As the enemies of America are bent on shredding our Constitutional guarantees, it is important to note the courage of a once devout communist who, at great risk to himself, made a principled stand against Communism.
Benjamin Gitlow was one of the most committed American communists who rose to power. Yet, as his son recounts in the introduction to his father’s 1948 book titled The Whole of Their Lives, Gitlow “was one of the few leaders in the early years of the American Communist party who recognized the threat to the aspirations of man that communism presents, and who rejected its oppressive discipline.” This book recounts the experiences of those who had once embraced communism and now had the moral courage to recognize the “betrayal of human values which is inherent in communism.”
In 1929 at the Moscow meeting of the Communist International Gitlow refused to accept the dictates of Stalin and announced he would oppose Stalin’s orders to the American Communist Party. From then on, Gitlow became an avid anti-communist.
Max Eastman who wrote the Foreword to the book asserts that:
“Our civilization is in peril because so many eager and uncritical minds, beguiled by the communist ideal, instead of being trained in virtue, are trained to renounce all moral standards in the service of their ideal. Those consecrating themselves to communism must not only cast out truth, mercy, justice, and personal honor, but undergo a sickening discipline in lies, cruelty, crime and self abasement.”
Almost 75 years later and America is faced with the radical Leftwing “critical theory, which is a demonic and toxic ideology that basically destroys everything around itself.”
Consequently, “[w]hat we’re seeing in America right now is the rise of Communism—plain and simple. If you study history, you can see many parallels of communist regimes that have risen up throughout history to what is happening right here in the United States of America, right now today.” Examples abound: