About Those Trump Vaccine Predictions Do media “fact checkers” owe the President an apology? By James Freeman


“Public-private partnership” is usually a Beltway term for cronyism and the waste of taxpayer resources. But so far it’s hard to argue with the results of the Trump administration’s Operation Warp Speed to assist the development and distribution of medical innovations to address Covid-19. The rapid results must be especially striking to news consumers who were repeatedly told that the president was wrong in predicting quick development of a vaccine.

Back in August, Jane C. Timm and Jane Weaver of NBC News reported on the President’s Republican convention speech:

Fact check: No evidence for Trump’s COVID-19 vaccine claim
“In recent months, our nation, and the entire planet, has been struck by a new and powerful invisible enemy. Like those brave Americans before us, we are meeting this challenge. We are delivering lifesaving therapies, and will produce a vaccine before the end of the year, or maybe even sooner!” Trump claimed on Thursday night.
This is largely false… The president boasts of lifesaving therapies, but critics argue there isn’t enough evidence to back up this claim… There is also no evidence that an effective vaccine will be delivered by the end of the year.

Thank goodness these “fact checkers” didn’t have a firm grasp of the facts. The Journal’s Jared Hopkins reports today:

Pfizer Inc. said Wednesday it will ask health regulators to authorize its experimental Covid-19 vaccine within days, after reporting the shot was 95% effective in its pivotal study and showing signs of being safe.
The company’s plans mean the shot is on track to go into distribution by the end of the year, if the regulators permit.

Yuuuge U-Turn in Michigan: GOP canvassers rescind their certification of vote By Mark Landsbaum


The item in this “Just the New” update is huge.

In an extraordinary turnabout that foreshadows possible legal action, the two GOP members of Wayne County’s election board signed affidavits Wednesday night alleging they were bullied and misled into approving election results in Michigan’s largest metropolis and do not believe the votes should be certified until serious irregularities in Detroit votes are resolved.

It’s what is necessary for Trump to win Michigan. And if this holds up, that’s a good bet.

Here’s the brief chronology, a real roller coaster.

Wayne County election board’s Republicans make a dramatic U-turn By Andrea Widburg


Wayne County, Michigan, is home to Detroit and is the state’s largest metropolitan area. On election day, Wayne County famously covered the windows in the vote-counting area so that observers could not witness the count. Nevertheless, on Tuesday, the two Republican members of the Wayne County election board agreed to certify the vote count – although they did so along with a demand for an audit. They’ve now rescinded their agreement, saying that fellow board members bullied and misled them.

I reported yesterday the strange journey that the Wayne County election board took. It started by refusing to certify the election. Then, abruptly, the two Republican board members who held up the certification did an about-face and agreed to certify the vote. The only caveat was that they demanded a “comprehensive audit” of “unexplained precincts.”

On Wednesday, Americans learned why those two Republicans had suddenly agreed to certify the voting results in Wayne County. It wasn’t because they listened to their Democrat peers’ reasoned arguments and changed their minds. Instead, it was because they were subjected to ferocious abuse, with people calling them evil racists, and because at least two people obliquely threatened their and their family’s safety:

The Danish Mask Study By Kevin Roche


This is the fuller post.   The headline result–wearing a mask makes no difference in cases or in level of transmission in the community.   It is obvious to all of us now, that this is true, as we can see the case growth in areas of the country with extremely high mask-wearing rates.  Here is the cite.  (Danish Mask Study)  Coupled with the withdrawal of the county study which purported to show a benefit based on limited time period study, this should put an end to any Governor claiming that mask mandates are backed by science and data, but it won’t.  As I noted in my flash report, people are already coming out with all kinds of BS criticisms of the trial. It is amusing in a sense, that people who just accepted all the mask modeling “research” without any quibbles or skepticism are finding all kinds of criticism directed at an actual randomized trial attempting to answer a real-life question–what is the effect of wearing a mask in the community.

Before describing the study and its findings, let me make a couple of preliminary observations.  I have been reading medical research for 40 years and science papers for even longer.  When you read this study and you know the history of the attempt to get it published, you are immediately struck by what the authors must have been forced to do to get any reputable journal to publish it.  They were clearly forced to constantly refer to limitations and caveats about the study and there is a discussion about the confidence intervals around the results that you absolutely never see in the published reports of research.  What kind of science is it that decides in advance what the results have to be and tries to suppress any research that challenges those pre-ordained results?  When I complain that science has become completely politicized, what happened to this study is Exhibit A.

Pennsylvania High Court to Hear Trump Challenge to Thousands of Votes


The Pennsylvania Supreme Court said on Wednesday it would take up an appeal by President Donald Trump’s campaign challenging thousands of mail-in votes cast in Philadelphia that were missing information on the return envelopes.

The lower Court of Common Pleas ruled on Friday against the Trump campaign which sought to invalidate 8,329 ballots in Philadelphia, the state’s biggest city, because envelopes lacked information such as printed names, the date or addresses.

The campaign has not alleged the ballots were fraudulent.

Joe Biden, the Democratic challenger, won Pennsylvania by a margin of around 82,000 votes, according to Edison Research. Trump’s campaign is challenging the results in Pernnsylvania and elsewhere, alleging all manner of voter fraud. Newsmax has not yet called the race for either Biden or Trump.

A win in Pennsylvania is important, as the state represents 20 electoral votes.

Georgia Recount Witnesses Saw Trump Votes Counted for Biden Affiants also swore to have seen suspiciously pristine, uncreased mail ballots, uniformly and perfectly filled out: By Ivan Pentchoukov


Witnesses of the recount of the presidential election in Georgia have signed sworn statements testifying to having observed ballots cast for President Donald Trump being counted as though they were cast for former Vice President Joe Biden.

Trump campaign attorney Lin Wood filed the affidavits with a federal court in Georgia on Nov. 17 as part of an emergency motion seeking to block the certification of the election results in the Peach State.

Nine of the affiants swore to have seen suspiciously pristine, uncreased mail ballots, uniformly and perfectly filled out, almost always for Biden. In one case, a batch of such ballots included 500 ballots in a row all cast for Biden, the Democratic presidential nominee.

The lack of creases is strange considering that mail ballots have to be folded to fit in an envelope. Some of the witnesses said the perfect markings, all in black and never outside the voting bubble, appeared as though they were printed by a machine or stamped.

The emergency motion detailed these and other abnormalities, violations, and potential signs of voter fraud on the night prior to the deadline for Georgia’s recount, which has already discovered, in three counties, batches of uncounted votes for Trump.

MASSIVE STUDY — ‘Masks may actually increase Covid infection rates’…


Sean Davis

A massive Danish study on mask usage found no statistically significant difference in coronavirus infection rates between mask-wearers and non-mask-wearers. In fact, according to the data, mask usage may actually increase the likelihood of infection. https://acpjournals.org/doi/10.7326/M20-6817

MASSIVE Announcement Made by the Head of the FEC [Watch] By Mark Megahan


The top man at the FEC made a massive announcement on Tuesday. Trey Trainor is siding with President Donald Trump to say he believes the claim of widespread election fraud. No matter what the state courts have been saying, this vote was rigged in favor of Joe Biden.

FEC Boss thinks fraud was widespread

Federal Election Commission Chairman Trey Trainor tweeted out on Tuesday that he agrees that the claims brought up by Trump campaign lawyer Sidney Powell of massive and widespread election fraud have merit and should be closely investigated. “They can stick a thumb drive in the machine, they can upload software to it even from the Internet.” It’s not reassuring that voting machines can be tapped “from Germany or Venezuela even.”

A new Role for Israel in the Middle East? A new Role for Israel in the Middle East?Francesco Sisci


The present effort for religious dialogue between the Holy See and parts of the Muslim world, with the declaration of Dubai for instance and the wave of diplomatic normalizations between Israel and some Arab states, is changing the political geography of the Middle East.

Israel is no longer the outcast of the Middle East, the isolated bulwark of a Western invasion, or the modern reinvention of the old Christian crusaders.

With vanishing hostility in the whole Muslim world and growing dialogue between the Holy See and moderates in the Muslim world, Israel is set to become something new.

The waning antagonism with Israel seems to spring from a few converging trends. Oil revenues of rich Muslim countries are declining, as de facto oil and gas are no longer rare commodities held by a handful of states, but they are cheaper than mineral water. Oceans of shale gas and shale oil are available thanks to new drilling technology. This has brought back the US as a large oil-producing country, limiting the bargaining position of traditional oil producers.

Moreover, the future of former oil-economy countries depends on the financial investments of their old returns. In this world, Israel has some weight, especially as many trends for future developments may derive from tools presently thought out and designed in the new Israeli technological areas and exported to America or other parts of the world.

Trump Pays $3 Million To Cover Wisconsin Recount  By Evita Duffy


Evita Duffy is an intern at The Federalist and a junior at the University of Chicago, where she studies American History.

President Donald Trump’s campaign has paid $3 million for a partial Wisconsin recount in Dane and Milwaukee counties. The campaign said in a statement they had paid for the recounts Tuesday night and planned to submit the required paperwork on Wednesday.

The two counties in question reportedly voted overwhelmingly for Joe Biden. The two counties are known for being reliable Democratic strongholds. Milwaukee County is the biggest in the state and the most populous black county. Dane County, the third largest in the state, contains Wisconsin’s liberal capital city of Madison and the leftist University of Wisconsin-Madison.

“These two counties were selected because they are the locations of the worst irregularities,” said the Trump campaign in a statement, noting that they were areas where there were “illegally altered absentee ballots, illegally issued absentee ballots, and illegal advice given by government officials allowing Wisconsin’s Voter ID laws to be circumvented.”