Net Zero Emissions by 2050? They’re Dreaming Michael Green

The World Energy Outlook 2020 reveals that demand for coal in the Asia Pacific will grow in coming years and that a global target of net zero emissions by 2050 is unachievable in practice. The Outlook is the flagship report produced annually by the International Energy Agency (IEA). It provides “a comprehensive view of how the global energy system could develop in the coming decades.” This year’s report focusses on the next 10 years and “near-term actions that could accelerate clean energy transitions.”

Nick O’Malley, the Sydney Morning Herald’s National Environment and Climate editor, covered the Outlook report on October 14, 2020, under the headline “Old king coal dethroned by solar power.” He featured the report’s description of solar power as “the new king of electricity,” highlighted that in all four scenarios the IEA considered, “coal’s peak use has passed,” drew attention to coming peaks in oil demand, the question marks over the environmental credentials of gas, and noted that “investors are looking with increased scepticism at oil and gas projects.” He cited Tim Buckley, of the Institute for Energy Economics, as saying the IEA’s prediction for coal “deprives Australian state and federal governments of a crutch. They have relied on the IEA modelling in the past to say there was evidence of continued growth, so has the industry.”

The World Energy Outlook 2020 considers four scenarios over the timeframe to 2030. Its main one, the Stated Policies Scenario (STEPS), is based on today’s policy settings and an assumption that the COVID-19 pandemic is brought under control in 2021. In this scenario, global coal demand to 2030 stabilises at about current levels, which means it remains about 8 per cent lower than the pre-crisis levels. The reasons for this are “a combination of expanding renewables, cheap natural gas and coal phase-out policies” (emphasis added). That is, it is at least in part the outcome of deliberate anti-coal policies, not a free-market rebalancing of supply, demand, and price.

Who Killed Philip Haney? Why is the FBI withholding information on the DHS whistleblower’s laptop and thumb drive?Lloyd Billingsley

In Amador County, California, on February 21, Philip Haney, author of  See Something Say Nothing: A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Government’s Submission to Jihad, was found dead from a single gunshot wound. News reports suggested suicide but the local sheriff found “this is not the case.” The death of Haney, 66, was a homicide, the unlawful killing of one person by another. The Amador County sheriff had no suspects but did find some clues.

Deputies recovered “numerous thumb drives and a laptop” from the crime scene, and “those items and numerous other pieces of evidence, were turned over to the FBI.” The sheriff “hopes to complete our review of the reports and compare the FBI’s analysis with what we have already collected and analyzed within a few weeks after receipt.”

That was on July 22, and a week after the November 3 election, nearly eight months after the homicide, the FBI “analysis” has not come to light. The lapse could be partly explained by early reporting on the homicide.  

“Haney’s controversial accusations that the Obama administration could have prevented terrorist attacks were polarizing among Americans,” Laura Hoy of CNN reported on February 23. As Hoy explained, “Haney’s death is likely to become political ammo for Republicans heading into the 2020 presidential elections.” Haney’s “death” did not become an election issue because key information failed to emerge from the FBI, which is becoming more like the Soviet KGB.

Soviet bosses showed the KGB a man and they found the crime. The FBI deployed the same method with General Michael Flynn, Trump’s pick for national security advisor. FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith altered a document saying that Trump campaign adviser Carter Page was not a source for the CIA, even though he was. In similar style, former FBI director James Comey, FBI counterintelligence boss Peter Strzok, and FBI lawyer Lisa Page were all participants in illegal covert operations against candidate and President Trump.

The KGB also conducted “wet” operations, code for assassination and murder. Those who doubt the FBI could do likewise might consider the case of Randy Weaver, smeared as a “white separatist” and entrapped on bogus charges. 

After a gun battle that claimed the life of Weaver’s son and a U.S. Marshal, the FBI deployed massive military force against a single family. FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi shot Randy’s wife Vicki through the head as she held her infant daughter. Snipers are trained carefully to “acquire” their targets, so the claim that the killing was accidental is hard to accept.

Horiuchi faced charges and enjoyed the services of a government lawyer. Even so, William Barr, now U.S. attorney general, organized former attorneys general to support the FBI sniper, and assisted in legal arguments in favor of the FBI. Appeal court judge Alex Kozinski, by contrast, said the FBI had established “a 007 standard for the use of deadly force.” In other words, a license to kill.

Haney’s friends and relatives have a right to wonder if the FBI had some role beyond the withholding of evidence until after the November election. No official probe has been announced, but the FBI provides ample grounds for suspicion. 

IAEA says Iran continues to violate 2015 nuclear deal

Tehran has also been enriching uranium up to a 4.5 percent purity, higher than the 3.67 percent allowed under the 2015 nuclear deal.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said on Wednesday that Iran is still in violation of the 2015 nuclear deal by continuing to increase its low-enriched uranium stockpile.

As of Nov. 2, Iran had a stockpile of 5,385.7 pounds of low-enriched uranium, up from 4,641.6 pounds reported on Aug. 25, reported AP, which obtained a confidential document distributed to IAEA member countries.

Iran has also been continuing to enrich uranium up to a 4.5 percent purity, higher than the 3.67 percent allowed under the deal, according to the IAEA report.

In March, the IAEA warned that Iran was tripling its production of enriched uranium and dramatically increased the number of machines used to enrich uranium and make more nuclear fuel at a faster pace.

Also in the new IAEA report, according to Reuters, Iran has installed advanced centrifuges in the underground Natanz uranium-enrichment facility. The 2015 deal stated that the centrifuges can only be used for first-generation IR-1 machines.

Arabs states draw closer to Israel to counter non-Arab powers Turkey and Iran By Ariel Ben Solomon

The decision by three Arab states to make peace with Israel can be credited both to efforts by the Trump administration and the recognition by these Sunni states that their security would improve against the ongoing threats they face from Turkey and Iran.

Iran and its proxies interfere with Arab states while promoting their Shi’ite revolutionary ideology; likewise, Turkey pushes its Sunni revolutionary ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood throughout the region.

Turkey and Iran look to overthrow the Sunni Arab states that do not align with them, such as Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states. The normalization deals between the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Sudan have greatly upset Turkey and Iran, which ideologically view Israel as the enemy.

“Iran is a tactical enemy for the Gulf states because the regime is controlled by Shi’ite fanatics who want to destroy the Sunni regimes in the Gulf,” Harold Rhode, a longtime former adviser on Islamic affairs in the U.S. Defense Department of Defense who was in Iran during the early months of the Iranian Islamic Revolution, told JNS.

China Squashes a Giant Ant and Nukes Its Financial System by Gordon G. Chang

Beijing has cast doubt on the soundness of China’s equity markets and, more broadly, on the long-term viability of the country’s private sector.

China is not big enough for two big personalities. Xi is building a personality cult, and so is Ma Yun, better known as Jack Ma to the international financial and business communities.

Ant’s lending volumes grew fast because the company was largely unregulated.

“The message is that no big private businessman will be tolerated on the mainland.” — Chen Zhiwu of Hong Kong University, Financial Times, November 6, 2020.

Xi demands absolute obedience, something incompatible with a modern financial system.

Investors in Hong Kong this week dumped more than $250 billion in Chinese tech stocks. Particularly hard hit were Alibaba Group,, Tencent, and Meituan Dianping.

The rout followed the stunning postponement of what would have been the largest initial public offering in history. Ant Group Co., Ltd., an Alibaba Group affiliate, was set, with the overallotment option, to raise $39.5 billion.

Investors were valuing the six-year-old company at $359 billion, making it worth more than American-based behemoth J.P. Morgan and the world’s largest bank by assets, the state-backed Industrial and Commercial Bank of China.

On November 3, Shanghai’s Nasdaq-like STAR Market and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange announced the suspension about 36 hours before the scheduled start of trading in Hong Kong. The unprecedented actions shocked domestic and international investors.


How would you like to be on a ship that fake news announces is taking on water portside? For us landlubbers that’s left in boat talk.

You know what they say about Muridae –(rats and mice).

 In the rush to the lifeboats  Senators Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), Mitt Romney (Utah),  Susan Collins (Maine), Ben Sasse (Neb.),Representatives Fred Upton (Mich.), Francis Rooney (Fla.), Will Hurd (Texas), Paul Mitchell (Mich.),  Adam Kinzinger (Ill.) and less vocal and more cautious but urging the President toward concession, Senators Marco Rubio ‘(Fla.),Pat Toomey (Pa.),Mike Rounds (S.D.), Representative Tom Reed (N.Y.). would grab life jackets scramble to the gangplank abandoning the captain whose efforts to reassure them were denied and decried.

Big Tech, social media, and the Wall Street “jewelry” (see German translation) would disembark to yachts and sailboats and helicopters equipped with emergency support caviar and champagne dispatched from posh harbors.

As soon as those dead-weight rodentia would leave, the ship would immediately right itself and like the famous Presidential yacht of yore the U.S.S. Sequoia, would navigate to the Wharf in the District of Columbia and then to the White House.

The next day media headlines would shriek that those Republicans were mercilessly thrown overboard…..Rsk

Joe Biden, Candidate of Lies The former vice president began his presidential candidacy with a grand lie. He’s finishing with one, too. Steve Cortes

Joe Biden launched his entire campaign on the back of the most pernicious lie in American public life—the “very fine people” hoax, the myth that President Trump praised violent bigots in Charlottesville three years ago. Even a cursory examination of the actual transcripts and unedited video clips of that infamous August 2017 Trump Tower press conference reveals that the president explicitly and clearly excluded hateful actors from his “both sides” designation. 

On that occasion, and on many others subsequently, Trump declared: “I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and white nationalists because they should be condemned totally.” 

Even though “condemned totally” leaves zero room for interpretation, Joe Biden launched his presidential campaign on the baseless foundation of this corrosive calumny. Biden claimed that the Charlottesville controversy compelled his candidacy. Biden continued with this lie throughout the campaign, meeting no protest from the Democrats’ compliant media. 

In the final weeks of the campaign, after Vice-President Mike Pence admirably assailed the hoax in a powerful and concise prosecution at the vice-presidential debate against Kamala Harris, Biden finally seemed to drop that chestnut from his repertoire. Let’s hope the lie remains in the political grave, where it belongs. 

Certainly, we know that minority Americans increasingly wholly reject the conclusions of those peddling the lie. After all, Trump’s Election Day totals reveal the largest minority vote for any Republican president in 60 years. 

Trump’s surge among Hispanics was especially notable, with the president capturing 47 percent of the Hispanic vote in Florida, per CBS News, a key pillar of Trump’s massive 373,000-vote victory in the Sunshine State. So the very people the Left would have us believe Trump wishes to target, resoundingly rejected Buden’s slanders.

Unfortunately, Biden’s willingness to use race as a cudgel to achieve political power has a long history. 

This Is a Time for Fighting, Not for “Healing” A dire moment to protect our Constitution. Bruce Thornton

As part of his pretense that the presidential race is over, Joe Biden indulged the banal “time for healing” and “we’re all Americans” rhetoric. But we shouldn’t be fooled. Even before Barack Obama’s dishonest “no red state, no blue state” campaign lies were followed by a hyper-partisan, divisive administration, we’ve known that the increasingly left-leaning Democrats will endorse  “any means necessary” tactics to work their political will.

And we also know that too many Republicans will fall for the Dems’ rhetorical bait-and-switch. We shouldn’t let them get away with it this time, for we’re facing a hard fight ahead to minimize the damage that the “woke” Democrats will try to inflict on our Constitution. It’s time to fight, not “heal.”

First, anyone paying attention for the last few decades knows that every time a Democrat starts talking about “reaching across the aisle” and “bipartisanship,” he’s getting ready to pick your pocket. Such bromides are really euphemisms for serving their policy preferences rather than conservative ones, after which they’ll pat you on the head as a “good Republican” or a “maverick” for betraying your conservative principles.

Meanwhile, few Democrats reciprocate. They never cringe preemptively before Republicans lest the Donks call them bad names. Outright racialist behavior such as consorting with a race-hack like Al Sharpton or an avowed anti-Semite like Louis Farrakhan is indulged, and any complaint contemptuously dismissed by Democrat Senators and House Representatives, even as they endlessly chant “racist” or “white supremacist” at Republicans.

When computers cheat, they inevitably leave evidence behind By Andrea Widburg

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, a multi-credentialed MIT grad, ran the numbers, and the computer data generated in Michigan scream out “fraud!”

You should learn three main things from this post: (1) The Supreme Court can consider statistical evidence of fraud and can order a new election. (2) Most of the computers used for voting in America have a built-in mechanism that allows votes to be weighted in favor of a candidate. (3) If someone does tell a computer to mess with the election outcome, the computer’s processes will inevitably create unnatural data trails that prove human intervention in vote counts – and that’s what happened in three Michigan counties.

The Supreme Court

Alexander Macris found Donohue v. Board of Elections of State of New York, 435 F.Supp. 957 (E.D.N.Y. 1976), a case with close parallels to 2020’s election. After President Ford lost in 1976, Republican voters sued New York, alleging that systematic fraud deprived them of their voting rights. The district court allowed the suit and stated the following legal test: (1) Plaintiffs had to prove specific acts of misconduct that (2) involved ‘willful or knowing’ ballot fraud (3) by state officials or private persons acting jointly with state officials that (4) changed the outcome of the election.

The court held that the plaintiffs could introduce expert opinions and statistical analyses showing that voting patterns markedly deviated from the predictable uniformity to be found in random samples from elections counts that were honest. If the plaintiffs, won, said the court, they could get an order requiring a new presidential election. Any other outcome would fail to protect election integrity (especially in presidential elections) that is “essential to a free and democratic society.”

Trump’s Pennsylvania complaint is brilliant By James V. DeLong

The complaint filed in Pennsylvania by the Trump campaign is a superb piece of legal craftsmanship.

It was filed in federal court, not state.  The gist is that some of the state’s actions, and particularly the exclusion of Republican poll-watchers during the counting of hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots, violated federal constitutional requirements.

The point is obvious enough once one thinks of it, but it’s brilliant all the same.  It shifts the focus from state law, where a politicized Pennsylvania court has the last word, to federal law, where the U.S. Supreme Court rules.

As for the obviousness of the point, consider as a thought experiment a state law requiring that all votes be counted in secret by an unelected board named by the party in power.  Could it survive a constitutional challenge?

As my old Harvard constitutional law professors would have said, “to ask the question is to answer it.”  It is hard to count all the constitutional guarantees violated here: Equal Protection, Due Process, Privileges and Immunities.  Indeed, the complaint stacks up the Supreme Court precedents supporting its arguments, including the long line of ringing statements in the chain of one-person-one-vote decisions.