Was the US Election Stolen? by Soeren Kern


“We’re fixing to overturn the results of the elections in multiple states. President Trump won by not hundreds of thousands of votes but by millions of votes that were shifted by this software that was designed expressly for that purpose. We have sworn witness testimony of why the software was designed — it was designed to rig elections.” — Sidney Powell, a former federal prosecutor and a member of President Trump’s legal team.

“It’s the software that was the problem. Even their own manual explains how votes can be wiped away, it’s like drag and drop Trump votes into a separate folder and then delete that folder.” — Sidney Powell.

“They can stick a thumb drive in the machine or upload software to it, even from the internet, they can do it from Germany or Venezuela even. They can remote access anything, they can watch votes in real time, they can shift votes in real time. We’ve identified mathematically the exact algorithm they used and planned to use from the beginning to modify the votes — in this case to make sure Biden won. That’s why he said he didn’t need your votes now, he would need you later.” — Sidney Powell.

“The software that they use is done by a company called Smartmatic. It’s a company that was founded by Hugo Chávez, and by his two allies who still own it. It’s been used to cheat in elections in South America. It was banned by the United States about a decade ago. It’s come back now as a subcontractor to other companies to sort of hide in the weeds.” — Rudy Giuliani, President Trump’s personal attorney.

“Finally, if you want to get down to the votes, let’s pick Pennsylvania. We have identified 632,000 illegal votes. It’s enough to have the president win the state by 300,000, which is actually what he won it by, if you get that Smartmatic machine out.” — Rudy Giuliani.

“What we’re seeing is that possibly up to 2.7 million votes were simply deleted, that were for President Trump. How their voting system was able to have users that would log in and see the votes as they were coming in. If it was a Trump vote they could manually change it to a Biden vote. They could duplicate the vote if it was a Biden vote, and have a person cast not one but six votes for Biden. All of this technology, we really need a forensic audit.” — Jenna Ellis, Trump Campaign lawyer.

“Ten years ago, I was part of the first academic team to conduct a comprehensive security analysis of a DRE [direct-recording electronic] voting machine. We examined what was at that time the most widely used touch-screen DRE in the country, and spent several months probing it for vulnerabilities. What we found was disturbing: we could reprogram the machine to invisibly cause any candidate to win. We also created malicious software — vote-stealing code — that could spread from machine-to-machine like a computer virus, and silently change the election outcome.” — Alex Halderman, professor of computer science and engineering at the University of Michigan

“The concerns about possible ties between the owners of Smartmatic and the Chávez government have been well known to United States foreign-policy officials since before the 2004 recall election in which Mr. Chávez, a strong ally of President Fidel Castro of Cuba, won by an official margin of nearly 20 percent.” — The New York Times, October 29, 2006

Reports are pouring in of massive corruption and fraud in the 2020 U.S. presidential elections. The allegations run the gamut from ballot harvesting to rigged software, from duplicate voting to voting by deceased people, from outdated voter rolls to failing to match signatures, and from voter intimidation to altering the vote count. Whistleblowers in several states have signed affidavits that allege criminal activity during the voting process.

What’s Next for Antifa? A Biden administration might have trouble putting this genie back in the bottle. Jacob Zenn


Before the election, the Southern Poverty Law Center warned that a Georgia militiaman had said that a “rigged election” would lead to rebellion, and that the Oath Keepers militia would monitor polls nationwide to ensure that only U.S. citizens voted. The New York Times likewise asserted that an “army” of Trump supporters would “go into the polls and watch very carefully” in Philadelphia. Notwithstanding President Trump’s allegations of ballot irregularities, including in Philadelphia, none of the pre-election predictions of right-wing mayhem was borne out.

Many of these predictions were predicated on Trump’s alleged call to violence during the first debate, when he told the Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by.” The Proud Boys, a men’s club that includes members of all races, self-describe as “Western chauvinists” and are certainly uncouth. They hold rallies for Trump and oppose things like “drag queen story hour” for children at public libraries. They exist, however, in a dialectic with Antifa, the far-Left militant group that doxes “fascists” and engages in violence against both property and persons. For Antifa, fascist is a catchall term that includes anyone who believes in private property and sees a place for police in a functioning society.

Antifa differs from other far left-wing groups, including the Democratic Socialists of America, in that it explicitly endorses “physical confrontation” in order to deny freedom of speech and assembly to its opponents. Antifa was relatively unknown in the U.S. until Trump’s 2016 presidential victory. Its most notable action in 2017 was preventing Ann Coulter’s speech at the University of California, Berkeley, by threatening clashes with campus security and Coulter’s Proud Boy bodyguards. Later that year, members of Antifa were mixed in with the large and varied group protesting the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, where one person was killed by a white supremacist in a vehicular attack. Last year, Antifa beat up journalist Andy Ngo, who was reporting on a Proud Boys rally in Portland.

In most cases, Antifa’s violence is employed against innocuous demonstrators. For example, African-American Proud Boy Philip Anderson organized a pre-election protest against tech censorship of conservatives in San Francisco. A Black Lives Matter supporter wearing Antifa-style black-bloc garb punched Anderson, knocking out his front teeth. In September, Antifa member Michael Reinoehl targeted and murdered Trump supporter Aaron Danielson in Portland following a car parade.

Georgia County Discovers Over 2,600 Uncounted Votes, Most of Them Were for President Trump


There is huge election news out of the state of Georgia today as the state is currently undertaking its hand recount of votes cast during the presidential election.

Officials in Floyd County discovered that over 2,600 votes cast on Election Day were not properly counted and most of the votes were for President Trump. Here’s more from a local news outlet in the state:

According to Board of Elections Chairman Tom Rees, “the hand count added 2,631 more votes than were registered by computers.”  That number was released on Monday after nearly 20 hours of hand counting over the weekend.

It appears that the votes did not come from day of voting or absentee, but rather early voting.

According to Luke Martin, Floyd County GOP chairman, “It is scary that this happened in Floyd County.  Imagine what the numbers could look like in places like Fulton County.”  Martin added, “It appears that our elections office did not misplace any ballots, rather it appears as if this is a computer software mishap with the Dominion system.”

Wendy Davis, Rome City Commissioner. “I am proud of the wonderful people who came in and worked tirelessly for two days. What we discovered that the count that the elections office turned into the secretary of state was wrong. “

Christiane Amanpour is no journalist By Rabbi Aryeh Spero


CNN international anchor Christiane Amanpour used the Nazi Holocaust against Jews to once again misportray and besmirch the reputation of President Donald Trump and the 72 million people who voted for him.

Amanpour stated: “This week 82 years ago, Kristallnacht happened.  It was the Nazis’ warning shot across the bow of our human civilization that led to genocide against a whole identity and, in that tower of burning books, it led to an attack on fact, knowledge, history and proof. After four years of a modern-day assault on those same values by Donald Trump, the Biden-Harris team pledges a return to normal.”

Like many on the left, Amanpour is blatantly insensitive to the brutality against and extermination of Europe’s Jews and exploits this historical genocide as a means to vilify conservatives and Trump-supporters.  It is an evil tactic reflecting a cruel and fraudulent personality.

The very fact that she has been able for four years to freely level obscene lies against the president without any retaliation against her from President Trump indicates that Trump is in no way stifling her freedom of speech.  What she should be concerned about is the censorship, cancel culture, political correctness, and destruction of people’s reputations and livelihoods coming from the left-wing precincts and much of the Biden-Clinton-Obama-Squad Democrat apparatus she extols.  Amanpour speaks of Kristallnacht and yet remains silent while Antifa physically beats up regular Americans.  She praises Black Lives Matter, which, similar to what occurred on Kristallnacht, breaks the glass windows of stores owned by Americans and torches the streets of American commercial and residential neighborhoods.

What Are the Odds of a Biden Victory? The more we view it in historical terms, the more we realize something’s rotten. Douglas Andrews


Anyone who’d been watching the White House chimney, waiting for their marching orders via a Vatican-like signal, surely saw one Friday morning when Fox Business Channel’s Maria Bartiromo interviewed White House trade adviser Peter Navarro.

“We’re moving forward here at the White House under the assumption there will be a second Trump term,” said Navarro in response to a question about a Joe Biden presidency. “I think it’s really important, before people’s heads explode here, to understand that what we seek here is verifiable ballots, certifiable ballots, and an investigation into what are growing numbers of allegations of fraud under signed affidavits by witnesses.”

“And my own view,” Navarro continued, “looking at this election, we have what appears in some sense to be an immaculate deception. … Clearly the president won this election, was leading on Election Day, and then after Election Day, somehow, in these key battleground states, they got just enough votes to catch up to the president. … So I think what’s important here, is that this is a country of laws and rules. We have a very clear set of election laws, and what we need to do is go through the process. … So until we do that, our assumption is a second Trump term.”

Navarro is a longtime Democrat, but he clearly has some steel in his spine. And his point about an immaculate deception is worth exploring, because the idea that Donald Trump lost a fair election to Scranton Joe Biden still beggars the imagination.

As we’ve noted before, Biden is an uninspiring, gaffe-prone, 77-year-old career politician who couldn’t draw, er, maggots to a month-old mutton chop. And yet he’s racked up a lot more population-adjusted votes than any presidential candidate in modern history, including that young, dynamic Barack Obama during his once-in-a-lifetime 2008 campaign.

We also noted the work of Trump senior campaign adviser Steve C

A Justice Speaks Out: Justice Samuel Alito warns that our most fundamental rights are under siege.


It’s no surprise that Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito’s speech last week to The Federalist Society’s National Lawyers Convention received little coverage in the popular press. Why would it? Alito lacks the rhetorical flourish and the mischief-making wit of his late Supreme Court colleague Antonin Scalia, and he was speaking a language — the language of Liberty — that those in the Leftmedia neither understand nor appreciate.

Nor, it seems, are a majority of Justice Alito’s colleagues on the High Court fluent in that language.

In this respect, Alito seems like a quietly but firmly conservative version of the late Democrat Senator Paul Wellstone, who often took a friendly swipe at his consensus-seeking colleagues. “I’m from the Democratic wing of the Democratic Party!” he’d roar. Similarly, it seems, Justice Alito is from the conservative wing of the Supreme Court’s conservative majority.

“The pandemic has obviously taken a heavy human toll,” Alito began. “Thousands dead, many more hospitalized, millions on employed the dreams of many small business owners dashed. But what has it meant for the rule of law? I’m now going to say something that I hope will not be twisted or misunderstood. But I have spent more than 20 years in Washington, so I’m not overly optimistic. In any event, here goes. The pandemic has resulted in previously unimaginable restrictions on individual liberty. Now, notice what I am not saying or even implying: I am not diminishing the severity of the virus’s threat to public health. And putting aside what I will say shortly about a few Supreme Court cases, I’m not saying anything about the legality of COVID restrictions. Nor am I saying anything about whether any of these restrictions represent good public policy. I’m a judge, not a policymaker. All that I’m saying is this, and I think it is an indisputable statement of fact: We have never before seen restrictions as severe, extensive, and prolonged as those experienced for most of 2020.”

The Twin Paths to Socialism: ‘Equity’ and ‘Climate Change’ Alarmism By Edward Ring


America’s socialists, backed by corporations that profit from central planning and mandated markets, claim racism and fossil fuel are existential threats. They’re not

Supporters of President Trump’s bid for reelection accurately depicted his agenda as one of America’s last chances to stop—or at least slow down—the nation’s drift toward socialism. Joe Biden’s candidacy has been depicted as the attempt by globalist corporations to reassert their control over American politics, wherein they will impose socialist redistribution schemes that devastate the middle- and working classes, making them dependent on government and rendering their citizenship irrelevant. This, too, is mostly accurate, although slowly-boil-the-frog protocols shall be followed to obscure the transition.

When roughly half the electorate recently chose Biden to be the next U.S. president, however, they weren’t consciously endorsing corporate socialism. Biden voters, to the extent they believe in socialism, haven’t yet figured out that the socialist movement in the United States is largely controlled by corporations. What they believe, thanks to relentless propaganda and censorship of dissenting viewpoints, is that President Trump is a racist and a “denier” of climate change. As such, President Trump is perceived as a menace, an object of hatred and fear, and anyone would be a better choice for president.

President Trump is not a racist, and he cares about the environment as much as any reasonable person ought to, but these two issues are much bigger than Trump. The issues of racial equity and environmental protection are marketed as the existential challenges of our time. In response to these challenges, we are told the only effective answer is socialism, whether in the form of the Green New Deal, deference to international organizations and treaties, or submission to critical racial theory retraining. 

Arizona Congressmen Want a Vote Audit in a Major County Katie Pavlich


Arizona Congressmen Paul Gosar, Andy Biggs and David Schweikert are officially requesting a vote audit in Maricopa County. 

Last week Maricopa County GOP Chairwoman Rae Chornenky resigned after failing to inspect voting machines prior to Election Day. 

Rae Chornenky, the chair of the Maricopa County Republican Party, has resigned from her position after Democrats called her out for skipping a meeting ahead of the election where the county’s ballot tabulation machines were tested. 

Calls for her to step down started after Maricopa County Democratic Party chair Stephen Slugocki reminded the public in a Twitter post that in October she had not attended a logic and accuracy test of election equipment. 

That equipment — new ballot tabulators from Dominion Voting Systems — are at the center of claims about software glitches that some Republicans have asserted changed votes from President Donald Trump to Democrat Joe Biden. 

Arizona Republican Party Chairwoman Kelly Ward gave an update on the situation and ongoing vote counts Monday morning. 

Beijing Sees Biden as Someone Susceptible to Its Influence: Victor Davis Hanson By Jan Jekielek and Frank Fang


The Chinese regime would be happy to see a new U.S. administration without President Donald Trump, according to historian Victor Davis Hanson.

If Democratic Party candidate Joe Biden wins the election, Beijing would also press harder on its U.S. allies in the Asia-Pacific region, said Hanson, who is a senior fellow at the Stanford University-based think tank Hoover Institution.

On The Epoch Times’ “American Thought Leaders” program, Hanson said that Beijing sees Biden as someone that would work with the communist regime—“a sign of weakness to be exploited.”

While many media outlets have declared Biden the winner of the presidential election, The Epoch Times will not call the race until all results are certified and any legal challenges are resolved.

Hanson analyzed Beijing’s view of the election: “I think they’re gonna be much more confident now because of the Biden victory, because I think their chief nemesis and biggest worry is gone, if Trump loses.”

The Trump administration has confronted the Chinese Communist Party on a range of issues, including unfair trade practices, espionage, malign influence in the United States, security threats posed by Chinese technology, and human rights abuses in Xinjiang and Hong Kong.

Trump Campaign Lawyer Says She Was Harassed, Threatened by Attorney at Opposing Firm Campaign spokesman says she received ‘physical and economic threats’ By Jack Phillips


A spokesman for President Donald Trump’s campaign and legal team said a lawyer working on their behalf in Pennsylvania has received threats and harassment.

According to Tim Murtagh on Nov. 16, the lawyer received “abusive emails” and calls, as well as “physical [and] economic threats.”

“One voicemail was from a lawyer at the firm representing the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, running far afoul of standards of professional conduct,” he said. “It has been turned over to the court.”

Philadelphia attorney Linda Kerns wrote on Nov. 15 in a court filing that an attorney with Kirkland & Ellis in the District of Columbia left her a one-minute-long voicemail that “falls afoul of the standards of professional conduct.”

Kirkland & Ellis represents Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar, the state’s top election officer. Kerns didn’t identify the lawyer in question in the filing.