Palestinian Authority Promises Doomsday The Islamic version of a “Partner for Peace.” Hugh Fitzgerald

The story is here: “Palestinians threaten Israel: ‘Either Palestine, or a fire for a generation,’” JNS, October 28, 2020:

Claiming that the United States and Israel are planning to “redesign” the Middle East via “normalization” and the US peace plan, the Palestinian Authority is threatening “anarchy, violence and instability.”

“Normalization” of ties with Israel by several Arab states has not been the result of some kind of diabolical American and Israeli plot. It reflects, instead, the sober decisions by the governments of the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Sudan to do what will best further their national interests, and the well-being of their peoples, instead of allowing themselves to continue to be held hostage by Palestinian demands. UAE businessmen have already been rushing to sign deals with Israeli counterparts, in trade, technology, and tourism. So have Bahrainis, though on an understandably lesser scale, given the state’s small size. And now Sudan will begin to reap benefits from its own normalizing of ties with the Jewish state, with Israel now eager to share with Sudanese farmers its own advances in drip irrigation, waste water management, and solar energy, all areas where Israel is a world leader. But the Palestinians are indifferent to what the UAE, Bahrain, and Sudan want, and have achieved, for their own people; every Arab state should in their view put the Palestinians first. That means there should be no normalization of ties with Israel until there is, as they put it, a “Palestinian state in the 1967 lines” – which means Israel would be squeezed back within the 1949 armistice lines, with a nine-mile wide waist from Qalqilya to the sea.

According to a report by Israeli NGO Palestinian Media Watch, an Oct. 13 editorial in the Ramallah-run Al-Hayat Al-Jadida daily, the PA lashed out at the Arab states that have recently signed peace agreements with Israel, stating that “a fire [will burn] generation after generation” unless the PA gets “Palestine.”

Let the Recounts Begin Why the election is not over. Kenneth R. Timmerman

President Trump continues to claim that the election is “far from over,” and on Saturday vowed multiple lawsuits to contest the results announced so far. And while the media has anointed former vice president Biden the “president-elect,” just saying so does not make it so.

Regardless of what you think of either of the candidates, Trump is right: the election is not over until either he concedes, or until the states certify the election results. Certification deadlines are set by statute and vary from state to state, but must take place before the Electoral College meets on December 14.

In the meantime, there are multiple indicators and warnings of significant and potentially result-changing election fraud that the president’s team will be investigating in the coming days, including unusually high voter turnout rates in Wisconsin (88%), denial by election authorities in Detroit, Atlanta, Philadelphia and elsewhere to allow “meaningful” participation by Trump campaign poll-watchers, and unusual midnight surges in Biden votes in multiple states where election officials said they had sent their staff home for the night.

The most pressing of these anomalies is the computer “glitch” announced by the Antrim County, Michigan, clerk of the court on Friday that caused a 6,000 vote surge for Biden in a county that Trump won handily in 2016.

Once the “glitch” was corrected, those votes were credited to Trump.

A Stolen Presidential Election in the Nation’s Election Fraud Capital The corruption of Philly Democrats is worse than you can imagine. Daniel Greenfield

In October, someone got away with a laptop and USB drives full of encrypted data at the warehouse where Philadelphia’s voting machines are stored.

Philadelphia city officials swiftly assured voters that there was nothing to worry about because all the data was encrypted. Meanwhile a local reporter was able to enter the warehouse and stroll around the voting machines without anyone in the warehouse stopping him. Others had noted that accessing the USB slot for the voting machines was surprisingly easy.

But there were bigger problems at the warehouse than that. The serial numbers on the voting machines didn’t match election records. In a familiar story, officials blamed clerical errors.

And there were a whole lot of errors.

The new voting machines had been incorrectly recording votes. In a previous election, Northampton County voters who voted Republican suffered a “weird technical glitch” in which votes cast for Republicans instead went to the “instructional text box”. The manufacturer blamed the problem on “human error” and claimed that it only affected some 30% of machines.

Northampton County, one of the bellwether counties, was said to have flipped for Biden. The margins in some key precincts were between “a handful to hundreds of votes.”

Good Riddance to the ‘Resistance’ Jubilant crowds danced for joy in front of stores that were boarded up in case their side lost. By Gerard Baker

It’s a time to heal, Joe Biden told the nation on Saturday night.

“To make progress, we must stop treating our opponents as our enemy. We are not enemies. We are Americans.”

Mr. Biden, as we well know, is of good Irish Catholic stock, his speeches sprinkled with the emerald argot of his heritage, a lush, hibernian wordscape of shenanigans and malarkey. But he’s an ecumenical sort too, so I know he’ll forgive a little cultural dissonance when I say that this may be one of the finest examples of chutzpah in modern political rhetoric.

For four years the bulk of his Democratic Party, a good deal of the permanent government and almost the entire cultural establishment of the country has treated the Trump presidency as an occupying enemy.

Donald Trump’s election four years ago was not greeted with civic deference to the urgent primacy of national unity that is now demanded of him and his supporters. It was greeted with the formation of a “resistance,” a political insurgency that refused in practice, if not in formal fact, to accept the outcome of an election its candidate had lost.

The members of this resistance spent four years using every lever at their disposal—bureaucracy, law enforcement, Congress, news media—to thwart, disrupt and try to bring down the duly elected president.

In the past six months, the country descended into an abyss of pandemic-driven misery and social unrest. Like any good revolutionary movement, the resistance seized its moment. It launched a sustained, rolling campaign of disruptive demonstration and street violence, all dutifully enabled by Democrat-controlled city governments and all conveyed helpfully by a cooperative media as “peaceful protest.”

The Real Reason Regressives Are Pretending Biden Won By Joan Swirsky

“The ‘journalists’ of the news media have begun the relentless drumbeat of proclaiming ‘President-elect Biden.’ This is make-believe.” Writer Chris Farrell

Shortly before the November 3rd election for President of the United States, the proprietors of storefronts, buildings, restaurants, dealerships, and businesses of all types across our entire vast country boarded up their facades in anticipation of widespread rioting, arson, looting, massive destruction and violent assaults by Republicans if Joe Biden won the contest. 

Just kidding. In fact, these measures were taken to avoid the by-now familiar acting-out violence that Democrats and the thugs they support in Black Lives Matter and Antifa have been demonstrating for the world to witness for the past six months—in at least 15 once-peaceful Democrat-run cities—when they object to this or that policy, statue, police department, et al. 


It goes without saying that those proprietors—who spent multi-thousands of dollars to protect the businesses that support their families, and that help them pay taxes to our government, boarded up their properties knowing that if President Trump won reelection, they would be the merciless targets of the bought-and-paid-for Democrat anarchists who unfortunately symbolize today’s Ugly Americans.

Interestingly, several days after the election and in eager anticipation of the Biden-Kalamity [premature and erroneous] announcement of their victory, a large crowd of Tolerant Democrats rallied outside the White House, as always spewing vulgarities and displaying placards expressing nastiness and filth. Who can draw a conclusion other than the Democrats are both sore losers and sore winners? 

Barr Authorizes Federal Prosecutors to Probe ‘Substantial’ Allegations of Voting Irregularities By Mimi Nguyen Ly & Melanie Sun

Attorney General William Barr has authorized federal prosecutors across the country to “pursue substantial allegations” of voting irregularities, according to media reports citing what appears to be a leaked memo obtained by The Associated Press.

The Epoch Times has yet to receive a response from the Department of Justice for comment.

“I authorize you to pursue substantial allegations of voting and vote tabulation irregularities prior to the certification of elections in your jurisdictions in certain cases, as I have already done in specific instances. Such inquiries and reviews may be conducted if there are clear and apparently credible allegations of irregularities that, if true, could potentially impact the outcome of a federal election in an individual State,” read part of the 2-page internal memo.

The memo was sent to U.S. attorneys, assistant attorneys general for the criminal division, civil rights division, national security division, and the director of the FBI.

“Any investigation of claims of irregularities that, if true, would clearly not impact the outcome of a federal election in an individual State should normally be deferred until after the election certification process is completed. While U.S. Attorneys maintain their inherent authority to conduct inquiries and investigations as they deem appropriate, it will likely be prudent to commence any election-related matters as a preliminary inquiry so as to assess whether available evidence warrants further investigative steps.”

The memo said that Department of Justice personnel should “exercise appropriate caution” and “maintain the Department’s absolute commitment to fairness, neutrality and non-partisanship.”

Report: Big Tech, Media ‘Stole the Election’ by Burying Biden-China Scandal By Tyler O’Neil

In the critical weeks before Election Day, Big Tech and the legacy media took extreme measures to bury the unfolding story of Democratic nominee Joe Biden’s personal ties to his son Hunter’s notorious business deals in China, Ukraine, and elsewhere. Facebook and Twitter suppressed a New York Post story even before a fact-check, and legacy media outlets refused to cover the story even as evidence mounted. According to a blockbuster new poll, this unprecedented suppression of a bombshell story arguably cost President Donald Trump his reelection.

A Media Research Center (MRC) poll conducted by McLaughlin & Associates found that 36 percent of Biden voters were not aware of the evidence behind claims that Joe Biden was personally involved in his son Hunter’s business deals with China. Thirteen percent of those voters (4.6 percent of Biden’s total vote) said that if they had known the facts, they would not have voted for Biden.

Such a shift away from Biden would have given Trump the election, according to MRC’s analysis of the preliminary — and contested — election results predicting a Biden win. Had the Biden-China story seen the light of day, Trump would have won the election with 289 electoral votes.

“It is an indisputable fact that the media stole the election,” MRC President Brent Bozell argued. “The American electorate was intentionally kept in the dark. During the height of the scandal surrounding Hunter Biden’s foreign dealings, the media and the big tech companies did everything in their power to cover it up.”

Bozell noted that Twitter and Facebook limited sharing of The New York Post‘s bombshell report, while legacy media outlets largely ignored it. After the Post story failed to get the kind of traction many expected it would, Hunter Biden’s former business partner, Tony Bobulinski, came forward with firsthand knowledge — and evidence — tying Joe Biden to the notorious deals.

Joe Biden, President-Elect? The people who put Biden in office are aspiring totalitarians and their unwitting, brainwashed tools. Never underestimate the deadly seriousness of aspiring totalitarians. Bruce Bawer

This was the weekend on which the Democratic Party and mainstream media, totally ignoring legitimate concerns about widespread vote fraud in several states, declared Joe Biden the winner of the 2020 presidential election. 

Almost nobody said, “Hey, wait.” A friend of mine in Manhattan reported that people outside his window were cheering. 

Even the New York Post, recently demonized in other media for its Hunter Biden exposé, joined the chorus with a front-page headline reading “It’s Joe” and articles referring to him as the president-elect.

Ditto Fox News. On Greg Gutfeld’s Saturday evening program, a Biden victory was taken for granted by the host and all four guests—except for Tom Shillue, whose reminder that fraud was still under investigation was greeted by the other panelists with something that felt like unease.

One regular part of Fox News’ Saturday lineup was strangely missing. Only the next morning was it reported that Judge Jeanine Pirro’s show had been canceled because she had been planning to discuss the vote fraud. Fox News denied this. 

On the same evening, in Wilmington, Biden and Kamala Harris took part in a public event at which they effectively declared themselves president- and vice president-elect. 

Sasse: ‘Beyond Disgusting’ that Cuomo Thinks It’s ‘Bad News’ Vaccine May Come Out Under Trump By Brittany Bernstein

Senator Ben Sasse (R., Neb.) on Monday issued a harsh rebuke of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s comments that it is “bad news” that a coronavirus vaccine may come out while President Trump is still in office. 

“What on earth is Governor Cuomo talking about?” Sasse said in a statement. “This is great news and everyone — Republicans and Democrats and apolitical folks – should all be jointly thrilled about the possibility of an effective vaccine.”

He continued: “After this nasty virus has killed hundreds of thousands of Americans and put millions out of work, it is beyond disgusting that Governor Cuomo would use a glimmer of hope for another worn-out ‘Trump is bad’ talking point. When we get a vaccine, we’re going to need all hands on deck distributing it as fast as possible — shamelessly politicizing this is dangerous and stupid.”

Earlier on Monday, Pfizer and BioNTech announced that their vaccine was 90 percent effective according to preliminary data, and that they could request emergency approval from the Food and Drug Administration by the end of November. Cuomo used the news as an opportunity to take a shot at the Trump administration.

“The good news is the Pfizer tests look good and we’ll have a vaccine shortly. The bad news is that it’s about two months before Joe Biden takes over and that means this administration is going to be implementing a vaccine plan,” Cuomo told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos on Good Morning America. “The Trump Administration is rolling out the vaccination plan and I believe it’s flawed. I believe it learns nothing from the past.”

“They’re going to take this vaccine and they’re going to go through the private mechanism,” he added. “Through hospitals, through drug market chains, et cetera. That’s going to be slow and that’s going to bypass the communities that we call health care deserts,” Cuomo said. “If you don’t have a Rite Aid or a CVS then you’re in trouble and that’s what happened the first time with COVID.”

Trump’s Vote-Count Lawsuits: The Election Endgame By Andrew C. McCarthy

Human error and cheating occur in every election. The issue with fraud claims is whether it made a difference — for the president, that is a steep mountain to climb.

President Trump’s campaign is vowing to file lawsuits challenging the results of the 2020 election in several key states. Ground zero for litigation is Pennsylvania. Rudy Giuliani, representing the president and the campaign, held a press conference in Philadelphia on Saturday, adumbrating the lawsuits he plans to begin filing today.

To call this an uphill battle understates the matter. At the moment, presumptive President-elect Biden is computed to be ahead in the electoral vote, 290 to 214. Three states have not yet been “called” (I’ll address what I mean by that shortly): Georgia (16 electoral votes) leaning Biden, and North Carolina (15) and Alaska (three) leaning Trump. That is a probable final “call” of 306 to 232 — ironically, as many have observed, the same total the president won by in 2016. Contrary to what he has claimed ever since, that is no landslide. It is, however, a commanding lead. He would need to flip Pennsylvania, where Biden leads by about 46,000 votes, plus at least two other states — the plausible candidates would seem to be Georgia, Arizona, and Wisconsin, where Trump is currently behind by less than one percent — respectively, 10,000, 17,000, and 20,000. The Trump camp also complains about voter fraud in Michigan, but he trails by over two percent (146,000) there.

I use the term “call” because of the complaints from Trump supporters that the press does not determine who wins the presidency. This grousing is understandable when people are raw after a tough loss, but it’s off the mark. There is plenty to complain about when it comes to the media, but here they are just reporting what the states indicate their tallies are, complemented by news organization polling.