The Biden Threat to Law Enforcement Police departments should go on the offensive now against the race-based assault that a prospective Democratic Justice Department would bring. Heather Mac Donald

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were unambiguous throughout their presidential campaign: they believe that racism pervades policing and all other aspects of the criminal-justice system. Just a day before the networks declared Biden the president-elect, he claimed a “mandate” to eliminate “systemic racism.” He doubled down on that claim the next day, in his first speech as presumptive president-elect. During the campaign, Biden routinely announced that black parents were right to worry that their children would be shot by the police, an assertion formalized in his campaign plan for “strengthening . . . justice.”

Biden’s plan for “strengthening America’s commitment to justice” reads like a Black Lives Matter wish list; there is no reason to think that a Biden–Harris Justice Department will not implement it. Among its most consequential proposals, it calls for a return to the practice of imposing weakly-justified consent decrees on police departments. During the Obama years, career attorneys in the Justice Department regularly opened civil rights investigations into police departments (called “pattern or practice” investigations) without credible evidence that an agency was systematically violating citizens’ constitutional rights. Those investigations almost invariably resulted in settlements (called consent decrees) that placed police departments under the control of a nonelected federal monitor and a federal judge; monitors collected millions of dollars in taxpayer-funded fees while they held police departments to draconian deadlines and mindless paper-pushing mandates for years on end.

President Trump’s first attorney general, Jeff Sessions, reformed that practice. On the very day that Trump vindictively fired Sessions in November 2018, Sessions had signed a directive requiring that a high-level DOJ official approve each consent decree, that those decrees have a sunset date—usually no longer than three years—and that they specify what a department must do to terminate the decree. The directive stipulated that police agency’s alleged constitutional violations must be truly systematic and unlikely to be corrected absent a de facto federal takeover of the department. Justice Department attorneys must balance any expected benefits from the consent decree against its costs. High-paid monitors should be a last resort; Justice Department attorneys should ordinarily oversee the measures that they have imposed.

Trump’s Greatest Achievement by Ben Weingarten

The president has exposed the rot and corruption of our ruling class.

No matter how the presidential election ends, one of President Donald Trump’s myriad achievements stands above all others: he has exposed the unprecedented degree of rot and corruption that pervades the American system.

More specifically, Trump has exposed the ruling class: the bipartisan political establishment and its adjuncts in Big Tech, the corporate media, Big Business and Woke Capital, the academy, and across the commanding heights of American society.

Trump’s manners engender hatred in the ruling class. Even more significantly, his tenacity in confronting the ruling class’s members with their failures—and the fact he has threatened to rectify those failures—discredits and disempowers those responsible for them. Their response—a perpetual effort to destroy him—has shown the ruling class to be lawless and tyrannical.

Consequently, the ruling class has obliterated the institutions it claimed to be defending, revealing to those Americans not addled by Trump Derangement Syndrome that the emperor has no clothes. Americans willing to look can now see that those institutions which ostensibly exist to serve us have no reservations about launching a full-scale assault on us if it serves their interests.

Consider what we have learned about the leaders of the country in the last four years.

Democrats’ Sore Loser Hypocrisy Is Damaging Democracy Jonathan Tobin

As far as almost all of the mainstream media and the half of the country that voted for Joe Biden is concerned, President Donald Trump and his supporters are sore losers.The president’s refusal to accept the projections of media vote counters that he has lost the election, as well as his claims that the election is being stolen from him, is being put down as more than just poor sportsmanship. He is accused, along with many of the 71 million Americans that voted for him, of spreading “disinformation” about claims of voter fraud about officials in Democratic-run cities and states allegedly wrongly influencing the count and undermining the integrity of the election. They believe Republican reluctance to accept defeat, and their spreading of what Democrats consider conspiracy theories about cheating, is not merely false, but also a threat to democracy.

The Republicans’ complaints about the lack of transparency or errors in the counting process in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan deserve to be investigated. The late vote counts may have simply been the product of Democrats being far more likely to vote by mail, while Republicans overwhelmingly preferred to do so in-person. It may not have been fraudulent, but this unusual development not unreasonably struck some on the Right as fishy.

Yet even if Biden won legitimately, does anyone think Democrats wouldn’t cry foul if the shoe were on the other foot? Had Biden been leading on election night, but then his supporters were forced to watch in dismay as millions of absentee ballots—which were overwhelmingly cast in favor of their opponent—were belatedly counted and decided the election against them, would Democrats have accepted that without asking questions?

The self-righteous horror at the effrontery of Republicans in pointing out the history of crooked politics in venues like Philadelphia, where the election was slipping out of their hands, or claims that it was racist to point out these facts, were equally unpersuasive.


Lawsuit: Out-of-State Vehicles Brought Tens of Thousands of Unsealed Ballots to Michigan, All for Dems     
BREAKING: Project Veritas Releases Shocking Recordings of Federal Agents Trying to Intimidate USPS Whistleblower Into Recanting Election Fraud Claim

How Bad Was the Fraud in Detroit? This Bad

Rudy Giuliani: Possibly 900,000 Illegal Ballots Were Cast in Pennsylvania, Enough to Flip to Trump

Video: Michigan County Flips to Trump After Software Glitch is Fixed 47 other counties used that same software.

Michigan AG threatens journalist exposing vote fraud

Former CIA Director John Brennan Wants Mike Pence to Invoke the 25th Amendment to Force Trump Out

The Simple Reason Why I Won’t ‘Unite’ Behind Joe Biden

No time for phony healing – we do not concede!

Is the Biden Transition Team Already Violating the Logan Act?
Biotech Expert: COVID Vaccine Announcement Was Deliberately Delayed Until After Election

10 Reasons Pennsylvania’s Election Results May Be ‘Irredeemably Compromised’ By Tyler O’Neil

On Monday, the campaign to reelect President Donald Trump filed a mammoth lawsuit accusing Pennsylvania Secretary of the Commonwealth Kathy Boockvar and county elections boards throughout the state of violating the U.S. Constitution by unilaterally revising the law in a manner that deprives some voters of their rights to a free and fair election.

“In a rush to count mail ballots and ensure Democrat Joe Biden is elected, Pennsylvania has created an illegal two-tiered voting system for the 2020 General Election, devaluing in-person votes,” the lawsuit alleges.

“For voters that appeared at the polls, those citizens were required to sign voter registrations, have those signatures checked against voter rolls, vote in a polling place monitored by statutorily-authorized poll observers, and have their votes counted in a transparent and verifiable open and observed manner. By contrast, due to the arbitrary, unauthorized, and standardless actions of the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Kathy Boockvar, nearly 2.65 million votes were cast through a ‘mail-in’ process that lacked all of the hallmarks of transparency and verifiability that were present for in-person voters,” the suit claims.

Trump Is Still Fighting, Don’t You Give Up We still have one big weapon: We can supply the backbone to the legislators in the cheating states. By Karin McQuillan *******

e knew we would win and that the Democrats would attempt to steal the election by large-scale voter fraud. President Trump foresaw this danger and began fundraising and hiring a team of litigators months ago, preparing for a legal battle royale. I spent almost an hour on the phone with the head of the GOP litigation team this fall—the Trump team had already raised a huge war chest, and were positioning themselves legally for victory by pre-emptive strikes in the courts. 

Conservatives have little trust in the courts to save us. We have seen that Supreme Court Justice John Roberts wants to protect the institution of the court more than he wants to protect America. He believes in appeasing the elite more than he believes in the constitution. Will the Court stand up for us this time?

Few conservatives want to bet our country on that one shot.

The media has declared Joe Biden president of the United States, as if we choose presidents by acclamation of the mob. This is psyops and the target is the Supreme Court, which won’t like the appearance of overturning the election.

It is up to us, the people who actually had the majority of votes, to make our voices heard loudly and clearly. We will not accept fraud stealing our votes.

Fauci, Biden and Voter Fraud Role of the pandemic in “the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” Lloyd Billingsley

“In an unlikely but conceivable turn of events, what if that scientist becomes infected with the virus, which leads to an outbreak and ultimately triggers a pandemic? Many ask reasonable questions: given the possibility of such a scenario—however remote—should the initial experiments have been performed and/or published in the first place, and what were the processes involved in this decision?”

The writer is Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) in “Research on Highly Pathogenic H5N1 Influenza Virus: The Way Forward,” published in 2012. The research in question was “gain of function” (GOF) which according to the National Institutes of Health Office of Science Policy, has “the potential to enhance the pathogenicity or transmissibility of potential pandemic pathogens (PPPs)” and has thus “raised biosafety and biosecurity concerns.”

In his 2012 paper, Dr. Fauci cited the risks of such research being transferred from a “world-class laboratory” to “another scientist who does not have the same training and facilities and is not subject to the same regulations.”  Those concerned about GOF risks cannot take the scientific community “at our word” and “nor can we ignore their calls for greater transparency, their concerns about conflicts of interest.” That leaves the crucial question of whether “these experiments should have been performed in the first place.”

Count the Votes: The Three Things To Do Next We have work to do. Katie Hopkins

“When I am not crying, I feel frozen and numb.”

The text above, like so many others I have received from the great Americans I was fortunate to campaign alongside this summer in America, threatens to break my heart all over again.

And I understand it. I can feel it — viscerally. As a respectful outsider to your great country, I use “we” when I think of you and me, because I feel it just as keenly too.

We feel disbelief at what just happened and near paralysis at the thought of it. It is as if someone changed the speed setting on life and forced everything into slow motion, where you get to watch a horrible moment of impact play out in excruciating detail, wincing hard for the moment of impact that hasn’t truly made itself felt just yet.

And there IS a lot of tough stuff to swallow:

1) World leaders like Boris Johnson congratulating Joe Biden, scrambling to be the first to deposit an odious message on Twitter: “looking forward to working together on our shared priorities of climate change, trade and security.” In truth, Biden’s policies (were he to be formally elected as President) would actually be a version of AOC’s Green New Deal and a disaster for America and the UK.

2) The media and their relentless push for Biden, pumping a win they have no right to declare, and reveling in the perceived humiliation of Trump.

Why the Muslim Brotherhood Came Out of Its Hole by Khaled Abu Toameh

The labeled terrorist organization [Muslim Brotherhood] said, with a straight face, that it “wishes Mr. Biden, the American people, and the peoples of the whole world to continue to live in dignity under the principles of freedom, justice, democracy and respect for human rights.”

“There are several reports confirming the Muslim Brotherhood’s support for Biden so that the organization would be able to avoid restrictions on political Islam movements…. Now, they are hoping that the US will remove them from the list of terrorist organizations.” — Israa Ahmed Fuad, Egyptian political analyst and author,, November 7, 2020.

The Muslim Brotherhood “are partners of Democratic administrations in ruining the region and supporting extremism.” — Amin Al-Alawi, Moroccan researcher,, November 8, 2020.

No US administration can afford to dismiss the warning bells sounded by Arabs in the wake of the Muslim Brotherhood’s attempt to present itself as a peaceful group that seeks to bring freedom and democracy to the Arab world.

The Islamists are desperate to return to power in Egypt, which is why they are prepared to even court the American “Satan” to reach this goal. These are the same Islamists who have been condemning Arabs who have any contact with Americans. At this time of possible administrative change in America, the Arabs who do not support the Muslim Brotherhood — particularly those living in Egypt and the Gulf states — fervently hope that their alarm about Islamists will be heard loud and clear by Biden and his group.

Will a new US administration possibly under Joe Biden help revive the Muslim Brotherhood, which is considered a terrorist organization by Egypt, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Syria? Why is the Muslim Brotherhood rejoicing over the “victory” of Biden?

Tens of Thousands of Pennsylvania Ballots Returned Earlier Than Sent Date: By Petr Svab

More than 20,000 absentee ballots in Pennsylvania have impossible return dates and another more than 80,000 have return dates that raise questions, according to a researcher’s analysis of the state’s voter database.

Over 51,000 ballots were marked as returned just a day after they were sent out—an extraordinary speed, given U.S. Postal Service (USPS) delivery times, while nearly 35,000 were returned on the same day they were mailed out. Another more than 23,000 have a return date earlier than the sent date. More than 9,000 have no sent date.

The state’s voter records are being scrutinized as President Donald Trump is challenging the results of the presidential election in Pennsylvania and other states where his opponent, former Vice President Joe Biden, holds a tight lead. The Trump campaign is alleging that invalid ballots have been counted for Democrats and valid ballots for Republicans were thrown away.

The analysis of the publicly available data was conducted by a data researcher who submitted it first to the Chinese-language edition of The Epoch Times. The researcher, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said he consulted about the matter with several USPS field engineers, who said the return dates shown in the database are “impossible.”