Vice President Al Gore.

The left is actively working to undermine the integrity of our elections. Read the plan to stop them now. Learn more now >>

Clark did accounting work for Gore’s 2000 presidential campaign, NPR reported, on his path to taking the role of deputy campaign manager and senior counsel on the Trump 2020 reelection campaign.

Clark, 45, grew up as a centrist Democrat in Connecticut. Another centrist, Sen. Joe Lieberman, D-Conn., was Gore’s vice presidential pick in 2000. 

Clark later evolved into a Republican, and in 2010 and 2014 he managed the unsuccessful Connecticut gubernatorial campaigns of GOP nominee Tom Foley. 

He was also political director of pro-wrestling executive Linda McMahon’s failed U.S. Senate race in Connecticut in 2012. 

In 2018, Politico put Clark on its “Power List.”

Clark was deputy national political director for Trump’s 2016 campaign, then became director of the Office of Public Liaison in the White House after the New York developer was elected president. 

He worked with presidential adviser and Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner on criminal justice reform and with presidential adviser and first daughter Ivanka Trump on apprenticeships and workforce development. Clark transitioned to the reelection campaign in late 2018. 

2. Marc A. Scaringi

Marc Scaringi, a lawyer in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, is leading the Trump campaign’s legal effort in that state. Scaringi, 51, focuses his practice on business and corporate law and has about 20 years of experience. 

Scaringi worked on then-Rep. Rick Santorum’s campaign for U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania. After Santorum won in 1994, Scaringi became his legislative correspondent in Washington. 

Scaringi returned to Pennsylvania to work for Mike Fisher’s campaign for state attorney general, and served as an executive assistant to Fisher as attorney general from 1997 to 2001. 

You Racist Karen: The devolution of civility and the decline of western culture: Diane Bederman

Alexis de Tocqueville wrote: “Without ideas held in common there is no common action and without common action there may still be men but there is no social body in order that society should exist and a fortiori that a society should prosper it is necessary that the minds of all the citizens should be rallied and held together by certain predominant ideas.”

Grandiose infantile delusions of entitlement; what a spectacular expression. I first learned it in the 1990s when I took my 2000 hour residency in clinical pastoral education to be a hospital chaplain. And here we are in the 2020’s and the entitlement has expanded. Now it includes calls for the right to free stuff: education, healthcare, housing, food and a get out of jail free card. My, my, aren’t we so entitled.

But this entitlement has taken on a more sinister meaning because of critical race theory and diversity politics. “Critical race theory (CRT), the view that the law and legal institutions are inherently racist and that race itself, instead of being biologically grounded and natural, is a socially constructed concept that is used by white people to further their economic and political interests at the expense of people of colour. According to critical race theory (CRT), racial inequality emerges from the social, economic, and legal differences that white people create between “races” to maintain elite white interests in labour markets and politics, giving rise to poverty and criminality in many minority communities. The CRT movement officially organized itself in 1989, at the first annual Workshop on Critical Race Theory, though its intellectual origins go back much further, to the 1960s and ’70s.”

Cambridge virologist: Lockdowns and masks are ‘greatest hoax ever’ Art Moore
After listing his credentials, a Cambridge University-trained virologist spoke in a public forum against the extension of a mask mandate in one of Canada’s largest cities, calling comprehensive lockdowns, masks and other mitigation efforts against the coronavirus “utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians.”

“It’s outrageous. This is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting population,” said Dr. Roger Hodkinson, the CEO of Western Medical Assessments.

He was speaking via telephone during an Edmonton City Council Community and Public Services Committee meeting last Fridayregarding the Alberta city’s move to extend its face-covering bylaw.

Hodkinson began with a summary of his credentials to ensure he not be regarded as a “quack.”

He said he is a medical specialist in pathology, which includes virology, who trained at Cambridge University in England. A Royal College certified pathologist in Canada, he is the former chairman of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons committee in Ottawa. Hodkinson served as CEO of a large private medical laboratory in Edmonton, Alberta, and now runs MutantDx, a molecular diagnostics company in North Carolina that provides COVID-19 tests.

Hodkinson warned that what he was about to say was “lay language and blunt” and “counter-narrative.”

“There is absolutely nothing that can be done to contain this virus other than protecting older, more vulnerable people,” he said.

“It should be thought of as nothing other than a bad flu season,” said Hodkinson. “This is not ebola. It’s not SARS.”

It’s a cancer’: Pompeo says US will brand BDS ‘anti-Semitic,’ crack down on it by Raphael Ahren

Speaking in Jerusalem, US secretary of state vows Washington to immediately take steps against anti-Israel boycott activists; Netanyahu hails move as ‘simply wonderful’

The United States government will formally designate the anti-Israel boycott movement “anti-Semitic” and immediately start cracking down on groups affiliated with it, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced Thursday during a visit to Israel, calling BDS a “cancer.”

“Today I want to make one announcement with respect to a decision by the State Department that we will regard the global anti-Israel BDS campaign as anti-Semitic,” he said, standing next to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a joint statement to the press.“I know this may sound simple to you, Mr. Prime Minister, it seems like a statement of fact, but I want you to know that we will immediately take steps to identify organizations that engage in hateful BDS conduct and withdraw US government support for such groups. The time is right,” Pompeo declared.

Biden Faces an Evolving Middle East Lawrence J. Haas

The news that Bahrain’s foreign minister is meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel this week highlights the predicament that president elect Joe Biden faces in the Middle East: he wants to restore a U.S. approach to the region that relies on increasingly out-of-date assumptions.

For starters, Biden promises to rejoin the U.S.-led global nuclear agreement with Iran, under which Tehran agreed to temporary restrictions on its nuclear program in exchange for relief from crippling sanctions.

President Obama, for whom Biden served as vice president, considered the agreement his top global achievement. The Democratic foreign policy establishment has sharply criticized President Trump’s decision to leave it in 2018 and the administration’s attempts to force Iran to renegotiate the deal through a “maximum pressure” campaign.

Rejoining the agreement would be reassuring to U.S. allies in Europe, particularly France and Germany, which criticized Trump’s move and sought to convince Iran to abide by the agreement in exchange for European efforts to help Tehran evade Washington’s increasingly tight economic sanctions. But rejoining the agreement and picking up where they left off may be no simple matter.

In a confidential report this month, the International Atomic Energy Agency concluded that Iran has secretly stockpiled at least 12 times the amount of enriched uranium that the agreement allows, a quantity that experts say is enough to build an atomic bomb in less than four months. Iran is also enriching uranium to a higher purity level—thus, closer to weapons-grade enrichment—than the agreement allows.