When Mob Inciters Become Lions of the Left An Aaron Sorkin film celebrates the Chicago Seven for plotting an attack on a party convention.By Helen Andrews


The Chicago Seven were countercultural heroes in the 1960s. They thumbed their noses through one of the country’s most notorious political trials, taunting the judge and making a mockery of the proceedings with flippant courtroom pranks. Aaron Sorkin wrote and directed a movie about them last year, “The Trial of the Chicago 7,” which will probably win a few Oscars.

One thing people forget about the Chicago Seven is that most of them were guilty. Jerry Rubin admitted as much later: “We wanted disruption. We planned it. . . . We were guilty as hell. Guilty as charged.”

The crime they were accused of was crossing state lines to incite a riot. The defendants believed that Vice President Hubert Humphrey’s 1968 nomination for presidency was illegitimate. Nominations in those days were decided not by primaries but by backroom deals among party power brokers. The antiwar movement believed that a more democratic process would have produced a candidate opposed to the Vietnam War.

The question was whether the violent clashes between protesters and police outside the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago were an unfortunate consequence of peaceful marching that got out of hand, or whether the organizers intended for things to get violent.



Try Him Now

By Matthew Continetti

Donald Trump has spent his life dodging the consequences of his misbehavior. For once, he must be punished.

An Impeachable Offense

By The Editors

The prudential questions shouldn’t be brushed aside, but this gross misconduct is what the impeachment clause was written to address.

The ‘Late Impeachment’ Question

By Ramesh Ponnuru 
Precedent and purpose cut against the argument that the Constitution bars lawmakers from holding an impeachment trial after Trump leaves office.

McCarthy Says Trump ‘Bears Responsibility’ for Capitol Riot, Advocates Censure Instead of Impeachment

By Zachary Evans 
‘The President bears responsibility for Wednesday’s attack on Congress by mob rioters,’ McCarthy said.

By Kevin D. Williamson

A paltry ten House Republicans mustered the guts and the patriotism to vote to impeach Donald Trump. By way of comparison, 139 Republicans in the House voted to overturn the 2020 election. If the American public concludes that this is a party of irresponsible crackpots who can no longer be trusted with power, it will be impossible to blame them.

Never Forget These Ten Republican Turncoats Who Voted to Impeach Trump By Matt Margolis


The House of Representatives has voted to impeach President Trump a second time. This time over accusations that he incited an insurrection on the U.S. Capitol. Anyone who watched or read the words Trump spoke on the day can’t say with a shred of honesty that Trump ever incited violence upon the Capitol.

And yet ten Republicans joined with Democrats in their never-ending witch hunt of Trump. These Republicans have seen endless accusations being lobbed at Trump. From accusations of racism to colluding with Russia, or the bogus claim of a quid pro quo with Ukraine… yet they joined in the pile-on. For what? To make nice with the left? What good does being a pawn in their attacks on Trump do? The Senate will never convict him over these absurd allegations. The left will not be better to these Republicans once they’ve outlived their usefulness.

So, here they are. Here’s the list of Republicans who voted with Democrats to impeach Trump over bogus charges.

Rep. Liz Cheney (Wyo.) – GOP Conference Chair
Rep. Anthony Gonzalez (Ohio)
Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler (Wash.)
Rep. John Katko (N.Y.)
Rep. Adam Kinzinger (Ill.)
Rep. Peter Meijer (Mich.)
Rep. Dan Newhouse (Wash.)
Rep. Tom Rice (S.C.)
Rep. Fred Upton (Mich.)
Rep. David Valadao (Calif.)

Remember these names. Don’t give them any money. Support primary challengers in 2022. These people have no business being in the Republican Party when they knowingly go along with a party that has been desperate to impeach Trump and remove him from office since before he even took the oath.

5 Things to Know About the Spread of Big Tech Tyranny By AG News Staff VIDEO


Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram’s lifetime ban of President Trump has set off an insidious assault on free speech that is reaching into all corners of the free markets.

Trump’s Democrat Impeachers and Double Standards Who, exactly, is guilty of “inciting insurrection”? John Perazzo


A mere 12 days after President Trump took office in January 2017, Congressman Joaquin Castro of Texas became the first of many elected Democrats to publicly call for his impeachment. In that case, Castro’s concern was with regard to Trump’s executive ban on travel to the U.S. from nations rife with Islamic terrorism. By the end of 2019, House and Senate Democrats had proposed more than 70 additional reasons for impeaching Trump. Nancy Pelosi, for her part, went full-fascist when she declared, less than four months ago: “We can impeach him every day of the week for anything he does.”

And now, this same Nancy Pelosi has brought her totalitarian vision to life, impeaching Trump for “incitement of insurrection,” a sin supposedly committed in the same January 6 speech where the president explicitly and unambiguously encouraged his supporters to “peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.” Yes, Pelosi and her fellow Democrats assure us that — even though it now seems highly unlikely that the people who breached the Capitol that day were among those who had attended Trump’s speech — the president himself was somehow responsible for the actions of the several hundred lamebrains who chose to break the law.

By the Democrats’ same “logic,” however, a much stronger case can be made for the idea that the words which so many Democrats themselves have spoken over the past four years could, and should, have been used as justifications for removing them from political office.

Doubling Down on Impeachment Insanity Fanatical Dems impeach President Trump for the second time — and again without evidence. Matthew Vadum


With mere days before a new president takes office, leftist Democrats and useful-idiot Republicans voted Wednesday to impeach President Donald John Trump on false grounds for a second time, a move that places the United States on a fast-track toward banana-republic status.

The vote to impeach on January 13 was 232 to 197. Ten Republican lawmakers voted to betray their own party and impeach President Trump.

They are: Adam Kinzinger of Illinois; Liz Cheney of Wyoming; John Katko of New York; Fred Upton of Michigan; Jaime Herrera Beutler of Washington;  Dan Newhouse of Washington; Peter Meijer of Michigan; Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio; Tom Rice of South Carolina; and David Valadao of California.

The reason why they did this is clear: despite everything that has happened, Trump’s voters are standing by him. That makes him a threat –not to the republic, as the Left claims— but to the deep state-globalist-socialist-communist alliance that in a few days will control both the executive and legislative branches of the federal government. They want Trump out of the picture so things can return to so-called normal. Even if they can’t get the impeachment trial underway in the Senate before Trump leaves office at 12 Noon on January 20, they want the Senate to convict the president and bar him from seeking office again. Some legal scholars, though, notably not Alan Dershowitz, say a president leaving the office does not deprive the Senate of jurisdiction to hear the case.

China’s, Not Sweden’s Or Denmark’s, Is The Government Democrats Want


When Democrats propose “progressive” policies, they say their objective is make the U.S. more like Europe’s welfare states, not socialist nations such as Venezuela and Cuba. Maybe at one time that was true. But not now. In recent years, China has become the nation they want to emulate.

Let’s clear up one possible misunderstanding right away. We’re not calling the Democrats communists. There are hard socialist leanings within the party, and far too much just-below-the-surface authoritarianism. But we’re not saying they’re communists, though they have no reservations about calling conservatives and Republicans fascists and Nazis, even when they know the charges are untrue.

Nor are we going to try to make the case that Democrats are in bed with China. We simply want to point out that Democrats want to reign over this country the way the communist party rules China.

The Democrats’ appetite for following the China model goes back more than a decade. One of its early manifestations is found in the fever dreams of New York Timesman Thomas Friedman. In 2008, he openly yearned for America to be “China for a day.” He called it a “fantasy, basically,” yet he wondered:

“What if we had a government here that could actually make decisions? Okay? That could actually come together, Democrats and Republicans, and make a long-term plan and pursue it?”

Those remarks were made on what is loosely called a “comedy report.” In a more sober interview with news anchor Tom Brokaw, Friedman didn’t stray from his chosen course.

There’s only one thing worse than one-party autocracy, the Chinese form of government, and that’s one-party democracy. You know, in China, if the leadership can get around to an enlightened decision it can order it from the top down, OK. Here, when you have one-party democracy, one party ruling, basically the other party just basically saying no, every solution is sub-optimal.

Democrats Are Using The Recent Capitol Riot To Consolidate Power By Ben Weingarten


America’s Cold Civil War will only heat up as those with all the power take precisely the wrong lessons from the Capitol Hill riot.

The Capitol Hill riot was an inexcusable, pathetic, and disgraceful display. Its consequences will extend well beyond the bloodshed and property damage inflicted by those who shamefully acceded to the left’s view that force is legitimate means of persuasion — exhibited repeatedly via the left’s normalization of political incitement and violence throughout President Trump’s term in office.

The riot not only overshadowed the corruption that marked the 2020 election and undermined the MAGA movement’s people and principles, but set up Americans of all political stripes for an onslaught on their rights and cherished freedoms. The riot was an accelerant for what was already likely planned under Democrat rule in Washington: crushing dissenters from its leftist orthodoxy as part of an effort to achieve total power by disenfranchising the opposition.

President Trump has personified this dissent, but the effort to delegitimize, de-platform, and ultimately destroy him and anyone around him is merely the opening scene of the “Godfather”-like settling of scores with all who threaten the ruling class’s power and privilege. This effort will directly harm not just the thousands of peaceful patriots who had descended on Washington D.C., and their tens of millions of like-minded neighbors across the country, but all Americans.

The coming crackdown on dissenters in the political realm was pre-ordained in the wee hours of Jan. 6, when both Georgia Senate seats flipped to the Democrats. Now, should Senate Democrats successfully blow up the filibuster, they will work to pass an agenda in which any one item, let alone all, could put Democrats in a virtually unshakeable control of the federal government for years to come.

Dennis Prager: Capitol Siege Was ‘Vile’ but Left’s Suppression of Free Speech Is Worse ‘The left in the United States is totalitarian’


Radio talk show host and columnist Dennis Prager said in an interview with The Epoch Times’ American Thought Leaders program Tuesday that, while last week’s violent siege of the U.S. Capitol was “vile” and “disgusting” and worthy of condemnation, the ongoing suppression of free speech in America by the left poses a bigger threat.

Prager was responding to a question about criticism leveled by some media personalities against some conservatives and “China hawks” who they accuse of being much more concerned about denouncing censorship and curtailment of freedom of speech rather than criticizing the Capitol riot.

The two are “incomparably imbalanced” in terms of the actual threat they pose to America, Prager said. While denouncing last Wednesday’s unrest, Prager argued that it did not threaten the U.S. nearly as much as the suppression of free speech.

“The whole point of America was freedom,” he said. “The left is suppressing, oppressing the greatest feature of the United States.”

“What threatens the country? A foolish, stupid, wrongheaded, vile attack on the Capitol, which reopened for business within hours, versus the ongoing suppression of free speech? It’s not symmetrical.”

“There’s no comparison,” he said. “The disgusting events of January 6 do not threaten this country nearly as much as the suppression of free speech does,” he contended.

Gaetz: The Left Wants to Lecture About ‘Lighting Flames?’ They Lit Actual Fires Katie Pavlich


Debate over impeaching President Donald Trump for a second time is ongoing on Capitol Hill. House Democrats and Republicans are making their arguments on the House floor and will vote Wednesday afternoon. 

During his remarks, Republican Matt Gaetz blasted Democrats for their hypocrisy on violence. 

“I denounce political violence from all ends of the spectrum, but make no mistake, the left in America has incited far more political violence than the right. For months our cities burned. Police stations burned. Our businesses were shattered. And they said nothing. Or they cheerled for it and they fundraised for it and they allowed it to happen in the greatest country in the world,” Gaetz said. “Now some have cited the metaphor that the President lit the flame. Well they lit actual flames! Actual fires!”